Lambda Programming Language
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  • CoSy/Life ; CoSy/Liberty
    © Bob Armstrong
    Extreme Simplicity
    Extreme Capability

    your intelligent diary in
     if you can think it , it's done language

     `( th st nd rd th )` 10 _fill >value suffixs
    : nths .+ fmt dab $ 10 _i modi suffixs $ at cL ;
       `i 100 10 _iota +i ' nths 'm blMV

    100th 101st 102nd 103rd 104th 105th 106th 107th 108th 109th

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    Bob Armstrong's LambdaConf2024 talk, CoSy: APL Evolved As An Open Vocabulary In Forth, is now available on YouTube, offering a glimpse into a groundbreaking fusion of programming paradigms.

    Get your ticket for LambdaConf2025 NOW:

    Bob introduces CoSy, a remarkable environment where APL's expressive array algebra notation converges with Forth's minimalist, extensible essence. Prepare to explore an innovative realm where note-taking, timestamping, and code execution seamlessly intertwine.

    Witness the power of CoSy's list-based objects, with a three-cell header (Type Count refCount) elegantly handling memory management. Experience the refreshing twist of modulo indexing on general lists (Type 0), opening up new possibilities for data manipulation.

    But CoSy is more than just a language; it's a comprehensive environment with a vast APL-level vocabulary, empowering you to tackle common tasks like sorting, finding, slicing, and selecting with unparalleled ease.

     CoSy continues to evolve as my
     tool for the Everyday Business of Life

    (  ergo: CoSy EcoSystem Accounting will be in CoSy )    

    CoSy is  a ` Quant's Log where any line may be a command to the computer
    evaluated  in CoSy the language by tapping a function key instead of Enter .

    This is the aspect , the simple integration of commanding & defining ie: programming , along with the openness from the dynamic ` list APL>K level vocabulary to the x86 definitions which struck the λ conf audience as something fresh they had never seen before  .

    Gary Hoover in American Business History
    The  Simple Key to Breakthrough Innovation :

    " Yet history indicates that the vast majority of breakthroughs
     come from one very simple idea:
    combining two things that no one has previously connected. "

      Evolving from APL , Simplified & Generalized via K , in open to the chip Forth
    CoSy provides the Shortest path from the chip >< math
    While capable of expressing AI or trading algorithms , or finite element models of a planet
    in a few lines ,
    the highest value use is logging one's path & managing one's business .

    αlpha First Adopters Special Deal
    Because CoSy is First Person ( I'm my own prime ` client ) the relationship with initial clients is peer to peer . The first few charter clients will be instrumental in choosing the path of development and will require a significant investment in learning ( virtually a course in K and Forth ) .
    Thus , for a limited number , standard 1 year $1200 license & membership includes 0.1% Equity in CoSy .
    Purchase of αlpha_support is Prerequisite for any joint projects
    Email me directly for more information and to arrange personal Zoom .

    However , Tekys : Much needs to evolve in CoSy , particularly interfacing with the Web . Some of these are probably weekend tasks if you know what you are doing . But they are worth equity in CoSy for useful solutions . Drop me an em if you'd like to be included in teky only Zooms .

    >>> Email me , Bob Armstrong , to arrange a Zoom <<<

      | Free & Open
    Code |

    | Note , the whole of this blogPost , it's mailing list , and all of  the CoSy website is created by me ,
     Bob Armstrong , using 
    CoSy and a wysiwyg editor .

    | BobA | 20240604.2150 |

    Whole CoSy
    Locations of visitors to this page
    I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .
    Contact : Bob Armstrong ; About this page : Feedback ; 719-337-2733
    Coherent Systems / 28124 Highway 67 / Woodland Park , Colorado / 80863-9711 
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