Modified | DDT |>| MON.SEP,980921,10:57-4 | | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current | © Coherent Systems Inc . |
============================: THU.SEP,980917 :============================ WESTERGAARD/MALLON WALDORF SECURITY2001 Conference . I got to : DigitalDescriptor(OTC-BB:DDSI) Identix(AMEX:IDX) Keynote RichardClarke : Regan Asst sec terrorism . Clinton just appointed National Coordinator for Security , Infrastructure Protection and CounterTerrorism Kroll-O`Gara(NASD:KROG) AmerSci&Eng(AMEX:ASE) SAC.Tech(NASD:SACM) |10:8| DigitalDescriptor(OTC-BB:DDSI) : RogerLudwig : Contactless fingerprint capture . %10 sec image , 10 sec process . Nail to nail around finger . repeatable . Minutia . No need for specialized Booking officer to roll prints . In process of getting FBI approval - have list of stds Computerized imaging tied to text . records mngt : Compu-Capture , Compu-Sketch sold thru 5 regional DDSI Sales Offices . 190 reps . Mug shot system . 22 record mngt Busn Partners . ~ Same price as contacting . >= 2000 FBI w only take electronic images , no paper Biometric ID mkt : | 36E3 x 25E3 |>| 9E8 |#| Public 3yrs . 3E6 % yr | rev now SI-3000 ElecFileFolder : ODCB grab legacy text DBs & integrate w MugShot 'Electronic File Folders' syss . 30-40k $ | .5E3 $ in 1st 6 mo . Sales thru mkting partners w own products . IBM selling w AS400s Global . |10:29| |11:6| Identix(AMEX:IDX) RandyFowler ( Heard from BobFlaherty`s Equities conf : RayDirks pushed ChicagoTitle ) |11:15| : AMEX:IDX | Leader Biometrics by std #Units , Biometric Imaging - Live-scan - Evolved into Criminal Justice Info Systems . Mng busn of identifying criminals or employees . BioSecurity 1 fingerprint personel . Govt svcs . AFIS . Total vertical soln . FBI ImageQualSpec acred. of Dig Biometrics . ( IDX wins .8 of bids vs ) in 29 Stahes & DC . 9 state contractors . Sole Fingerprint taker in IL . Just won Cook County - larger than NYC . NYC Cmnsr : Overrun overtime budget . IDX equip saved .5 time & reduced rejections . UK constabularies finding same . guarentee 2hr chek time . Print DBs in NYC , Albany , WVa FBI . IL Background checks -- IL foster parent checks backlog . DennisCunningham , Prudential Securites asking knowledgable questions . Que growing by 50E3 print cards % day . multiple rolled cards . .3 reject . Every Cop wants one . All Fed , state , gaming , investment employees are printed . Sylvan Learning Ctr supplys service . DB : history , images , booking , personnel On second generation machines + 24-7 support for .1 cost of machine . Invented Fingerprint reading . now becoming commodity . They biggest Biometric : Developed pattern Recognition vs FBI minutia sys Uses : as Person silicon interactions replace Person-Person : Time&Attendenances . Australia eliminate .02 of payroll buddy punching . Turkish Parlement voting . Credit cards , perhaps all Wefare systs using any sys use theirs DB , eg , Oracle , Computer Assoc - security . Physical access , Finc transaction accesss : Bank of Central Asia ( bought a lot & paid ) Bk of Cairo , Conavi Bank . E-Commerce : Dig TWA 800 had Cargo on passenger plane - FAA pilot prog @ Ohare . Testing individual is who says they are : False rejection .01 - .02 . chk , prob failing in 3 | .01 * In Law enforcemnt , 10k matchs on large DBs . Optical card : 4E6Byte storage . ANADC : Govt svcs . 40M$ & good growth since `91 . Sylvan/Identix - does Brokers tests & ID . in 10 Cities . All IL . , Just won CA dept Social svces . Sell machines - leased Sylvan - maintanance contract w Identix . Rev gro .51 last yr . | DonSwan : Unisys ? do some are profitable Op Income | ý.14 ý.04 .05 .02 .06 | 94 - 98 Covering 50 countries . Divisionalized `97 . Challenge to have net grow w rev . Gross margind risen from .3 to .4 or better . Industry gro .4-5 % yr | `95 `00 : 100M$ 1B$ | expect $100M this yr . Last Qs : 16 - 21 on 52 79 M$ rev | plan : not public . Assets 35.9 , Debt 0 M$ price 5+1%8 | Range $12+3%8 - 4.5 | 26E6 x 5.125 |>| 1.3325E8 | Mkt Cap . Operating in all segs ov value chains . | |12:1| Dif frm comp here : have sales , products , 450 emplyees . Digital descriptors contactless - .60 - .7 of total , .9 of fingerprint Future : Eye scanning may go away not because bad , but intrusive . Swiss army didn`t line , Cook Cty liked but went Police went for finger prints for all . 2nd gen out 2-3 yrs , | Street expects . .19 .20 $%share . .2 ’ 26E6 |>| 5200000 | r% 100E6 |>| 0.05 | net on sales . Marcos system is OEM working w Lockeed . | Fingerprint record | 2 * 8 10 |>| 256 1024 | bytes Germany tried bunch of artifical fingers . |12:13| |13:0| MarkHayes Sec2001 . JohnMallon intro JohnW : Kjakan Award - was given to Greenspan yrs ago . Norwegan WW2 . Given to RandyFowler IDX SanJose CA . Vision of company in 3-5 yrs : expect | .08 x 500E6 |>| 4E7 40 x Earnings | 4E7 % 26E6 |>| 1.54 | % share | r x 40 |>| 61.54 stock price . Randy : This is for all those w just the right personality defects to be entrepreneurs . JohnM : Companies : JulesKroll : Legend : J&J blazing path of designating Security as industry . Keynote RichardClarke : Regan Asst sec terrorism . Clinton just appointed National Coordinator for Security , Infrastructure Protection and CounterTerrorism |13:13| CyberSecurity & CounterTerrorism : Near Future senario : US threated in Pursan gulf . as start to move , find logistic systems have been penetrated . Or systems controling Powergrids or Telecom , or Sabre . or Pager Satilites spinning out of control -- all have happend . Fragility of computer controled infrastructure : May decision to focus on Homeland defense . We only SuperPower . Noone W repeat Sadam style attack . Achilles heel : Manhattan , WDC . Vulnerable to multiple modes of attack . Create Homeland defense against : Chem & Bio weapons : Is there a theat ? Seren in Tokyo w tek learned off WWW . Chem Weapons worked , 1st resquers died . NYC is prepared . Cert State Terrorism Sponsers & weapon developers virtually same list . May shifted 300E6 on 1st of 5yrs on home security . Congress agrees . Will : equip & train largest 125 Metro areas for detect & analyze for ChemBio attacks. Civilian stockpile of specialized antidotes . Research in Recomb DNA etc to create antidotes for CW & BW agents . Powergrids , banking , etc if can access nets on public switch nets . Authorized small band of Hackers . achieve command of 4 comps in 3 days . National Command & control in Pentagon by EoWeek . Accused of trying to wasting tax money . Before WW2 , looking to improve WW1 aircraft power . Tek available WW . Bangalore or Ireland . Even Terrorists or Criminal Cartels : Demand Stop backing Israel , Stop fighting Cocaine . It is private systems which are main targets . How Feds build walls around them ? Work w Owners : red team attack - Vulnerablity assesment . SolarSunrise Attack - took ~ 3 days for most to recognize attack . AirForce caught . Navy & Army had to be pointed to evidence of breach ~ selfdetected Need R&D reading M lines of code finding trapdoors . NYTimes Monday - two yrs ago had hired security analyst - gave clean BoH . Established : info ctr w/in FBI . Joint Task Force w DoD . Asking for supliment 1.4 - 1.8 B rebuilding & Hardening embasies . Not waiting for PearlHarbor , ` think ahead of power curve . Have Idendified Threats . Believe are Real . Next war w not just be overseas Loose utilities as effectively as if bombed . |13:43| JW : 1M6 hits on . Blessing in disguise in forcing cleanout of old systems ? Share - Do both . Y2k is known threat . forced problem up past CIO to CEO & Board . Defense vs Offense . Are excersizing Offensive attacks on terrorist grps . Defense needs public awareness . Offense c Trapdoors put in during off-shore re-codeing ? may not be off-shore . Can only be found Line By Line . Are doing for selves . JamesMeyer JanneyMontgommery : TWA800 , Gore commission recomenditions ? Gov grps ordered to be done to extent resources available . abt 1.5 yrs behind . JM : of 5y Plan how much private : most to state & local govts , suits , detectors , etc . Orange Jello shut down FAA ctr in midwest . Also Medicines RandyFowler : other than trapdoors . password failures ? no . can run a dicitonary attack in no time at all . His on computer requires change every quarter . | Principal weakness ? far too much which should be on isolated LANs is on webs . Do we have enough spys ? Scores of times when Tek intell has saved amer lives . need both . |13:59| |14:12| Kroll-O`Gara(NASD:KROG) : Risk Mitigation Company | Rev 190E6 % 1400 |>| 135714.3 | rev % employ Armored Limos . Kroll - Asset searches not in Guard svc . Investigative : Wall St : was .1 of total Busn . 400E6 % 17E6 |>| 23.53 | Mkt Cap % shr | , 3.2 M share new in May Violent crime | 400B$ losses from fraud . 6500 kidnapings in `96 . 2900 casualties from terrorism . Tot WW Securitiy busn : 55E9$ | 3%4 guard svcs . | 55 x .25 |>| 13.75 Fastest growth developing countries . PacRim , EastEurope . Armor HumVees . 3 seg : Investgations & inteligence - forensic audit - due Dili . Court ordered Monitoring of settlements . eg Gambino , LI Carters Assoc . Teamsters election . Dade Cty Airport . | Acqd Canadian investig acntin 120 investigative acnts | 20M rev . see tremendous growth potential . Competitors ? Kahn Consulting NYC , LewFreedmon Miami , Big 5 Acntants . `97 , 3000 assignments up from 1200 in `92 . MCI telecom fraud - hourly consulting . BellAtlanic WW due dil . project fee . EducTestSvc : Assesment , monitor & Hotline . Teamsters , Court approved fees . .75 of revs from repeat clients . Deal w Boards & Sr mngt . Security prods & svcs : commercial Vehicles ( O`Gara ) modified Suburbans Cost loward by standardization & production . 45K to 1E6 $ . Level 4 Kevlar encased . Demand increasing dramatically . Sole provoder UpArmord HMMotorizedWheeledVehicle . $70 - $100k . US contract : 60E6 % 738 |>| 81300.81 | 360 % yr have armore 1000 out of 130k HumVee production ., Sell Kits Voice & Data Security : Computer Forensics . May get out of Voice . all in MidEast | 22M$ | Tot Rev breakdown | +/ D 100 135 20 |>| 255 | PROPOFTOT P |>| 0.39 0.53 0.08 Growth : International local assembly . Bought Armoring & Glass co . Cohelesce Fragmented industry . Acqs on mix of Cash & stock . Except for Kroll - O`Gara pooling To armor HMMWV 235 down from 465 hours . sice `94 . components 540 from 800 Suburban 1200 to 290 , 350 - 172 . Found 2.5E6$ admin savings in pooling . `97 tot 190E6$ rev this yr 112M 6mo . Margin up from .09 to .11 . .42 % share 1st 6 mo . Issued | 3.5E6 x 20.5 |>| 7.175E7 | bunch invested @ .05 , c\have 35E6 Invest Grade debt @ .08+ | Done work for CIS , Brazil . comply w State Dept & other agencies . O`Gara did all Prez limos except last batch which GM did for more than they would have charged . Not in Limos anymore . |15:19| SAC.Tech(NASD:SACM) : JoeGerard InvRel : reading written Forward Stmnt Disclaimer . CEO BarryWendt : Biometric SecureAccessControl technologies : Notebook Ide from Print & voice on notebook . Print ID . VoicePrint . SacMan Lookup Verification Browser . Print Reader tek small enough to fit in mouse . Incorp `93 - MN , Tek Showroom LasVagas , 15 emloyees . Alliances w Expect 1E9 internet users by 2005 . Biometrics used w firewalls . Replace PINs . Complete network security - flexible layers . " The Biometrics Co " . Worlds 1st ICSA Bio ID Prod certification . Robust Vector line type algorithm . & "BioKey" look @ line types Catalog sweat glands & lines , do 1 way hash . SHA1 algo like Digital Signature : Hash document into eg 20Byte signature . BioKey like Dig Sig . ~ | 2 * 8 |>| 256 byte sig . True real-time id - eliminates "aliases . Want real time ID of individuals High Res image capture , SACMan DEvelop tool kit . SAC_REmotes PC-104 form factor board w input . SACcat computer access terminal . Desktop security apps . Pinnacle Tek . for multiple user machines . HerbSenna : C2 level cert for OS2 . 250k seats in Securities indust . Keyware Tek : Layerd Voice Verification . Miros : Face recod for securty & time & attendance . Baraka Intracom : London Video conferencing Cericom : cryptograph Eliptic Curve engine . Designs turnkey solns . available for private label . `98 : wants to be seen as seen as overall Biometrics Co . $500K revs . | focused on low cost . Mass mkt , embeded < $100 , Door access $200 | Talking & looking . Door part of net work . look @ cert test results . 6000 x more discriminating than some others . '' Ownd .4 Mngt , .10 AIG |16:14| AmerSci&Eng(AMEX:ASE) : JeffBernfeld Gen Counsel : ( Conversation about how lack of backup batteries on aircraft BlackBoxes is typical of how bad an agency FAA is ) not in Air mkt cause can`t deal w FAA . AS&E X-Ray - Duty Evasion . Drugs , explosives . 4.6E6 % 30E6 |>| 0.15 | net on gross . AMEX:ASE Border Control : Drugs , weapons , , Hi risk Govt Buildings. also : Defense force protection , Radioactive . Prisons . Corporate Security ebbs & flows w headlines . Niches driven by terrorism : | 311 + 2652 |>| 2963 | death & injury in `96 . $30B cocaine comes into US annually . Global trade grows . Duty Evasion as much a .1 . .05 in Europe VAT . SouthAfrica estimates $10M % day loss . Customers : US Govt . Australia VietNam UK | New : SA . AbuDahbi , Egypt XRa back Scatter : collimated , chopped , both transmission detector BackScatter detects organics . Raster scan of whole truck . w back scatter xmision & backscater from each sied of tru . Drug around %2 foot % sec . | on conveyor . Mobile search . Mar 31 fisc yr . good 1st half . Conveyr like Car Wash . 6-8 min to do truck .| 8 x 3.3E6 |>| 2.64E7 | US$ Customs . current monopoly on US borders . Customs goal .2 .25 inspection rate - no where near that now . Customs mainly looking for drugs . Relocatable Contanerized system for SouthAfrica . 10 Sys to Egypt : Lack of space - small footprint building . Patent on Mobil search in adition to BackScatter . Mobile 1.7M$ domestic . constant speed drive mechanism . Got good press in Busn Wk & Bos Globe in May & June . Parcel search systems& Van mounted unit . health & safety good because pencil beam . Film , stowaway safe . Eg&G & Heiman Dual power - larger more expensive . Their small units premium . Revs 17 28 32 36 Fy 96 97 98 , thru 9806 R&D Backlog | 12.2 15.6 17.3 47.3. | 96 -- today . Egypt order 35E6$ Mngt & Sci team in place . Supplying Financial Engineering to devel Mkt . Sell only in $US . Service ~ .1 rev . BackScatter proprietary . Acq Shurnberg - hi enery physics to increase power Just measuring total ratio of back scatter . Price went as low as 10 | Equip @ Capital - gunman would not go thru . That`s why cop acosted him & got shot . Components from vendors , can do 5 mobile @ time Show income as delivered . 6-9 mo billing payout . Rev | Cargo search .5 of busn . moving toward Mobile trucks . |17:54| JW : original of Cyberstation was yrs ago @ Std&Poors commercial paper rating . After PennCtrl , COs line up to pay fee to be rated . WBN consults company , but gives Co no prior review . Role to present Co Fairly , 5000$ Bounty for purposely misleading Web postings . 36k$ % yr . Looking to retain people on contract basis 150-200k$ % yr to handle portfolios . ( out in Millwalkee etc , where that reasonable amnt ) Want Sr people , keep 2%3 of billing . Plan financing . did one mid `97 . been Cash flow positive since June . John replacing AdamKaplan Y2K 1E6 hits % wk . JW no longer gets paper NYTimes . Very different experience . New " DNA " . Y2k spending 100s of B$ , producing inventory of systems . Moynahan Aide finds Y2K blessing in disguise . Talked to GeorgeWill yesterday . WSJ totally OTL on Y2K . NYT Cybertimes covering . Economist having 9 articles on Y2K next week . Adam didn`t really want to be security analyst . Don`t want to be training ground . |18:9|
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