Modified | DDT |>| MON.JUN,990621,14:48-4 | | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current ?Wha? | © Coherent Systems Inc . |
URL |>| \COSY\COSY!/Job/LibertarianJunto || StartDate | DDT || TUE.APR,980428,11:5-4Junto of New York City CoSyNotes ============================: TUE.APR,980428 :============================ From: 98/04/17 02:56 Subject: Welcome to junto-list Welcome to the New York City Junto announcement list. Inspired by Benjamin Franklin, I would like to invite you to a monthly series of evening discussions attended by friends of liberty. We have had distinguished speakers in philosophy, economics, law, history, politics, science, music and other fields. Refreshments are provided. Except for major holidays we meet on the first Thursday of each month.Victor NiederhofferChairmanQuestions can be sent to |#| == |#| == |#| == |#| == |#| == |#| == |#| == |#| == |#| == |#| == |#| ================ø THU.MAY,960502 ø================= 18:30| Victor NiederhofferJunto960502 635 Madison Av Fl 6 | "Microenterprises in Developing Countries." Dr. Carl Liedhom Professor of Economics , Michigan State University ============================: THU.APR,970403 :============================19| Junto970403 135 E 57 Fl14 : Technophobism vs Capitalism ================: THU.JUN,970605 :=================19| Niederhoffer Libertarian Junto | Eastbridge Capital 135 E 57 Fl14 : GlobalWarming SallieBaliunas . RSVP 203-840-0777 | See my : views/warm.htm Notes of talk : views/Junt9706 Bottom line " DrBaliunas`s data supports my theoretical conclusion that the Sun and our distance from it are all that can determine temperature . ============================: FRI.JUL,970718 :============================19| Niederhoffer Libertarian Junto . GeorgeReisman : Everyone`s Stake in Capitalism . Weston CT . Contact me directly if interested in details . ============================: THU.AUG,970807 :============================19| NiederhofferJunto970807 Libertarian Junto | Eastbridge Capital 135 E 57 Fl14 Dr.JaneOrient : Health Care | RSVP 203-840-0777 ============================: THU.SEP,970904 :============================19| Niederhoffer Libertarian Junto | Eastbridge Capital 135 E 57 Fl14 MarshallFritz : Separation of Schools & State ============================: THU.OCT,971002 :============================19| Niederhoffer Libertarian Views/Junto9710 | Eastbridge Capital 135 E 57 Fl14 WendyMcElroy : How Politically Correct Feminism is Hurting Women on the Street ( whores ) . ============================: THU.NOV,971106 :============================19| Niederhoffer Libertarian Junto | JohnMcGinnis : Biology & Law | Eastbridge Capital 135 E 57 Fl14| Got there late . Missed Victor explain his ideas about what happened in the market |20:11| JohnMcGinnis : E.O Wilson , ant expert , abt Marxism : Wonderful theory , wrong species : Louisiana covenent mariage | trust but verify - reciprical altruism | mkt ~ just state construction but force of nature | deception pandemic in nature - camaflage . | Dr Johnson : no man is more innocently employed than when making money | Madison Federalist 10 | New Bio , neodarwinism corresponds w classical liberalism . Darwinism not support for pure Libertarianism . Chile : forced retirement savings | Classic problem of classic Liberalism : how to make gmvt strong enough to enforce laws against theft , yet not itself steal property | deviosness of constititional convention | 1913 Fed tax .016 , now > .17 | ammendment 16 & 17 - IRS & direct election of Senators - fundamentally changed structure country . StevenBecker ? book How the Mind Works Why wealthy have fewer children ? no decent answer ( I would point out there is a metric of maintanance of extent of domain ) . ============================: THU.DEC,971204 :============================19| Niederhoffer Libertarian Views/Junto9712 | Eastbridge Capital 135 E 57 Fl14 ============================: THU.MAR,980305 :============================19| Niederhoffer Libertarian Junto : Steve Mariotti : Young Entrepreneur Program ============================: THU.APR,980402 :============================19| Junto980402 LawrenceKudlow ; Eastbridge Capital 135 E 57 Fl14 ============================: THU.MAY,980507 :============================ Junto980507 Peter Huber - Law & disorder in CyberSpace . ============================: THU.JUN,980604 :============================19| Niederhoffer Junto980604 ThomasFleming : Liberty ! ============================: THU.JUL,980709 :============================
Junto980709 PierreLemieux : Liberty & Sex . @ Victor`s home .
============================: THU.AUG,980806 :============================18:30| Niederhoffer Junto9808 : StanleyMason "Creative Spark of Invention" , 2 E 63 , NY Acad Sci . Invented , no-glug hollow handled plastic jugs , anatomically conforming Kotex ( with daughter ) , granola bars ( with wife ) - suitcase full of other things around our world . ============================: THU.SEP,980903 :============================18:30| Junto9809 : Scott Douglas Gerber, author : To Secure These Rights . 2 E 63 , NY Acad Sci . ============================: THU.NOV,981105 :============================18:30| Junto9811 Randy E. Barnett Liberty, Justice & The Rule Of Law. 2 E 63 , NY Acad Sci . ============================: THU.DEC,981203 :============================19:30| NY Acad Sci . 2 E 63 . James DeLong, author : PROPERTY MATTERS . ============================: THU.JAN,990107 :============================18:30| NY Acad Sci . 2 E 63 . Thomas DiLorenzo : THE FOOD AND DRINK POLICE . ============================: THU.FEB,990204 :============================18:30| Virginia Postrel, REASON Editor, FORBES columnist and Author of THE FUTURE AND ITS ENEMIES: THE GROWING CONFLICT BETWEEN CREATIVITY, ENTERPRISE AND PROGRESS . ============================: THU.MAR,990304 :============================18:30| NY Acad Sci . 2 E 63 . GreedyTaxation Amity Shlaes , Wall Street Journal . ============================: THU.APR,990401 :============================18:30| Niederhoffer LibertarianJunto NY Acad Sci . 2 E 63 . JamesBovard author "Freedom In Chains" : The federal government issues new regulations at the rate of 200 pages per day. CoSyNotes ============================: THU.MAY,990506 :============================18:30| Niederhoffer LibertarianJunto NY Acad Sci . 2 E 63 : DANGEROUS CONSEQUENCES OF CLINTON'S WAR IN THE BALKANS . IVAN ELAND , Defense Studies , Cato Inst . CoSyNotes ============================: THU.JUN,990603 :============================18:30| Niederhoffer Junto NY Acad Sci . 2 E 63 .George B.N. Ayittey , economist , American U. , author : INDIGENOUS AFRICAN INSTITUTIONS (1992), AFRICA BETRAYED (1994) and AFRICA IN CHAOS (1998) , winner : Mencken Award . Annoucement & CoSyNotes
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