Re: [svfig] Forth Day --- THIRD Saturday --- 18Nov2023
Bob Armstrong <>
2023-11-11, 11:52
Silicon Valley Forth Interest Group <>, Kevin Appert <>

" CoSy Year in Review " sounds good .

I've thought of more ambitious teky topics
On Wed.Nov,20231108 on my Daily Blog I posted a reply I made on the FB Forth2020 group . I think it describes CoSy pretty well so I'll repeat it here :
In CoSy which executes directly in Forth the only ` objects are dynamic lists with a 3 cell header , `( Type Count refCount )' where refCount handles memory management freeing on return-to-zero , and ` Type 0 = is list of lists , ie: list of pointers . They might be considered a generalization of counted strings .
Currently the only Types are `( list char int float )' but additional types can added simply by choosing a type identifying value and creating a vocabulary to handle the type . For instance , complexes could be rather simply implemented , given motivation , as lists of 2 item lists of floats . True bit array Bools may be the most complicated to implement but provide efficiencies on the order of the cell size .
Following Arthur Whitney's K from which CoSy evolves , I created ` symbol and ` dictionary types where a ` symbol was simply a string with a ` count of 1 and a ` dictionary was a list of 2 lists `( keys values )' . But having distinct types was more complication than simplification . De facto dictionaries are crucial -- the entire working environments of ` Jobs are dictionaries .
These sorts of structures are ESSENTIAL if one wants a language competitive for ordinary ` human uses with others such as Python or JavaScript . CoSy goes straight to being competitive with APL & K , but with flexibility unimaginable in those traditional C based languages being simply an open vocabulary in Forth .
Note: as I think may be self-evident , the left tick , ` , returns the following word as a string . `( ... ... ... )` returns the words inside as a list .
Thanks for the opportunity ,

Bob A

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On 2023-11-08 20:29, Kevin Appert wrote:

     Do you want to give a 20-minute Forth Day talk,  "COSY Year in Review" or somesuch?

10 days to go!

    Please send title and two-line description! 

Peace thru Freedom
Honesty enforced thru Transparency ,

-- -- Bob Armstrong Vita -- 719.337.2733
CoSy  The Simplest Most ` Powerful Personal Computing Environment
I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection
-- 28124 State Highway 67 Woodland Park CO 80863-9711