Modified | DDT |>| WED.NOV,001129,19:8-4 | | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current ?Wha? ![]() | © Bob Armstrong . |
A number of interesting Companies . If you had the foresite to collect cash back at the market peaks , There are some real bargains available .
============================: THU.NOV,001109 :============================|8:19| Commodore Applied Tech
expect .5 - .6 growth starting profit 2001 . Dispute resolution mngt : Environ ins . Ex Reagan Nuclear Chief - former ABB CEO . Resident @ DoE locations . Solvated Electron Applications only non incineration cleaning to < 2%1M . any material . CXI Services . Core mkt : mixed radioactive & toxic waste . 3 - 6 ton machine $500k . 10-40 tons machine , 4 flatbed tralers . 6.7 B$ % y chem weapon mkt . Acq : Dispute Resolution MngtBill Russell Football team in OK . went from Cash to stock deal because price down . Bring together tek & fin , busn , legal expertise - funding . < `60 , CGL policies covered polution problems accrued during policy period , forever . Efficient Effective Alternative to Litigation . They actively manage resolution . Proprietary software : 'Focus ' . Monthly retainer + Success Fee . Growth 6x over last 3 yrs . Split from KPMG . Director : Herb Cohen , international negotiator , book : You can negotiate anything . Coverage Archaeloogy - finding old policies in corp archives . Insurers AIG , Excel ( Bermuda ) . Broker . Looking at underwriting themselves . Brownfield management . FOCUS : models coverage history & Covered liablities . gone from 1 to 9 M$ over last few yrs . AMEX CXI - 52 week range .5 - 2 , float 16M shares .Ray Dirks : could easily be 5$ this yr .|8:52| RD : KingsleyCoach : BB : KNGS :
Customized RV coaches - working @ capacity . Terry Watkins : on Truck Chassis , `96 used old PeterBuilt & bus behind . cabcoaches sinces `61 Just melded to body . can pull 40000 lb trailer . Safest . had 1st profitble q . looking to do ~ 130 % yr . advanage to getting motor out of rear - opens up chassis . Price 200 - 400k $ , 20 yr life , 1M mile . Std Truck Stop maintanance . Breaking 80k miles , Modern truck engines 700k miles before overhaul . 4-600 HP engine - Allison full auto or Eaton auto shift - no clutch . All have rear view cameras . Have built on most industry chassis . Thru R&D phase last 4 yrs . R&D was .3 of rev . Revs 1.4 M $ % Q breakeven Little fixed cost - margin .25 - .3 | High end mkt pretty constant . Fuel : 9.7 M%G diesel v 7-8 for typical gas . Chmn took 1st truck to RV show - 45 Min lines . All on insider cash - no debt . Word of Mouth mkting , 1 off production . looking @ 8-12 M $ % yr mkt . Unibody . Total 61 units sold . 2 production facilities . 10 + 8 k sq ft . can work on 8 coachs at once . . need to finance the WrkInProg . can produce 2 % mo . Raising 3M$ cap to go to 15 % mo . 3.4 M mile experience . only 1 problem . Some 4 x 60k miles , no problem. Disaster medical vehicle . Styling advantage - if you like macho . Licensing same as general RV , as long as not commercial . CA is only that don`t allow 45 foot units . Interesting iff you are into this sort of thing .|9:33| Questcor : AlanStone : Wall St Research : report : @ | E 1.15 x 28E6 |>| 32.2M | down from 5 . [ Laptop not working . delayed ]|9:47| Nymox :
Alzheimers diagnosis : > .5 of over 85 yr olds . Measures neuro thread protein in 1st morning urine . $300 % test . Global patents . Spherons elarge then burst causing placques . NicAlert nicotine test saliva or urine . Relands acq : LipidAlert OsteoAlert . No debt , private placement . 300M HIV tests given % yr - diagnostics big mkt . Mngt owns .7 of co , never have sold any , 6M share float . Burn rate $3M , very bright future.BobFlaherty : how handle all balls in air ? Outsource .|10:2| Questcor : merger of Ribogene Cypros - press release this morning :
Q3 result diminishing losses . Business : Hospital delivered acute care drugs . Mkt to 4000 hospitals rather than 70000 internists . . Esophalgeal bleading varicies ( ulcers ) from liver desease . . Kidney diagnostic * Nasal delivery . . Dastropariesis -nasal treatment of delayed vomiting . . Migrastat - Propranolol Nasal Spray . migrane onset interuptor . . Hypnostat Triazolam , Lorastat Loaacepam - antiepileptic . Gastroparesis - slowdown of GI system , no stomach emptying . Emitasol . Have new data supporting . cancer chemo - delayed onset vomiting | 2003 revs from some of these nasal products Congenital Lactic Acidosis , childhood , fatal : 4-5000 patients % yr die now , would become 40-50k chronic survivors . potential mkt > $100M . GERI compounds reduce neuron swelling & death in stroke ischemia . Nasal delivery looks to have an important future . It occurs to me that one reason smoked marihuana may have its success against nausia is that it bypasses the digestive system .|10:45| Itex : 3rd party record keeper for Barter transactions .
Been in business 18 yrs . . been delisted from NASD 2 yrs . 3rd party record keeper like a bank . Like credit cards in `40s & `50s . Example : 50 restaurants in Manhattan - another path to more income . Went from 12$ to .15 , delisted - SEC disallowed counting trade $$s as income . 1.4M$ profit reversing loss . Optimistic to be relisted on BB . abt | E .45 x 15E6 |>| 6.75M | mkt cap . American Express putting 100M$ into competitors . ITEX busn to busn . 1000$ to join , .05 from each side on trades . Last yr lost 10 on 12 M$ rev This yr , +1.4$ on 12M$ rev . expect to add 75 offices to existing 78 Getting 2.2M$ back from IRS .|11:15| 5th Ave Channel : AlanStone : Net Financial News :
Has fallen .95 since March . Eric Lefkowitz | Archival Financial video on Web . |12:3| 5th Av Retail legacy busn 10M$ rev . | wireless cable CostaRica . TeleBlus | 150E3 x 12 | NetFin web broadcasting is core , w spin off legacies for ~ 15M$ - for cash for development . MS 6 yr contract for fin info , Zacks . 1st Hispanic Fin Broadcasting : Keys , . 28M$ actual paid in cap . 650K$ debt . Bridge data feed . TV web integration SpiegelTV on website . Looks quite interesting . Guy seems solid . But lot of competition , eg : Frank Troise , mentioned in Institutional Investor 200011 .|11:27| MDU Communications : Digital Satalite TV , Multi-Dwelling Unit mktplace .
relationship w DirectTV , StarChoice Canada , broadband better than , beats , cable in selling to multi unit buildings . Bring bulding owners into revenue streams . 2 sorts of contracts : monopoly & last competitor in . There were 2 impediments - DBS had no local programming . Regs against access to inside wiring . Technology capital cost was too high . Tek much cheaper now . Vendors are financing most of subscriber acquisition costs . 3-COM XDSL EthernetVDSL . 10MB%S access | VCN over existing copper in buildings . tie in ADP Security . .07 homes now broadband . No degredation of speed w subscribers vs bus structure cable . Future : IP telephoney , Video on Demand . Ecommerce . Sheldon Nelson w Bro invented one of first microprocessor based satellite dish positioning box . 20 yrs in cable & satellite . learned building owner PoV . seving 217 properties , 15K subscribers . 421 properties , 51K sub scribers , backlog . doing 15-25 properties % mo . Proprietary subscriber mngt software managing churn , beating cable to punch . avg size 125 unit properties . Contracts 5 - 10 yr , auto renewing . Subscription revenue streams + ~ $8 | net $17 % subscribermonth . Internet price 40-50 $ % mo . This seems nearly as solid as a traditional utility . Young guys given how much they have done .
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