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See also my critique @
   ============================: FRI.MAY,990521 :============================18|  NY Acad Sci  NYAS:FredAlanWolf : Quantum Model of Timing of Conscious Experience . See : |18:7| Chmn : No one here was detered from being here ( by nice weather ) .|18:10| Fred Wolf frm Chicago , U of IL , extensive bio . General Atomic :  Ion molecule collisions  Book : The Eagles quest .  Book : Taking the Quantum Leap . Will take clarification Qs only . Funded by : Internet Science Education Proj .Based on Paper :  The Timing of Conscious Experience: A Causality-Violating , Two-Valued, Transactional Interpretation of Subjective Antedating and Spatial-Temporal Projection , J. Scientific Exploration , `98  Future to Present communication in the Brain . Example : Stimulus : Needle in Butt :|   T_now  ->  T_later | what dT ?  Where does it occur ?  Where it hurts - in the butt . Is there an 'actual time'  when consciousness takes place . Events in brain occur after conscious experience . ! claim !   ~ match a causal sequence . Libet`s data .  Brain stimulus blocking .  Time of sensation - near time of stimulus .  Cathodal pulses to cerebrial cortex .  - get phantom somato projection .   sensation occurs after ~ .5 sec for continuing blocker stim .  ! Very different than normal pathways !   Skin stim preceived before brain stim . Libet points out spacal & temporal referral - delay & antedating hypoth . Appears Causality violation              TwoTimeObservableTransactionalInterpretationModel  Explains paradox & why phantom experiences occur later   3 :  and event pair can act as a cause for another event pair . Vesicle quantun wave : Heisneberg :|  dVelocity +.x dPosition >= h % mass |  vesicle  : m : 40 nm in diameter |  tau is ( 2 x m x dx * 2 ) % h  Wheeler Delayed choice experiment . Transactional interpretation : both future & present events inteact to create event .  Complex congugate wave .  cancel out except in interval .  Aharonov Wheeler experiment : half silvered mirror splitting photon stream .  Which edtector sees event . now add half mirror AFTER release of photon .   ( device could be LYs apart . ) .15ms  delay to perception . Point is that sensation blocker can occur later  than that .Thalamus - medial lemniscus  - Space Time Projection .  TimeMarker  Pos wave followed  by bipolar 'caboose' .  Transaction backward in time to get verbal 'ow' .  Thalamic stim causes almost immediate phantom sensation . Alt Hypothisis :  Abnormal path of stim .  ans : stim ot somatosense cortex  appear natural although tempral & spacial features are diff : buzz feeling Alt 2 : Delays really occurs - subject later reports an illusion  Diff Synchronous stims could seem at different times .Conclusion : quantum uncertainty in time interval of an event . Perception requires as SpaceTime proj  mechanism involving 2 times . Perception involves relation between 2 event pairs . Explain Parkenson Desease jitter . Come on . That just run of the mill resonate system whose eigenvalue has gone complex . No magic needed . |19:5| Qs :| Neuronal model jittery . 2 speeds of pain timing thick & thin  axons . Thalamic stim patients in deep trouble ?|  Transactional interpretation ? other interpretations ? sure .| Phantom Limb ?  Psi ø Psi*  - forward & backward time .| NeuronalAdequacy not the real event : .| Where consciousness ? around . |19:24|
Next meeting : 3rd Thu OCT : Fractional Hall effects .

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