Modified | DDT |>| MON.NOV,001120,19:5-4 | | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current ?Wha? ![]() | © Bob Armstrong . |
THU.MAY,970508,10:48-4 |
Below is a letter to NewYorkPress , ' New York`s Free Weekly ' ( which has been killing The Village Voice ) following up their 960807 cover story
' The Clintons Uncovered ' " You ain`t seen this since Nixon " by DougIreland .
[ WED.SEP,980909,11:9-4| See also View/Travelgate If you think the Clintons` corruption is just private , yada yada , read this Senate Travelgate Reparations Summary . The Dems did not argue that the gross malfeasance did not happen . ]
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 1996 11:49:37 -0700 From: Bob ArmstrongOrganization: Coherent Systems Inc To: themail@newyorkpress.comSubject: Re : The ClintonsRe : Clintons | DDT , LOC |>| THU.AUG,960815,10:22 Chic -6 I am privileged to be able to work at home with the TV on behind me filling the gaps in my conversation with my computer . In NYC , I have the " favorite channels " key on my remote set to CNBC , CNN-FN , CNN-Headlines , Weather , CSPAN-1 , CSPAN-2 , Court , [ new : MS-NBC , ] Crosswalks - CityHall , NY-1 and CNN . I suggest anyone who contemplates re-electing the Clintons look at the CSPAN tapes of the congressional testimony of the 6 poor working schmuks criminally libeled by the Clintons ( thru Hillary ) to justify their astoundingly incompetent replacement by a 25 year old Clinton cousin . Leave aside , but don`t forget , what it must feel like to lose the job you`ve spent your life at , and having to fight for your very freedom against a fabric of lies claiming You are dishonest . The Cornelius kid was so incompetent in her takeover of the office , she trashed the files ! The necessity to maintain continuity of service and accounts escaped her ! Some of the travel office accounts will never be resolved . This gross incompetence has cost us all into the millions of dollars , including reparations to the injured former professional staff . And this is the couple who seeks to replace the free market in medical services with a state monopoly run by them ? Replace Bill with Bob , Hillary with Elizabeth , Al with Jack . -- BobA -- | DDT , LOC |>| THU.AUG,960815,11:17 Chic -6 BobArmstrong CoherentSystems 212-285-1864 ø X:-732-0244 42 PeckSlip 4B | NYC NY 10038
THU.MAY,970508,11:24-4 | I don`t understand why Billy Dale doesn`t sue for punative damages .
From CoSy/Current ============================: MON.NOV,971103 :============================|10:40| CSPAN : Bill Nichols , USA Today : Mention of MikeMcCurdy threat to journalist asking questions he didn`t like saying he could contact WhiteHouse Travel Office and arrange to ask it from back home . Was the criminal , inept TravelGate massacre a conscious effort to control the selection of covering press ?
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.NOV,981129 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Child Online Protection Act (Engrossed in House ) (1) PROHIBITED CONDUCT- Whoever knowingly and with knowledge of the character of the material, in interstate or foreign commerce by means of the World Wide Web, makes any communication for commercial purposes that is available to any minor and that includes any material that is harmful to minors shall be fined not more than $50,000, imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both. (6) MATERIAL THAT IS HARMFUL TO MINORS- The term `material that is harmful to minors' means any communication, picture, image, graphic image file, article, recording, writing, or other matter of any kind that is obscene or that-- (A) the average person, applying contemporary community standards, would find, taking the material as a whole and with respect to minors, is designed to appeal to, or is designed to pander to, the prurient interest; (B) depicts, describes, or represents, in a manner patently offensive with respect to minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, an actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual act, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals or post-pubescent female breast; and (C) taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors. (7) MINOR- The term `minor' means any person under 17 years of age. President Clinton signed the legislation into law on 21 October, thus restricting commercial Web content deemed "harmful to minors."<-- ============================: THU.DEC,991230 :============================ =28==DAYS=TO=ELECTION=======: TUE.OCT,001010 :============================|10:45| |10:59| c> Dan Burton`s office | 202-225-2276 - c > gov reform , vmm : Christy Remington . laid out info needed .-----------""(270) Committee interview of Billy R. Dale, November 27, 1995.(491) Testimony of Billy R. Dale before the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, January 24, 1996. =26==DAYS=TO=ELECTION=======: THU.OCT,001012 :============================(49) There were only five employees present on May 19, 1993, when thefirings of all seven occurred. Theindividuals present that day included Director Billy Dale, John Dreylinger,Barney Brasseux, Ralph Maughanand Robert Van Eimeren. Two of them were out of the country: John McSweeneywas on vacation in Irelandand Deputy Director Gary Wright was on an advance trip in Seoul, SouthKorea.(270) Committee interview of Billy R. Dale, November 27, 1995.(491) Testimony of Billy R. Dale before the Committee on Government Reformand Oversight, January 24,1996. =20==DAYS=TO=ELECTION=======: WED.OCT,001018 :============================|10:28| TravelGate Office tapes here : Rep BillClinger , R-PA , Intro : 1: 7:30 12:40 15:0 - pass on ordinary criminal porceedurs 2 days befor . CardissCollins D-IL , rebut : 23: BillyDale telegraph & Travel Office 32 yrs , dir 11 y | 25:45 | 26: 40 Mrs Clinton David Kendle | 28:15 : Oval Office . 36:15 - leak of letter from Justice . new office Constant complaints . 37:30 BarneyBrassou : 39: 11 yrs . 19t of may Fired ba . van JohnMcSweeny , Jimmy Carter : on leave in Ireland : Red rose 41:48 50:15 Hillary v wife & Daughter . 51:45 | Gary Wright dep dir , 32 yrs | since Lincoln no replacements . No staffer . first heard fired on CNN . Had been Telegraph . generally paid vendors in 30 days 57:40| JohnDreylinger 67 - 93| 1:2:10 BobVanEimeren | 1:04:0 Ralph Maugham | `73 - 19 yrs , May 19 93 | 1:08:40 3 fathers died not knowing sons cleared . 1:10:0 BillClinger : | Lost ledgers 1:18:20 : I was paid but called a thief . Part 2 | CardissColins | :2:40 Dan Burton R-IN | HC involf :5:30| 11:32| CarolMaloney D-NYC - scumbag | privatize : :16:20 BD : Security problem . ConstanceMorella | :19:0 - | :25:0 now mngt : AT&T 300k$ Travel outstanding - | balanced chk book first in `95 :26:30| BernieSanders I-VT | :30:15| ChristopherShays R-CT | ashamed :37:0| ThomasBarrett D-WI | :40:24 ' accused of being a thief ' 43:00 Steven Schiff R-NM | Jan - Aug `95 - 200k$ not entered in chk bk 43:30 46:40 FBI annoucement . Watkins denied CSPAN right to cover testimony . Dale was intending to retire anyway . 50:10| KarenThurman D-FL | 56:30 BD Cornielius took files home . 58:6 BenjamnGilman R-NY | requested meetings . Berton : watkins Hillary :1:00 - honor tainted . 1:02| end|13:20| =15==DAYS=TO=ELECTION=======: MON.OCT,001023 :============================|9:24| Traveloffice part 2 | :6:20 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen R-FL | time frame :14:20 BD : records not available :22:00 JohnMcHugh R-NY : No one from admin ever came & talked . :24:30 coloquy :25:17 :25:00 SteveHorn R-CA coliquy | JohnMcSweeney : 29:15 no where to turn JohnMica R-FL : :34:30 - PeterBlute R-MA :39:0 sneaky , missing documents . Thomas Davis r-VA | :48:45 Robert VanEmeren - no clue . 50:30| Gil Gutknecht R-MN | 51:04 | missing & distroyed documents . call < daut 53:52| eotape | :0:0 Steven LaTourette R-OH | 2:46 | haven`t shut down CSPAN cameras . exculpatory documents . Paul Kanjorski D-PA | :8:10 | 10: :11 - coliquy w Burton | BillMartini R-NJ :15:15 - inherent unfairness - 16:40 failed media plan . :18:25 HC claim no role | - 19:40| Chaka Fattah D-PA | Carolyn Mahoney D-NY | 27:30 ablsolutely false | Horn : destroye :30:15 Jon Fox R-PA | 33: False kickback claims . | Marnaby Brassaux - no written termination . Kanjorski : 52:15 23: Billy Dale . Robert Wise D-WV : 54 terrible handling - no a good practice . Kanjorski : 56:30 Billy Dale . 1:00 Chmn : 1:02 McSweeney 1:03 How left ? 1:4 - Back of Panel Van w no seats . Cornelius : 1:6 | Patsy Tomisson : Mica : Roses 1:15 | Burton : 1:19 hell to pay . 1:22 | Carolyn Maloney | BD : no petty cash into his acnt 1:25| BD : 1:29 never been paid since - US Dept of State Emgbassies have not been paid since - | Mahoney stupid 1:32| ConstanceMorrellia R-MD - 1:33 treated wrongly - Office upsized from 7 to 9 . 1:36 | Christopher Shays - 1:37 - summary bidding | 1:40 accounts you all were screwed 1:42| Horn : 1:46 dems winging - no due process of audit 1:48 pattern of decite & abuse 1:49| when you`ve c cancer with a smile - arogance w a smile 1:51 Wise : BD 1:55 no one asked any thing . 1:57 | Clinger wrap 1:58| human live , abuse of power |2:00| URLSTK CON 'CLINTON'\COSY\CAL98!/Job/ClintonImpeachment\COSY\CAL98!/Job/ClintonImpeachment2\COSY\WEBSITE\WEBSITE!/Job/CoSy/views/Clintons -->
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