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============================: TUE.MAY,990511 :============================ 18:30-21| 55 Broad . Linux Loki game development ||18:42| Also NYLUV @ IBM : nxt mo - Beowolf clustering . lsny @ IBM . Bruce @ . TekTrend Sig . Guy frm Atlanta Linux Expo . Scott Draeker : Pres , Loki : Game : Civilization : |18:53| Linux no nonger just a server OS . 3 new game titles . "Drug dealers in Wash Sq always call me Sir" ( Aud O+ : thats cuz NYCers dont have manners . ) Commercial Apps & Linux : 10M users WW now . They not selling SW any more than StarWars selling cellulose . Want to see G.Lucas`s 90 min w Camcording rather than just anyone`s . W b doing 4-8 game conversions this yr . RedHat doubling every yr . 10M installed starting to be real # . Mac ~ 25M Mac Imac got 700k in same time Linux 1M . Overseas : Germ , Swed , Russ , UK 300k in Australia . GeorgeGilder said : new tek needs to be 10x better . Linux is replacing Windows . 10x better ? no . Why then ? lot of things - open source , freedom from MS . Must keep Linux UltraAlive . Not just people who didn`t make it in Win . Tek vs mkt driven . E3 show . 1600 titles , 50 blockbusters . Same in Games . tot ~ 5B$ % yr . Tomb raider outgrossed movies out same wk . Lot of Dual Boot machines so can keep some Win game . Not doing any new , rewriting in Linux . does not take over your systems . Not just Intel , but powerPC & Alpha . - not just simple recompile . Doing alpha because "that Linux way" - not for econ reasons . Doing card games , " Railroad Tycoon , 2nd century " . real time strategy games . doing 3d strategy game . Blizard(?) top dog on mkt @ > 600M$ rev . License from publisher for royalties . ?s : How far behind Win mkt ? wk to cpl mo . Demographic assumption on gross units sold ? bulk age 18-35 , Linux similar . Porting SW - common code , sim engines ? yes have libraries - Direct media layer - std graphics . Releasing code for some utils today . Quake 3D engine . Multi-title deals . MultiPlayer ? when we get code , already have - we just take out Win stuff underneith . Some we have to reverse . Not doing any Java - using whatever written in - C++ . Hardware mfgs know games drive HW . making Linux drivers . "Civ" on Win better program for feedback from Linux effort . Interesting demographics in this room of Front Edge Software Tekys : | PROPOFTOT 8 23 3 |>| 0.24 0.68 0.09 | AfroMale CaucMale Female Scott bkgrnd : Lawyer . 1st source code license - not releasing Civ source - but Libs of components . when you give code away - 10 min later someone comes bk w better idea . Competion ? right now none in Linux . Private ? yes . IPO ? no . We w never be 100M$ co . WIN Cos see selves as Win Cos . Outsource Linux conversion to , eg , Loki Wine WIN emulator ? some lag . we like Linux native . .5M hits on website % mo . no need for print ads . Had PR on LA Times , WSJ , CNN , Turn based game using symetric multiprocessor . Buy games ? we w do as many as possible . 11 full timers . Lib C did not have proper threading support . w work on RedHat6 w GLC(?) 2.1 300 betas to 52 countries . |19:39| huge beta . got great users . w bring kernel devel to game wrld . Cost ? same as Win version . Saw RedHat ShrinkWrap in stores . saw was going to be big . W be very prominent in BestBuy . Dell & IBM preinstalls - This w be 1st Linux Xmas . Online vs stores - orders of magnitude different . stores is channel - Do on web only as service . Developer bkgrnd ? All Linux , not Win . Why Linux soo satisfying ? like religious conversion . Vs solaris , OS-2 ? neat - want to do as much as can for these people . Giving away copies : to those who have kids , what only line of Dumbo`s mother ? aud : get a job . Wrong . Mulit person Web game ? WIN anti cheating code dif under Linux & Actus so not net compatable . Civ , The game : CityStates : Parameters : Gov control of eg : hrs of work , military investment , wages . Science . Aud : corruption factor ? No but one EricRamond working in Libertaian factor . Every concept in Great Library . Cloning , genetics . Gov types . requires 400MB harddisk DB space ! Aud : Anyone . What original game of genre ? Hamurabi .
Join us at the next LUNY meeting on
Tuesday May 11th, 1999
for a demo of
the Linux port of "Civilization: Call to Power"
from Loki Entertainment Software
which begins shipping the week of May 4
The meeting will be held as usual on the
4th floor of 55 Broad Street
from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
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