============================: WED.DEC,991201 :============================
|13:56| Re : WTO
Seattle is really exposing a remarkable discontent with Free Market .
Downright Illogical is the discontent by shipping workers , UPS &
LongShore , who get more work with more trade .
I think the ambiguity of the attitudes to the WTO are implicit in its very
nature . It is a Voluntary Organization :
Article XIII : Non-Application of Multilateral Trade Agreements between
Particular Members
1. This Agreement and the Multilateral Trade Agreements in Annexes 1 and 2
shall not apply as between any Member and any other Member if either of the
Members, at the time either becomes a Member, does not consent to such
application. ( Same applies to any individual agreements . )
But , note , it is based on voluntary agreements between States
which do not have a similar voluntary relationship with their citizens .
It is all about voluntary agreements - between Governments to enforce
mutually agreed upon restrictions on trade .
Greens ought to be happy with the opening paragraph of the Agreement :
Recognizing that their relations in the field of trade and economic
endeavour should be conducted with a view to raising standards of living,
ensuring full employment and a large and steadily growing volume of real
income and effective demand, and expanding the production of and trade in
goods and services, while allowing for the optimal use of the world's
resources in accordance with the objective of sustainable development,
seeking both to protect and preserve the environment and to enhance the
means for doing so in a manner consistent with their respective needs and
concerns at different levels of economic development,
The WTO is bound to be subject to the same moral hazards , etc , which
the World Bank and IMF have been demonstrating since their creation .
See , eg , this month`s Institutional Investor :
COVER STORY: The Man who broke Ecuador
In Rallies covered by CSPAN , points were made noting that
the WTO meetings were "behind closed doors" .
An important observation was made that there were
no way to Identify good or bad cops .
Also , it is clear that the Seattle police attacked the general crowd while
failing to agressively protect local private property against the specific
vandals and thieves the media had no problem keeping up with .
[ SAT,991204| Last night , walking up to ChinaTown for dinner ,
my Slovenian friend Ivo Plecko observed that the streets were stuffed with
goods from China . Seems like a lot of free trade was going on without the
imprimatur of WTO . ]
CSPAN : Discussing Sales Taxing internet Kliks & Morters .
19:30| Discussion of the "Sensation" controversy at the Brooklyn Museum of
Art . The Vera List Center for Art & Politics at The New School , 66 W 12 :
Seating limited. RSVP required: phone 212-229-5353 or fax 212-229-5120.
============================: THU.DEC,991202 :============================
17-20| Artists @ 15 Waterside Plaza , FDR @ 25th . Also fri-sun , 12-17 .
18:30| Libertarian Junto TYLER COWEN : "How Capitalism Liberates The Arts"
============================: FRI.DEC,991203 :============================
Illinois Farm Bureau FarmWeek : Dan Glickman , US Ag Sec :
Over the next couple of months, we expect to make ther rest of the income
assistance payments including :
Peanuts , $42M ; Tobacco $328M ; Dairy , $128M .
|12:28| Clinton Flak Joe Lockhart : " We have more jobs paying
more than the median income than ever before . " ???
============================: SAT.DEC,991204 :============================
|14:9| DannyGlover`s problem getting a Cab sure agrues for
setting up a relationship with a dispatched car service and having their
number on your cell phone .
|16:35| Safir`s bland acceptance of the " accused of vandalism " explanation
of the raid on Steven Powers , the artist creating Washington Sq Rudy Shit
shot for a $1 Sat , is frightening . How can it not be a conscious lie ?
18-20| 529 W 20 . Gang .
19-21| SubCulture . 376 Broome .
|23:37| Both good shows .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.DEC,991205 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12| Kings LP George's Diner Corner of Cortelyou Road & Coney Island Av
============================: MON.DEC,991206 :============================
|10:37| CSPAN2 : 600M$ expected TV ads in coming election .
18-20:30| BitsBytesBar . Grill Rm . 2 WFC , across WTC bridge , Left Front ,
Comps , Stroock Legal .
============================: TUE.DEC,991207 :============================
-9| Java Business Javits . $$
-9| Bluetooth wireless Developers Conf LA.CA
============================: SAT.DEC,991211 :============================
Queens Libertarians Stephen Kagann, Ph.D. Chief Economist of the
State of New York : How to Wreck an Economy: The Staggering Costs of High
Taxes . Bohemian Hall , Astoria NY .
15-19| 40 Wooster . Atlantic Gal , Group including : Tony , Susan & John .
============================: MON.DEC,991213 :============================
18| More Guns , Less Crime ? . John Lott v David Yassky . Cornell Club 6 E 44
============================: WED.DEC,991215 :============================
19:30| 154 W 26 . Chelsea Lng . Theatric Sense . BobDombrowski & others . $5
============================: FRI.DEC,991217 :============================
The product of Government is Regulations backed by Guns and Prisons .
|12:45| Bill Diehl , lawyer for Charlotte Hornets owner George Shinn being
sued for Sexual Assault , ie : adulterous blow job on his bed in his bedroom
: If She ain`t Bite`n she ain`t Fight`n .
Reply : If she reports right away , Shinn has to pay .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.DEC,991219 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Uploaded New copy of CoSy NoteComputing Environment
============================: SAT.DEC,991225 :============================
============================: MON.DEC,991227 :============================
|10:44| CSPAN2 : MarlonFitzwalter : President brings along 20000
political appointees .
============================: FRI.DEC,991231 :============================
|17:43| PBS13 : Amsterdam : song : She Likes Weed - it`s easy to grow .
Watching Europe celebrate w drinks , sparklers ( & spliffs ) in
hand and fireworks in audience illuminates what a saddly unfree place in
terms personal freedom US has become .
|21:25| Larry King : Dali Lama sounding mighty Libertarian
whether he knows it or not : dialog , not force .