============================: MON.MAR,990301 :============================
-4| LinuxWorld . SanJose CA
CSPAN : RobertKaplan , Atlantic Monthly : Polynucliated pods
replacing citys
============================: TUE.MAR,990302 :============================
16:15| New York Stock Broker`s Club : Investment Tek Group
Electronic Crossing Network . Equity matching . Harry`s @ Hanover Sq .
Worth Watching . Secondary coming .
============================: WED.MAR,990303 :============================
TimeWarner Cable just showing NY1 |14:3| Al Sharpton & Wyatt Tee
Walker CanaanBaptistChurch arrested @ Wall St NY
Police Brutality protest . I should to talk to Wyatt about Politics .
|23:44| ABC Nightline : BarbraWalters - MonicaLewinsky interview
Can the SCUM ever find the scintilla of Honor necessary to Resign ?
============================: THU.MAR,990304 :============================
Clinton had dream :
Asked George Washington : What should I do for my legacy as President ?
GW : Well I worked on setting a standard of integrity for the office .
Next night : Asked Tom Jefferson same Q . TJ : Rule of Law , Justice for All
; was my thing .
Next night : Asked Abe Lincoln : See a Play .
16 :15| NYSBC New York Stock Broker`s Club : AMBI Inc .
Nutrition products tested like Pharmacuticals . Harry`s @ Hanover Sq .
18:30| Niederhoffer LibertarianJunto NY Acad Sci . 2 E 63 . GreedyTaxation
Amity Shlaes Wall Street Journal .
============================: FRI.MAR,990305 :============================
|9:18| C-Span : LarryElder KABC.com LA ! Libertarian ! :
JesseJackson etc SpeedBump - "Victocrat" .
Now Italy understands it is impossible for anyone to be convicted of
anything in US . No One is individually responsible for anything .
============================: TUE.MAR,990309 :============================
-11| UnifiedModelingLangage World CrownePlaza Keynote recept 09,16-20 .
( & Later reception that really counted . )
============================: WED.MAR,990310 :============================
18:30-20:30| NYNMA CyberSuds . 55 Broad Fl4 . excerpts from "Tales From
Silicon Alley" documentary about founders of Silicon Alley . $10
============================: SAT.MAR,990313 :============================
17-19| 594 Bwy #404 . Eno . JoseRicardo Presman
20| 529 W 20 #4E Gang Gal Performs
============================: MON.MAR,990315 :============================
|10:53| Snow is a great toy .
19:30| NY Acad Sci Olfactory Psychophysics Avery Gilbert
============================: TUE.MAR,990316 :============================
|10:51| GREAT : Hillary Perjury being exposed in Susan MacDougal case .
|late| @ J.StB&G met Tom Hackney whose web site finds evidence of Cosmic
' ETI.Grail ' causation for a meteor which hit the right rear signal-light
of a parked Chevy in PeeksKill NY 931009 . I steared Tom to Martin Gardner`s
Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science from the `50s . Gardner has
a classic chapter on The Great Pyramid , generating Cosmic Correlations with
the capstone of the Washington Monument . Back in my PsychoPhysics days ,
I often saw the strong tendency of Humans to feel significance in
statistically random events . I guess it`s what suckers gamblers .
============================: THU.MAR,990318 :============================
|16:47| My Slovanian friend IvoPlecko stopped by interupting my
attack on a sure to be 0 , 1041-I AlternativeMinimumTax computation in
CoSy . Wants to borrow my remaining copy of Amity Shlaes The Greedy Hand
about the Tyranny of Taxation which I finshed reading over the weekend .
Devastating chapters on the damage caused by removal of direct control of
School Taxes from parent to centralized authority - e.g. the Clintons - who
live to be our ( disfunctional ) State Parents .
At her Junto talk , I wanted to point out the horrendous cost of all of us
who waste hours computing the criminally complex AMT just to prove a 0 .
Only 1 in 14 tax payers still don`t get a 0 , but how many have to compute
their taxes 2x by differing rules because of it .
Devastating comments also on Medicare punishing the free market in
medical services .
She starts with the genius of Withholding tax invented by a Macy`s exec
back under FDR . Withholding flips psychology so the W2 Masses look
forward to their refunds as an bene from the State .
Additionally half of the .156 FICA tax is further hidden on their bosses
side of the ledger .
I said give me 15 min to do a review first .
18:30-20| Ericsson Cyberlab NY JohanHjelm : CoSyNotes : XML and Style .
============================: FRI.MAR,990319 :============================
18| NY Acad Sci Quark-Gluon Plasma . MichaelTannenbaum . Brookhaven
============================: SAT.MAR,990320 :============================
BertrandPiccard & BrianJones circled world in baloon in 19 days .
Lower cast Hindus being masacared by Upper cast .
NYPD :109 cars , over 1M$ at 10K$ per , have been seized for DWI on basis of
chemical test since started about a month ago .
Tell me it`s not robbery with little concern for social consequence .
18-20| 601 W 26 F14 . Schacter/Rove . PostCrap
19| South St SeaPort Pier 16 , DonnaHenes Equinox Celebration w eggs .
21| SCREAM Electro-acoustic emersion . SmackMellon . 56 Water . Bkln $5
============================: MON.MAR,990322 :============================
-23| WTC . International Financial Reporting . ConferenceBoard .
17:30-21| Music&Internet9903 : End Of CD ? CoSyNotes
McGraw-Hill 1221 6th ( 48 << 49 ) Fl 2 . Panel & Reception . NYNMA
member $15 , $20 ; non- $30 $40 .
============================: TUE.MAR,990323 :============================
16:15| NYSBC (INSI)9903 Harry`s @ Hanover Sq . Document Mngt Software ,
e-commerce . Dr TedPrice , Chmn CEO
18-19:30| ITD BitsBytes&Bar . 14 Wall St ,Penthouse Fl-31 , Restaurant
Open Bar & Hors d'oeuvres where J.P. Morgan once lived . 212-835-2755
|0:30| @ J.StB&G w Slovanian Bud DushanBaric , heading home .
Met John @ Bank of NY : sued , w Bank , $5M Sex Harassment .
Pissed w Clinton : OK to lie if only about Sex Harassment . |0:34| Up way
too late w Dusan
============================: WED.MAR,990324 :============================
-26| Wireless Web . Falls Church VA
|18:15| UN : Slovenia blames Milosovic for Kosovo .
============================: THU.MAR,990325 :============================
| Hits eow Thu,0325 | RND 1247 x .66 .21 .13 |>| 3122 416 624 | US , Intnl , ?
|14:43| I agree with the NATO decision . There are violent
criminals on the State level as there are at the Individual . Milosovic is
one . Both create Externialities the rest of us must deal with . I am most
interested in the accounting among members for the costs .
============================: FRI.MAR,990326 :============================
18| 110 W 57 DirectorsGuild . CamilleBillops StanleyNelson : 2 Sundance films
Missed Camille`s short work . Nelson`s history of Black Press fascinating .
============================: SAT.MAR,990327 :============================
12:30-16:30| Long Island Libertarian Convention : BarryLoberfeld;516-543-3510
TANG's Castle , 712 Main St . Islip . Buffet $25 . Speakers:
Corporate Welfare NY Style, Bob Shulz, All County Taxpayers' Association
The Internet and the First Amendment, Gary Shaw, Touro Law Center
Corruption in the Courts, Harvey Kash, Americans for Legal Reform
LIPA - The Folly Continues, Gordian Raacke, Citizens Advisory Panel
18-20| 529 W 20 . KimFoster .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.MAR,990328 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Uploaded CoSy Gathering990204 Party Pix
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