Modified | DDT |>| TUE.JUN,990608,11:41-4 | | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current ?Wha? | © Coherent Systems Inc . |
============================: TUE.SEP,980901 :============================ -2| WTC , Boston MA ============================: WED.SEP,980902 :============================ |12:29| JonKyl (Sen.R-AZ) IMF | 23B$ loans ~ .10 of private sector . looking for $18B replenishment into total $100B . Amndmnt to enforce Accountablity in IMF agreements . . Consensus : Is everyone`s goal , but too much micro-management | Kyl is extremely Authoritarian . cf: views on Tobacco& other drugs | Using the #s above , IMF represents | P % ( D 100E9 ) + 23E9 % .1 |>| 0.3 | of the private sector funds . That is , the collective governments of the world control less than a third of funds international bankers do . The current global ' crisis ' is very much about the decline of governments relative to the international , wired , financial community . ============================: THU.SEP,980903 :============================ |10:11| SharpAPL ProjectLeader needed : c< MikeSheehan;716-248-9600 , LarryPeckhamAssociates I asked Mike to ask Larry if Larry remembered when he & I first met back in my Xerox/Rochester days . Larry`s headcount is now 125 . That`s an AverageGrowthRate of about | ( 125 % 5 8 ) * % 98 - 80 |>| 1.2 1.16 | given my perception back then that he had a handful or two working with him |10:21| |17:26| Sudan Amb to US IbrahimMohamed : Has been unable to communicate with Clinton Administration throughout last year . Plant designed by an American . 18:30| Niederhoffer LibertarianJunto , Scott Douglas Gerber 2 E 63 , NY Acad Sci . ============================: FRI.SEP,980904 :============================ TRAVELGATE , 96 ============================: SAT.SEP,980905 :============================ Harlem : 1E6 Youth ( really about 6E3 person ) March ( really standing between barricades ) . [ MotorBoarded up to Harlem to check the scene out . Increasing police presence from turn onto 110 from 1st Av , then up Lenox ( MalcolmX ) . No entry to event from south . Circled up 3rd to 125 St . Squads of cops scattered around , but otherwise seemed to be pretty normal Saturday . At Lenox , the whole south side of 125 was barricaded . Eventually found way in along west side of Lenox . Barricades and empty police lanes filling 2 % 3 of street so the crowd stretched out blocks away from stage . I worked forward to about the 1st LoudSpeaker relay a few blocks from the stage . The crowd seemed mixed from the neighborhood- boys to greybeards , women & families with children down to strollers . Mellow mood , but impossible not to be conscious of being in a cattle chute and twice as far from the stage as would be with more considerate crowd control . I contrast it with the HiTek control up at Woodstock SAT.AUG,980815 . I will be uploading images and further analysis of Woodstock teknology when I can get to it . But see the bottom line below . Messages a melange of market economics & welfare wishes , dietary restrictions - veggy/herbal to antiPork ( Give up my BBQ ? I think not ) , Wierd notions denying self responsibility : CIA supplying drugs . Vacines carrying AIDs . Black ( & Hispanic ) Power and self reliance to reparations like AlDeMatto got the Jews . One great Rasta soliloquy urging climbing the power pyramid to the apex where the entire structure controlled . At 3:50 That ' Bad Bald Blackman ' , KahlidMuhammed , was introduced with challenge that would not stop at 4 . Police started moving toward stage , as was clearly prudent given the provokashun . Kahlid`s talk was the most incendiary diatribe I , and I almost all of those around me had ever experienced . It was cenrally directed against the police & Giuliani`s Authoritarianism , which , of course , resonates with many all over the City . Nogood Bastards Score is even today . But lot of Illogic . White mens law not worth paper written on . But won Court battles to be there from 12:00 to 16:00 . Jews are bloodsuckers of Black community . Ain`t we all . Stopped trains from running . If you know it is against even white law ... Own judge ruled against them . Right . System fundamentally worked . Insisted He would choose the time he was done . It IS interesting to note how our Rights to Assemble & Speak have been defined down to very discrete SpaceTime intervals . Event sponsered by 140k$ from Rap/HipHop station owner ( DJ-P ? ) . Event Ended about 16:2 by my watch . Seemed to end as gracefully as a lot of congressional timed speechs . No words were cut off . Apparently , in front , a few railings grabbed & thrown . Back where we were , we all just headed home or wherever , as we found a way back out of the barriers . Bottom Line : WoodStock was equally efficient on ending its event and clearing the ~ 30k people out of the venue quickly . ( wish they had been as efficient in dispersing the traffic . ) All group events I`ve been to recently have had pretty strict terminations . It`s in the contracts . |9809101244 ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.SEP,980906 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -8| BatteryPark . Nazdorovye L`Chaim Russian Emigre Festival . 212-898-7827 |13:40| in Electric bill mailing : NYPD has Anti-Drug Hotline : 888-374-DRUG to report any drug-related activity . The Hotline is anomymous & confidential . Reminiscent of GeorgeOrwell & ArthurKoestler ColdWar visions of Totalitarian neighbor vs neighbor , child vs parent denouncement . I wonder how many of the continuing raids on 'wrong addresses' ( see CoSy/Current over last half year ) have been the based on such anonymous tips . ============================: MON.SEP,980907 :============================ 11-18| WestIndian Carnival Parade . Eastern Parkway , CrownHeights Bkln . This event does attract 1-2E6 people . I just motored the mile to Nazdorovye L`Chaim Russian Emigre Festival in BatteryPark because a Storm line was coming across PennSylvania |14:30| @ PeckSlip |14:36| Clouds Burst . Must be hell on Carnival Costumes . I`ll be uploading Art of AlekseyMoroz ; 718-627-4269 ; 1515 W 1st St #A2 / Bkln NY 11235 ; ============================: WED.SEP,980909 :============================ HenryCounty(IL)Farmer Pigs gave Wall Street its name . In colonial times every farm had pigs . They would often get loose & root up the neighborhoods . A wall was built along this street in NYC to keep the pigs out . |13:0| CarlLevin (SenD-MI) in Senate looking to disconnect private money from political speech again . Money is the most maligned human invention . Money is as good or evil as humanity as a whole . Disclosure is the Antidote for Dishonesty |16:21| RobertBennett (SenR-UT) with MitchMcConnell holding down the fort . Maybe We can get the Reformers not just stopt , but in retreat . Unexpected consequence of $ limits to politicians : just hastens their replacement by CAlifornia type Special Interest Referenda with no limits . RussFeingold (SenD-WI) Hasn`t a clue 17| Rally . CityHall . Giuliani selling Charas/ElBohio ( See 980828 ) to unknown buyer despite alternative bid by ' the community ... who invested sweat , time , and money to create it ' . 20-22| 350 Hudson . HudsonGrill Intnl Group Show ============================: THU.SEP,980910 :============================ Last night : Barricades closing off blocks around Police Plaza & Federal Prison . |10:48| OlympiaSnowe (SenR-MA) Burakrasy control last 60 days of campaigns . SenJeffSessions (R-AL) Right to assemble & petition . Sen? rWY : gave Example Buracracratic Tyrany . If a message is 'Anonymous' , we evaluate it as such . 18-20| 529 W 20 . Cristinerose . ? | 546 Hudson @ Perry . VincentLouis Gal . ============================: FRI.SEP,980911 :============================ |10:13| MSNBC : DavidBlum : Prez saying : may have committed a moral wrong but not a legal wrong . Which counts ? IBM.NET : Due to the government regulations in Thailand, please be informed that IBM has discontinued sales and support of IBM Internet Connection Services in Thailand. Clinton : If I .. yadda yadda .. good can come of this for the country . Bull Sticky . You`re 52 . You are amoral . ( You even have to include in your 'confession' to the assembled church heads that it is 'genuine' . That You really feel your pain . ) Like Nixon , It is only your exposure and fall which serves as a warning for the future . Hopefully , more people , especially women , will see the intrinsic corruption of those Statists , those 3rd parties who claim a moral duty and right to interfere with free commerce between individuals . They just want a bite of your action for their Kith & Kin . |14:58| FOX : BenWattenberg : Internet book published instantly to world . 17-19| 24 W 57 . JainMarunouchi . YukoTada 18-20| 470 Broome . Lombard/Freid . Group . ============================: SAT.SEP,980912 :============================ 17| DrLarryParks : US Monetary Collapse ? . FndnEconEdu . IrvingtonOnHudson 800-452-3518 . Din $35 . Larry is a Gold Bug . He mentioned these facts at the last Junto meeting : ( Total Gold in world : 135E3 Tons worth 1.5E12 $ . Central banks hold %4 . ) 15-17| 1368 Fulton Bkln . Skylight Gal Restoration Plaza 718-636-6948 18-20| 594 Bwy . Eno . Etching & Sculpture . ============================: MON.SEP,980914 :============================ -15| InternetOutlook SF airport |9:57| FOX : RichardThornberg : Starr now blamed for ' supplying more rather than less , sooner rather than later ' . |12:15| Clinton Addressing Council on Foreign Relations : on Cronyism Yada ... Must fund IMF . The historic theme of the current Global Financial Turmoil is the diminution of NationState power verus Private International ( Internet ) Banking Systems . ============================: TUE.SEP,980915 :============================ |11:8| VS Bumpers ( & Clinton & Babbit ) Amndmnt : SenHarryReid (D-NV) : Interior secretary not doing good job . trying to take over state`s regulations of there resource industry . NtnlAcatSci to study regs 27mo . SenRichardBryon (D-NV) : Duplicative . Mainly about Cyanide leakage . SenDaleBumpers (D-AR) : More Environmental than thou . SenLarryCraig(R-ID) : Fed Heavy hand on States . Governors get hassle rather than help from BLM . My state is toughted as being one of the most beautiful . Their mining laws & company international award winners . FrankMurkowski (R-AK) : Wants nameless faceless bureacracy - force industry over seas . Abt Poultry : Arkansas has all State Law . The country is Only running OK because the Republicans are in charge . Bumpers appears to be alone . FOX : DickMorris explains Whitewater parking of loans during federal audit with Hillary . Bill would give up the presidency to keep Hillary from jail . Bill will watch the Polls . |12:53| MichaelHarrison(?) L Just a Boil in our Culture which is being Lanced RepBarneyFrank (D-MA) : Failure of pouring $ into Welfare & HUD turned on head by Drug Law Enforcers . |14:9| SenMikeEnzi(R-WY) : Stop Babbit from usurping State control of Tribal Gambling - unilaterally creating enclaves exempt from local land use & taxing . Supported by Governors & AttorneyGenerals . Gross violation of States Rights by unelected federal official . Gambling lost in every county in WY . Reviewed Neighboring States experience . SenBenNeighthorseCampbell (R-CO) : EnziAmendment bad , so is Babbit . |16:57| JohnAshcroft(R-MO) Ammnt : End NEA . 1E8$ subsidizes politically correct superficiality . Give it to Natnl Pks . My Artist friends Agree . They don`t have time for it . Kennedy ; Gorton , Bennett support because of value of imprimatur . |21:10| Earlier today Oracle`s Ellison touted his Clintonesk CA morals . Always thot he was as FlimFlam as his ThinClients . LarryKing : DaleYoung : 47yr old friend of Monica & Marsha L . Devastating . Internet : Behind the Tawdry Headlines , here`s a woman I wouldn`t mind taking home to mom . ============================: WED.SEP,980916 :============================ |2:11| Telecom : GTE - BellAtlantic merger ClarkMcCleod McCleod-USA : CederRapids IA needs 1000 mi fiber MktCaps 2B$ |2:38| SusznnaWalters : Desparate defense of Clinton not being Sexual Harrasser . PatriciaIreland more rational . But then proposes Clinton mount Nation wide campaign against ( his behavior ) . |2:55| ElenorCliff really can`t get past her infatuation . The SocialitFeminazi`s are really looking stereotypically Cow brained . |3:7| We NewYorkers now have 2 of the worst examples of the 2 parties , CharlesShumer & AlDemato running for Senate . Make your vote count . Vote Libertarian RepJamesTraficant (D-OH) : said while ago : If its on the dress you must confess . Clinton Admimistration has prosecuted 9 people for purgery in civil Proceedures . Can never have 1 std for president annother for resident I do not understand why women don`t care if men lie to them . |14:5| Greenspan : IMF needs restructuring starting from Sq 1 but not now . Replace bicycle with Limosine . |14:36| Answering JoeKennedy abt reliance on Market Systems : World Financial System is product of Microchip & Telcosm . Much beyond questioning relying on ; simple is |15:4| Continuing Oil glut major factor in low commodity prices . HongKong tarnished its credibility with its local Stock purchase effort . |15:28| Clinton feels the pain better now . Going on w job ( aplause ) . [ 9809181039| Turns out Clinton salted the audience w aplauders . ] ============================: THU.SEP,980917 :============================ WESTERGAARD/MALLON WALDORF SECURITY2001 Conference . CoSyNOTES 7:30| Equities Mag Conference : GrandHyatt 18| NYSigAPL9809:DaveSiegel Namespaces in APL+Win . Philips 1251 6th , f20 ============================: FRI.SEP,980918 :============================ |9:16| Bloomeberg : MarcAndresen : Computers will be given away like CelFoens to sell Web access services . |12:43| Re : Dem bitching about release of Video : ' More rather than less , sooner rather than later ' . |18:5| Heading to : 18-20| 548Bwy 2fl |19:32| At a stop light a block away from the region now closed off around police headquarters and the Federal prison ( see THU.SEP,980910 ) , Police confiscated my CoSy/MotorBoard as an " Unregistered Vehicle " . When I perceived that he was going to confisate my machine , mobility , I am chagrined to admit I tried to just take off . Thus I got a " Failure to comply " . The pretext for confiscation is that it is an unregistered vehicle . But , of course , the history of my efforts to get a dialog open to make rules for and register my machine is already on the web . There is no code underwhich to register it . I told the officer that I have a bad leg and the vehicle allows me to get around much more and with much less pain than without it . After taking forever looking thru his handbook of regulation #s , He would not allow me the time to read the summonses before signing them . It turns out I can`t read most of the officer`s writing . Although I plan to represent myself Pro Se , any support in the form of publicity , or legal assistance will be greatly appreciated . Giuliani IS turning this Great City into a Police State . Called in to tow as a speeding situation . |20:51| 21| 230 W 29 . StrangeBlood . guitar . $7 ============================: SAT.SEP,980919 :============================ MISSED : 11-17| StrausPark Bwy @ 106 . Music Art Dance & Food . 865-4948 . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.SEP,980920 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |17:24| CSPAN < ChristanCoalition Fri < Rabbi DanielLapin " America`s Real War " < Excellent arguments against Statist SecularLiberalism . Unfortunately fails deal with existance also of a Moral Secular Libertarianism . |22:17| CNN/Time : Re : BettyFriedan : Can she not see her astounding hypocrasy ? Women`s BioLogic can only stretch reality just so far . |22:28| FOX This Evening with JudithRegan : LucianneGoldberg : This administration is corrupt to the bone . SheenanHenkin : Woman got spun more than men . We must ask why . CalRipkin consecutive game streak ends at 2632 games . ============================: MON.SEP,980921 :============================ |9:31| First Clinton lie : that he tried to give whole truth in Jones deposition . |11:4| Clearly lied about interactions with VernonJordan . Unfortunate aftermath of NixonGate was G.Bush removal of WhiteHouse Taping system . Given Clinton`s admitted weak memory , It would surely be a great assistance . [ 21:0| Or at least he should get a CoSy ] |12:6| Talk about GlobalVillage |12:50| Amazing that BC`s defense is that the sex was totally selfish . |13:33| BC : I did the best I could to comply with .. |13:58| Now to correlate BC`s testimony with the matrix of facts ============================: TUE.SEP,980922 :============================ |12:19| MSNBC : Even 0+ , GloriaAllred , FireBreathing Feminist Sex Harassment Lawyer finally getting it : recognising BC`s exclusion of a BlowJob from his definition of Sex , and claiming innocence because he did nothing , not even a kiss to the breast , to reciprocate . |12:44| Why is a Yen in the hand worth so little more than a Yen in the future ? The approach of interest rates to the singularity | 0 + Cost | is globally worrysome . ( Yen interest rate ~ .005 ) |15:27| Russia Govt : $3B % mo Rev . $5B fixed cost . $41B debt due by eoy . Greenspan : Russia Tax system perverse . If pay taxes , go broke . ============================: WED.SEP,980923 :============================ -25| Computer Telephony Javits ============================: THU.SEP,980924 :============================ | Hits eow 0924 | RND 2893 x .69 .19 .12 |>| 1996 550 347 | US , Intnl , ? |11:41| To those Scum Defenders who want to get this all over quick : The Clintscums` resignation will be accepted any time . The ill-logic of the remaining Dem Defenders is getting too patent to sustain . |12:38| More FlufCrap from Slime In Chief . Inconceivable to have this Criminal spuing his hypocrasy at us for past the eoy . |12:48| FOX : YuppyScum T.J.Walker : vs Nixon using FBI , yadda - . LOOK @ Travelgate ! |13:47| Wellstone (D-OR) giving uncharacteristic speech for Right of his State to have its own Medical Ethics . |14:12| MikeMcCurty : implying Hillary in command now . The problem with Starr getting out all the rest of the corruptions is that SHE , not Bill , is at the center of them . [ MISSED ] 18-20| 594 Bwy . Alt Mus . Mouse . ============================: FRI.SEP,980925 :============================ |12:30| on A-Train heading home . Missing : 12-13| Speaker : HarryNewton Computer Telephony Javits |12:54| I probably wouldn`t have taken my MotorBoard Board in any case , but my leg was certainly a factor ( and finally that it started raining @ 34th St , but not down here so I`d taken my Summer Hat rather than my Umbrella/Cane ) . |13:1| CLINTON : Stop Partisan attack " Partisan Attack " ! It`s about Your Putrescent Corruption ! I have been expecting Some Talking Head to note that Clinton`s Monday Video WAS his Defense . He has now ' shot his wad ' so to speak . Now comes the item by item comparison of his ill use of those around him . So typical of their hypocracsy that these are the people forcing the world to buy a ' V-Chip ' . MISSED 18-21| 605 E 9th ( B << C ) . Charas . TimDaly : 100 Artists . MISSED 18-23| Netparty Webster Hall 125 E 11 ( 3 << 4 Av ) . ============================: SAT.SEP,980926 :============================ |11:31| EyeOnAsia : UN summit clearly useful bringing heads of states together , Eg: India & Pakistan . |15:36| Working on e-mail to MayorGiuliani to get my MotorBoard back . Apalling to see UN heads kowtow this week to the greatest Con Man of the 20th Century . Shows none hold Truth as highest value . The Clintons have revealed the hypocrasy of Statists with never before possible clarity . MISSED 16-18| Cork @ AveryFisher @ LincolnCtr . MyronHeise w Street Painters |18:59| Heading out to SubCulture Gal . 376 Broome . Haven`t walked so far in a long time . |22:39| Back . [ Still some excellent Art , priced to sell . ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.SEP,980927 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Spent night using cane . But real difference was that I could not even think of heading over to an event I was told about in Tribeca . |11:38| I`m not religious in a traditional sense , but several of the 10 Commandments , like the Bill of Rights , contain truths which used to be virtually universally recognized . Technology`sseparation of Procreation from Orgasmic Drive , has so demolished the economic consequenses of promiscuity that the violation of the Adultery Commandment is used to exonerate violation of the False Witness Commandment . |13:40| |14:45| CSPAN : Clinton . I cannot fathom the perversity which is taken as nothing among the Clinton family and their friends . |15:4| Clinton keeps acting like he ahead of market place decisions on , e.g.: energy efficency , so has to regulate it . He`s not , so he doesn`t . Clinton says believes strongly in Internet . Must Love CoSy . CSPAN : Last Night Reform Party : Choate : Govt bails out speculators . Hedge fund : borrowed 25 - 30 x capital . Buck stops @ Prez desk . bring global speculators to heal - make them take their own losses . Free Trade Fundamentalists don`t require quid pro quo . Trade deficit 300B$ next year . Economic hemorrhage . No idea of free mkt in Med Ins . Zenophobic . Campaign rules discriminate against 'under' parties . Must be able to have civil suits against Election Commission members . Ross knows what 'is' means . To members of National Debate commission : Don`t Limit National Debate Again ! . If had been in debates : would have press what AlGore thot he was doing @ monestary . Reform party has won right to be in debates . Don`t censor us again . Perot : Youall bought your own tickets down here . Take no pleasure in being right . EdRollins hired as professional - did them damage . Almost wore Oxford tie ; Wanted him to fill out form asking what had done w life . Wash got to be taught honesty & ethics - must have stong moral & ethical base . Congress pass laws to make us good . People always vote for Free Candy from public funds . 1st prez couldnot tell a lie . 200 yrs later have 1 who cannot tell the truth . Out there in the WalMart & HomeDepot --- . ( RP good at getting his minions to parrot ` RIGHT , RIGHT . ) Strongest political unit : the family - live at the center of ethical behavior . A lie is a lie and it doesn`t matter whether it is under oath or Shoud resign and spare the country the agony of removal proceedings . President is making not pretense of inocensence . Those not his Plain Texas talk . any man who is so unstable as to bring this upon himself & country unfit . Wouldn`t hire to clean sink . has 0 morals and ethics . Watch my lips : the president is mentally and emotionally unstable . Brain - most complex computer . Part of Prez brain work well - great speaker , actor , but if bites his lip 1 more time , cant take it . Self control & Judgment have lot of static . Part w morality & honesty never got connected . Concern for family not there . Loyalty to friends doesnt exist . Parts of Memory perfect , part don`t work at all . Part storing Principals not working . GW : ' I cannot tell a lie ' . not working . RP will buy the television time for any one willing to debate . If BC can put this country in front of his ego he would go . Liteally Billions of people could suffer . He should know he will never get out of this one . Hitler , Stalin , Sadem , Fidel equal lust to power . Suffering for world leadership . NorthKorea can target Alaska & Hawaii . Sadam thumbing nose at us . Republicans should give Congess Medal to -- If he elected , would be 1 war : War On Drugs . Is there any evidence of Clinton Drug use . Have to know if he has that vulnerability . Your privacy is insignificant compared global responsibilitys . Ross swears has never touched stuff in life . Father sayings : The world wants things done , not excuses . |16:41| SuzyTurnbull , DNC , not sounding very bright . MISSED 15:30| Sheraton . Public Reception for India PM Vajpayee . |16:41| 16-19| 47 Reade . AlekseyMoroz . See MON.SEP,980907 |18:31| Didn`t find ? but wandered around some . MISSED 23| CBGB 313 Bowery Gallery : MorrieCramer Performance ============================: MON.SEP,980928 :============================ Working MotorBoard seizure e-mail to the Mayor . |9:56| NY1 : Sounds like MortonDowneyJr plays a BillClinton Sociopath in his new Sex & Lies Movie |11:16| MickeyKanter @ UCLA : Global Market economy requires the rule of Law , Transparency | ?s : broadcast of Starr material ? Law firm retained by Clintons so no comment | |13:7| NYC council Taxi&LimoCommission . still not listening to industry . Stop City harassment of Cabby drivers at Penn Station can take 6hrs to pay 25$ ticket . Need input from Taxi Industry . Bullying is Prosecutors way of dealing w problems . Bogus tickets : dropping pasenger @ Penn Stn getting out of cross walk . More & More leaving industry . 12 hr day . Hard job . ?able Cops . Everyone being hurt . SamSchwartz : cop was wrong on law . KathrynFreed : amazing # of tikets causeing people out of industry : Sledge Hammer when fly swatter will do . Not serving any of us well . Cabs grossly under priced | Price of medallion up 7x in 20 yr . |16:21| History Channel : ' Impeaching a President ' : Amazing the blocks of congressional testimony which can be applied without change to Clinton . Conyers on Nixon : Fear & Division | CoSy on Clinton : Love & Division . Nixon Apologist sounds same as Clinton apologists . ============================: TUE.SEP,980929 :============================ |11:5| Clintons want to force States to subsidize drug : Methadone . Nutz . |23:47| ShelbySteele : Impeachment a referendum on disconnect of responsibility from power -- if have Politically Correct agenda . ============================: WED.SEP,980930 :============================ |14:0| CNN covering MISSED AltMus THU.SEP,980924 Mouse . RonEnglish featured .
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