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============================: MON.JUN,980622 :============================
|14:45| Boy it irritating to hear that hypocritical SB
BC ordering redundant Government surveys of Teen prefered Cigarette brands
( Marlboro has .6 ) .
|0:7| Nightline : World War on ( Some ) Drugs : KevinZeeze NYT ad :
BarryMcCafry : Ad signers Fringe Group . Marajuana Netherlands Changes in
the brain make more likely move on to other drugs ( bull ) .
MikeGray : author DrugCrazy . CharlesBlanchard : Moralism vs pragmatism .
EthanNedelman : Lindesmith Institute . `80 , now ; 50000 , 400k imprisoned .
wants to subsidize drug use . Equally nuts . What a poor rep of repeal side .
Forrest : Truth in between | No discussion of issue as matter of Liberty i.e.
Freedom of individual .
============================: TUE.JUN,980623 :============================
|17:47| Sen : TorrecelliøD-NJ : on PaulCoverdaleøR-GA
Tax Free Education Acnts : claim w cause parents saving $12B toward
education | More Central Planning thru Yet Another Tax Code Epicycle
============================: WED.JUN,980624 :============================
-27| RochesterForthConf#17
8-10| Is Your Business Worth What You Think It Is? w Coopers & Lybrand .
NYITC @ 55 Broad St Fl4 / Glbl Community Dig Sandbox 835-2745
|12:27| Malone giving brilliant description of the
accounting & economics - the financial structuring of TCOMA ATT merger .
Crazy that ATT currently down 5 . See (NASDAQ:TCOMA)960417.TeleCommunicationsInc
' A most exciting company . The recent merger of BellSouth and Nynex gives
them 36 million lines on the east coast ; TCI has cable passing 35 million
homes from coast to coast '
|17:11| Guiliani : fighting Referendum on
Yankee Stadium rePlacing : Can`t listen to voters . That`s what they elect
us to do .
|17:19| DownPour . damn ! so much for MotorBoarding it .
18| 383 W.Bwy . OK.Harris : The Fanelli Show . !! Lots of the Gang !!
19| CashBar @ 18 | ChrisGarvey
Libertarian Cand for Gov NY .
Hunan Fifth, 323 5 @ 32 St . $35 Murray Sabrin : speaking about his run for
Governor of NJ. |19:21| See notes in ChrisGarvey .
============================: THU.JUN,980625 :============================
7:30| Equities Mag : Corp Day 4 . GrandHyatt .
|15:22| For a third person to put his/her mouth
between you and a consenting other , there has to be a pretty good excuse .
|20:55| @ Jeremys . had massive order of Mussels & dipping butter $6 ,
Ostrich Burger $5 ( interesting flavor , Much smaller than their hamburger $
. , 2x ( Urquell | 32 x 28 |>| 896 ml | $6.75 ) .
Cute English O-> +O Chinese cpl w daughter clinging to M & son to D .
|21:46| O+ just gave me 32%2 Heineken rather than waste . Said ' Hay Busker ,
what are you doing here ? ' to one of the performers from the SeaPort .
18-21| NY.SoftwareIndustryAssoc Mem drive Pty . Coopers&Lybrand 1301
6th , Fl 2 . RSVP 212-475-4503
18-20| 529 W 20 . Cristinrose
============================: FRI.JUN,980626 :============================
|10:0| Comments to OrrinHatchøR-UT : I was just
discussing T >< TCOMA , and MS court win w my friend IvoPlecko . I repeated
: Yes BG`s MS is at the height of Hubris , but it is inevitable they embed
HTML deeply in the operating system ; everbody bundles stuff they can`t sell
otherwise . IBM , e.g. , throws its Lotus Suite Shit in with its ThinkPads .
But , see CoSy/Currentó9805@MON.MAY,980518
============================: TUE.JUN,980630 :============================
-0701| Technologic IntranetComputing
============================: THU.JUL,980702 :============================
CSPAN| Libertarian Party Convention WDC . live coverage . Treasurer :
Election Comission simple multicelled organism . Timely reporting crucial .
do every month ontime . no hassle .
CharlesMurray excellent speech .
19-21| 155 Hope St Bkln ( Union <ø< Kemp ) . JoeSilva , MarioSostre
============================: SAT.JUL,980704 :============================
Independence Day | 13-17| 155 Hope St Bkln ( Union <ø< Kemp ) . JoeSilva
CSPAN| Libertarian Party Convention WDC . live coverage .
============================: MON.JUL,980706 :============================
|13:25| CSPAN : FrankLuntz , Rep Polster : Real
Social Authoritarian abt War on someDrugs . vs JefferyPollack Dem
============================: TUE.JUL,980707 :============================
|10:12| CSPAN: ATT MichaelArmstrong : Dilution of
earnings cause of T stock decline . Did expect churn drop in ATT .
RichardParsons TimeWarner Pres : Cable Telefony in Rochester NY 3.5 yrs
already .
============================: WED.JUL,980708 :============================
8-10| The Evolution of OnlineLaw : Intellectual
Property Law Trends on the Internet Led by Kenyon & Kenyon
@ NYITC @ 55 Broad St Fl4 / Global Community Digital Sandbox 835-2745
Glad I woke up to securing ' ' as soon as I did .
============================: THU.JUL,980709 :============================
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.JUL,980712 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12-14:30| LittleCity IL Annual Picnic
|14:51| Another great Ad argument from Partnership
for Drug Free America : Parent imitating rap to kid : ' Marajuana can lead
to prison ' . Fear the State .
============================: MON.JUL,980713 :============================
15| NikkeiBP;Japan"BigBang" . Waldorf . Generally
pessimistic for next couple of years .
|20:15| There is a 9-9 pedestrian barrier @ N side 49 & Park by WA . which I
can see NO logical use for since Park Ave 2way . Only direction optimizaed
is turning N , Right from 49 which is 1 way West |20:22| But there`s some
' TRANSITWAY ' (?) sign saying all traffic must turn left 8-6 M-F except
busses & medalian taxis w passengers . I see no sense except Guliani`s
drive to sheep herd .
|20:30| One of the great public skulpturs of NY , BaerStearns` interlocking
clockwork donuts ( torii ) has been removed fron 245 Park by the Helmsley
Building . |1:51| Japan has no Taxpayer ID system
============================: THU.JUL,980716 :============================
17-19| 594 Bwy #404 . AmosEno . Grp
18-20| CyberSuds 17 IrvingPlaza . free
18-23| NetParty . Le Bar Bat . 311 W 57 . $8 Jeff @ 212-969-0293
============================: TUE.JUL,980721 :============================
|8:11| Sultan Willy & #1 wife continuously assault
Individual Freedom versus State Omnipotence . Now they want to create a new
$Bureaucracy collecting everyone`s medical records . They really hate the
continued existance of a private market in medical care .
12| NYSBC(RPM)9807 RPM Inc . Harry`s @ Hanover
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.JUL,980726 :++++++++++++++++++++
-31| | | Faculty of Economy
, University of Rome "Tor Vergata". I plan to speak on
CoSy : Ieri , Oggi e Domani ( Yesterday ,
Today & Tomorrow ) ( xlate comps Ivo )
Hosted APL98 Victors Party . |
============================: THU.JUL,980730 :============================
18-23| NetParty . Le Bar Bat . 311 W 57 . $8 Jeff @ 212-969-0293
============================: TUE.AUG,980804 :============================
16:15| NYSBC(WRE)9808 Washington REIT . Harry`s @ Hanover
| Virgins fornicate on the InterNet .
============================: THU.AUG,980806 :============================
18:30| Niederhoffer LibertarianJunto , StanleyMason
"Creative Spark of Invention" , 2 E 63 , NY Acad Sci
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.AUG,980809 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Afrikan Maniaks proved they are equal of USA champ ,
McVeigh et al , in teknology of truk booming of neighborhood .
|12:9| LikeItIs : It should be noted that 1E6 Youth March in Harlem would be
at about the same place Nelson & Winny Mandella had their reception , and
they did attract a damn good part of a million of us .
Altho I`ve never been there , Randalls Island is set up for concerts etc so
must be meeting place . I think they should plan to actually March ( Parade
) up MalcolmX from Central Park to 125 St and on over to Randalls Island for
the speeches etc . This would only tie up the business district for a couple
of hours .
15-18| 745 Fulton / Brkln Moon Cafe .
============================: MON.AUG,980810 :============================
|12:40| Guiliani LittleItaly restaurant recomendations : ` CafeRoma ` Damico
============================: TUE.AUG,980811 :============================
Henry Cnty IL : Winning guess Soybeans in Jar | 4553
% 4530 |>| 1.005 | high . Range of guesses : 50 -- 2E6 .
PETA : Jesus was Vegetarian
============================: WED.AUG,980812 :============================
CheckFree posts Q loss . Pre internet systems a drag . vs 1st Data Corp .
============================: THU.AUG,980813 :============================
|11:43| CSPAN : SaraLee sponsered : Women &
Affirmative Action : Women control .8 of consumer $ .
They must be getting it some where . The couple of free market Libertarians
are blowing away the FemoSocialist Whiners intellectually .
' Let`s not blame the men . We made them . '
16:15| NYSBC(AIPN)9808 Amer Intnl Petroleum Corp . Harry`s @ Hanover
18-23| NetParty . Le Bar Bat . 311 W 57 . $8 Jeff @ 212-969-0293
============================: FRI.AUG,980814 :============================
|10:47| LatinKings not backing 1E6 Youth March .
Remarkable the wide spread rejection of it by the relevant communities .
Clintons : Slimy Hypokrits . Quintessential Liberals .
|23:57| NightLine : ChuckColson sees real pervasion of Clintons` corruption .
============================: SAT.AUG,980815 :============================
Woodstock | 98 - 69 |>| 29 | One of those invitations I couldn`t refuse from
Jeanette&Lew . Neat to see a J.StB&G buddy , MikeRathke , lead guitarist
with Lou Reed , playing to an audiance of thousands . I`ll be uploading
images soon .
============================: TUE.AUG,980818 :============================
|9:49| CNBC: Clinton speech : All Mea , No Culpa .
|12:30| National Clergy Council making lot of
valid points about Clintons moral bankruptcy and its consequenses .
I wish it were more widely understood that the righteousness of truth and
honesty is rooted in the Darwinistic T.O.E. truth that
That which exists is that which survives . Only Truth survives .
Is it possible the Clintons might yet get themselves impeached ?
For a concrete case of malfeasance with clear victims , just look at
============================: THU.AUG,980820 :============================
|14:1| Clinton retaliates against Africa Embasy Bombers .
Would any president have done the same ? One would
hope so . |16:26| But real question why Sudan factory hit .
============================: FRI.AUG,980821 :============================
No deaths in Sudan . Was surgical . Was it justified ? What portion of Osama
binLadin fortune was his stake in Pharmacutical plant ? Was it making money
on its pharmacutical business ?
The devil of any bias BillC`s amorality may have in joint decisions with the
Military is in the detail . The only difference between terrorism and the
hand of Justice is precision . Terrorists intend 'collateral damage'
but intentions don`t mean much to any innocent killed .
It`s really Kenya`s and Tanzania`s reaction that counts ,
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.AUG,980823 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The "Real IRA" Saturday afternoon bombing of 0magh
and the binLaden assassins` East Africa bombings both share killing more
of those they claim to be representing than of their adversaries .
From The Nation , Narobi Keyna :
The bottom line is, the world just can't have terrorists running around
killing people indiscriminately.
The current Newsweek states that among items brought to Nairobi by the US
rescue teams were plasma and fresh water. Are they serious, asks Richard
Kavila. Surely we have enough water - including bottled mineral water -
while all the hospitals said their blood banks were full by the evening of
the blast.
ANYANG' NYONG'O : Views/RootsOfTerror History of Religious Terrorism
Factory owner's lawyer : no links to binLaden, no weapons
|12:37| CNN : DanQuayle : Events show need for StrategicDefenseInitiative .
============================: TUE.AUG,980825 :============================
|11:21| CSPAN : SolomonTrujillo US.West : Telecom Act causing Tek Ghettos .
" Its all about the economics . If the economics work , it will happen . "
JeffreyEisenach Progress & Freedom Foundation Real indictment of FCC Reg
morass . Peter Huber Junto980507 Moderator .
|16:58| FrankLuntz : Web people strongly Libertarian .
|WED.AUG,980826,11:10-4| See FCC vs 1stAmendment from
============================: THU.AUG,980827 :============================
18-23| NetParty . Le Bar Bat . 311 W 57 . $8 Jeff @ 212-969-0293
============================: FRI.AUG,980828 :============================
18-20| 605 E 9th ( B << C ) . Charas . TimDaly : 100 Artists .
============================: SAT.AUG,980829 :============================
|12:1| Armed Drug cops tear down doors of SUNY admin
O+ home in error . I think all of these have been against 'non-white's
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.AUG,980830 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|12:20| LikeItIs : Harlem leadership organizing for
non-violence next week . Guiliani has polarized sentiment against himself .
One guy mentioned Police Barriers to entering city Blocks in Washington
Hiets . ( Feliciano says also St Marks Place )
; | CoSy The NoteComputer | |
Feedback :
NB : I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .