Modified | DDT |>| THU.OCT,991014,11:35-4 | | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current ?Wha? | © Coherent Systems Inc . |
============================: MON.JUN,980601 :============================ |11:8| CSPAN Census current rule : Race is Race of Mother . Chk more than 1 race . Perturbing the math stupidity of those who fail to understand 'Multiracial' catagory redundant when multiple categories may be cheked on Y2K census . |12:38| MSNBC Justice for JonBenetRamsey Book out Grand Jury likely . |13:15| FOX : KenStarr speech : Duty to Truth Absolute even for Lawyers . |16:17| NYC : Taxi & Limo Commission being Kangaroo Court . |23:36| NightLine : MadalineMurryOHair missing w %2 Mil in gold . ( I really think I saw her on a flight bak & forth to Chicago w another woman . ) ' Religion is politics in US ' . based Austin TX . ( maybe San Antonio APL95 flight . ) 95 8 28 vanished w family . Destination San Antonio . Son John Cel foen bil . Sept Bought $600k gold coin . 6E5 % 400 |>| 1500 | r % 16 |>| 93.75 | lbs | Say 120 lb . Bought 7000$ diamond . Sep 30 . rental car retrnd SAN Aiport . Eldest son : Whatever imagine , truth probably crazier . They all rather distinctive . If I saw her on Chic - SanAn leg , must have been SUN.JUN,1995ë6ë4,0850-1135 ORDSAT AA 817 or THU.JUN,1995ë6ë8,1705-1945 SATORD AA 1186 ============================: THU.JUN,980604 :============================ 18-21| 285 E 3 . Tribes Gal . MichaelCarter Curate . 19| Niederhoffer LibertarianJunto : Junto980604 ThomasFleming : Liberty ! ============================: FRI.JUN,980605 :============================ |14:11| Sen JonKyl R-AZ : ( Tobacco generated Methanol ? ) & marajuana synergistic hi . need to attack Tobacco & all drugs together . 0.25 guilty of property crimes say did to get money for drugs . Need 5B$ anti Drug , anti- tobacco ad campaign . another 1.5 x interdiction budget . 2x border agents . 10 yrs , then life for sale . 20 yrs for smuggling . 100k$ fine for smuggling Cigarettes . ( this is NOT a Goldwater Republican . ) Loss of student loan elegibility - for youth smoking ! Payment % pak capped below level [ making smuggling fine acceptable ] . Winfall profit surtax of .2 to .4 for Lawyer fees > $1500 % hr . Drug free Nbd Act - teen drivers . schools . workplaces . money laundry provision . underage smoking .02 of total . Drugs growing problem . Are they ? What about the connection between Alchohol & these all . Argh : ! Health Hitler ! | How many drug users never commit any crimes other than their commerce in their drugs of choice ? I would like a list of drugs used by congress persons - including alchohol , cigars , prozac , ... |17:49| Gilligan ( BobDenver , 63 ) facing $1000 or 6mo for home delivery of | 10 % 28 |>| 0.36 | oz Pot . Guess he`s more dangerous than he looks . ============================: SAT.JUN,980606 :============================ |11:| Eye on Asia: BJP Budget : Reforms a damp squib . BJP free of socialist bagage so mostly free market , but nationalistic large import duties . emphasis on agri , power infrastructures . anti investment . disinvesting pub cos . release Insurance industry . Dutys up .08 . Gold 250rupee % 10 gr duty . Impor Tek down form .15 .10 or .05 | news pap .25 now .3 on cars . | curo rupees ? crupees ? Foreign Investment decisions w/i 90 days . NRIs can now own .1 up frm .05 in Indian Cos . | But is India good bet at all w Tariffs . better to slide rupee down . protectionist against world direction . Jagdish Bhgwati Columia U : Will tend to downgrade financial ratings . NRIs need to tell India going wrong way . | Mainstream BJP document | ShivMehta MorganStanley : No blueprint for econ development . Abolish Urban land ceiling limit . Gov Selling <= .7 of non stratigic Cos . Negative : Intreset & Defense .62 of rev . Rev estimates too hi . Indian Mkt down .04 . | NareshChandra . India ambas UN : India tests not Pakistan centered . tuf region . Burma . North . Tests dont make a situation dangerous . |14:6| Ch35 Taxi protest quotes : Taxi & Limo Cmsn collects 2M$ per month . 24K families saying : let my mother , let my father work . Said cant have press conf on CityHall steps , cant have protest in park . Guli lost in court of course . Does Mayor own 59th St Bridge ? - Dawn 5:30 AM : Hundreds of cops , cars , & motorcycles . ( cop stopped camera ) ' more than cabs ' . 50 taxis . Driver AmadoGoga(?) Arrested for not making right when traffic flowing straight , off duty : 'Get F out of vehicle ' . abrasions from cuffs still visible 28th frm 21 s . filing law suit . Cops took Videotape . .' Of 17 rules , some good , some unworkable , some . Woman Livery Claris : amazed 6 people going to decide rules for 100K . Mayor so sneaky . If this guy votes for all those rules , we are ready to stay home . Every rule passed except 6pt rule Tabled . Torres abstained on everything . 'Dont confuse me w the facts . none have any idea abt business .' ( Sounds like Hillary running HealthCare ) . Will be constant demononstration of something that has no idea what its doing . These are immigrants who have done everything right and are being spat upon by this Mayor . 70 commissionars & 1 Mayor against 80k fighting for their lives . 500k people going hungary - they just want money . Bastardization of due process . Dave : Dog and pony show - now even more of mess than was . ============================: MON.JUN,980608 :============================ -11| Electro / NEPCON Boston MA |14:36| CSPAN : MarkLevin . Following the Nixon rather than Reagan Model . If his assertion of rights against investigation or proscecution define Monarchy . For the first time , I think Clinton may be impeached . Next Speaker : Fundamentalist Christian Female . re : Reimagining . ?s : Guy : 1s ammendment consenting adults ? don`t call it Christian . She really objecting to UN & Clinton backing . | Christina HoffSommers : Who stole Feminism : Dislexia rare in females . Mother Nature is not a Feminist . ============================: TUE.JUN,980609 :============================ 12-14| CityHall . Petition to decriminalize sex for money . |22:9| News : Another innocent hispanic woman`s apartment was trashed by the drug cops who took about 3000$ unaccounted at this time . ============================: WED.JUN,980610 :============================ |11:40| UNTV : Crusade against (Some)Drugs | Terrible to watch each representative spending 7 minutes avering their orthodoxy to World War on Some Drugs . Hopefully Europe will supply a little sanity and , ironically , a notion of individual freedom , and maybe even responsibility . SanMorino being some rationality . but for confescating assets . 18-22| Bar Harbor BargeMusic @ Fulton Landing Din Pty . $100 Donation 988-5215 ============================: THU.JUN,980611 :============================ 8-10| Flying With the Angels : Seed Capital in NYC . NYITC @ 55 Broad St Fl4 NYNMA Angel Net Glbl Community Dig Sandbox 835-2745 18-20| 594 Bwy . AltMuseum . 40 artists . ============================: FRI.JUN,980612 :============================ 17-20| 121 Wooster . BlueMountain Small Works 22-23:30| Tunnel . 27&12 . Vision 21 Multimedia Series . Comps : 212-501-3589 BanksClayton & Call-for-Artists . ============================: SAT.JUN,980613 :============================ |10:41| Namaste America : Indian PM : not want any 3rd partys in discussion with Pak . | comentator : India have to sell Indians that Pakistan not enemy before talking will do any good . rejection of 3rd pary . Demanding permenant . 3 wars w conventional over Kashmir ShrNagar . Iran asks Both to reduce tension - direct dialog . Rupee now 42+ % $ . Govt concern to put macro econ . Market down since budget . Entrepenuers calibrated at ordery nondisruptive pace . Shoot @ sight orders Hydrabad Hindu temple descicrated . war between nbds of the city . Asam Hydro power potential . Delhi local environment children breathing disorders . |11:2| Eye on Asia : 284M$ cyclone damage in Gujrat . UN denyed both countries status of ' Nuclear States ' . Said talk to each other w UN involved . Not interested in listening to either US or China abt non-proliferation . India Ambas to US : tuf nbd . China supplies Pak . Pak internal propaganda refering to India as enemy . Focused on Kashmir rather than global view . ( This guy will never really face issues ) UN should stay out of it . Clinton said have no intention to intervene in any unseemly manner . Fin Min : does not mean to be protectionist . USA not yet defined sanctions . NRIs Millenium Fund . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.JUN,980614 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |22:58| I`m from Chicago . Yea Bulls 2peat 3peat ============================: TUE.JUN,980616 :============================ -18| PC-Expo 98 Javits |10:8| Check UPSIDE on meeting of most potent movement in computing today. 17:30| NY Launch Pty Next20years 415-764-2967 |18:58| Ca$h bar til 20:15 ! | Video : too loud , down . Corp ad : 'Geek' a compliment . infonomics . movement ' believe in technology ' . ( Yea . Yea . ) |19:2| Arthur Andersen . TomDuffy ptnr here in charge tek practice . AA Knowledge enterprises . B to B commerce . 7 city tour . . NY among most advanced mkts . Alice O`Rourke : NYNMA head : up to 8 events % mo . CyberSuds . lead in promoting NY . Transforming traditional NYC industries . DanFarber : ZD net : Ex Mac & PC wk : Panel : Webcast going on . DouglasRushkoff : Extasy club : NYTimes : Not cyberpundit :: futurism a coersive act . self serving propeganda . w b population into moment , no worrys . SantaClaus coming . Mondo 2000 , shareware . Peace culture automated . others say can automate $ . NASDAQ . compete rather than cooperate . Predictions : promoting chaos : 1 Global organism sense of relationship w each other . 2 All UFOs revealed to be halucinations etc . 3 Powerful people w not use Computers . 4 W b cures for AIDs & cancer but new degredation of DNA . 5 [ missed . did amuse aud ] 6 Nano tek Chernobal . 7 Advertising replaced w ' positioning ' . - w pay customers . 8 Facination w Youth w end . Authentic connection to past valued . 9 W B global labor mvmnt reacting to glbl corp culture . 10 Sony w develop bio - ESP interface . 11 TV w b pretty much the same . |19:20| GinaSmith ABC : Hosted ABC radio show : All off record . w Bob Metcalf when predicted Inet crash . YogiBerra : hardest thing to predict is future . Genetic Moore law . Genes sequenced dbl every 18 mo . by 2003 100k human genes . by 2005 , cdrom w desease suseptabilities , designer drugs . Environment : 120 yrs burning fossl fuels . 220 mph SF LA train . SST 2 hr NYC to TOK . .8 automated hiways . Superconductor MagLev big . TransAmerica building equipt w earthquake reaction system . Microprocessors in fabrics . Internet regulated ? not possible . Internet incorporated as 4th largest nation . Intercity Brinks truck already anachronism . |19:29| TedSelker : gearhead . bk frm 17k ft on Everest . created Track Point ( One reason CoSy uses IBM ThinkPads ) . IBM fellow , Prof Stanford , Ex PARC : All you touch & all you see is all you`ll ever be . Tek changes who we are . Embedded tek w surround us . Citys nice warm & fuzzy . Most here don`t hav funcnl Dig watch ( I have dig Jurassic Pk , BurgerKing $1.99 in my pouch ) . w b Connected & Mobile . Reducing transcription ( thats why carry a CoSy . Who has time for paper ? ) . They ( machines ) w teach us better ( ! . not just in way TS means . I learned APL to learn Linear Algebra from the best minds @ IBM Watson Research @ its height in the `60s . It was NOT a passive act . ) . Feeling of future : being parts of grps want to be . Library : like DeepBlue - aggregation of all games people knew how to play . 3-D email sender images directory . color mapped info . Global group. |19:39| Panel : DF : Global Labor movmnt : DR : Govmnt interface w labor . TS : Governments consciously opress . Not that many using computers . Internet .03 of Baywatch | Wearable computers ? TS : wont carry daytimer . w be wallet . Trak point took 10 yrs . Trak point behavioral motor match relearned hand psychophysics . See Below . Frm Floor ?: Tek won`t understand individual ? GS : Still w be reinstalling Windows | TS : teachers don`t understand subrtraction w carry . DR : Computation doesnt touch our life . GS : Clinton spend 100M$ for computers : depends on teachers . DR : Cave was early tek . Aud : Future of $ . who w issue $s ? TS : money is agreement . not that interesting Q (!) . W trust who ever most popular . GS : MS money . Aud : JasonBrown : Pervasive Computing ? + or - . GS : don`t want to b so anal to carry everything w . Call waiting makes you honest . GS : have & havenot issue | Aud : privacy ? DR : PGP guy everyone in future w have their 15 min of Privacy . TS : enough bits to have privacy . GS : ATM biometrics - Ins co see fat . DR : who has sex from behind ? each deviant grp empowered - that why get labor grps | Aud : appropriate tek ? primative stoves . DR : didn`t believe . People`s Internet is in remission . Aud : Dr Dave : improve critical thinking , proportion of humanity have access ? TS : Deep Blue : color in beams show structure . DS : critical thinking has been replaced by consumption . music DJ . GS : Piccaso said problem w computers only have answers . Aud : indundated w info skew ? DF : . DR : people start judging w in hrs . Aud : Computer good or evil : TS : computer is . DR : just good & lack of good . are qualities to teknologies : GS ( pick one ) Evil . |20:2| Ca$h Bar . Not what I understand when I read : ' Followed by a private cocktail reception ' in an invitation . Did serve veggies & cookies . I chatted with TedSelker . He was wearing a thinkpad with a Projection screen , a waist keyboard , had a prototype 3 fold wallet , and prototype belt beeper with a flip out screen . I asked what new psychophysics they learnd taming the TrackPoint . Ted was impressed my estimate of bit resolution of finger pressure , 4 bits , was about what they found . Non-linear , follows neither Log nor Power law . I commented DougPlatt used to be around LapTop shows with chord keyboard input on his machine . Ted defended Qwerty as standard moving from keyboard to keyboard . I replyed that I only use 1 keyboard ; I`ll make it what I want . He said had his own neat environment on Symbolics Lisp machines years ago but got tired of updating it with each new hardware . I said ' should have used APL ' ( but that`s too facile on my part ) . Nice to have communication open with another resource at IBM . I was asked to give my predictions for the Next 20 Years for the camera , and web . I held up CoSy and predicted that in the future I would not be alone in the room taking my notes in a computer . I further predicted that CoSy would replace BillGates interface . Most interesting display was AntonioArellanes defracting Art . Didn`t think to take my Casio QV10 dig cam . ============================: WED.JUN,980617 :============================ |11:37| CSPAN Tax Code Termination Act ( 1.1 pgs ). Rep : SteveLargentøR-OK : vs 10 Commandments . 400 pages added last yr . vs Dems : MartinFrost D-TX & JimMcDermott D-WA Dems actually defending Status Quo !!! Special provisions . Defending Home intreset deduction ( which I don`t get renting in Manhattan ) BillPaxonøR-NY : Clear choice : Dems like 5.5 M word tax code . Special interests . R o Country want it changed - let people decide . W take less money . | DaveWeldon R-FL : IRS gives .4 wrong answers . Don`t understand it itself . Costly : $157 % per | 13.7 B$ enforcement . 4$ acnting for 14 tax . 5.3 B hrs . Enact new Code by 2002 . Need code World Competitive for new century . .05 of gross rev of Business calculating taxes . MartinFrostøD-TX : Repubs can bring bill to floor . Risk financial chaos . w substitute Gebhart for Armey bills . DocHastingsøR-WA : town hall meetings : noone defending . no unanimity on replacement . Gebhardt D-MO : Objecting to 4 yr deadline !! . intro : ' Talented Tax writer ' : CharlesRangle D-NY . Dems keep talking abt doing some more little shit now , as reason to NOT pass this which is designed to get a REAL debate going on !! . Can`t accept idea that Rs would lose over 1T$ ( huh ! ) | Bob Rubin Tres Sec : Grave concern . terible Idea . create uncertainty . can`t guess housing deduction . advers effect on housing prices . School Dists wouldnt know tax status of bonds . ( Demonstrate how bias toward the Gov the code is . ) JohnGodfrey WDCTimes : 750K people . Call for new code by July 2001 . Right on message . Scr : IRS : 100k Empl $7B Budget . VOTE : | ' + ' AKROS 222 0 7 w 9 193 6 |>| 231 193 13 | R D by Y N ? | Any damned corporation that couldn`t solve a massive problem like this in 4 years would be out of business . Wow have the Republicans shown the true colors of the Democrats !!! SteveLargentøR-OK is competition w JohnKasichøR-? for Y2K prez . |13:20| CollinPetersonøD-MN CPA - `86 `90 `96 - nolonger do by hand . out of hand . not happening under current process . need to start frm clean slate . JerryKlezckaøD-? SlimeBall . RalphHalløD-TX supporting . good econ kus only just getting over `86 . ArmeyøR- Current code is abomination to human spirit . Want action NOW . 200B$ compliance costs . 2 yrs this prez , cong , 2 nxt . intrusive in decision making . Dems say We wont know how to plan w/o code . SENATE Republicans should follow up IMMEDIATELY . Put it to Clinton . See : Money Will Be Money and CoSy/Views#Money |14:47| SteveLargentøR-OK : Saddened by course of debate . Feels soiled . ' stupidest idea presented to congress in 10 yrs . ' Dont know anyone ever read tax code . Doesnt plan to . Bill 1.5 pages long . Can get something simple & fair in 4 yrs . Replace , then Sunset . Threat to Econ ? Then why Small Business for ? Time . Septates sheep from goats . real from hypocrits . Notion that TaxCode source of prosperity nuts . Bill Read . Too Long by a page . |15:3| NewtGingrichøR-GA : Start to prepare to replace . 1913 form was 2 pages w 2 pages of instructions . Largen & Paxon want to draw line in sand . Orderly practical plan . Caller : Constitution has Fed just tax States . IRS have 50 clients . | VOTE : Recommit : 203 223 | | ' + ' AKROS 204 20 3 w 14 188 4 |>| 218 208 7 | R D by Y N ? | |16:50| Senate : Tobacco Bill reaching deserved death . LarryCraigøR-ID : Just |( | SomDrugs SomDrugs w Tobacco |>| )| Most parents I know ( I dont know many ) care incredibly about their children . Some of them smoke . JonAshcroftøR-? Break tax & spend habit | JohnKerryøD-MA : railing at R method of packing bill to extreme | Wyden : What are you smoking ? | BarbaraBoxerøD-CA : remembered her mother said : dont smoke dont smoke | Cloture failed . Killing on basis that Rev & Spending increase break Buget . Motion to waive requires 60 votes | 53 46 | Bill recommitted . Dead . ABC : Cigar smoker Clinton : very disapointed | .09 youth use drug % mo . US sells 2-4B$ to support Yen for Japan 117B$ reform promise . Liberator OnLine, Vol. 3, No. 12 : In April the Journal of American Medicine reported that properly prescribed legal drugs killed 106,000 Americans each year, due to toxic reactions. That's more that *twenty times* the number of Americans killed by illegal drugs, estimated at 5,212. ABC Nightline ForrestSawyer . no notion of defeat of Tobacco Bill as infringment of freedom . McCainøR-AZ backing off responsibility for bil . Admits like Clinton health care plan . Not an expert - got opinions of Surgeons General . WhiteHouse BruceReed : defends was good bill . could save 1M lives . DonNicklesøR- acountability of youngsters himself . Already against law in every state . Can`t believe House action did not make news !! |0:35| Finally see some coverage on Fox New channel . -18| 15th Westergaard Abella Microcap Medtech Conf . Waldorf Astoria . Biopool, BioTransplant, Cel-Sci, EchoCath, Medical Science Systems, OXO Chemie (private), Senetek, SuperGen, and SunPharm. ============================: THU.JUN,980618 :============================ |10:29| NY-1 | Drug Cops raided & trashed another wrong apartment . Grandfather terrified . ' valid ' warrent . ' no product found ' . Cops Apologized in 10 min . Didn`t straighten up place or fix door . 18-20| 470 Broome . Lombard|Freid . Grp ============================: FRI.JUN,980619 :============================ 22-23:30| Tunnel . 27&12 . Vision 21 Multimedia Series . Comps : 212-501-3589 LaMaMa Galleria artists & Swedish/Danish Summer Celebration . ============================: SAT.JUN,980620 :============================ |18:29| SenTimHutchinsonøR-AK leading Tax Sunset Bill fight . Recognizes it will be RedLine issue in coming elections . JackFaris : NtnlFedIndpendentBusiness : winds of change blowing . Largent : to see if common sense will prevail . SenSamBrownbackøR-KA | 16-18| 594 Bwy Fl4 . AmosEno . SuellenGlashausser . 20:30| JoeZabrowski Memorial . 99 Av B Social Club ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.JUN,980621 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -24| DaveCoursey DigitalLivingRoom Summer Solstice| 17-21| AEstival Food&Wine TompkinsSq 500 E 9 . $30 .
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