CoSy-NoteComputing Newsletter @ 0112 / Y K ? 0 : STRUCTURE
Why have I moved from ancient flat APL , skipping the great modern nested APLs ,
all the way to the youngest , most independently minded evolute of this language
family ? What are differences , the pros and cons of K versus other APLs and Ken
Iverson's own evolute J ?
The first part of the answer , a discussion of and introduction to the structure
of K , is now available at .
A number of screens images of K.CoSy illuminate the concepts presented .
I have now been working with Kdb co-resident with K.CoSy . No problems .
Having Kdb ambient , I can look at its 671 objects with 595 unique names
" from the side " , if you if you will , and hope to avoid a lot of redundant
work , and maximize compatibility . For instance , I have started using
Kdb's .d.ds and to convert timestamps to and from Kdb's format .
( Kdb's time handling functions are what I most covet . I know there's a lot
of brilliant experience there . )
So far , I have worked thru sequences to export dictionaries from K.CoSy
in the form of .kdb database files , and vise versa .
I have been reminded of the virtues and limitations of the relational model ,
ordered or not , which I have not dealt with since rewriting Xerox's WW
forecasting system when I first came east back in 1980 .
While it provides a useful discipline , it far more limited than K's natural
hierarchical structure , made ambient by K.CoSy .
Life is getting more back to normal here at Peck Slip , tho I'm worried
Con Ed may have designs on the wall holding their Haas tromp l'oeil mural of
the Brooklyn Bridge which has graced my view all these years . I've uploaded
a picture of what's happening to .
Til next time , Hoping happy holidays for all .
-- Bob Armstrong -- -- 212-285-1864
K.CoSy Rapid Quantitative Modeling
language and consulting
( Edition 1 ( origin 0 ) now available )
2001/12/03 11:28:17 |
Jonah ,
Whether you are dumbing yourself down in order have a hook for
your column , or whether you truly have failed to appreciate the
" do no harm " clause of the Libertarian Principle , the straw
man you create has no substance other than flammability .
I guess maybe you know this , and that's why you coined
" Cultural Libertarian " to fracture the Principle into an
attackable fragment .
The Libertarian philosophy imposes an absolute moral code :
the non initiation of the use of force or fraud .
But it is also very modest in its goals . In accordance with the
US First Amendment thrust that , while sticks and stones may break
bones , thoughts and words don't , our aspiration is simply ,
to paraphrase Jefferson and Mills , to provide a structure for
the deterrence of violations of these principles .
Obviously any one who acts on a philosophy that
" ' There is one god and Mohammed is his messenger ' .
Agree with me or I will kill both of us "
violates the Principle .
Your avoidance of the fact renders several paragraphs
of your column vacuous .
Finally , and this is me speaking about my religion , not
Libertarian political philosophy , the quote in your last
paragraph ,
> Chesterton pointed out that when a man stops believing
> in God, he won't believe in nothing, he'll believe in anything.
is total twaddle . Mainly rational and abstract understanding
of the foundations of our existence , the greatest insights of
the brightest and most driven minds over the centuries up to
the current day , has replaced "faith" in one or another ancient
tome as the ultimate revelation of truth for all time - no
matter how nonsensical .
The profundity and awesome beauty and inter-connectedness of
humanity's mathematical ( demonstrably true ) understanding of
this world we wake up in , is far beyond the subtilty and
depth of any ancient creed . But , it is real hard work
"groking" - to use Heinlein's word , subjugating your mind to ,
these universal forms . It is humbling .
Religion , replacing "search" with "faith" , particularly among
the monotheists , has been used since before the Crusades to split
"us" from "them" , the "chosen" from the "un-" .
Don't try to dismiss me and all of us who look on with horror at
these continuing God v God holocausts as "believing anything" .
Look in a mirror .
-- Bob Armstrong -- -- 212-285-1864 : Rapid Quantitative Modeling : Building Affordable Homes in NYC
2001/12/14 11:45:53
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