Modified | DDT |>| TUE.JUN,000606,11:39-4 | |
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© Bob Armstrong . |
============================: THU.MAY,000504 :============================ 18-20| 529 W 20 | Cristinerose . ============================: SAT.MAY,000506 :============================ Millennium Marajuana March . Notes & images & prepared speech ============================: MON.MAY,000508 :============================ 19:30| 2 W 64 @ CPW | THE PEOPLE AND THE POLICE . NY Ethical Culture Society & PRDI |19:44| Judith Wallach : Milton Mollen : Bill Bratton : common ground on what role should be . statisitics great but relations at worse level . crime down 8 straight yrs , 10 in NYC . Dilemas of society : drugs racism crime . should be decline in coke use . but didn`t happen . Boston @ `50s level , race being addressed openly . Goals of panal achievable , police force being use in inappropriate ways . Same point as when people got fed up w Crime . Race & Police/Community relationship . |19:57| Norman Siegel : police misconduct w racial overtones old . w continue as long a G & S deny problem . Myth 1 : Isolated incident ( yea lots of ) . `94 -99 30,000 complaints filed . 2 : Not race issue ( yea right ) . blacks ( .25 of pop ) file .51 of complaints . Is a minority of Bigots infecting whole core . When met bratton - still | 26 % 449 |>| 0.06 | people of color in pop where are .6 of tot . 5000 complaint | 250 substantiate | 100 any santion | 50 more than slap Crucial that Feds intervene . Analytically same as civil rights in `60s . Residency . eliminate 48 hr rule . Policy changes , training . ( sych testing ) . |20:12| MM : did invite City & PBA to participate : Zachary Carter , US Attny for NY Eastern Dist : Fitzgerald - ability to hold to conflicting views . Respectful , effective , agressive - more subculture that believe in use of punitive force - abusive corporal punishment . Children spank if parents did . Police release own anger . If have talked to & know someone that looks like Amadou Diallo , less likely to blow him away . Bratton quoting : ' Liberty unrestrained is an invitation to anarchy . ' behave in ways that is offensive to the rest of society . Police can be used to such extent that than can control behavior . Broken window theory ( which is true ) Civil liberties and civil . Police grew from 31K to 41k , being forced to interfere w behavior even of better behaving populice . enforcing things they themselves feel are intrusive . Increase special units - on roadblocks . |20:39| Norm Siegel : limitations on freedom must be reasonable just and fair . Since `94 not met that std . Increasingly authoritarian - stop & frisks . `97- `98 15 mo : 175,000 stops | maybe .5 unreported .5 of stops black .3 latino | .9 did not lead to sucessful proscecution . ergo no legal basis for stop . not just by a few bad apples . police Police hasseling people carrying . tmro - go thru metal dect 312 arrests yesterday closed vans . 15 in 1 van . left in systm3 > 24 hrs . for smoking joint Saturday - some just near someone who was . Cops upbeat - enthusiastic . If demostrate in for 24hrs . If someone physically attacks someone we want police . Number of citys reducing crime and left liberties intact . |20:47| MM : tensions : BB : Community Policing . Partnership Problems Prevention | NS : Community Policing , we should try it . to understand culture & mores of nbd . |20:54| Qs : Residence req ? BB : no . controled in Albany - won`t happen . propose hiring not come from CivilService lists but Police cadets who are representative of community . Giul did not support . Can be done w no laws . |20:57| for Carter : effectively prosecute bad officers ? established separate bureau to reduce conflicts of interest . |20:59| MM : change any of comission recomendations ? independent monitor would stress increase age to : 22 ; 2 yrs col or equ eg army ; training - sensitivity , recurring ; supervision 1 supervisor for 10 officers vs 30 now Opporation Condor - plain cloths officers stop & first ? BB 24M$ overtime Drug Dealing task force . 8K open air crack heroin halucinogens mkts gone so now going after MJ . Some not taking the overtime becuase don`t think worth estrangement of community . There always be need for such units . Jump Up , officers had not worked together . BB : may Return as mayor . Carter : increase minorities ? | 0 Tolerance ? BB : missunderstood phrase frm England . Doesn`t use term in his book Turn Around . Implys zealotry . can control but not - when public authorizes . |21:15| when did we NYers ever have . Victimless crimes ? Drugs sell in hall ways . | Drug related arrests destroy futures bother you ? ZC : yes . Law enforcement - Some became CEOs in own organisation . Haven`t had Meth here yet , new drugs may come any time . Lack of spirituality ? ZC :appeals to bumper sticker solns . NS : those groups bankrupt . all appointed by executive branch . Both Dinkens & Giuliani allowed old employees to stay . Salarys low . & G&S open in not respecting CCRB . Anger out there percolating . Go to meetings , like talking to wall . Giul went to Yankee game when coul | Clinton used race & police for political reasons only . Bill Clinton not committed . Pataki - some departments all white depts . We did not authorize authoritarian regime . Unconstutional stop & frisks break down doors . Serious Crime - need effective | Insanity of drug law . Police not soln every social economic medical problem . |21:31| Alcohol abuse in NYPD & family abuse ? Well documented . Drugs or Drug prohibition for Adults ? BB : Drugs ARE a problem . Rockefeller laws inappropriate in this day & age - still as sociatl , can`t arrest way out of problem , but helps . Dr Bob Kaufmann , Society Interim Senior Leader : Would George W Bush & Al Gore be better off today if they had been sent to prison for drug use years ago ? no answers . I submitted a question : Why not declare peace on the citizenry by eliminating all laws in which the State is not just the Judge and proscutor , but accusor as well , ie : victimless crimes . ============================: WED.MAY,000510 :============================ |11:31| My opponent Jerrold Nadler on C-SPAN House floor ranking sub cmtte mem on Internet taxing . ============================: FRI.MAY,000512 :============================ |14:48| Taxation concept : From each according to their consumption . | MMM notes Wo(S) Drugs 18-20| Skylight Gal . 1368 Fulton St , BedStuy Bkln . Ernest Crichlow 20-24| 248.5 Broome . Deepdale . Morrie Cramer ============================: SAT.MAY,000513 :============================ 10-16| QueensLibertarians Annual meeting . Bohemian Hall 29-19 24 Av , Astoria . Topic : Ending War on Drugs . $30 =175==DAYS=TO=ELECTION======: TUE.MAY,000516 :============================ Spent yesterday dealing with IRS paperwork for my Brother . Definition : "PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL" : Willing to imprison individuals for refusing to contribute to THEIR charity . |12:54| BRAESEVAL to the CoSyAPL definition of DAYLN to allow active expression , the Days_til_Election ticker above , in DAYLNGLB . ============================: WED.MAY,000517 :============================ 11-14| Waldorf : Cato Inst : Perspectives on Liberty . $100 An interesting contemporary view of Cuba ============================: THU.MAY,000518 :============================ 10-14| AlSmith Houses Community Center , 80 Catherine . Job Fair . sponsored by Assemblyman Sheldon Silver & NYS Sen Martin Connor . |12:2| Appelation I heard for Hillary : Attila the Hen 17:30-21| EquitiesMag 49th Spring Conf . CEO recption , Morgan Williams , 1 Exchange Pl @ 55 Broadway . 17-20| Artists @ Waterside . FDR & 25TH STREET WATERSIDE PLAZA, PLAZA RM =172==DAYS=TO=ELECTION======: FRI.MAY,000519 :============================ |
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