Modified | DDT |>| WED.JUN,000607,10:47-4 | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current         ?Wha?  CoSy Comment Comments © Bob Armstrong .

The Libertarian Party is the Product of Politics really becoming a Science .
Proley Sci
Here`s  the start of My Contribution

Axioms :

 0) Individuals are responsible for their actions . 

 1) The State exists to " restrain men from injuring one another " .  TJ inaugural 1801 . cover of Cato Inst
   brochure , 1999 

 2) Outlawing Suicide can`t stop it .

 From  CoSy/Current<=9811  
  ============================: FRI.NOV,981106 :============================
|11:9| SteveLargent (rR-OK) running for Majority Leader against DickArmey .
  ' Need New crew for Titanic ' |
 Disapointing that he dodged ? abt impeaching Clinton .
 Listed dangerous - who can disagree - generality : 'Respect for Life' .
 This is the anti-libertarian point where Repubs lose .
  It is the claim by the State of a right to keep you from committing
  Suicide . Abortion is suicide of your DNA - your Organic afterlife .
  You are never be able to get between a female and her womb . Abortion is on
  a continuum with Laius & Jocasta exposing ClubFoot OediPus  Literally 'SwollenFoot' .  on a rock .
  Infanticide ( as other suicides , eg , homosexuality ) will always be a
  self limiting behavior .

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