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NewYork results .
  From :  NYS Board of Elections 
County            DEM          REP       LIB        B\V\S     Total
                  Jerrold L.  Theodore  Jerrold L.
                  Nadler       Howard   Nadler
KINGS OF PART     23730        6111      785       13499      44125
YORK NEW OF PART  84678       12272     3755       13347     114052
TOTAL            108408       18383     4540       26846     158177
           RECAP 112948       18383
  |    PROPOFTOT 112948       18383  |>| 0.86 0.14   |

NY Senator . Heard that 75M$ Spent in this campaign . Candidate Party Vote % Charles SCHUMER DEM 2358112 54 Alfonse D'AMATO* REP 1937108 45 Rose Ana BERBEO SOC 5457 0 Joel KOVEL GRN 14865 0 Corinne KURTZ IND 32437 1 William McMILLEN LIB 9388 0 |( I am sorry to admit I threw my vote away on Damato instead of Libertarian Bill McMillen . Bill was the best in the field , and will be if he runs in 2000 . I should learn never to compromise my decisions . )| 75E6 % +/ 2358112 1937108 |>| 17.46 | 17$ per vote .

NY Governor Candidate Party Vote % Peter VALLONE DEM 1426883 33 George PATAKI* REP 2359271 54 Tom GOLISANO IND 337930 8 Betsy McCAUGHEY-ROSS LIB 74559 2 Alfred DUNCAN SOC 5700 0 Mary Alice FRANCE IND 10116 0 Christopher GARVEY LIB 5711 0 Thomas LEIGHTON IND 23943 1 Al LEWIS GRN 47147 1 Michael REYNOLDS RTL 53986 1 SUMBLKC RDBLK |>| 146603 3 | Sum last 6 parties .

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