Modified | DDT |>| SAT.NOV,981128,11:51-4 | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current © Coherent Systems Inc .

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I plan to run as a Libertarian to take JerroldNadler`s NY 8th district seat

  ============================: MON.NOV,981123 :============================

 cc: JeroldNadler , RonPaul , Broadcast .

 Dear Rep. Barr ,

 I plan to run as a Libertarian to take JerroldNadler`s NY 8th district seat
 unless there is a Libertarian with more passion than me whom I will support
 instead . I would like to run as a fusion candidate with the Republicans
 also if possible .

 I will visit every community in this district to explain to why
 anyone who condones dishonor wears that stain themselves .

 Nixon`s huberus was to lie to the people about second hand actions .
 Clinton`s is , as a serial sexual predator , to lie about his own conduct to
 a woman claiming behavior consistant with his history .

 Without Honor , there is chaos . Consider the American mythology :
  Washington ( The man ) - could not tell a lie .
  Honest Abe Lincoln .
  With Liberty and  JUSTICE  for all .

 Purjury - lack of Honor - may not have been enumerated in the Constitution
 because it is prerequisite for any of the others to have meaning - indeed
 for anything to have meaning .

 Clinton must be impeached and convicted to save the Stature of the
 Presidency and Integrety of our Experiment in collective self rule .
 Otherwise the State shows Itself to be criminal .
 The greater number of Democrats since November 3 simply increases the burden
 on them to be counted among the  Liers  or the  TruthTellers .

I suggest we conduct a poll . At 11:58 AM the day before the vote , Every one
who understands that the Honor of Government itself and their own Personal
claim to Justice in Court is at stake , Get Off the phone for 4 minutes .
See how the country could get along without  US  .

  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

 On the other hand , Representatve Barr , according to  Liberator Online 
 I was appalled to see that you are responible for an attempt to remove the
 Franchise to Vote , itself , from  Washington DC Residents in your Statist
 proscecution of your War on (Some) Drugs .

   Bob Barr (R-Ga.) sponsored an amendment to
      the D.C. appropriations bill that prohibits the District from using
      money on ballot initiatives that would "legalize or otherwise reduce
      penalties" for users of marijuana.

   This may be the first time in American history that the federal government
    has concealed the results of an election.

 How is a citizen to choose between a Despotism of Hypocrasy and a
 Despotism of Criminalization of large segments of the Population for what
 is essentially their diet .

 Your Truly ,                          | DDT   |>| MON.NOV,981123,7:55-4

          BobArmstrong              -- BobA --             CoherentSystems
  42 PeckSlip 4B | NYC NY 10038                    


Webster`s New World Dictionary , Simon&Schuster (`86) :
 Psychopathic personality : a person whose behavior is largely amoral and
  asocial and who is characterized by irresponsibility , lack of remorse or
  shame , perverse or impulsive (often criminal) behavior , and other serious
  personality defects , generally without psychotic attacks or symptoms .

 asocial : 2. showing little concern for the welfare of others; selfish .

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