i have attached the total of the money you owe me
now that you violated our agreement. when you have info to
dispute the claim i will meet if you want to sign a new
agreement im willing as long as it includes you buying me out of
our previous agreement other wise when the 2 week deadline
expires i will file a lein on this property and at the same time
a civil against you. It was not wise to threaten me with
eviction and void our agreement now that your income is up and
thousands of dollars have been invested in your rental property,
im sure you dont mind if i leave now. let me know your plans and
if you plan to resolve this matter before this leads to a civil
action and could lead to investigations that carry jail time its
a sham it had to be this way but thats the choice you made now
you will be held accountable you had it too good i guess who
could sit back wasting time playing on computor and collect a
living while other people manage and maintain your rentals with
their own money? the bigger question is what moron would claim
they never agreed to compensate those who provide this for you?
good luck with that defense the court will rule against you in a
very short hearing once i prove we had an agreement then the
only question will be if you violated the agreement by
threatening me with eviction so you could keep my investment and
render me homeless. my security camera audio proves that now the
question will be when will you settle the judgement. the court
will issue a judgment against you and i will lein this property
and remain here until you pay off my judgment. i hope you
realize this and conduct your self accordingly.and if you
position is you never asked me to do any work so you don't owe
me you will be laughed out of court. the choice is your let me
know of your decision.