Bob Armstrong
Coherent Systems
 28124 Highway 67
 Woodland Park , Colorado

Janet H. Brown <>

Dear Executive Director Brown ,

The stated mission of the Commission on Presidential Debates is 

to provide the best possible information to viewers and listeners .

I ask that , as a patriot putting the welfare of our country ahead of any other considerations , you delete the unjustifiable political 3rd criterion for inclusion in the debates you have come to have a monopoly on .

Given the enormous and biased hurdles to ballot access
by many states against any parties other than the Democrats and Republicans criterion 2 , which is legally and logically justified , is all that is justified .

The United States has now dropped to 18th on the annual Fraser Institute global measure of economic freedom .down from 2 decades as dai ichi ending in 2000 .

We are now falling well behind world standards in the structure of our political democracy itself .

Everyone knows of Gandhi in India's struggle for self rule ; fewer know of Netaji Bose , the stick which made his carrot all the more appetizing .  I will be among , I am encouraging , 1000s of fellow citizens to peacefully assemble at your debate the University of Denver Wednesday , October 3 if the extrajudicial 3rd criterion is not rescinded .

Peace thru Freedom ,

-- Bob Armstrong -- --
 ( 719-337-2733 ; SKYPE : cosybob ;
TURNING THOUGHTS INTO COMPUTATIONS    twitter@BobArmstrong ;  Facebook )
I reserve the right to post all communications I receive or generate to CoSy website for further reflection .