Subject: No Rest |
From: "Ron Paul" <> |
Date: 2022-11-09, 16:45 |
To: =?UTF-8?B?Qm9iIEFybXN0cm9uZw==?= <> |
![]() Bob, Last week, Campaign for Liberty warned that defenders of liberty could not rest easy once the election was over. Yesterday, we were proven correct. At this time – more than 12 hours after polls have closed everywhere in America – we still don’t know which of the two major parties will control the U.S. House and Senate. As one former State Department official put it: If another first-world developed country was unable to return verifiable same-day election results, we would issue a statement about how “concerning” that is. Yet here we are. And while our elections are still in inexcusable dispute, Congress is coming back to Washington next week, which in any case will be a massive threat to our liberties. You and I are in for a Lame Duck assault on liberty unlike anything we’ve seen over these past few years. That’s why I’m counting on you to sign the petition here IMMEDIATELY. As you’ll see, these petitions INSIST your U.S. Representative and Senators vote “NO!” on threats to liberty during the impending Lame Duck. You see, no matter how who takes power next year, we’re in for big trouble during the Lame Duck Congress. Regardless of how the election ultimately turns out, the new Congress won’t be sworn in until the New Year. Chuck Schumer will still be calling the shots in the U.S. Senate as Majority Leader until January 3. Nancy Pelosi will still hold the Speaker’s gavel in the U.S. House for the rest of 2022. So President Biden and the big government lovers in BOTH parties will have nearly two months to do their worst. Bob, I’m afraid statists will see the Lame Duck as the perfect time to spring their entire radical agenda on you and me. POLITICO reports, “some Democrats want to maximize the returns from their time in power, regardless of the Election Day result.” Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), wants Democrats to push an expansive agenda while they still control both chambers of Congress. He predicted pressure will be ”extremely strong to get every piece of legislation that we feel is important to our constituency and to the country on the floor.” This legislation includes: *** GUN CONTROL. Gun-grabbers in BOTH parties want nothing less than a full-fledged national gun
registration system while lying to the American public, claiming their expanded “background check” schemes are just for “public
safety.” The House has already passed an “assault weapon” ban so will the Senate follow suit? Just this afternoon at a press conference, Joe Biden said he’s “going to fight like hell to ban assault weapons.” You can be sure this is in the Lame Duck agenda! *** A DIGITAL DOLLAR CONTROLLED BY THE FED. More and more the Federal Reserve is talking about issuing a Central Bank Digital Currency and is moving quickly in this direction. This dangerous scheme would allow the government to keep track of all your purchases, and even determine what you can and cannot buy. *** FEDERAL CONTROL OF ELECTIONS. Schumer has tried to bring up various bills throughout the last two years, only to be shot down, but there might be some Republican support now since these bills entrench incumbents in office. *** BILLIONS MORE DOLLARS FOR WAR IN UKRAINE. Biden has already indicated more money is needed for war. Will the war mongers in both parties be all too-willing participants in providing more money we don’t have? That’s why your action today is so critical. I know politicos and talking heads can’t bring themselves to look past the November elections. But the truth is, the Lame Duck Congress is all I can think about right now. Just imagine if Chuck Schumer ultimately loses his slim Senate Majority. Then, President Biden will use the impending Senate takeover as an excuse to RAM through his entire statist wish-list during the Lame Duck Congress “while he still can.” And if Chuck Schumer keeps his Senate Majority? Well, after all the predictions stating the November elections were a “done deal” and a “Red Wave is coming,” won’t President Biden and Chuck Schumer take it as a mandate from the American people to move forward with their radical agenda which includes guns, climate change, and more taxes? What an absolute outrage, that we don’t know the result of these key Senate races, a full day after polls have closed. But whatever the ultimate outcome, Campaign for Liberty staffers are hearing that many
Republicans may go along with passing statist schemes, so they don’t have to “deal with them” next year. I’m sure you can see why all this keeps me up at night. Worse, whether you’re talking gun control, a Central Bank Digital Currency, election “reform,” or climate change legislation, there are many statists in BOTH parties who want to see these schemes RAMMED into law. They’ll see the Lame Duck session of Congress as the perfect time to act too. They know many Americans will simply start to “tune out” politics after the November elections and start turning their attention to the coming holiday season. Not only that, but Members of Congress who were forced to listen to their constituents and “behave” since they had an election right around the corner, no longer will have that concern. Others who were defeated or are retiring will have nothing to lose. So unless you and I dramatically turn up the heat on Congress – and FAST – I’m afraid you and I could be staring straight at a Lame Duck DISASTER. That’s why it’s so critical you sign your petition IMMEDIATELY. And, if you can, I must ask for your most generous financial support as well. I know I’ve asked you to stretch this year. Campaign for Liberty has taken on so many important fights! But the good news is, you’re making a tremendous difference. Over the last two years, you and I have beaten back tyrannical Covid restrictions, thwarted Constitution-shredding gun control schemes, defeated multiple election theft bills, and stymied the worst of the globalist Green New Deal and Great Reset schemes – for now. But I must count on you once more. Any fight that happens during the Lame Duck session of Congress is going to move FAST. . . Especially if Democrats in the Senate carry through on their threat to abolish the filibuster, which is being floated once again in the media. That means mobilizing Americans is going to be even more expensive since everything is “last minute.” So Bob, in addition to filling out your petition, won’t you please agree to your most generous contribution of $250 right away? Your generous gift will help Campaign for Liberty sound the alarm about the Lame Duck. But if $250 is just too much, won’t you please agree to $100 or at least $50 to help Campaign for Liberty FIGHT BACK against the statists’ Lame Duck assault? I can promise you one thing. The statists aren’t going to run away and hide after the November elections. Instead, they’re going to look for an opening to RAM through every one of the schemes you and I have bottled up over the past year . . . You and I have to prove to them there’s NO CHANCE before it’s too late. So please sign your petition, and make your most generous contribution IMMEDIATELY! In liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. The truth is, no matter how yesterday’s election finally turns out, I’m afraid we’re in for big trouble during the Lame Duck Congress. The statists are going to look for every opportunity to RAM gun control, a Central Bank Digital Currency, more money to Ukraine, and more of the Green New Deal and the Great Reset agenda into law while the American people aren’t paying attention to politics. That’s why you and I must turn up the heat NOW before it’s too late. So please sign your petition, and make your most generous contribution of $250, $100, or at least $50 at once! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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