| ###################################################################### | http://CoSy.com ` \4thCoSy\CoSy\CoSy.csy startJob | open intro ( paradigm ) CoSy Job | ###################################################################### | | Tap F1 for Help | | ###################################################################### | |\/| PRESENTATIONS |\/| |\/| Cloned from WorkLog.csy 20210924.1836 |\/| | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | Tek Log | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | ` script0 -> textwdo @ getcaret `( sys Tui caret )` Dv@ | ` 2900,1 textwdo @ setcaret | ###################################################################### | | ======================== | e o current work | ======================== | |>> | \/ PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS at \/ | \/ | << | ` .\CoSy\CoSy.csy startJob | F6 to start persistent work space http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/AskMeAnything.html | JOIN THE CoSy alphas . SUBSCRIBE at http://CoSy.com | ###################################################################### | | ~~ | \/ | sometimes useful lines | \/ | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | Basic settings : ` script0 -> ` BROWSER Dv@ |>| ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"" res> ` BROWSER Dv! bye d1 @ _getPos `( sys Tui posXY )` Dv! | Stores current upper left corner for restart ec Words | ` 1st con ec Words reverse .. ` conn 10 _-+ ,/ at ec Words reverse `( (' braket i( f( )` ' conn 'R res> >t0> blVM ' Help 'm bye text> daylncut ` sort con reverse rShow res> >t1> t0 F> >t1> Ft rUpdate rGet >t1> lf>nl ` ./CoSy/CoSy.f >F Dnames 4 _partition ' blMV 'm ` ./CoSy/CoSy.f F> ` ./CoSy/CoSy.f.bk >F ec Dir ` lst>dt ?? Dnames | { Dv@ rho } 'm | lst | sF6 . check if any ' rho' crazy CoSyDir ` .\CoSy Dir ` .\CoSy\CoSy.bk F>/\ ` help v@ rho mark forget ` ./CoSy/math.f F> Eval ` ./CoSy/sort.f >Fn> F> >Ft> Eval R0 >t0> F> >t1> Eval | for editing or evaluating a file res> "lf "nl ,L ssr t0 >F R0 DMP cr ev >R0 R0 DMP | sF6 . useful for executing when ' save bombs ` - 74 _take s" | " enc braket | Create line below | | ========================================================================== | |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| | ###################################################################### | | ###################################################################### | ` SkriptThots -> | 20210521.0838 s" |\/| " 74 _take s" | " enc braket | |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| | | ======================== | Sat.May,20210522 | ======================== | | 1213 | s" WORDS " i( 10 74 )i take | s" | " enc braket | WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WO | | 20210517.1045 | The purpose of Forth is to make words | IF YOU HAVE THE WORDS TO THINK IT , IT'S DONE | ========================================================================== | http://cosy.com/y21/ScreenShot0520x1920.jpg | ========================================================================== | CoSy evolves APL in Forth Forth gets you from the Silicon to the Dictionary APL > K > CoSy fills the dictionary at the most general level + CoSy FACTORS looping . ( Modulo indexing ) `( 'm 'd 'L 'R ./ .\ )` >t0> | Like the transform between Dirac&Kronecker ` delta and Fourier space . Between items and objects convolution vs product To enable that transformation , Type and Count need to be factored from the ` verb to the ` noun `( Type # refCount )` ec Words ' # 'm ,/ t0 ' :?? 'm The CoSy vocabulary evolving and building on APL tends to be geometric and algebraic eg: `( # take cut VM MV match con venn )` ' :?? 'm | ========================================================================== | THE BRILLIANCE OF APOLLO 11 The 1969 Apollo Guidance Computer https://youtu.be/B1J2RMorJXM Spent a lot of time digging into Reva Forth exception handling but don't have it handled yet . Trivial to write something that blows the system away . Also the venerable IUP GUI has bugs of its own ( MUST LEARN WEB INTERFACE ) Apollo says , screw it . RESTART at last check point http://cosy.com/y21/Wed.Mar,20210310.html#4th.CoSy http://cosy.com/y21/Wed.Mar,20210324.html#4th.CoSy CoSy's Most Fundamental Use is as a timeStamped Diary.NoteBook.Log From very early on CoSy has done a ' save before every execution . 0 So it was just a matter of changing the DOS .bat file to loop . I could have done years ago . But it makes a radical change | ########################################################################## | EuroForth 2021 Notes Video \/ https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1145564619?fbclid=IwAR0joq5Ej88Stv1PxVn1OpajPbDkngEL0JoI_XwDv3TAjF_6_Wsnq37_0DY&t=01h19m44s | ======================== | Fri.Sep,20210910 | ======================== | | 0844 | 08:30 Session 1 on air Ulrich Hoffmann: Taming the IoT - Forth's Role in the Internet of Things (45min) | 0851 | StephenPelc comment | 0923 | Nick Nelson: A simple Forth wrapper for a Linux logging library (15min) db . " Useful for other people " | 0935 | 09:50 Session 2 on air | 0953 | M. Anton Ertl: Practical Considerations in a Static Stack Checker (45min) I see a value in return stack depth checking on exit from word . | 1032 | Philip Zembrod: Where does my app spend its time? A small Forth profiler (45min) | 1058 | Leon Wagner Ground Satellite Antenna !/\! dozen ARM controlers via eithernet 11 Edsall Dr, Sussex, NJ | large for receiver gain & transmit focus | 9 to 30 meter ! | ChuckMoore 1st task was 9m radio telescope | 1116 | 11:35 Session 3 on air | 1132 | Klaus Schleisiek: microCore progress (20min) " Linguistic aspect of Forth " | 1139 | | 1200 | M. Anton Ertl: ' move vs ' cmove `( move cmove )` ' Help 'm ` cmove> `( :?? Help )` ' Eval 'R ` move `( ?? Help )` ' Eval 'R `( ./src/revacore.asm ./src/reva.f )` { F> lfVM s" move" con } 'm | 1233 | | ======================== | Sat.Sep,20210911 | ======================== | 08:00 Session 4 on air | 0800 | | 0801 | Gerald Wodni: fput: standardized sockets and directories (20min) All the sockets & server & browser interface are Highest Priority for CoSy of which I am astoundingly ignorant . TLS ? | 0821 | Bill Ragsdale: A Two-dimensional Data Strucure for Forth (45min) Based on Julian Noble's work ` ./CoSy/sort.f | algorithm by Helmar Wodke . Problem : not order preserving BigNums Complex | 0902 | Bob Armstrong: CoSy Becomes usable by Ordinary People (25min) | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | CoSy Becomes usable by Ordinary People (25) - Bob Armstrong o CoSy is a vocabulary and interface which evolves from http://Kx.com K in open Forth . Thus it provides the expressive power of the former in the simple syntax and unmatched flexibility of the latter in a timestamped notebook/log environment . o A YouTube , see http://cosy.com/y21/Wed.Mar,20210310.html#4th.CoSy , on the Apollo 11 lunar lander computer & its design principles , particularly the crucial simple brilliance : Restart on Failure , has with a small change in the CoSy DOS BAT , changed what required a tek nerdy visit to DOS into a mere hiccup . o A quick demo of the use of CoSy for everything from accounting to mail list management will be given . o CoSy is out to change the interface between the user & their computing assistants from the walled kindergartens of icons & menus to simple yet deep language . | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | F1 http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/ConicAllConnect/ http://cosy.com/y18/EuroForhAbort.html InteLligent note paper WRITTEN in ITSELF Klaus Schleisiek: " Linguistic aspect of Forth " TUI rather than GUI WhiteSpace is Prime Delimiter ` ` :?? | versus ' | Returns next word as string as opposed to xt EVOLVING `( iVERSON wHITNEY mOORE )` | ADDS PLURALS | `( Type # Ref# )` | CoSy Object Header R0 R0 ' Eval 'R | Type 0 is list of lists ie: lists of pointers . `( NOUNS VERBS ADVERBS )` | MOST ADVERBS ARE ` ITERATORS looping over either 1 or a pair of lists `( 'm 'd 'L 'R ./ .\ )` | monadic diadic eachLeft eachRight across scan | modulo indexing | | Lot of finding , slicing & dicing vocabulary | (' ` NickNelson s" Useful for other people " ') | ORDINARY PEOPLE , eg: CEOs , Investors , Mom&Pop's | | Who have never heard of GitHub , just want a box which works | ACCOUNTING | ` C:/CoSyBob/BobA.csy F>/\ ` text v@ lfVM ` (' con -5 _take >t0> t0 ' Eval 'm >t1> t1 flip >t2> t2 fmttbl| | ------------------- | Apollo 11 Simple Brilliance | RESTART ON FAILURE | ` \4thCoSy\CoSy\CoSy.csy startJob CoSyLl http://cosy.com/y21/CoSyBox.jpg $20k | ------------------- | LICENSE CoSy HIGHEST LEVEL VOCABULARY for YOUR FORTH . | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1122 | Session 5 on air Peter Knaggs: Using Test Driven Development to build a new Forth interpreter (30min) | 1147 | Bernd Paysan: net2o update (45min) ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/WorkLog.csy202109100841.csy F>/\ ` script0 v@ | ======================== | Sun.Sep,20210912 | ======================== | 08:00 Session 6 on air | 0805 | Krishna Myneni: Simulation of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) Experiment in Forth (45min) https://comp.lang.forth.narkive.com/p1lT9TGT/epr-experiment-simulator-in-forth https://groups.google.com/g/comp.lang.forth/c/-2VrLGAb_Mg Any ` scalar verb easily ` CoSyfied , ie: made list . Combinatoric application of verbs to compinatoric sets of nouns | DNH | Andrii Pylypets: new to Forth (45min) | 0901 | lightening talks Brad Rodriguez | 0919 | | 1003 | Philip Zembrod | DomainSpecificLanguage | Klaus : Forth no straight jacket The Domain of CoSy is Math on Finite Sets . Howard Oakford | 1034 | | ########################################################################## | | ########################################################################## | SV-FIG | ======================== | Sat.Sep,20210925 | ======================== | http://CoSy.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Iq2NDVK0KI | -------------------------------------| CoSy Becomes Usable by Ordinary People | -------------------------------------| https://www.meetup.com/SV-FIG/events/280551814/ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1026 | Padded Concrete Kindergartens | 1035 | Bill Ragsdale : CoSy adds first cell as which ` genericises all those type specific vocabulary Actually " living in " a ` dictionary list , ' R , specifically , `( R text )` . ' R is what gets ` flatened into a string and stored as a ` .csy file each F6 | 1108 | Ting : Forth Virtual Machine -- Exactly ! | But directly in Chip language | 1128 | Sam Falvo : subroutine-threading on the 65816 | 1143 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1203 | Apollo 11 simple brilliances : http://cosy.com/y21/Wed.Mar,20210310.html#4th.CoSy http://cosy.com/y21/ApolloDesignPrinciple1.jpg http://cosy.com/y21/ApolloDesignPrinciple3_Restart.jpg THE MOST ` POWERFUL ` FLEXIBLE LANGUAGE Not a Toy Not Nostalgia CoSy is an Open Vocabulary in Forth implementing reference counted Lists of Lists -- dynamic general array structures -- In a timestamped INTELLIGENT NOTE PAPER log On the Forth/hardware end , youall rule . And CoSy is open Forth all the way But evolving from APL > K , the HIGHEST LEVEL languages , vastly more flexible being in open Forth . LeapFrog Mass Market Languages like Python Trivial to write a Forth in the `( APL , K , CoSy )` level Forth level matrix concepts 70 years and a number of geniuses behind APL , K ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/math.f F> | Eval | various rand & math fns . http://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/CoSy/math.f : Im ( n -- n*n_IdentMat ) 1. 0. 2_f --abca rep take cL swap 2 _take take ; 4 _i Im |\/| The concept which makes it possible to map , eg: a differential to every |\/| voxel in a planetary model , in a single line . |\/| Atomic Apply operators . Apply verb to simple leafs of noun |\/| ` aaplym :?? | -- The Market I'm most in is the market which sucked me down to Manhattan . People whose nouns ( data ) have currency symbols associated . Direct personal support for Owners , Investors , high net worth individuals in their personal use of CoSy for dealing with their Everyday Business of Life . eg: Not just Don Golding in his creation of Forth systems controlling hardware , but those making decisions controlling the $$ flows . https://redwirespace.com/about/leadership/ The ` Vision Programming -- Melding Iverson & Whitney & Moore -- is largely complete . Future evolution only now opened up . My focus must be at the ` Business level -- clients on one side -- development programmers on the other . Needs expertise in standard systems : sockets webbrowser interface server . But also w/i CoSy Forth itself . Enormous number of enhancements & polishing w/i one sentence . Only most talented programmers useful . CoSy must be able to match SV $$ pay . Contact me if you see yourself fitting into this ecosystem in any relationship from the business client , to the teky project . General rule for pricing & all else : Peer to Peer . | 1223 | KA : Oct : 5 point intro | 1237 | | -- eg: hover on word > info bubble on word | ########################################################################## | | ======================== | Sun.Oct,20211017 | ======================== | Presentation to KK UCCS http://cosy.com/Science/WaterWorldCoSyLIFEeq1024.jpg John Christy : 0th Law of Sustainability If it's not ECONOMICALLY Sustainable , it's NOT Sustainable https://www.uah.edu/science/departments/atmospheric-science/faculty-staff/dr-john-christy http://cosy.com/Science/EssentialComposite.jpg James Taylor intro to Naomi Seibt | Sunday Breakfast | https://youtu.be/b50YOVITlLY?t=3137 Naomi Seipt | https://naomiseibt.com/ | HISTORIC ! https://youtu.be/b50YOVITlLY?t=3433 s" *** I REALLY NEED GO NO FURTHER " .. # 4 _i +i take *** I REALLY NEED GO NO FURTHER *** http://cosy.com/#PlanetaryPhysics | -- From recent em> Re: Best wishes for the conference : A recent email w Dr Happer , tho , may be worth mentioning . To paraphrase : The gray body temperature around our orbit is ~ 278.6 +- 2.3 from perihelion in January to aphelion in July . If anything is detectable in mean global temperature data , this ~ 4.6 degree peak to peak variation whose phase is known should be very clearly visible , if anything is , in annual data averaged over a number of years . Yet I have never seen a paper or discussion of this most basic effect , much larger than the total variation this debacle is about . | -- Heartland Inst . https://climateataglance.com/ https://climaterealism.com/ https://www.facebook.com/watch/FightForClimateRealism/ Friday Dinner Keynote . Fredrick Seitz award > David Legates https://youtu.be/iDanVgrRnJw?t=5358 Interesting observations on WDC experience during Trump Panel 2: Ken Haapala, David Legates, Ph.D., Howard Hayden, Ph.D., and Tom Sheahen will discuss the scientific method, and how the United Nations’ reports repeatedly violate it. https://co2coalition.org/ Will Happer , Princton Physics . https://youtu.be/w8bo2jhgEmQ?t=2009 http://cosy.com/Science/y21/Heartland_WillHapper_IgnobleLie.jpg Russian Pushkin quote : All you need is a trough & there will be pigs Patrick Moore dinner Keynote https://youtu.be/w8bo2jhgEmQ?t=19940 http://cosy.com/Science/y21/Heartland_PatrickMoore_wastePower.jpg Heartland Chairman Joseph Morris wrap up | Excellent ! https://youtu.be/w8bo2jhgEmQ?t=23685 Dr Art Robinson | Oregon Senate http://cosy.com/Science/CO2-pineGrowth100120.jpg https://youtu.be/b50YOVITlLY?t=2957 Lehr graphs Various links brought up to understand notions mentoned : Brayton cycle | mentioned as cycle for use in He nukes . gauss markov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauss%E2%80%93Markov_theorem https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generalized_least_squares#Feasible_generalized_least_squares pressure energy equivalence https://sites.science.oregonstate.edu/~hetheriw/energy/topics/doc/basics/basic_definitions.pdf https://www.facebook.com/Bob.Armstrong.CoSy/posts/10159997049906617 | Sun.Oct,20211017 | == Panel 5: breakout session on how science is being abused in service of the Great Reset of capitalism. H. Sterling Burnett, Ph.D. | believing impossible thinks | 1027 | Steve Milloy | Suit against EPA for firing all outside advisors | 1100 | ( Gave a great rant at XOM annual meeting . ) Marc Morano | ! WAKE UP ! | 1113 | Comment on Kudlow which resonates w me | 1137 | Panel 6: Neil Frank, Ph.D., Stanley Goldenberg, and James Taylor are featured in this breakout session focusing on the affect climate change is having on hurricane strength and frequency, as well as other extreme events such as tornadoes, wildfires, floods, and droughts. ` AlGoreWarming is Goldenberg's term at ICCC9 | 1207 | `( Type # Ref# )` DMP | ########################################################################## | | ======================== | Sat.Oct,20211023 | ======================== | SV-FIG Intro to CoSy presented in CoSy | 1230 | WHEN YOU ARE THINKING OF USING PYTHON or other Mass Market Language THINK OF TRYING CoSy INSTEAD IT IS OPEN FORTH AND MORE ` POWERFUL And you will be helping develop an openly Forth environment for Ordinary People http://cosy.com/y21/Thu.Oct,20211021.html#4th.CoSy Answers : Q0 : Download & start /\ ` \4thCoSy\CoSy\CoSy.csy startJob Q1 | How do I save all my Notes and Environment ? . Control s . F6 saves environment before executing line . . F11 inserts a timestamp and saves environment . These make a *.bk copy of the previous save before executing . . saveTSclone | near the top of ` state Saves Timestamped clone These save the ` Root dictionary ` R as a ` .csy file . Q2 | What am I looking at ? The standard Job environment has 3 windows `( res text state )` http://cosy.com/CoSy/y21/CoSyJob_annotated.jpg Q3 | What does the CoSy vocabulary build upon Forth ? http://cosy.com/y21/Wed.Mar,20210310.html#4th.CoSy http://cosy.com/y21/ApolloDesignPrinciple1.jpg Reference Counted Lists with a 3 cell header . `( Type # Ref# )` ` Ref# | is mainly internal manages dynamic ` Type | allows ` generic verbs to know their meaning wrt arguments ` # | is count , like in a counted string . Type 0 is general list : list of pointers . hex `( Type0 TypeC TypeI TypeFl TypeS TypeV TypeA TypeFv )` .. ' See 'm ,L flip decimal A dictionary is a list of 2 correlated lists `( names values )` The entire environment is in a ` Root dictionary ` R R `( Type # Ref# )` >t0> ' Eval 'R >t1> t0 t1 ,L fmttbl| R 0 _at >t0> | names of items in Root R 1 _at #' >t1> | t0 t1 ,L fmttbl| Q4 | Important Vocabulary ? Rich APL > K evolved vocabulary http://cosy.com/K/html/kref.pdf s" " Words # 2 quite important words ` | returns the next word as a string . Like s" word" ' | returns the ` xt , the address of next word | ' is what makes it relatively simple to implement APL ` operators aka ` adverbs , eg: Iterators ` atomic verbs apply between each item of arguments i( 1 2 3 )i i( 10 20 30 )i +i Iterators factor out looping by using # and Type to know know apropriate algorithm to apply `( 'm 'd 'L 'R ./ .\ ': f? )` ' :?? 'm These ` adverbs take 1 or 2 ` nouns and a ` verb and apply the verb over each item in the noun(s) : dotProduct *f ' +f ./ ; f( 2 )f f( 10 20 30 )f *f ' +f ./ | dotProduct Indexing is modulo . Generally shorter list is cycled thru to match longer Main ` help words `( ?? :?? Help See )` ' :?? 'm ` dup See Large vocabulary of slicing , dicing & finding words . eg: ` csv>lst :?? | *** Accounting *** | is of special importance | | All accounting for CoSy the enterprise will be in CoSy the language (' 20211111.0000 _f ` PSBT ` BH 104.56 _f s" auto " ') (' 20211111.0000 _f ` PSBT ` IREA f( 210.61 51.58 )f s" now CORE but leaving name change to eoy . acnts : 95555787 95555792 | 1203 84 kWh " ') Q5 | What's the future ? Creating a cash flowing ecosystem . Clients who need to do in minutes was may take hour in raw Forth or do in days what what would take weeks . either prototyping or finished system . . Complex , multidimensional math . eg: voxel model of planet . . The most Highly Talented Programmers to polish CoSy , support Clients , evolve CoSy . REPLACING IUP GUI WITH SOCKETS >< WEB BROWER SERVER INTERFACE . Extracting portions of vocabulary to implement dynamic objects in minimal Forths . | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1055 | Bill Ragsdale . built card strip readers | F-83 was my first Forth . Win32Forth , heap management ? | object vocabulary ? : calls windows allocate & free | 1139 | Ting : Java Bytecode , clean | 1217 | Rochester Forth conferences | ########################################################################## | | ======================== | Sat.Nov,20211120 | ======================== | Forth Day | | 1256 | POTENTIAL OF 4th.CoSy FOR BigData http://cosy.com/y21/Sun.Nov,20211114.html#4th.CoSy https://www.meetup.com/SV-FIG/events/281109563/ 11:55 | Potential of 4th.CoSy for BigData --- Bob Armstrong CoSy is an APL/K level computational daytimer/notekeeping environment in open to to chip Forth. | max dP%dt APL and K find their markets in complex global financial Big Data. CoSy provides a path for Forth to address those markets . | 12:15 FB FORTH PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE 21st CENTURY https://www.facebook.com/groups/PROGRAMMINGFORTH/posts/2790866607880022/?comment_id=2791634804469869 Anders Koburg commented : More and more tasks like big data handling (eg archived signal analysis) appear even in the embedded world. Forth has no answer to this. Either some Forther(s) reinvent Forth, or it will shrink to about non-existance within its niche. MY PATH : PDP-8I Lab Computer -- like an Arduino | Visual Random Dot patterns http://cosy.com/y21/Blog60days.html#20211113 You can learn Arduino in 15 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nL34zDTPkcs Learned multi-dimensional MATH w APL to play w it til GROKED HOW TO DO YOU THINK ABOUT THE TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE PATTERNS OF ACTIVITY ON 250,000 OPTIC FIBERS % EYE ? My interest : ASSOCIATIVE MEMORY IPSA | XEROX https://www.dyalog.com/blog/2021/07/thank-you-ian-sharp/ FORTH | IF YOU CAN DO IT WELL FOR ONE YOU CAN DO IT WELL FOR MANY SIMPLEST SYNTAX . DEFINE VOCABULARIES , NOT ` PROGRAMS UNIQUE RECOGNITION THAT LANGUAGE IS A HIERARCHY , NOT HORIZON APL>K | PLURAL BY DEFAULT BY DESIGN https://kx.com/ 1010DATA TRILLION ROW SPREADSHEET® https://1010data.com/media/1955/1010data_datasheet_adhoc-analysis-with-trs_28apr17.pdf A ` secret source of APL/K's speed : ` COLUMNAR ( inverted ) STORAGE rShow ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/ />\ Dir lfVM >t0> t0 5 _cut -3 _cut ` ncon ' drb 'm >t1> t1 ' blVM 'm >t2> | #' nub t2 { 3 _take } 'm t2 { 3 _cut blMV } 'm { cL enc } 'd >t0> t0 s" | " ' MV 'L t0 flip | fmttbl| res> rUpdate CoSy | Personal Interest ? : BUSINESS COCKPIT Unified ` Browser email , messaging , etc interface & archive My OWN Data dP%dt ENVIRONMENT COMMANDED BY THE LANGUAGE IT IS BUILT IN IMPORTANT HOBBY : http://cosy.com/#PlanetaryPhysics Seeking an executable understanding of the differential in a voxel because mapping it over a sphere is rather trivial in an APL like CoSy HOW | SIMPLE STRUCTURE | ONLY ` OBJECT IS ` LIST http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/ 3 CELL HEADER : `( Type # Ref# )` ` Type | allows ` generic verbs choosing apropriate algo | Type 0 is list of lists , ie : 1 cell pointers ` # | ` COUNT . How many items in list . | Indexing is MODULO . Allows wrapping & negative indexing ` Ref# | Generally internal . Permits ` automatic allocation | & freeing of objects . | W/O Dynamic Objects simply not at ` User level . | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | IF YOU HAVE A PROJECT WHERE THIS ABILITY TO DO IN A LINE WHAT MAY TAKE A PAGE OR MORE IN RAW FORTH , IF YOU WANT TO ADD A VOCABULARY TO YOUR FORTH TO ALLOW IT TO COMPETE AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL , LET'S MAKE BUSINESS . LET'S CREATE THE FORTH ALTERNATIVE TO C BASED HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE | -------------------------- | VISION : Everybody their own programmer . Like telephones and elevators . PATH FROM CONCEPTUAL ARRAYS TO SILICON ARRAYS OPENS THE ` MACHINE LEVEL LANGUAGE/STRUCTURE TO EVOLVE THE CODE IS THE THEORY Bob@CoSy.com -- 719.337.2733 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Ting : We all need a Forth for modern Browsers | 1044 | Minimalism & Fresh Ideas is why I chose Reva instead of Win32Forth | 1046 | Be great & powerful to see CoSy in ESP32forth | 1048 | https://esp32forth.appspot.com/ESP32forth.html | 1051 | Brad Nelson Back in NYC Wall St bum days saw company doing 3D printed sand casts | 1055 | Rectangular to Triangular translation algol ? | 1057 | G-code interface to printer Over all grade : WOW | 1110 | flagxor. Don Golding : Forth is the RISC | 1218 | System Verilog | CORE I | Greg Bailey . RayBan Stories | 1419 | | ########################################################################## | British APL Association webinar | ======================== | Thu.Dec,20211202 | ======================== | i( 1920 12 17 )i ' *i ./ |>| 391680 RayCannon : combat ants | 0916 | Discussion of ` universal ` APL logo Connor Hoekstra : Mission Statement Me Chat : My LoGo will always be http://cosy.com/cosylogo.htm , with various colors , generically : #FF00FF Adám : Somewhere in the Mandelbrot set is the perfect APL logo | 1020 | Can that be disproved ? | ########################################################################## | https://www.meetup.com/SV-FIG/events/282582669/ | ======================== | Sat.Dec,20211218 | ======================== | 1030 | SV-FIG | | 1142 |* Forth vs `( C Java )` NOT `( Javascript Python )` MUCH LESS CoSy But CoSy is just an open vocabulary in Forth Definitions on the scale of ` words , not ` programs http://cosy.com/y21/Sun.Dec,20211212.html#4th.CoSy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APL_(programming_language) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K_%28programming_language%29 | ======================== | Bill Ragsdale's ` Factorial challenge | important for finite stats http://cosy.com/y21/Blog60days.html#20211211 | | 1 thru n | xt of int * | across | : !* iota 1+i ' *i ./ ; 6 _i !* 20 _iota 1+i .. ' !* 'm ,L fmttbl| 100 _iota 1+i i>f ' f* scanf ` scan ?? Rationals | 2 Big Num libs included w Reva http://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/lib/math/ http://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/lib/math/apnea http://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/lib/math/big ` / Help `( * */ + - /mod 1+ 1- 2* 2/ << >> mod )` ' Help 'm `( * */ + - /mod 1+ 1- 2* 2/ << >> mod )` ' :?? 'm | $40 INTRO | MAIN GOAL GETTING DOWNLOADED & RUNNING | | BECAUSE ONCE UP IN CoSy ALL HELP IS AVAILABLE | | $10 refund per line of useful code | ======================== | Ting | 1055 | Java Byte code | ====================================================================== | 1500 | CoSy https://cosy.com/ text> ` C:/CoSyWeb/y21/Presentations.txt >F http://cosy.com/y21/Presentations.txt | ======================== | Bob Armstrong is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Bob Armstrong's Zoom Meeting Time: Dec 18, 2021 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6641053452?pwd=b3hjenJrNmVsODF3cWZkaUJNNXhxQT09 Meeting ID: 664 105 3452 Passcode: CoSy | ########################################################################## | | ======================== | Sat.Feb,20220226 | ======================== | SV-FIG VD Demo | http://cosy.com/y22/Sun.Feb,20220213.html http://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/CoSy/Graphics/ https://www.w3schools.com/graphics/svg_polyline.asp See WorkLog Fri.Feb,20220211 file:///C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y20/tstsvg.html | ====================================================================== | | 1035 | SwiftX Demo --- Leon Wagner, FORTH, Inc. https://github.com/tabemann/zeptoforth | 1115 | multi tasking vocab https://www.perforce.com/ | 1138 | Sam | ======================== | Tue.Mar,20220322 | ======================== | | 0921 | 0930 | 21. 11.5 f- _f |>| 9.5000 | [Functional Conf 2022] - Speaker Get together https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84551453143?pwd=bmZrWDd1RTMrQ0hpLzlmZzFsUEpuQT09 Brooklyn Zelenka : Table programming | ======================== | Thu.Mar,20220324 | ======================== | Thu, 24th - Sat, 26th Mar 2022 Kolkata India Zoom | 0731 | https://www.functionalconf.com https://confengine.com/conferences/functional-conf-2022/speaker CoSy APL ala K in open to the chip Forth Melding IVERSON & MOORE To Artificially Aid MY Intelligence One can truly control one's intelligent assistants thru language § MOTIVATION : PERSONAL COMPUTATIONAL LOG FOR EVERYDAY BUSINESS OF LIFE Computer Aided Individual Thus the interface is integral to productivity For ` Ordinary People | have never heard of ` Github http://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/ CoSy is Far more ` Powerful § THE CODE IS THE THEORY § APL & Forth Shared Attributes They take SIMPLICITY to the EXTREME At the top level , they are INTERPRETED . They are INTERACTIVE | Workspace They are languages for creating vocabulary working together in SENTENCES rather than ` Programs § http://www.cosy.com/y21/ApolloDesignPrinciple1.jpg http://www.cosy.com/y21/ApolloDesignPrinciple3_Restart.jpg APL works on entire collections , ordered sets . Combinatoric application of `( Functions verbs )` to `( Data nouns )` Factors ` loops into `( Operators adverbs )` " IN APL IF YOU CAN THINK IT IT'S DONE " | Randy MacDonald I don't like to have to think Twice Arthur Whitney Simplified APL Arrays to LIST of LISTS | ala Backus and MADE STRUCTURE MORE TRANSPARENT dot : { +/ x * y } | classical Dot product in K § FORTH MINIMAL VOCABULARY TO CREATE A DICTIONARY CAPABLE OF EXTENDING ITSELF can create language in the language of the chip word by word to interface w other languages Ultimate flexiblility : RPN ReadIt DoIt syntax , but can make word look ahead in input Can construct any vocab & syntax you can conceive eg: those presented here . A language to build on alt to `( C Java Rust? lua? )` https://cosy.com/CoSy/y22/Simple.jpg ` \4thCoSy\CoSy\CoSy.csy startJob 1 2 - . | Pure chip level Forth ( Execute w sF6 ) 1 .s 2 .s - .s . .s `( Type Count ReferenceCount )` | 3 cell CoSy List Header Type 0 is list of lists : list of addresses of lists . 1 _i 1 _i DMP 1 2 - _i : minus2 2 - _i ; 1 minus2 DMP 10 _i iota i( 1 -1 )i *i | modulo indexing rather than scalar extension ` adsf;lk ` vs ' | ` qua vs Forth dictionary address : dot *f ' +f ./ ; | classical ` dot product . ` dot See 109 _iota i>f .. dot 10 _iota i>f .. reverse dot text> "bl =c +/ ` : Help `( : :: ; ;; [ ' '' (create) (header) ['] ] back compile create does> find find-dict findprev header )` R0 ' Help 'm | monadic each R #' R 0 _at R 1 _at #' ,L flip R ` text v@ vocabularies | big . Xwords | ' 1th 'm ,/ blVM # environment : `( res text state )` § ONLY JUST BEGUN Need Heads to make Language Community `( Pool EcoSystem )` and Business Particularly , replace IUP GUI w sockets>browser interface § Zoom next Saturday , Sat.Apr,20220402.0930-7 ( MDT ) bob@CoSy.com | RSVP | ====================================================================== | http://cosy.com/y20/blog.txt | Sun.Oct,20201004 Going Forth to Erlang by Manoj Govindan at #FnConf18 | https://youtu.be/RpsZ1Ka2HPQ | | ====================================================================== | | ======================== | Sat.Apr,20220423 | ======================== | SV-FIG https://www.functionalconf.com/ https://confengine.com/conferences/functional-conf-2022/proposal/16396/cosy-evolved-from-apl-via-k-in-open-forth text> lfVM ` Thu.Mar,20220324 cconn >t1> |>| 841 ` 830,1 textwdo @ setcaret `( Haskell Erlang/Elixir F# Clojure Dhall Scala OCaml Elm PureScript APL ... )` Forth is one -- tho little recognized . In fact one of the purest Totally disconnected from hardware Very ` Academic : Category Theory , ` functors ` Monads The Web Runs on These Languages § In CoSy : THE CODE IS THE THEORY § Yesterday I emailed Naresh Jain , main organizer of the conference : My presentation is now [ linked ] at CoSy.com/CoSy/#Videos . I felt it wasn't very good when I did it , but realized I was trying to cover a lot of ground outside the standard scope of Functional Languages . Finally looking at it , I think I did better than I had felt . It reinforced my feeling that CoSy ` brackets most standard languages , being evolved and simplified from APL at the ` human end , and open to the chip in Forth at the ` chip end . My talk was certainly was the only one which presented the assembler code of any definitions . I think many of the concepts of the various ` Functional languages I would look at as vocabularies one could add to CoSy since it provides dynamic reference counted lists at the very core level . I think one of the most interesting events was the table discussion following Jed Wesley-Smith's " Names are Overrated " talk . Chuck Moore's " white-space is the prime delimiter " ( actually my phrase ) is like removing a straight jacket from a table of symbols cast in lead by a central committee . Aaron Hsu | Dyalog APL | DSLs, Architecture, & Structural Design in APL, 3 ways 45 minutes on page filling APL scripts to parse & ` compile APL - the syntax has gotten than complex & entwined with semantics . https://confengine.com/user/arcfide https://youtu.be/fH4kxG5zR1Y In the chat , I commented ( channeling the IBM 1620 CADET ) : CoSy Doesn't Even Try and simple RPN is what makes CoSy more Far more flexible w/o loss of ` Power Open vocabual down to the Chip rather than ` compiling . | ======================== || ======================== | Comparison w Factor : " A Practical Stack Language " CoSy : Far More Practical https://youtu.be/OLh61q4c4XE A couple of code comparisons : ` racecar .. reverse ,L : palendrome? .. reverse == ; | Virtually identical ` racecar palendrome? { .. reverse == } _i >t0 ` racecar t0 >_ xeq XML : http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/y22/SVFIG_vs_Factor_XML.html `( three blind mice )` `(
  • )` ' braket 'L `( )` braket R0 lfMV ` braket :?? CoSy is tiny compared to Factor . CoSy totally Forth ( & assembler ) http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/y22/FactorCodeSize_SVFIG_YT.jpg `( sys scripts )` Dv@ >t0> | need to delete all ` "cr bcz some files us DOS "nl & some don't t0 { drb F> "cr ssd lfVM ' dlb 'm dae # } 'm >t1> t0 t1 ,L fmttbl| t1 ,/ +/ |>| 8793 | all non-empty lines | all non total comment lines : t0 { F> "cr ssd lfVM ' dlb 'm dae ` | nin # } 'm >t1> ,/ +/ |>| 7671 | ======================== | Actual needed to make more purely high-level ` concatinative : o StateSmart words to make line directly ` quotable from interactive eg: ' vs ['] | done in CoSy o Separation of names from definitions ie | ` name { ... } >< | rather than | : name ... ; o Recursive quotations | { ... { ... } .. } o Generic words at top level . This is done with a few words already eg | +/ | but really only a matter of fleshing out ` coercion matrices CoSy at this point has chosen not to close off the raw Forth level . o Integrate definitions ( currently raw Forth ) into ` Dictionaries | ======================== | I'd like to see a talk on ` PostScript | ======================== || ======================== | Wordle Challenge http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/y22/[svfig]April_Challenge_sampleWordleFreqs.html http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/y22/[svfig]April_Challenge_FullWordleWordFreqs.html | ======================== | Zoom @ 1500 MDT ( UTC - 6 ) Time: Apr 23, 2022 03:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) https://us05web.zoom.us/j/85608719089?pwd=b2RLRW91V1E0ZlFMeWE1RjBPY01vUT09 Meeting ID: 856 0871 9089 Passcode: CoSyFuture | 1208 | | ======================== | Sat.Apr,20230422 | ======================== | | 0850 | | 1015 | | 1032 | Creole Forth for Python in a Jupyter Notebook --- Joseph O'Connor https://notebook.community/hcchengithub/project-k/Play%20with%20the%20FORTH%20kernel%20on%20jupyter%20notebook ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/math.f F> | rUpdate | Eval | various rand & math fns . rShow rCloseWdo Lazarus GUI Elevator Simulation Challenge --- Bill Ragsdale https://elevation.fandom.com/wiki/Unlucky_floor_numbers_in_elevators | 1139 | https://www.amazon.com/McGraw-Hill-personal-computer-programming-encyclopedia/dp/0070053898 | ======================== | Martin Gardner Bridgit | Sci Amer Math Games ~ 1960 | http://www.papg.com/show?1TPI https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/y23/BitoCoSyCode0418.html i1 10 _take R0 ' +i .\ R0 ' +i .\ ` .\ :?? ( ./CoSy/CoSy.f | ` scan , integral , for ` CoSy level fns . like running ` ./ | 20230414 20230416 : .\ ( RA fn -- r ) >aux 1p> dup i# $ Type@ VecInit >Lpstk R@ dsc lpstk@ 0 _at! lpstk@ i# 1 do lpstk@ i 1- _at R@ i _at aux@ execute lpstk@ i _at! loop auxdrop Lpstk> 1P> ; ) `f 1 10000 _take ' +f .\ | instantanious Heartland | K12 planetary physics ciriculum res> upper HEARTLAND | K12 PLANETARY PHYSICS CIRICULUM | 1159 | https://www.pcmag.com/news/google-bard-can-now-help-you-write-code-in-over-20-programming-languages | ======================== | Sat.May,20230527 | ======================== | | 1126 | R `( Type # Ref# )` ' Eval 'R ` sdfg `( Type # Ref# )` ' Eval 'R R `( sys )` v@ | ======================== | Sun.Aug,20230820 | ======================== | | 1032 | | 1154 |* Intelligent Paper . Possible in Forth but not in C IF YOU ARE GOOD AT NUMBERCRUNCHING NO MATTER YOUR `DRUTHERS THE MOST VALUABLE TO CRUNCH ARE ONES WITH CURRENCY SYMBOLS ATTACHED > ENTERPRIZES ARE ACCOUNTING STRUCTURES WITH PEOPLE ATTACHED < BOARD ROOM SYSTEMS https://www.cosy.com/BobA/vita.htm APL level tasks : Xerox , RGE , Manhattan APL+PC.CoSy , MEJA Trust o So far have avoided renaming Forth words | exception | alias: $ swap | Thu.Aug,20230824 BAA Zoom comparison w https://dyalog.com APL showed how much simpler w equivalent ` power but more immediate transparent documentation 4th.CoSy is THERE'S NO QUESTION WHETHER YOU CAN OR CAN'T DO SOMETHING It's all open code so you can always roll your own | ================================================== | | ACOUNTING USEFUL VOCABULARY & METHODS | | DAILY INLINE LOG LEDGER ENTRIES ` C:\CoSyBob\BobA.csy F>/\ ` text v@ s" | Sun.Jan,20230101 | " prt>=f rShow R0 ` .\CoSy\AcntFns.f F> `( rUpdate Eval )` 1 _at Eval : ledgerlns lfVM s" (' " con ['] dlb 'm s" (' " in { s" ')" prt<=l } 'm ; t0 ' Eval 'm >t0> fmt rUpdate t0 flip >t0> fmt rUpdate t0 fmttbl| rUpdate t0 3 _at ' +/ 'm ,/ +\ enc' enc t0 $ cL fmttbl| rUpdate | append running balance | CONVERSION OF ACCOUNT .CSV DOWNLOADS ` C:\CoSyBob\acnts\y23\BobA\Chase4301ytd.CSV F> >t0> t0 rUpdate t0 "lf ` , ,L csv>DT >t1> t1 # t1 #' t1 dsc t1 1 _at t1 fmtDT rUpdate t1 dsc { "bl ssd } 'm enc t1 0 _at! t1 dsc | t1 dsc blMV |>| TransactionDate PostDate Description Category Type Amount Memo t1 `( TransactionDate Description Amount Memo Category Type PostDate )` dsel >t1> t1 1th ' reverse 'm enc t1 1 _at! t1 DT>lst flip fmttbl| rUpdate t1 >T0> T0 fmtDT rUpdate T0 1th >t1> t1 fmttbl| rUpdate t1 dsc ' m/d/y>ts 'm enc t1 0 _at! t1 2 _at ' str>f 'm enc t1 2 _at! | ` C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y22/BobA/AmazonChase.cdt F>/\ 1th flip -1 _at 3 _at |>| -43.21 (' 20230101 _i s" Opening Balance " -43.21 _f -43.21 _f ec ec ec ') R0 enc T0 1th flip cL flip >t1> fmttbl| | ( tbl (' DataCol ResCol ') -- insert running total of DataCol in ResCol ) | 20230705 | from ` acnts work : tblbal 2p> dsc at ,/ +\ enc' enc L@ R@ 1th at! 2P ; t1 i( 2 3 )i tblbal t1 fmttbl| rUpdate t1 enc T0 1 _at! ` Balance enc T0 dsc 3 _at! `( date description amount balance )` T0 dsc 4 _iota at! T0 fmtDT rUpdate | T0 ` C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y23/BobA/AmazonChase.cdt \/>F ` C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y23/BobA/AmazonChase.cdt F>/\ fmtDT rUpdate *| 1218 | | ======================== | Sat.Oct,20231028 | ======================== | https://www.meetup.com/sv-fig/events/296504119/ | 1030 | What I'm Currently Working On --- Samuel Falvo II 'A quick jaunt through Shoehorn and the project I'm using it on. A recap/status of ForthBox:20AE project.” Doug Hammed : how does programming influence your ` outside life | 1113 | | Date to DOW --- Bill Ragsdale "A gift from my deceased mother. How to find the day for any date." ` ./lib/date/calendar F> | rUpdate ` isleap? :?? 00000000 _i Dayln =+ | 1138 | Halloween Haikus --- Brad Nelson I'll give an interactive tutorial in building Halloween themed Forth Haikus. https://forthsalon.appspot.com/ ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/math.f F> : dot *f ' +f ./ ; ` dot See f( 1 2 3 )f 2. _f dot f( 1 2 3 )f .+ dot =+ | 1228 | CORE I Update ---Don Golding Don won't be available, but he promised to send an update to be read into the record. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1230 | Making a pitch for Chuck https://amturing.acm.org/call_for_nominations.cfm | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 1234 | “The discussion of my last talk on accounting vocabulary in CoSy mainly centered on how do you learn or teach a unique vocabulary with concepts outside the main stream . Both Forth and APL face this issue . I'll offer to show the vocabulary and tools in CoSy to aid in its learning...” PEOPLE PAY GOOD MONEY TO LEARN HARD VOCABULARIES https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/y23/SV-FIG_20230826_commentary.html WHOLE LITERATURES TEACHING INDIVIDUAL LANGUAGES NOT TRIVIAL | LANGUAGE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE PROGRAMMING JUST PART OF LIFE -- LIKE WRITING -- PROGRAMMING JUST ASKING THE MACHINE TO DO SOMETHING requires human scale vocabulary ` all Words Allwords # LOOK AT DEFINITIONS WHEN IN DOUBT can't do in other languages SIMPLICITY THRU GENERALITY https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/ Churchill | ======================== | HELP TOOLS LANGUAGE HORIZONS BAA DISCUSSION CoSy IS UNIQUE IN BEING ` COMMANDED IN THE SAME OPEN LANGUAGE IT WRITTEN IN ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.csy startJob ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.csy F>/\ ` text v@ rUpdate | -- F1 | THREE MAIN ` HELP WORDS ` :?? ?? | all occurances of a phrase in all scripts make CoSy ` :?? See | startles people from other languages that this is possible ec Help | legacy ` Reva Forth help . | > > > > > > > > > > | ASK A FRIEND | < < < < < < < < < < | | 1253 | | ======================== | Sat.Nov,20231118 | ======================== | 09:05 --- The J1 Family of Soft core Processors --- Christopher Lozinski “My last SVFIG talk, “Review of Soft Core Forth Processors”, was a high level market overview. I am now busy hacking the Mecrisp-Ice source code. This talk explains why I chose to build on that code base. “ hearing aids | https://mecrisp.sourceforge.net/ | 1035 | =+ 09:35 --- ISO Weeks Programming Challenge --- Bill Ragsdale “The ISO 8601 Standard week is used for planning business finance and operations. A key element is numbering the weeks of the year, albeit with a non-intuitive method. AudVid failed | 1044 | =+ | 10:05 --- Lambdas in Forth --- Brad Nelson “Lambda expressions have become a popular language feature, finding their way into Python, Java, and even C++. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anonymous_function ` refs- :?? SamFalvo | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u46W-0KuP34&t=1s ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/math.f F> | Eval : Fact >_ : _Fact _iota i1 +i ['] *i ./ ; | Factorial | 20191211 : !*! iota 1+i ' *i ./ ; | 20211210 | `i 10 !*! =+ 10:35 --- Photo Op and Bathroom Break =+ | 1124 | 10:40 --- System Forth --- Samuel Falvo II "A quick overview... --- I have solved the wordlist bug in my System Forth implementation, so wordlists actually work!! --- I also implemented LIST, so I can see what the heck I'm about to load now. :D And PAGE and AT-XY too. ---Tic-tac-toe game demo." =+ | 1141 | 11:00 --- FluidNC DIY CNC --- Mitch Bradley FluidNC is CNC controller firmware that runs on very low cost hardware, but is flexible enough to support many different kinds of complex machines. I will introduce the basics of CNC controllers, explain how FluidNC came about, and discuss the challenges of supporting an open source project of this magnitude in the context of a DIY community. Einstein tiling ? ? CNC Problems for the APL level . | 1202 | =+ | 1203 | 11:20 --- Forth Recognizers in SwiftForth --- Leon Wagner - President - FORTH, Inc. The Forth interpreter doesn’t have a standard method for extending how it processes various kinds of text tokens. There’s a white paper here on our website: https://www.forth.com/forth-recognizers-in-swiftforth/ input parsing | 1222 | Bill Ragsdale sound still not working | 1231 | working =+ | 1255 | 11:40 --- Fall Haikus --- Brad Nelson Using the power of Forth Haikus we'll create seasonal fall images and animations to celebrate Forth Day. =+ | 1255 | 11:50 --- Lunch =+ | 1404 | | 1406 | 12:32 --- CORE I Project Update and AI IS the Forth's "Killer APP" --- Don Golding | 1436 | =+ 12:52 --- 2023 State of the CoSy Report --- Bob Armstrong “CoSy Status Report? (Can't think of anything succinct to add) CoSy , Yesterday , Today and Tomorrow? (honors Sophia Loren , but I don't want to spend time on Yesterday) 2023 State of the CoSy Report has an official sound to it . Whatever.” =+ | canceled til next | 13:12 --- Getting Started with arrayForth --- Greg Bailey “My plan would be to deliver on my promise a year ago to present a video on the simple process of downloading, installing and using arrayForth 3” =+ | 1507 | 13:57 --- Fireside Chat --- Chuck Moore It's a Forth Day tradition! =+ 15:00 --- Adjourn The recording will be stopped without ceremony. Good fellowship and conversation can continue in our tastefully furnished Zoom Room. | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | ======================== | Sat.Nov,20231118 | ======================== | | 1439 | 2023 State of the CoSy Report Draft Alternate names : “CoSy Status Report? (Can't think of anything succinct to add) o 2023 State of the CoSy Report has an official sound to it . Whatever.” o CoSy , YESTERDAY , TODAY and TOMORROW | (honors Sophia Loren , but I don't want to spend time on Yesterday) https://www.theplace2.ru/archive/sophia_loren/img/54bc1ecf7be13_hbz_sophia_loren_21_1950s_rexusa_1210986a.jpg https://glamourfame.com/uploads/2019/05/20/-1558346209.jpg | ================================================== | UNIQUE : COMMAND YOUR COMPUTER AT THE TAP OF A KEY ANYWHERE IN YOUR NOTES https://www.cosy.com/language/cosyhard/cosyhard.htm I'M POOR PROGRAMMER - BAD @ SPELLING , BAD @ ARITHIMETIC , ERROR PRONE d(my)Productivity%dT exponential requires environment itself be open > FOUNDATIONS < IVERSON | APL | SUCCINCT NOTATION FOR EXECUTABLE EXPRESSION OF FINITE MATHEMATICS , ie: COMPUTATION ( trumps any particular math or science ) " BA: combinatoric application of functions ( verbs ) to data ( nouns ) " MOORE | FORTH | MINIMAL VOCABULARY TO CREATE A DICTIONARY CAPABLE OF EXTENDING ITSELF | Tron July 9, 1982 FORTH UNIQUE IN RECOGNIZING LANGUAGE IS A HIERARCHY OF DEFINITIONS NOT A HORIZON CoSy is the ONLY very high level language which honors this truth > BOTH K & C ` REQUIRED INTERACTIVE ENVIRONMENT < me too > PROGRAM AT THE MOST TIME & THOUGHT EFFICIENT LEVEL < " If you can think it , it's done " | vocabulary | >>> THE CODE IS THE THEORY <<< s" | FORTH DAY | " `i 78 center | FORTH DAY | ` center :?? ` ./CoSy/Furniture.f F> rUpdate | ========================== | CoSy VOCABULARY PROVIDES ESSENTIALS OF ` HIGHER LEVEL LANGUAGES Everything is a list : 3 cell header `( Type Count refCount )` Type o Reference Counted Memory Management o List of Lists , ie: Arrays o Stack Frames | ` Lambda expressions ` lambda expressions -- seem to me to be essentially ` stack_frames ` ./CoSy/ParameterPushing.f F> rUpdate | ToDo | Polish for ordinary humans , interface w World o genericise arithmetic | +i *f %f |>| + * % . naked input of numeric lists | ( begun in mothballed code ) o replace development IUP GUI w sockets interfaced ` browser o CoSy ` WebSpaces as service . Commanded & programmed in CoSy o transliterate to ` clean FORTH . Recursive quotations . | 1505 | | 1715 | | ======================== | Sat.Feb,20240224 | ======================== | Sam Falvo II , Happy | fC 49 365.25 ) a CE eso, Day among us 49. 305. wo 49 65. * 49 365. *T >7 'm | ========================== | | 20240318.1206 | partly because had 2 copies of Job opened , lost text of Presentation | Below is screen-scraped from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPaHnbcbCbw https: //wew. meetup. com/sv-fig/events/299045744/ cosy INNARDS https: //cosy.com/4thcosy/ . Ron Aaron's Reva 32bit x86 assembler | Julian Roca PCc32 * https://cosy.com/ ww { chatGPT © Groks cosy * https: //ww. cosy .com/y24/2024_02.htm] ww | Fresh NewsLetter | nouns verbs adverbs FORTH IS UNIQUE IN DIRECT INTERFACE WITH HARDWARE . and is where the meaningful discussion of the issue is happening FORTH IS > NOT < AN EFFICIENT LANGUAGE FOR EXPRESSING HUMAN LEVEL TASKS EITHER SIMPLE OR COMPLEX . . | `( create does )' ' Help 'm | really screwed up line which caused blow away | of ` text ! | ================================================== | | ======================== | Sat.Mar,20240323 | ======================== | | 1234 | Brett Aubrey Gordon | CEO Infinite Space Technologies LLC | 1042 | i( 0 1 1 0 )i i( 2 2 )i take ( 0 1 1 0 ) 2 _i 4 _take ' *i ./ |>| 16 16 _iota fmtI% -4 ` bool ?? ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/math.f F> Eval | various rand & math fns . ` rand Words | 1126 | Brad Nelson | Chuck : 1 \/ 2 arguments ! | ToS NoS `( 'm 'd 'L 'R 1p 2p 1P> 2P> )` ' :?? 'm | Other uses of Color -- aging | different fonts . | 1159 | Don Golding | neg -- similar issue w Ref counting . | wordwise definintion . true for APL K too | 1220 | ` >| See | ================================================== | I've been accepted to give a talk at Lambda,Conf 2024 in Estes Park in May res> upper I'VE BEEN ACCEPTED TO GIVE A TALK AT LAMBDA,CONF 2024 IN ESTES PARK IN MAY https://www.lambdaconf.us/ on CoSy: APL evolved as an open vocabulary in Forth | -- EM > SV-FIG 20240316.1445 : I thought last month's talk on CoSy internals was quite useful , particularly because of Don Golding's interruptions reining me in to give actual implementation specifics , particularly the `( Type Count Ref# )` | ` Header -> Header | .+ { See lfVM } 'm ,L fmttbl| | header info eg: ` Header See alias: Type@ @ : i# ( adr -- number_of_items ) cell+ @ ; | "count" ; K # , like APL ` rho `( refs@ `BnR hw@ )` ' :?? 'm I'm open to giving a talk on some of the concepts and structures not covered last month , several of which can be used quite independently of the overall reference counting memory management . In particular , I find the https://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/CoSy/AltStackOps.f ` ./CoSy/AltStackOps.f F> rUpdate STACK PICTURE vocabulary useful for minimizing thought . But of more substance , the stack frame vocabulary , https://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/CoSy/ParameterPushing.f Implementing the notion in George B. Lyons : Stack Frames and Local Variables : http://dl.forth.com/jfar/vol3/no1/article3.pdf The system also provides potential local variables , tho I rarely use them . Built on the stack frame vocabulary are simple words to handle reference counting and freeing on entrance and exit of words -- which is the essence of ` high level language object management . Anyway , those 2 short scripts would make a useful talk . | 1255 | | -- bye | ================================================== | `( $ v $ )` `( >r v r> )` ,L { ' See 'm } 'm https://retroforth.org/ `( community understandablity flexibility large-vocabulary )` PROGRAMMING AT THE DENSITY OF MATHEMATICS `( www shell> )` ' :?? 'm ` .\CoSy\BROWSER.txt F> "bl cL | DOS Shell command to ` GET contents of a WebPage ? ? ? : Value ( lst name -- ) >r refs+> s" value " r> cL Eval ; | reorder to make functional : >| ( value name -- ) dup van find ?dup 0if 2drop Value ;then --b rplc ; | Create name with value if not defined . Replace its value if already defined . `i 24 ` day -> day i( 12 24 48 96 )i ` day -> day | ====================================================================== | | ====================================================================== | | ============================================== | LambdaConf.US/speakers/bob-armstrong | ===================================== | NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPETELY DIFFERENT >>> EXECUTING IN CoSy <<< INTELLIGENT PAPER F1 is Help | ======================== | Mon.May,20240506 | ======================== | | 1434 | `( YESTERDAY TODAY TOMORROW )` `f 20 `f 3 %f | 20 min in 3 parts , 5 Q&A | | ======================== | | INTRO | -- THE 1ST 50 YEARS | YET a FRESH PARADIGM CoSy , EVOLVED AS MY TOOL OF THOUGHT CoSy.com/y24/Lambda2024_SLIDES.html#Logo MATH , IT'S IMPLEMENTATION , TRUMPS SPECIFICS WHETHER AI OR FINITE ELEMENT MODELING THE PLANET | ======================== | THE CODE IS THE THEORY | CURRENT | -- INTRO CoSy | I'M A POOR PROGRAMMER - BAD @ SPELLING , BAD @ ARITHIMETIC , ERROR PRONE I NEED THE BACK-SPACE KEY TO MAKE FORWARD PROGRESS CoSy : INTELLIGENT NOTE PAPER : ANY LINE CAN BE PASSED TO THE ` MACHINE TO EVALUATE IN THE LANGUAGE THE NOTEBOOK IS WRITTEN IN , THUS , PROGAMMABLE ITSELF CoSy.com/CoSy/Simplicity.html 1 2 - _i | EXECUTES DIRECTLY IN FORTH | SO RAW RESULT MUST BE TAKEN FROM STACK | AND CONVERTED TO CoSy LIST s" Hello World" reverse | # ` HelloWorld ` HelloWorld "bl cL i( 7 23 )i take >t0> | rUpdate t0 t0 reverse ' cL 'd >t0> rUpdate ` ' Help rUpdate `( 'm 'd 'L 'R ./ Y./ .\ )` | main ADVERBS | t0 .+ reverse cL rUpdate : VSasson take .+ reverse ' cL 'd .+ reverse cL ; s" HelloWorld " i( 7 23 )i VSasson >t0> | rUpdate t0 DMP cr t0 dsc DMP | RAW FORTH execute w sF6 res> rUpdate ` DMP ?? fmt |rUpdate ` dump Help ` DMP See rUpdate ` .+ :?? ` .+ See SCAFFOLD attach to things | \/ | OPEN CODE | \/ | CoSy.com/4thCoSy/ | ======================== | | FUTURE | ` BUSINESS-PLAN . CREATE CASH FLOWING ECOSYSTEM . CoSy ` WEBSPACES | SOVEREIGN WEB DIRECTORIES | COMMANDED & PROGRAMMED IN CoSy SOME TRIVIAL 1ST ITEMS | Standard stuff I skipped . general ` get & put web contents A LITLE LESS TRIVIAL BUT WELL UNDERSTOOD . Parse numbers directly to CoSy lists . Genericize operations so + instead of +i , +f At that point , quite equivalent to APL.K ** REPLACE THIS DEVEL GUI W SOCKETS >< BROWSER ** l INTERN -- UCCS -- ZOOM -- | ======================== | FIRST CLIENT^USER^PROGRAMMER | $1200 year license includes | 0.1% of CoSy llc | CoSy.com/alphas.html#CharterMembership BE IT IRRITATION OR APPLICATION WE'LL SOLVE IT TOGETHER | -- | linkedin.com/posts/cosybob_your-startup-idea-its-worthless-im-activity-7192377945561161728-CaVq/ | ############################################### | cosy.com/BobA/Public/barcode1024.jpg | =============================================== | | ############################################### | file:///C:/CoSyWeb/y24/Lambda2024_SLIDES.html#Logo Reverse Polish Notation | RPN | noun noun verb ! BUT A VERB CAN READ & PROCESS AHEAD ! | ======================== | Sat.May,20240525 | ======================== | https://www.meetup.com/sv-fig/events/301227226/ https://cosy.com/y24/NL2024_05.html | 1026 | My experiments with Color Forth on Plan 9 --- Siva Gowkanapalli color for ' | 1107 | Forth Family tree : Pigmy > Retro > Reva { ... } | ======================== | | 1210 | 1030 | SV-FIG | what I don't know . equity for teky | virus false alarms . Xeek.ai . | open | concentration on ` normal human user interface https://evernote.com/ https://duckduckgo.com/?q=evernote+finacials Kx.com | 1228 | NASA Lunanet https://nextage-llc.com/ | ======================== | Sat.Jun,20240622 | ======================== | https://www.meetup.com/sv-fig/events/301500737/ | 1028 | Dimitri | notepad++ Don : up to 700 pins | 1132 | Zeptoscript, a Dynamic Forthy Language --- Travis Bemann text> >t0> "lf =c & t0 $ 0cut # |>| 1911 text> lfVM |>| 1912 ` lfVM :?? ` daylncut :?? R0 ` SV- con T0 # text> `( "lf "ht )` ' ssd Y./ blVM >t0> # t0 dae ' c>i 'm Sam Falvo : CoSy internals intro SVFIG 24Mar2018pm https://youtu.be/u46W-0KuP34 | 1304 | | ======================== | Sat.Jul,20240727 | ======================== | | 0839 | Forth2020 admin deleted my announcement . https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/y24/Forth2020removedPost.jpg Apparently the Admin wants to keep Forth something used at the hardware level by at most 10s of thousands rather than as an open foundation to compete with C & Java & a few others as foundation for for languages like Python & higher compelling at the human level to millions for more ordinary human level tasks . | 1009 | | 1115 | Bill Ragsdale ` csv Words ' :?? 'm nub | 1229 | | ================================================== | Conor Hoekstra | APL vs BQN vs J vs Q vs NumPy vs Julia vs R https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ynsN4nJxzU ` ./CoSy/math.f >Fn> F> Eval ` rand Words | ' :?? 'm 10 16 2_i rand i( 4 4 )i take ` mat ->v mat `i 4 iota .+ ' =i 'R : CH_Imati iota .+ ' =i 'R ; | Conor's method for maing X matrix 4 _i CH_Imati i( 1 0 )i 5 _i fill i( 4 4 )i take | Make a i( 4 4 )i identity matrix : Imati ( n -- n*n_IdentMat ) .+ [ i( 1 0 )i refs+> ] literal $ 1+i fill $ 2 _take take ; : Imatf Imati i>f ; mat 4 _Imati .+ reverse \/ >t1> | ori t1 mat /\ t1 .+ mat /\ == : CheckMatrix .+ # Imati .+ reverse \/ .+ --bac /\ == ; : CheckMatrix .+ # iota .+ ' =i 'R .+ reverse \/ .+ --bac /\ == ; mat mat CheckMatrix `( .+ # $ )` | ' :?? 'm { 1th lfVM ` : in } 'm ( .+ | ' dup with reference incrementing # | count of items in list $ | alias for swap ) ` .+ See https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html BONUS | 1th : Conor Hoekstra code_report | 1 Problem, 24 Programming Languages | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6I-Kwj-AvY i( -3 -2 -1 0 0 1 2 )i .+ i0 i +/ \/ `( .+ $ )i ' :?? 'm i( -3 -2 -1 0 0 1 2 )i -0+i |>| -1 -1 -1 0 0 1 1 ` -0+i :?? ` +- Words 0th :?? | i( -3 -2 -1 0 0 1 2 )i { i0 i +/ /\ : MaximumCount .+ i0 i +/ \/ ; i( -3 -2 -1 0 0 1 2 )i MaximumCount CoSy.com CoSy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html | 1256 | | ======================== | Tue.Aug,20240820 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sat.Aug,20240824 | ======================== | SV-FIG | 1038 | CSV parsing again | A State Machine of Format Translation --- Bill Ragsdale Using Forth's CASE statement as State Machine nodes to translate CSV files. ` csv Words ' :?? ` 'msk :?? | ======================== | Sat.Sep,20240928 | ======================== | | 1030 | | 1039 | Building A Finite State Machine With Forth’s GOTO Command --- Bill Ragsdale You say there is no GOTO in Forth? There is now. | ` .csv io | `( csv ,sv )` Words recursive parsing ` ./CoSy/RecurInterp.f ` ,sv Words ' :?? 'm ` "msk :?? | -- Screen Shot --- Everyone We'll pause to record the roster for posterity. If you're on the lam, turn off your camera or log out for two minutes. | 1116 | Cforth for RP2350 Raspberry Pi --- M. Edward (Ed) Borasky The Raspberry Pi folks announced their second generation microcontroller, the RP2350, on August 8. So I rushed out and pre-ordered a few miscellaneous boards, some of which are sold out now. It turns out that Mitch Bradley's CForth has a build setup for PlatformIO. The PlatformIO support for the new RP2350 boards is still pre-release but I managed to get it working today on a SparkFun Pro Micro RP2350! So I can distill all of this into a 20-minute slide show and demonstration. The code is all in a fork at the moment; once the upstream releases happen I'm planning to submit a pull request to Mitch. https://github.com/AlgoCompSynth/cforth | PSRAM ? | 1132 | QUOTE and UNQUOTE --- Samuel Falvo II ( Video ) A more generalized, and thus useful, replacement for AHEAD and THEN. Can be used to build S"-type strings, convenient code callbacks and/or closures, and other things which may involve "quotations" of various kinds. | 1157 | Forth 2.0 in Hardware --- Don Golding “Time to make Forth THE Programming language for the 21st Century ... Forth was designed to be small, fast and efficient. To run on small resource limited processors 60 years ago. Today you can buy a 32 bit processor with memory for $1. Let's build on Forth to make it the most readable language today.” `( Dv@ v! )` ' :?? 'm | 1228 | | 1233 | More CoSy --- Bob Armstrong **"**I'd appreciate a few minutes to give an update on CoSy's progress ." | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | meetup.com/sv-fig/events/303267874/ PROGRAMMING IS JUST PART OF LIFE CoSy.com A LARGE LANGUAGE Allwords # `( Type Count refCount )` ` Dictionary `( names values )` Type 0 : list of lists , lists of pointers . cosy.com/CoSy/ cosy.com/CoSy/HelloWorld_ShortSilent.mp4 cosy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html#comment-6554566887 TRY CoSy NEXT TIME YOU THINK OF USING Python cosy.com/alphas.html TueZoom.Oct,20241001 UNIQUE IN TARGET BEING SELF NOT SYSTEM FOR OTHERS | 1320 | | ======================== | Tue.Oct,20241001 | ======================== | R 0th R ` sys v@ ` CoSySource v@ >t0> t0 # R DMP ` +i :?? 1000 _iota >t0> i( 10 100 )i take >t1> text> lfVM >t0> # t0 dae ' blVM 'm # | >t1> # t1 ,/ >t3> # t3 ' reverse 'm 100 _take t0 .+ reverse +i ` _iota `( :?? See )` ' Eval 'R ` dup :?? interning string R 0th R { _i } 'm | ======================== | Sat.Oct,20241026 | ======================== | https://www.meetup.com/sv-fig/events/303996183/ | 1045 | Bill Ragsdale | de morgan theorem : nand suffices | 1125 | Getting CoSy with APL and K --- Brad Nelson “Array languages, including APL and its descendants, offer one of the few truly novel vantage points on computing. Known for exotic symbols and extremely terse programs, these languages offer a way of writing programs free of loops that is amenable to efficient parallel execution and high-level algebraic reasoning. I'll give a brief intro to APL and its history, gesture at K, explore how Bob Armstrong's CoSy transliterates these concepts to a Forth environment, and consider what lessons array languages have for the Forth community.” Algol | 1244 | ` APL | VideoBrain Backus ` aaply :?? modulo mem safety . | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | R ` help v@ `( Type Count refCount )` | Simplicity https://cosy.com/CoSy/Simplicity.html i( 1 -1 )i 10 _iota +i | A s Mr. Watson come here, I want you " event ! https://cosyapl.storage.googleapis.com/cosy.html | Tekydome https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html | Dyalog APL The Road Ahead // Morten Kromberg // Dyalog '24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBQp_4pHoq4 ALPHabet i( 0 1 1 0 )i at i( 2 7 1 8 2 8 )i .+ {{ 5 _i >i }} & at | BAA | Combinators `( .+ $ )` `( :?? See )` { ' Eval 'R } 'L 'm 'd ` aaply :?? | Conor Hoekstra | Code_Report | Uiua! A New Array Language! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTC1EiX5bM0 i( 1 0 2 3 0 4 5 0 )i .+ .+ i0 =i i1 +i & at $ # take : DupZeroes .+ .+ i0 =i i1 +i & at $ # take ; i( 0 3 0 4 5 )i DupZeroes | LEARNING LARGE LANGUAGE | Human level vocabulary | | Need a Leo Brodie | | LIKE LOADING A BUNCH OF ` LIBRARIES | 1648x1309 | Vocabularies | Scripts R `( sys CoSySource )` Dv@ https://cosy.com/4thCoSy/ ` ./CoSy/Tui.f F> rUpdate | at Forth level words ec Words ` words Words ' :?? 'm Xwords Allwords | # ` \4thCoSy\CoSy\WorkLog.csy F>/\ ` text v@ daylncut ` Tue.Oct,20241001 con `( csv ,sv pad fmt VM MV day )` ' Words 'm >t0> "bl ,pad fmttbl| | ======================== | Sat.Nov,20241116 | ======================== | | 0823 | | 0904 | ` w `f 20x.x ! ` t f( -5.4 13.8 )f | 0956 | 10 | Forth Day --- Fireside Q&A --- Charles H. Moore Chuck will give give a short intro to tell us how he's doing Earth >< Atmosphere charge -- capacitor 9 September 1938 Today 19380909 _i $ Daysdif |>| 31480 ` da Words | 1030 | --- FPGA and ASIC Forth Market Strategy --- Christopher Lozinski “When FPGA finite state machines become too complex, many engineers choose a RISC-V soft core. However, the abundance of RISC-V soft cores available can lead to market confusion. To address this, I developed a RISC-V soft core directory to assist in selection and to promote Forth interpreters on RISC-V for FPGA hardware debugging. | 1056 | (40 min)--- The CORE I Project--- Don Golding and Demitri Peynado “Demitri and I will be giving an update to the CORE I project. Demitri will speak about the most important aspect of CORE I, the code. I will follow up with the status of the CORE I hardware” ` INFIX | https://cosy.com/4thCoSy/ https://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/CoSy/RecurInterp.f HOW FAST cAN MODULO BE COMPUTED ? https://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/CoSy/AltStackOps.f https://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/CoSy/ParameterPushing.f | StackFrames | | Demitri | interactive environment incremental compilation | infix https://cosy.com/4thCoSy/Code/CoSy/RecurInterp.f ` aaply :?? | 1138 | --- "CLAMS - The Quest for Portability and Audio --- M. Edward (Ed) Borasky The arrival of the Raspberry Pi RP2350 micro-controller inspired me to move from an assembly-language Forth to one written in C, so it could run on a number of different boards simply by re-compiling.\ I am now using the Arduino IDE and Christopher Curl's "C3". | If the hardware is willing, I'll play some music on an RP2350 micro-controller board. | Childhood nbr | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurie_Spiegel | 1159 | --- ESP32Forth talks to Gemini --- Brad Nelson “I'll explore using ESP32Forth with the Gemini API to bring LLMs to a low cost embedded device.” ? CoSy on dongle ? | Thanks Brad for building so much on CoSy code on ESP32 | | 1222 | --- (15 min) Forthic --- Rino Jose “Forthic is a high-level Forth designed to build web-based tools at LinkedIn. It can be embedded at any level of an application, enabling extension even after deployment.” | Worked @ LinkedIN . needed time critical devel | | 1241 | --- (25 min) GTK4 Object Mapped to SWOOP Classes --- Leon Wagner, FORTH, Inc. “We recently ported a Windows GUI control application to GTK4 for cross-platform compatibility. I will show how the GTK object model maps nicely to SWOOP classes and results in some pretty readable Forth code.” | GTK ton of GUI Widgets | word lists in std Forth ? | 1301 | --- Lunch | ------------------------ | | 1410 | --- Programming Languages vs Spoken Languages --- Doug Hammed "I would like to present discussion about programming languages vs our spoken languages and how the languages aid or inhibit daily usage of these languages" | 1422 | --- Primative Words To Bootstrap A Forth --- Bill Ragsdale “What would be the most primitive words to implement in code for a minimal, low performance Forth?” | 1444 | --- Latest Updates to zeptoforth --- Travis Bemann “In the past few months with zeptoforth there have been a number of significant new developments. The most important is RP2350 support, but there has also been hardware single-precision floating point support and complex number support in the works, and other features such as adding the concept of current directories to the FAT32 implementation have also been implemented." | 1505 | --- BANDIT ColorForth Keyboard ---Julian We'll show a short video about this interesting implementation. | 1516 | --- From Technofeudalism to Technosocialism: FORTH Unexpected Roles in Decentralized Systems --- Liang Ng (Malaysia) “We compare blockchain based decentralized systems with a more lightweight architecture called Omni Star Web, where a FORTH based shell that can be added to web based or mobile applications performs various decentralized and user defined functions. Omni Star Web implements a hash based secure decentralized universal data sharing protocol, effectively creating a shadow Internet owned and operated by free individual users and free software programmers.” | 1540 | --- CoSy, an Everyday Human-level System Based in Forth, not C --- Bob Armstrong “The truly unique aspect of CoSy is that it is simply a vocabulary in Forth with Forth's unique simplicity and openness to the ` hardware -- rather than mass market C or other foundational languages, Rust ?” | 1607 | (40 minutes) --- GreenArrays Update --- Greg Bailey We'll hear about the great migration from Cheyenne and the current status of GreenArrays. | 1641 | (20 minutes) --- KolorScript --- George Phillip Orais “I would like to introduce my Forth to SVFIG and especially to Chuck for it's related to colorForth and I really love his colorForth. “ 16:00 --- ADJOURN A motion to adjourn is always in order. It takes precedence. It is not debated. It is not amendable, cannot be reconsidered, and is voted immediately after being seconded. | 1712 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | FORTH DAY | Meetup.com/sv-fig/events/303997241/ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | CoSy.com CoSy.com/y24/NL2024_11.html APL , K & Forth BOTH INTERACTIVE INTERPRETIVE make WORDS not ` PROGRAMS At Levels below >> & above << ` standard languages Kx.com CoSy.com/CoSy/Simplicity.html | LESSONS FROM APOLLO 11 : RESTART ON FAILURE ; WORK AT HIGH LEVEL | << HARDWARE FACING << dynamic allocation/freeing >> HUMAN FACING >> OPERATIONS ON ADDRESSED ITEMS << >> OPERATIONS ON ` OBJECTS `( Type Count refCount )` | s" roll your own " CoSy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html IF YOU ARE THINKING OF ` REACHING FOR > PYTHON < ! CONTACT ME ! WE WILL GET IT DONE FASTER AND MORE SUCCINTLY IN FORTH cure you of your Snake oil addictions | ------------------------ | MARKETS o RAPID FORTH DEVELOPMENT - ADD ARRAY VOCABULARY ON TO ANY FORTH o CoSy WEB SPACES -- COMPARED TO EVERNOTE | ~ $290,000,000 investment https://evernote.com/ but Enormously more ` powerful because commanded by Language , now hierarchies of menues | CONCRETE WALLED KINDERGARTENS | Brad Nelson got kludge running on web . CoSy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html >> CoSy TueZooms << | 1606 | Accounting | (' 20241112.0000 _f ` PSBT ` CORE f( 159.97 78.66 )f s" acnts : 95555787 95555792 | kWh 1173.67 480.04 authCode: xact: " ') optimising widgets text> rUpdate INTERFACE | ======================== | Fri.Jan,20250117 | ======================== | | SG Global Pitch Battle - Colorado Springs | 2 min Zoom No slides CoSy.com CoSy , short for Coherent Systems , is a Captain Picard's Log , A Tool for the everyday Business of Life . To Artificially Aid My Intelligence It is First of all a timestamped notebook , Searchable for an phrase in your notes you can remember over the years . Because the first necessity is : Don't Forget But it is a notebook built in and commanded in very simple but deep language . Evolving from the Array languages of APL & K as a vocabulary open to the chip in Forth Simple Rules , deep language . Whether your needs are everyday accounting , voxel modeling the Planet , or the algorithms of AI . ( I'll be giving at talk on basic array algebra in CoSy at the SV-FIG Zoom next Saturday the 25th ) CoSy has been compared to Evernote.com which got ~ $270M startup funding -- but CoSy being open language was recognized as far deeper and more general . CoSy is just working on budgeting the first $0.5M See CoSy.com for the rest . Chat GPT was asked about CoSy and gave a very insightful answer now posted at the top of the front Page . | 20250121.1407 | Didn't present bcz no sound or way to change | did post to SM . | ======================== | Sat.Jan,20250125 | ======================== | 1030 | SVFig | | 1020 | Audio space mapping . https://www.meetup.com/sv-fig/events/305204330/ | 1032 | =+ | 1038 | Forth Vector CoProcessor --- Christopher Lozinski A soft core Forth Vector processor can run rings around a microcontroller, and is great for music, FIR and IIR filters, matrix multiplication and image processing. | 1114 | Interesting Math --- Bill Ragsdale The exploration of a formula found on a restaurant table. `f 111111111 .. *f |>| 12345678987654321.00 | 1127 | Infixing Forth --- Brad Nelson A core value proposition of Forth is supposed to be its facility with Domain Specific Languages. But the most commonly used domain specific language, infix algebraic expressions, are usually avoided in Forth in favor of the stack. I'll explore several strategies for bringing infix to Forth, explain why this is challenging and uncommon, and consider to what degree infix can be added to Forth without damaging its core strength: simplicity and composability. =+ Smart Token System --- Don Golding Combine Color Forth constructs, a packet like structure for the cell. =+ | 1219 | The Algebra of CoSy --- Bob Armstrong CoSy evolves from APL via K's list-of-lists . Thus its intrinsic algebra is a bit different than standard matrix algebra the foundation of AI and much applied math . However the notion of ` atomic application generalized from APL greatly simplifies expression . | ====================================================================== | CoSy A TOOL FOR THE EVERYDAY BUSINESS OF LIFE FOCUS ON OPTIMISING EFFICIENCY FOR THE INDIVIDUAL FOR INTERACTIVELY WORKING THRU THOUGHTS | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | BASIC ARRAY MATH IN CoSy | part 0 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | MOST USES OF ARRAYS ARE ACCOUNTS WHERE THE MOST COMPLEX COMPUTATION IS Units PriceEach dot HERE WE ARE TALKING ABOUT GEOMETRICAL COMPUTATIONS ON CARTESIAN COORDINATES | ======================== | https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/dailyprogress/name/julian-noble-obituary?id=29257564 | ======================== | CoSy's General teky goal : COMBINATORIC APPLICATION of verbs ( functions ) to nouns ( data ) | ========= | Quick Updates | ========= | See : https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html | ========= | | SIMPLIFIED APPLICATION OF VERB LISTS | https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html#comment-6636461829 ` (' :?? | added ')i which allows naked ints eg: XTs , to be returned ` Xeq :?? | to execute them . (' ' :; { 1.15 _f *f } ' c>f ')i >t0> 0. .5 2_f 5 _apv >t1> t1 t0 ' Xeq 'R | ========= | | PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES | from LinkedIn discussion : https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html#comment-6630515634 WorkLog.csy Fri.Jan,20250110 | | ========= | | TRIANGULAR MATRICES | response to Dyalog Monday challenge https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html#comment-6636140154 https://www.linkedin.com/posts/cosybob_aplmonday-dyalog-apl-activity-7287154877565218817-CFaW i( 7 8 9 0 1 2 0 0 5 )i i( 3 3 )i take >t0> ` take :?? t0 .+ .+ # iota .+ { | Eval | various rand & math fns . | ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/WorkLog.csy F>/\ `( sys CoSySource )` v@ >t0> | t0 `( sys CoSySource )` Dv@ venn | compare ` CoSySource lists | t0 `( sys CoSySource )` Dv! i( 0 1 2 3 )i >t0> f( 0 1 2 3 )f >t1> f( 3 4 )f .+ *f ' +f ./ sqrtf | | length of hypotenuse distance from f( 0 0 )f f( 3 4 )f >t0> ` +/ :?? : dot *f +/ ; ` *f :?? : norm^2 .+ dot ; t0 norm^2 : norm norm^2 sqrtf ; t0 (' ' norm^2 ' norm ')i ' Xeq 'R | Note norm^2 is sum of squares | COMPUTATIONS ARE LINEAR IN THE SQUARES . APPLIES TO A LOT OF PHYSICS | f( 1 1 )f .+ norm^2 %f >t2> t0 t2 dot t0 .+ +/ $ # i>f %f | The average . The value if all equal . ` +/ :?? | .+ +/ $ # % | when numeric verbs get genericized : #f # i>f ; | SO WHAT'S THE DISTANCE BETWEEN 2 POINTS ? f( 3 4 )f f( 3.5 3.5 )f -f R0 >a> norm^2 a> #f %f | VARIANCE f( 3 4 )f ^2f avgf f( 3.5 3.5 )f avgf ^2f -f sqrtf ` var :?? f( 3 4 )f var | NORMALIZING TO LENGTH 1. MAPPING TO UNIT SPHERE . t0 .+ norm %f >t1> : normed .+ norm %f ; t1 norm f( 1 1 )f norm f( 1 1 )f normed t0 f( 1 1 )f cov f( 1 1 )f normed f( 0 1 )f normed dot Pi `f 4 %f cosf == ` rand Words ` randf :?? ,L 30 _i randf >t0> | A POINT IN 30 DIMENSIONAL SPACE t0 `( +/ avgf norm var dev )` ' Eval 'R 30 _i randf >t1> | ANOTHER POINT IN 30 DIMENSIONAL SPACE t0 t1 ,L t0 t1 cor http://cosy.com/cosylogo.htm http://www.cosy.com/views/sykofiz/thresh.htm#thres-f1 | 1304 | | ======================== | Sat.Feb,20250222 | ======================== | | 1033 | FORTH as a Micromouse Tool --- Duncan Louttit "Using FORTH in a high-performance, competitive, hard real-time environment". | execution vectors ` rotmat | 16 _i .. *i |>| 256 =+ Screen Shot --- Everyone We'll pause to record the roster for posterity. If you're on the lam, turn off your camera or log out for two minutes. =+ | 1138 | Bill and the Blue Pill, Adventures in the Matrix --- Bill Ragsdale “Exploring Matrix Sorts, testing some simple sorts for design and execution times.” | stable sort | =+ | 1155 | Making a YouTube Channel for Forth --- Samuel Falvo II “A quick synopsis of my first video, along with the tools I'm using to capture and edit the video.” KDenLive vid editor | VLC =+ Onatto | 1236 | HP Voyagers --- Brad Nelson I'll discuss the fascinating and beautiful HP Voyager Series of RPN Calculators, looking at various emulators and exploring how variants of the HP-12C continue to be manufactured today. | ` .\CoSy\AcntFns.f F> | Eval =+ | 1304 | res> >T0>
  • Festive Starting of the Recorder -- Kevin Appert
  • Forth Vector CoProcessor -- Christopher Lozinski
  • Interesting Math -- Bill Ragsdale
  • Infixing Forth -- Brad Nelson
  • The Algebra of CoSy -- Bob Armstrong
  • (' ` moz-do-not-send="true" ` href="https://www. ` " `
  • `
  • ` ') T0 R0 ' ssd Y./ res> lfVM dae >T1> T1 # iota >t2> t2 t2 # `i 2 %i partition ' reverse 'm ,/ T1 $ at ' dlb 'm >Festive Starting of the Recorder -- Kevin Appert youtube.com/watch?v=qZrmxWzTaMU >FORTH as a Micromouse Tool -- Duncan Louttit youtube.com/watch?v=kr_kCuRjhsw >Bill and the Blue Pill, Adventures in the Matrix -- Bill Ragsdale youtube.com/watch?v=3B3PDbfCNLU >Making a YouTube Channel for Forth -- Samuel Falvo II youtube.com/watch?v=daD7jMdph-Q >Preview of Upcoming Talks youtube.com/watch?v=O8VOwISdIKg >HP Voyagers -- Brad Nelson youtube.com/watch?v=lf5NuqkQi_M | -- | Posted with commentary at https://www.cosy.com/CoSy/TekyDome.html#comment-6673953853 | Converting back as done in https://cosy.com/DailyBlog.html ` https://cosy.com/blog.csy wwwGet >t0> # | The Blog job itself is uploaded t0 str>lst ` script0 v@ R0 s" : Blog>HTML " prt>=f ` ; prt<=f >t1> | -- | left for next month | 1317 | Array Algebra in CoSy , 1th --- Bob Armstrong “Presenting Array Algebra in CoSy aiming toward the math of AI , part 2.” | =============== | s" C:\Users\bob\OneDrive\Documents\Zoom\2025-02-22 13.13.55 SVFIG Meeting\meeting_saved_new_chat.txt" F> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timsort#:~:text=Timsort%20is%20a%20stable%20sorting,only%20consecutive%20runs%20are%20merged. https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/tim-sort-in-python/ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | WHAT'S THE POINT OF A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE IN THE AI FUTURE ? s" TO UNDERSTAND " `( >>> <<< )` braket `i 78 center | MAKING THE HARDWARE OBEY 2 POLES OF FORTH | | CREATING LANGUAGE FOR HUMAN USES \/ \/ C:/CoSyWeb/y25/NL2025_3.html /\ ELON -- FINAL POLISH /\ genericize math verbs `( i f )` | browser interface | cloud host cosy.com/alphas.html | -------------------------------- | ARRAY ALGEBRA -- THE ALGEBRA OF ARBITRARY DIMENSIONAL GEOMETRY THE FOUNDATION OF AI ( not to mention STATS , GRAPHICS , ANIMATION ) wikipedia.org/wiki/Judson_Rosebush | -------------------------------- | `( Type Count refCount )` | -------------------------------- | rShow `( *i *f aaply )` ' :?? 'm "lf ' ,L 'd fmt rUpdate 10 _i iota >t0> | Simple t0 Type t0 # | AKA : Count t0 i( 2 5 )i take >t0> t0 `( Type # )` ' Eval 'R t0 `i 2 *i ` *i :?? | 1th lfVM ` *i con t0 `i 2 {{ ' * eachDir }} | w/o ` aaply t0 enc 5 _take | list of 5 copies of lists of 2 integer lists R0 `i 2 *i | R0 always contains result of last execution t0 i( 1 -1 )i *i | Modulo indexing extends shorter to match longer t0 i( 1 -1 )i ' *i 'd | each dyadic , ie: pairwise t0 i( 1 -1 )i ' *i 'L | each Left with whole right t0 i( 1 -1 )i ' *i 'R >t1> | each Right with whole left ` C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/math.f F> .. rUpdate | Eval | various rand & math fns 3 _Imati >t0> 9 _iota1 i( 3 3 )i take >t1> 3 _iota >t2> t1 t2 *i ' +/ 'm t1 t2 doti t1 flip ' ,/ 'm t1 ' doti 'L | fmttblb t1 flip ' ,/ 'm t1 doti fmttblb | gives the diagonals : mat*i $ flip ' ,/ 'm $ ' doti 'L ; t1 .. mat*i fmttblb t1 i( 0 1 2 )i mat*i ,/ https://tryapl.org/ : mat*f $ flip ' ,/ 'm $ ' dot 'L ; | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | https://aplwiki.com/wiki/Identity Ashok Reddy ( Kx.com CEO ) | Detecting “Unknown Unknowns” with Temporal IQ https://ashokreddy.substack.com/p/detecting-unknown-unknowns-with-temporal https://medium.com/kx-systems/analyzing-stock-prices-with-vector-databases-cdb3e8420cb5 https://kdb.ai/ FP8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minifloat | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | | COMPLEX NUMBERS AS 2 2 MATRICES | ` -1 Words ` -1* :?? | Multiline definitions can't ( yet ) be defined in line . : rotmat [ (' ' cosf ' sinf ' sinf ' cosf ')i ]+ ' Xeq 'R | execution vector ,/ [ f( 1 -1 1 1 )f ]+ *f [ i( 2 2 )i ]+ take ; res> Eval ` rotmat See Pi `f 2. %f rotmat >t0> Pi `f 8. %f 17 _iotaf *f ' rotmat 'm | f( 1 0 )f ' mat*f 'L ' ,/ 'm ||| t0 f( 0 1 )f mat*f | https://www.nagwa.com/en/explainers/152196980513/ i( 0 -1 1 0 )i i( 2 2 )i take ` im ->v im i( 1 0 0 1 )i i( 2 2 )i take ` id ->v im i( 1 3 )i dot i( 1 *i +/ Dennis Gabor : Associative Holographic Memories 1969 | PAY WALL https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1147/rd.132.0156 im i( 1 0 )i https://www.amazon.com/Analysis-Variance-Publication-Mathematical-Statistics/dp/0471758345 3Blue1Brown | But what is a neural network? | Deep learning chapter 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aircAruvnKk https://www.academia.edu/68175701/Extensible_Embedded_Processor_for_Convolutional_Neural_Networks | -- | Kx.com links https://ashokreddy.substack.com/p/ai-time-machine https://ashokreddy.substack.com/p/detecting-unknown-unknowns-with-temporal https://kdb.ai/ | ======================== | Sat.Mar,20250322 | ======================== | | 1028 | Ken Boak | When you've got big tools around , make the most of them . | -- Not . because tear-gassed | Metaprogramming VAMP in KYRA, a Next-gen Forth-like language --- Onat Türkçüoglu A fresh language and philosophy for coding CPUs/GPUs from scratch will be presented along with many inventions, design decisions, tradeoffs and hurdles. Topics include discussing the essence of Forth, questioning the current understanding of it and visions about the future of software and hardware. VAMP is an interactive tiling video player using Vulkan, SDL and FFMPEG, all including SPIR-V shaders coded in KYRA from scratch. See the short teaser from last month on the SVFIG YouTube channel. 1030 | SV-FIG | | 1033 | | -- Improved Sorting --- Bill Ragsdale (Tentative) Building on his recent presentation Bill offers his version of a merge sort. ` regular == stable ` ./CoSy/sort.f F> | rUpdate https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timsort Insight into returning permutation of rather than sorted data . | 1107 | | 1213 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | CoSy TO ARTIFICIALLY AID >> MY << INTELLIGENCE TO SIMPLFY QUOTIDIAN TASKS IS IT'S HIGHEST VALUE TO >> REMEMBER << & TO EXPRESS TASKS AS SUCCINCTLY AS YOU COULD ASK AI BUT SUCCINTLY EXECUTABLY EXPRESSING MATH s" A CHIP W/O SOFTWARE IS " .. .. cL cL .. # `i 10 $ cL take CoSy ` NOUNS ARE ARRAYS -- LIST OF LISTS `( Type # Ref# )` | Header How Euler Connected Infinity to Pi (p) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYR2mm6ydYk 100000 _i iota1 i>f .. *f 1%f +/ `f 6. *f sqrtf fmtF18 | 100000 iota1 .. * 1% +/ 6. * sqrt fmtF18 | With genericized numbers CoSy's BIG CHALLENGE : BUILD A CASH FLOWING ECOSYSTEM OPPORTUNITY FOR ALPHAS CLEAN UP IN OTHER FORTH | 1305 | | ########################################################################## | | ########################################################################## | s" Hello World " ` HelloWorld ` \4thCoSy\CoSy\CoSy.csy startJob s" Hello World " i( 7 23 )i take .+ ' reverse 'm ' cL 'd .+ reverse cL ` C:\CoSyWeb\CoSy\y25\Presentations.txt F> >t0> text> ` C:\CoSyWeb\CoSy\y25\Presentations.txt >F ` V@ Words cosy.com/language/cosyhard/cosyhard.htm http://cosy.com/Science/NotationIverson.gif Questionare cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr0 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr1 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr2 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr3 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr4 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr5 file:///C:/CoSyWeb/y24/Lambda2024_SLIDES.html ` C:/CoSyWeb/y24/Lambda2024_SLIDES.html F> >Ft> rUpdate Ft nlVM dae lfMV >T0> rUpdate T0 `( http: https: )` ssr T0 rUpdate Rget >T0> T0 ` C:/CoSyWeb/y24/Lambda2024_SLIDES.html >F | ================================================== | OPEN ENDED UNLIMITED FUTURE https://cosy.com/alphas.html#CharterMembership | ================================================== | `( Type Count ReferenceCount )` | 3 cell CoSy List Header | ########################################################################## | | ====================================================================== | | ########################################################################## | 10 _iota s" Hello World " | vs Python http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/#Videos FAR more complicated to go thru virus exception setting and downloading than actually using and learning CoSy Thus setting up turn on & tap the CoSy button Computing Box . http://cosy.com/y21/Wed.May,20210519.html#4th.CoSy Allows focus for an unlimited future | 1234 | | 20210521.2341 | | ========================================================================== | | ########################################################################## | ` SkriptThots -> | 20190913.1341 | 20190427.1154 | 20200508.1253 | Forth -- APL | CoSy opens up a new vista of language evolution | Factoring out looping itself into a few words taking functions to be looped over as arguments . MY IGNORANCE OF ANYTHING OTHER THAN APL>K FORTH CAN'T BE OVERESTIMATED OPEN FROM THE MATH TO THE CHIP | PRACTICAL | AMBIENT | IRRITATION DRIVEN DEVELOPEMENT if can't execute each line as you compose a verb , not competitive . Forth gains tremendous power by not doing things . REPL | IDE | nested ( recursive ) ' { ' } | clean quotations ~ ['] | Levels of consolidated vocabulary adicity ! control over TUI ! | Ting & Nelson HTTP interface . s" ./CoSy/Tui.f" F> | not Functional ! Work thru problems a thought at a time . text> | HelloPrize text> `( .r text )` Dv! `D@ .r dup setWdo showWdo TO REACH COMERCIAL PRODUCT : WEB APP ` ToDo -> s" > " 20 _take s" | " enc braket s" < " 20 _take s" | " enc braket cL | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | `( C:\4thCoSy\CoSy\WorkLog.csy C:\4thCoSy\CoSy\WorkLog.bk )` ' F> 'm #' s" C:\4thCoSy\CoSy\WorkLog - Copy (2).csy" F> # R0 ,L | /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ | | ###################################################################### | |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| | \/ | Line to make more calendar | \/ | Needs updating | 20210517 30 2_i Daylns | insert res in text using F5 | ###################################################################### |