| ###################################################################### | | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | Tek Log | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | |\/| MY almost RAW SCRIPT UP TO THIS POINT |\/| | ======================== | Sun.Jan,20170101 | ======================== | 2017 _i >t0> i>f .5 _f ^f |>| 44.91 | need to turn ' ffloor into ' f>i which is ain't around | [ did below ] i1 i1 44 _i >t1 apv i>f >t1> | ' apv should be converted to a single i( start inc rho )i arg t0 i>f t1 %f >T0> 3.14159 ffloor f. T0 ' ffloor eachMfr Dnames { sym>str } 'm s" sym>" ?? ` ForthDayStanford151121 Dv@ ' forth> _i ` sys Dv@ help ffloor help 1/f s" 1/f " ?? | ======================== | Mon.Jan,20170102 | ======================== | | 2055 | seem to have ` state keydefs working right again . | Do need ' floor for 2017 question which any APL should do . T0 ' ffloor eachMfr s" eachMfr" ?? s" /4thCoSy/lib/math/floats" >t0> F> "lf "nl ,L ssr t0 >F | /\ | convert unix newlines , "lf , with DOS "lf "cr pairs in file | /\ | ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource vx_ dup @ s" /4thCoSy/lib/math/floats" cL swap rplc | /\ | replace item in nested list | /\ | : 1%f ['] 1/f eachMfr ; T0 1%f | text> s" spool^" s" forth>" ,L ssr >text | /\ | replaced old name w new . replaced old name in the line as example | : floor ['] ffloor eachMfr ; | added to CoSy.f T0 floor | ======================== | Tue.Jan,20170103 | ======================== | | finishing 2017 factors check to see if it's a Prime like it looks . 2017 _i >t0> i>f .5 _f ^f |>| 44.91 | Here's a serious example of where someone who knows x86 better than me | could almost instantly implement conversion of floats to trucated integer | needed " integerize the square root of n for passing to ' apv . s" : apv " ?? ( /4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.f : apv ( start increment n -- a ) iota *i +i ; | IBM's Arithmetic Progression Vector . Affine transform of iota n . ) i1 i1 44 _i apv i>f >t1> | ' apv should be converted to a single i( start inc rho )i arg t0 i>f t1 %f >T0> T0 T0 floor =f & T0 R0 at t1 R0 at ,L >T1> ( 2017.00 1.00 ) T1 0 _at T1 1 _at *f | Try it with 2016 and you'll see it has 18 factors | | For comparison here's the function in K | factors : { t @ & 0 = x !/: t : 1 + ! _ _sqrt x } | using modulo , but essentially the same . We're just missing that integer " _ " floor s" help ~floats " forth> s" res> Help " forth> >T1> s" (f.) " ?? | I'm going save at this point for the current distribution . | The splitting of static ` state , generally executable lines from the | ongoing ` text log is a major step towards matching the utility of K.CoSy | Expect more frequent uploads this year , and YouTube demos . As always , s" Feedback" 72 _take Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback Feedback | ======================== | Wed.Jan,20170104 | ======================== | Another and more important area is solving some bombs which involve the interface with the IUP GUI thru callbacks . I think some of the problems are in my understanding of s" help callback " forth> and the alternate stack usage in the Tui.f interface code . Someone who knows that stuff better than me may well spot the problems in a moment . | saving Distro | 20170104.1025 | 1418 | Happy Perihelion ! 0.9833094 AU 2919 km Bob A | ======================== | Thu.Jan,20170105 | ======================== | s" : ,L " ?? s" : cL " ?? ,L | ======================== | Sun.Jan,20170108 | ======================== | | 1525 | Testing screen capture | 1529 | s" http://cosy.com/y16/CoSy2016eoy.html" www http://cosy.com/y16/CoSy2016eoy.html#KickStartDeal cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr0 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr1 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr2 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr3 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr4 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr5 | ======================== | Mon.Jan,20170109 | ======================== | Work on implementing the accounting functionality in my personal /CoSyBob CoSy associated with http://cosy.com/y16/CoSy2016eoy.html I've encountered the need of for true symbol lists ala K and symbols to be understood as true atoms . | ======================== | Tue.Jan,20170110 | ======================== | s" : type@ " ?? | 1501 | ` Types Dv@ >t0> rho t0 1 _at ' _i 'm R0 t0 1 i! ' enc 'm ` TypeS v@ t0 s" C:/CoSyBob/CoSy/CoSy.csy" restorefile ` Types v@ >t0> t0 ` Types Dv! | ======================== | Wed.Jan,20170111 | ======================== | | 1237 | | ======================== | Fri.Jan,20170113 | ======================== | s" help SET " shell> s" SET " shell> ` script0 -> ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ | ======================== | Sun.Jan,20170115 | ======================== | 10 _iota { 10 _iota *i } 'm | bombs . shouldn't . | ======================== | Mon.Jan,20170116 | ======================== | The other day on an SV-FIG email comment abt the IBM 1620 loading a multiply table to even be able to do address arithematic , the very essential operation which in APL and a lot of math is called an "outer product" but which Arthur Whitney in K broke out into "eachLeft" and "eachRight" in K notation : ( ! 10 ) *\:/: ! 10 Following the Irritation Driven Development prioritizing mentioned in http://cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr4 these operations on simple lists have not been exercised and in fact , that basic operator vocabulary was wrong-headedly based on function type rather than data type . The entire vocabulary needs to be revisited having the dictionary vocabulary and the ' meta link on each object implemented . | 10 _iota 10 _iota ' +i 'R | bombs adding to ` ToDo | ======================== | Tue.Jan,20170131 | ======================== | | ` Types Dv@ ` TypeS v@ | bombs ( as will any simple type ) ` Types Dv@ | >t0> | >| ( ( ` Type0 ` TypeC ` TypeI ` TypeFl ` TypeS ` TypeV ` TypeA ` TypeFv ) 0 1 4 10 65537 65536 131072 262144 ) | need to make t0 1 _at ' _i 'm enc t0 1 _at! ` Types Dv@ ` TypeS v@ fmtI$ | ======================== | Thu.Feb,20170209 | ======================== | ` Types Dv@ >t0> 1 _at ,/ fmtI$ | works t0 0 _at ,/ ' fmtI$ aaplym ' splt _i |>| 0 | undefined : L|R ( v -- v0 v1 ... ) >aux+> 0 _at aux@ 1 _cut aux- ; t0 | L|R swap >t1 | A language w just 1 user is like the sound of 1 hand clapping | 1551 | | ======================== | Wed.Feb,20170215 | ======================== | Thought upgrading sF11 to include be in comments like | 1452 | would be rather simple . It's not . something I don't understand about ' insert . |ymd.hm|_ type | sF6 | works AF1 |ymd.hm| str>pad_ type AF0 | AF> +-splt ' rho 'm ,/ |>| 10 10 | /\ AF checks out /\ | | could force thru at the util.f level but need general insertion | I'll just have add it to ` ToDo | 1459 | | ======================== | Sat.Feb,20170218 | ======================== | "Natural Born APLer" Randy Mcdonald | https://twitter.com/arraymac | says : In APL if you can think it its done | I emend : or if not create the vocabulary to make it so | | 1221 | | 1302 | http://cosy.com/y16/CoSy2016eoy.html#KickStartDeal cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr0 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr1 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr2 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr3 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr4 cosy.com/y16/CS(OS)2_1107.html#Scr5 5 _i iota >t0> t0 -1 _at Questions | 1501 | | 1510 | | ======================== | Sun.Feb,20170226 | ======================== | In response to email >< with William Wong following his article http://electronicdesign.com/blog/forth-redefined mentioned in em < David Jaffe | http://www.forth.org/svfig/ CoSy vs Python : John Harbold https://youtu.be/-OEuHUhBBqA#t=1h16m10s KB vs MB | "Programs" vs "words" | s" dir /b lib" shell> | ======================== | Mon.Feb,20170227 | ======================== | https://github.com/CoSyBob/CoSy | In answer to : https://www.quora.com/How-do-you-create-matrices-in-Forth i( 2 4 7 9 1 5 7 0 1 0 0 3 )i 3 _i partition ( 2 4 7 9 1 5 7 0 1 0 0 3 ) | alternatively : i( 2 4 7 9 )i i( 1 5 7 0 )i ,L i( 1 0 0 3 )i cL | ======================== | Tue.Feb,20170228 | ======================== | : dot ( fv fv -- fv ) *f +/ ; 1000 10 2_i rand i>f 1000. _f %f 2 _i partition f( 0.78 0.53 0.02 0.93 0.63 )f f( 0.44 0.60 0.42 0.76 0.77 )f *f >t0> R0 +/ | R0 0 _at R0 1 _at dot 279 255 2_i -i | ======================== | Thu.Mar,20170302 | ======================== | | 1042 | [ 0308. | SV-FIG email w morse from Curtis Schreier ] http://CoSy.com Uploading | 1237 | ` morse Dv@ | ' rho 'm | res> >T0> rho | copied and pasted code from email into ` res T0 c>i T0 s" " toksplt T0 "bl 3 _take toksplt >T1> T1 T1 0 _at s" - " s" ." ,L ssr | T1 { s" -" s" ." ,L ssr } 'm | wasted much time realizing ssr bombs on | empty occurances of search string . Should be simple fix but crude ' toksplt | algo should be improved . | ======================== | Fri.Mar,20170303 | ======================== | | 1042 | ' ssr bombing on above for some reason . let me try used example s" /4thCoSy/lib/math/floats" >t0> F> "lf "nl ,L ssr | t0 >F T0 s" _" ss s" - " s" ." ,L ssr | ======================== | Sat.Mar,20170304 | ======================== | | 0947 | ( It just occured to me that I need to start accumulating ` git command right here in CoSy as I figure out what's useful . Aiming at YT of ` morse translation of SV-FIG em . Diverted into needed work on dictionaries ) ` log "bl cL enc' enc' ' enc on2> cL ` log ` tst ,L ` log enc "bl enc ,L >t0> t0 ` log v@ t0 ' rho 'm s" asdf" t0 ' state v! : >dic ( name val -- dic ) "bl () ` log v!> >t0> rho | ======================== | Sun.Mar,20170305 | ======================== | T0 c>i T0 "lf s" " ,L ssr >t0> t0 s" _" s" ." ,L ssr s" ...." s" -" ,L ssr >t0> t0 "bl 4 _take toksplt >T1> t1 ' rho 'm t1 { "bl zic ssr } 'm t1 ( /4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.f : ssr ( str s0 s1 ,L -- str ) | replaces occurences in str of s0 with s1 2p L@ R@ 0 i@ toksplt R@ 1 i@ ['] cL eachleft ,/ R@ 1 i@ rho -1*i cut 2P> ; | Quick ( to think ) and dirty . Could be highly optimized . ) s" : toksplt " ?? : toksplt ( str tok -- CV ) | like ' tokcut but deletes the tokens from the cut pieces | cr ." toksplt " ( 2p> tokcut i0 R@ rho ) 2p LR@ swap cL >aux+> dup R@ css cut aux- R@ rho ['] cut eachleft 2P> ; | ======================== | Mon.Mar,20170306 | ======================== | T1 s" ." "bl css >t0> dup rho ,L ev DMP cr 0 intVecInit refs+> value evI s" s." evI cut rho | s" ...." "bl toksplt | bombs . not tolerable . s" ...." "bl tokcut : tst 2p> $.s cr tokcut $.s cr 2P> ; s" ...." "bl tst s" ...." "bl swap tokcut : toksplt 2p> swap cL R@ prior toksplt 1 _cut 2P> ; s" ." "bl toksplt | 1553 | Took longer than I wish to end up finessing the problem w 0 toks in string T1 { "bl zic ,L ssr } 'm T1 s" ...." "bl s" " ,L ssr s" ...." zic cL rho s" ...." 0 _i cut s" ...." "bl toksplt s" " ' cL eachleft ' cL across DMP s" across " ? 0 _i cut 0 _at rho ' 0if _i | ======================== | Tue.Mar,20170307 | ======================== | | Did bunch of searching thru old logs to find when first messed w ` morse s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/y2015.txt" F> daylncut s" morse" con | Never expected this would get down to ref counting failure in early op ' across | second only to 'd , dyadic each , as an essential APL operator . like " map reduce " I guess s" ...." "bl toksplt s" " ' cL eachleft rho ' cL across^ 10 _iota 5 _iota ,L ' cL across +/ DMP T1 ev ' cL acrossN T1 s" ...." "bl s" " ,L ssr | 1656 | finessed problem w 0 occurrances of tok by escaping . | : ssr ( str s0 s1 ,L -- str ) | replaces occurences in str of s0 with s1 | 2p L@ R@ 0 i@ toksplt R@ 1 i@ ['] cL eachleft ,/ R@ 1 i@ rho -1*i cut 2P> ; : ssr ( str s0 s1 ,L -- str ) | replaces occurences in str of s0 with s1 2p L@ R@ 0 i@ toksplt dup i# 1 =if refs- L@ 2P> ;then R@ 1 i@ ['] cL eachleft ,/ R@ 1 i@ rho -1*i cut 2P> ; T1 { "bl zic ,L ssr } 'm >t0> ` morse Dv@ >t1> flip t0 { t1 1 _at swap ?sym _i } 'm ,/ | ======================== | Wed.Mar,20170308 | ======================== | ( | challenge for Python . code translation | Note Reva Forth is a branch of RetroForth but I don't know what makes Retro Retro | Consolidating everything since 0302. ) | res> >T0> rho | copied and pasted code from email into ` res | "bl T0 cL >T0> | solves some singularities which are ~ yet handled right T0 c>i T0 "lf s" " ,L ssr >t0> | Delete line feeds | Took me a while to realize those were underbars rather than dashs . t0 s" _" s" ." ,L ssr R0 s" ...." s" -" ,L ssr >t0> t0 "bl 4 _take toksplt 1 _cut >T1> T1 T1 { "bl cL } 'm >t0> | Kludge to finess problem w 0 "bl in s" ." t0 { "bl zic ,L ssr } 'm >t0> ` morse Dv@ >t1> ' rho 'm t0 { t1 1 _at swap ?sym _i } 'm ,/ t1 0 _at R0 at ,/ | 1318 | | 1329 | -- Re: codes : I strongly recomend Hamming Videos mentioned in | ` LanguageLinks | ======================== | Thu.Mar,20170309 | ======================== | | "lf enc refs@ _i | I thought for a while that I had not defined the important word ' enc properly | But it does what it should . ups the ref count of what it's enclosing but | returning w a ref count of 0 itself . | in | /4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.f : enc ( CSob -- CSob ) | enclose 1 cellVecInit swap refs+> over vbody ! ; : ,/ ( lst -- lst ) | discloses each item of lst . just returns simple : ,/ >aux+> Type@ if aux-ok> ;then ['] cL across aux- ; s" asdf" enc s" wasd" enc ,L ,/ R0 ,/ | ======================== | Fri.Mar,20170310 | ======================== | ( | 1148 | Just occurred to me that rather than in the same space as a slider volume widget one could have a frequency band volume "equalizer" ) | Trying out executing " git " commands s" git fetch origin" start git checkout -b master origin/master git merge 4thCoSy | ======================== | Mon.Mar,20170313 | ======================== | ` morse Dv@ >t1> rho 2 t1 ' rho 'm ( 44 44 ) t1 flip rho | ======================== | Wed.Mar,20170315 | ======================== | ( | In the course of converting .csv files to DictionaryTables to use the term I used in K.CoSy , the fundamental account structure , I've created a few common words going back to original APL+PC.CoSy . I've included the equivalent K in the comments | ) : dae ( v -- v ) >aux+> dup ['] rho 'm ,/ i0 <>i & at aux- ; | Delete All Empties . Deletes all empty , items of a list . | translated from K | { x @ & 0 < #:' x } | : MV 2p R@ L@ ['] cL 'R ,/ R@ rho cut 2P> ; | Matrix to Vector . Ravels , eg : lists of strings LA inserting token RA | , eg : "bl or "lf , as a delimiter | in K | { ( # x ) _ ,/ x ,/: y } | ======================== | Thu.Mar,20170316 | ======================== | | Working on mailing lists . Added | \/ | to CoSy.f . modulo indexing convenient | CoSyDirFile dup s" \\" ss -1 _at i1 +i take >value CoSyDir | ======================== | Sun.Mar,20170319 | ======================== | ( Really need ' nub . Found algo in | http://aplwiki.com/FinnAplIdiomLibrary | added it to ` LanguageLinks ) | Some identity fns . result matches input : : tst 1p R@ 1P> ; : tst 1p { R@ } execute 1P> ; | \/ | vocabulary for finding unique elements . Iverson called ' nub | reminded myself of the essential APL algo at venerable | http://aplwiki.com/FinnAplIdiomLibrary : XiX 1p> dup { ['] match_ f? _i } 'R ,/ 1P> ; | index of items of list in itself : nub 1p> XiX R@ rho iota =i 1P> ; | boolean of first occurances of items in list : unique 1p> dup nub & at 1P> ; | returns unique items | Interesting to think about efficient ' group , ie K's monadic ' = text> 100 _take >t0> t0 0 _at css | is first iteration on chars | need XiX working on simples . need variant on | \/ | to work right . t0 t0 0 _at ' match_ f? | ======================== | Mon.Mar,20170320 | ======================== | text> CoSyDir s" text.txt" cL >F `( ToDo text state )` >t0> : sym>str> 1p> rep sym>str 1P> ; | hadn't defined CoSyDir t0 { sym>str> s" .txt" cL cL } 'R t0 >t1> t1 { dup Dv@ rho swap CoSyDir swap s" .txt" cL cL ,L } 'm t0 0 _at sym>str> s" .txt" cL cL t0 0 _at dup sym>str | ======================== | Tue.Mar,20170321 | ======================== | | Richard Stallman on 4 critera of free software https://youtu.be/jUibaPTXSHk?t=15m28s | What a monk . | my mentor Bob Williams was quite impressed meeting Stallman in the late | '70s and said we should meet . APLs were , and mainly still are , the | antithesis of free . They tend to be elite and expensive . | Decided it would be useful to have on GitHub individual files of each | major window text since hidden in .csy "binary" file . `( ToDo text state LanguageLinks )` sym>str>' >t0> t0 { dup Dv@ swap CoSyDir swap s" .txt" cL cL ,L } 'm >t1> rho t1 3 _at dup 0 _at swap 1 _at swap o swap o >F | work for each 4 _iota | why does this | \/ | bomb ? t0 { dup Dv@ swap CoSyDir swap s" .txt" cL cL swap o swap o cr >F } 'm | Note the use of ' o for tracing . When F6'd outputs to cmd window . | ======================== | Wed.Mar,20170322 | ======================== | | last night I realized the reason the loop bombed is that main each | operators 'm 'd 'L 'R ( monadic , dyadic , Left , Right ) all require results | simply adding an empty vector fixed . t0 { dup Dv@ swap CoSyDir swap s" .txt" cL cL >F ev } 'm | now updates of these main text files will be separately available on GitHub | ======================== | Mon.Mar,20170327 | ======================== | ` Fact Dv@ ` Fact v@ | VMlf s" speed" con ( : c : 2.99792458e8 / "speed" of light / MpS ( definitional ) ) 2.99792458e8 _f 1.e-9 _f *f >t0> t0 39.370 _f *f |>| 11.80 | length in inchs of a 1 nanosecond wire . See SV-FIG mail | ======================== | Tue.Mar,20170328 | ======================== | ( I've revived the File dyalog button which may exacerbate the bomb of the IUP TUI which is uber Irritating ( http://cosy.com/y16/CS%28OS%292_1107.html#Scr4 ) ) s" C:/CoSy/tmp.txt " F> | 1406 | | 1418 | `( ToDo text state LanguageLinks )` sym>str>' >t0> t0 0 _at >t1> CoSyDir t1 s" .txt" cL cL t0 { dup Dv@ swap CoSyDir swap s" .txt" cL cL >F ev } 'm t0 { CoSyDir swap s" .txt" cL cL } 'm ` ToDo Dv@ s" ToDo CoSyDir | ======================== | Fri.Mar,20170331 | ======================== | s" .... .. .... .." >t0> c>i |>| 46 46 46 46 32 46 46 32 32 46 46 46 46 32 46 46 t0 "bl toksplt >t0> ( .... .. .... .. ) ` morse Dv@ >t1> flip | \/ | changed ' ?sym to ?sym_ in CoSy.f | \/ | : ?sym_ ( lst str -- i | _n ) ['] strmatch f? ; : ?sym ?sym_ _i ; t1 0 _at t1 1 _at t0 ' ?sym 'R | ======================== | Mon.Apr,20170403 | ======================== | t0 >T0 t1 >T1 T1 1 _at T0 { ['] strmatch f?^ T1 1 _at T0 0 _at ' strmatch_ f?^ _i | \/ | -------- | Added trap on output to ' f6 | -------- | \/ | : f6 { getcurln eval } catch ?dup if ['] caught type>res ;then depth 0 =if nil then >R0> ['] lst type>res : f6 { getcurln eval } catch ?dup if ['] caught type>res ;then depth 0 =if nil then { >R0> ['] lst type>res } catch ?dup if ['] caught type>res ;then | -------- | | ======================== | Tue.Apr,20170404 | ======================== | | Just added ' oo to ' o for debugging of expressions . When in an expression | which gets executed it outputs the top CoSy object(s) to the command shell . : oo over o drop o ; | Used in debugging \/ | T1 1 _at T0 0 _at { oo strmatch o } f?^ | A current limitation in CoSy is that f6 executes lines . Thus there is no | mechanism for defining multiline definitions . So I've made a script text | 20170405.1618 | to edit & clean up ' f? fns . ` tstScript -> ` tstScript Dv@ | ^eval | ======================== | Thu.Apr,20170406 | ======================== | | renamed ' f? to _f? and redefined to be completely at the CoSy level . : f? ( lst RA boolF -- index ) | index of first item in LA on which { RA boolF } | returns true . Returns LA rho ( bad idea : Returns _n ) if not found . | This is a generalization of APL's dyadic iota , and | K's ? both of which are functions which assume the boolF : ` = | >aux 2p L@ i# 0 ?do L@ i _at R@ aux@ execute i_ if auxdrop 2P i _i unloop ;then loop auxdrop L@ rho 2P> ; : ?sym ['] strmatch f? ; | redefined in CoSy.f T1 1 _at T0 ' ?sym 'R ,/ >t0> T1 0 _at "bl cL t0 at s" .... .. .... .." >t0> c>i |>| 46 46 46 46 32 46 46 32 32 46 46 46 46 32 46 46 t0 "bl toksplt >T0> ( .... .. .... .. ) R ` morse v@ >T1> flip 2 _take ( ( A .- ) ( B -... ) ) : ?sym ['] strmatch f? ; | redefined in CoSy.f T1 1 _at T0 ' ?sym 'R ,/ >t0> |>| 7 8 44 7 8 T1 0 _at "bl cL t0 at ( H I H I ) R0 ,/ |>| HI HI ` morse Dv@ reverse ` morse Dv! | ======================== | Fri.Apr,20170407 | ======================== | | ( assTbl keys -- xlate ) translates : xlate 2p L@ 1 _at "bl cL L@ 0 _at R@ ['] ?sym 'R ,/ at 2P> ; ` morse Dv@ T0 xlate T1 0 _at "bl cL ` morse Dv@ T0 ' v@ 'R T0 res> >t0> rho |>| 5329 t0 VMlf rho | ======================== | Sat.Apr,20170415 | ======================== | | 1648 | w be presenting @ SV-FIG nxt week | 2031 | R ` sys v@ s" /4thCoSy/CoSy/AltStackOps.f" /4thCoSy/CoSy/util.f /4thCoSy/CoSy/CSauxstack.f | ======================== | Thu.Apr,20170420 | ======================== | ` ASCIIbrowser Dv@ VMlf s" ac" con ` LanguageLinks -> | ======================== | Fri.Apr,20170421 | ======================== | | 1042 | | 1300 | ' rep bombs on 0 refs arg `( ToDo text state LanguageLinks )` >t0> t0 duplst DMP t0 refs@ _i t0 sym>str>' >t0> s" : refs@" ?? : rep ( ob -- newob ) | replicate object . totally new dup Type@ if >r> vsize >r> allocate rr@ over r> $.s cr move $.s cr dup refs0 r> ref0del ;then duplst ; s" : duplst " ?? /4thCoSy/CoSy/SaveRestore.f : duplst ( lst -- nwlst ) storelst drop dup restorelst swap free ; s" asdf" enc >t0> duplst | screw it . just buffering thru t0 for now . needs to work for 0 ref lists . | ======================== | Sat.Apr,20170422 | ======================== | | 0941 | 1130 | https://svfig.github.io/ | 1138 | Ting IoT | Lua . ESPlorer . MicroPython . WebREPL browser interface UDP Hercules . LUA very competitive w Forth IUP big on Lua | http://webserver2.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/ | 1235 | | 1427 | 5110 | APL http://www.cosy.com/language/cosyhard/cosyhard.htm | Now the other end of Forth's domain | 14:10 --- CoSY Stack Frame Vocabulary --- Bob Armstrong | 1524 | Quick intro to CoSy http://CoSy.com Bob quickly goes thru the alternative stack vocabulary at https://github.com/CoSyBob/CoSy/blob/4thCoSy/CoSy/AltStackOps.f which provides little stack pictures , eg : alias: --aba over s" 1 2 --aba .s 3drop " forth> ' 3drop _i s" local[ " ?? | Help on any phrase in CoSy scripts s" see _2nip " forth> | see x86 code for word the stack frame vocabulary ... https://github.com/CoSyBob/CoSy/blob/4thCoSy/CoSy/CSauxstack.f which Sam made some comments about being a hallmark of most other languages . I could compare this vocabulary with the locals vocabulary... https://github.com/CoSyBob/CoSy/blob/4thCoSy/lib/util/locals included with Reva Forth which I think is a more typical approach. MAIN SCRIPT : https://github.com/CoSyBob/CoSy/blob/4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.f UTILITIES WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO INTEGRATE W CoSy : https://github.com/CoSyBob/CoSy/tree/4thCoSy/lib | 1630 | res> >T0> T0 100 _take >aux+> c>i aux-ok> ,L flip T0 http://www.nuttx.org/ | RTOS -- http://www.aplcloud.com/ CoSy far more FORTH like than Python . Because it IS . I want my email composition live in CoSy just for F11 . CoSy SmartFoen filtering "Tweeting a sentence to do it " . a ` sentence is a round trip to an empty stack Ron Aaron's site : http://8th-dev.com/ | ======================== | Tue.Apr,20170425 | ======================== | Evolving in the course of accounting work in personal CoSy . Adding to CoSy.f : | combine a name and a value into a 1 item dictionary : >d> ( sym val -- dic ) () >aux+> --bca dicapnd aux-ok> ; | ======================== | Wed.Apr,20170426 | ======================== | Making ' Dvx into ' Dvx_ and eliminating ' vx becz only raw useful . | ======================== | Sat.Apr,20170429 | ======================== | ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v@ s" /4thCoSy/CoSy/AltStackOps.f" F> >T0> VMbl s" --" con >T1> s" set Path" shell> res> s" ;" toksplt ` sys Dv@ | ======================== | Mon.May,20170508 | ======================== | ` BROWSER Dv@ |>| s" C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" | moved to Chrome since Lazarus failed . s" C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" />\\ R0 ` BROWSER Dv! http://CoSy.com s" C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe" | ======================== | Tue.May,20170509 | ======================== | | Realized ( remembered ) why edited BROWSER failed to work . | needs to be quoted in DOS command . ` BROWSER Dv@ res> >t0> c>i | res> has a trailing "lf t0 "lf zic ,L ssr >t0> | remove linefeeds . ' zic is empty string | Decided to do directly rather than editing . See ' braket ` BROWSER Dv@ s" \"" braket ` BROWSER Dv! s" C:/Program Files (x86)/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe" />\\ R0 s" \"" braket ` BROWSER Dv! | switch to Chrome . Test \/ http://CoSy.com | There's some bug in my understanding of the ' shell fns which causes | bomb if browser not already opened . | In work on accounting ledger work in my personal CoSy , I realized that s" : flip " ?? | : flip ( CSob -- CSob ) | Transpose object . | dup @ if ;then | transpose of a simple obj is itself | dup i# 0;drop | same for empty | refs+> dup 0 i@ i# cellVecInit >aux> | ob nbdy | i# 0 ?do dup i _nth refs+> aux@ i i! loop | refs- aux> ; | was crude in iterating over whatever the count of 1st item of its arg was . | Replacing w ' rho 'm ,/ ' min _./ [ 20170619 | needed to make | dup ( 0 i@ i# ) ['] rho 'm ,/ ['] min _./ i_ | ] | ======================== | Sat.May,20170520 | ======================== | | ======================== | Thu.Jun,20170629 | ======================== | | 1356 | following : Git Tutorial for Beginners: Command-Line Fundamentals https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVsySz-h9r4 s" git --version " shell> |>| git version 2.12.1.windows.1 s" git config --help " shell> s" git help config " shell> s" git config --list " shell> s" cd " shell s" git status --help " shell> | ======================== | Sat.Jul,20170701 | ======================== | "ht c>i | bombed on singleton . Problem traced to ' across | fixed 20170702.1838 | ======================== | Sun.Jul,20170702 | ======================== | Realized it would be useful to integrate Ron Aaron's ' help which outputs directly : help> s" help " swap cL forth> ; Make a CoSy string returning word s" {{ " help> 0 2 {{ >if i1 else i0 then }} s" help> " ?? ` tstScript -> : ??? >aux+> CShelp s" | \\/ | Reva Forth word help | \\/ | " "lf braket cL cL s" help " CShelp s" | \\/ | Reva Forth word help | \\/ | " "lf braket cL ` tstScript Dv@ ^eval s" help " ??? | ======================== | Sun.Jul,20170716 | ======================== | | something wrong w "outer product " . | from CoSyBob/CoSy Wed.Jul,20170712 | 1324 | print invites . calculating | print lanyout . pixels @ 300 % in f( 8.5 11 )f 300. _f *f |>| 2550.00 3300.00 f( 2550 3300 )f f( 312 498 )f %f |>| 8.17 6.62 f( 2550 3300 )f reverse f( 312 498 )f %f | |>| 10.57 5.12 | /4thCoSy/CoSy/Tui.f /^\ | alias: |>| | | doesn't work on those lines with ' reverse ! ?? ! wierd . needs real | . | but want outer product f( 2550 3300 )f f( 312 498 )f { _f %f } 'R 5 _iota i( 1 -1 )i { _i *i } 'R 8.17 6.62 f( 2550 3300 )f f( 8.5 11. )f %f 625. _f 5 _iota i>f *f |>| 0.00 625.00 1250.00 1875.00 2500.00 1.14 337. 2_f *f |>| 384.18 | $ EuroForth | ======================== | Sat.Jul,20170722 | ======================== | s" dir C:\\4thcosy\\cosy " shell> s" help ren " shell> COSYSTARTFILE s" \\" toksplt -1 _at CoSyDir curdrive ; fullCoSyFile CoSyFile.csv {{ s" ren " COSYSTARTFILE s" .csy " CoSyFile s" .bk" 4 times cL }} R0 shell : tst $.s cr ; tst | ======================== | Sun.Jul,20170723 | ======================== | 12. f>s _i |>| 12 : 'M ( v fn -- ) >aux 1p> i# 0 ?do i l0! R@ i i@ aux@ execute loop auxdrop 1P ; 5 _iota ' . 'M | works : 'M >aux 1p> i# 0 ?do i . R@ i i@ aux@ execute loop auxdrop 1P ; AF1 5 _iota { . cr } 'M AF0 AF> +/ | |>| 0 : 'M >aux 1p> i# 0 ?do i l0! l0@ . R@ i i@ aux@ execute loop auxdrop 1P ; AF1 5 _iota { . cr } 'M AF0 AF> +/ | |>| 0 1 _i {{ 1p $.s RA $.> @ $. l0 $. R@ lst 1P }} 0 _i 1 _i {{ 2p $.s LA $. RA $. l0 $. l1 . R@ lst 2P }} see l0 5 _iota { . cr } 'M : tst 1p i . ; {{ 5 0 do tst loop }} : f_ 1p> i# intVecInit >aux { f>s 4 _iota { drop i _i lst } eachM | ======================== | Mon.Jul,20170724 | ======================== | ' I _i R0 >T0> T0 s" See also: " toksplt >t1> t1 dsc s" " =i | f?m _i s" t1 1 _at Help " forth> 1 _i {{ 1p $.s RA $.> @ $. l0 $. 0 l0@ . R@ lst 1P }} | just realized how must use locals by first putting value on stack . | Updating | /4thCoSy/CoSy/CSauxstack.f | documentation . | Split out ParameterPushing.f from CoSy.f s" dir CoSy" shell> | adding assember core to files searched by ' ?? ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v@ | s" /4thCoSy/src/revacore.asm" cL | R0 ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v! R0 >T0> rho T0 { F> VMlf rho } 'm s" C:/CoSyBob/CoSy/CoSy.csy" restorefile ` sys v@ ` CoSySource v@ s" /4thCoSy/CoSy/Derived.f" F> | ======================== | Thu.Jul,20170727 | ======================== | | ' ?? bombing | ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v@ >t0> i-1 >t1 s" : 1p " t0 t1 i1 +i >t1> at o (CShelp) | inc thru each file emptyLn c>i |>| 13 10 13 10 | cause " no "cr "lf line delimiter not match ' emptyLn s" /4thCoSy/src/revacore.asm" F> >t0> | really a problem that ' tokcut should handle empty case . t0 "lf 2 _take tokcut rho t0 emptyLn css | ======================== | Fri.Jul,20170728 | ======================== | | traced bomb back to ' ix throwing on empty . not clear best soln . | just converted to WiTel "cr "lf cL s" /4thCoSy/CoSy/ParameterPushing.f" F> t0 "lf MV | paste file name into text display . res> >t1> "lf VM | convert back to list | R0 ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v! | ======================== | Sat.Jul,20170729 | ======================== | | Want to finish work on accesing index from w/i a map operator | Moved Stack frame vocab from CSauxstack.f to ParameterPushing.f 1 _i {{ 1p $.s RA $.> @ $. l0 $. 0 l0@ . R@ lst 1P }} | test of stackFrames : 'M >aux 1p> i# 0 ?do i l0! l0@ . R@ i i@ aux@ execute loop auxdrop 1P ; AF1 5 _iota { l0@ . . cr } 'M AF0 AF> +/ | |>| 0 | no leak : 'M >aux 1p> i# 0 ?do i l0! R@ i i@ aux@ execute loop auxdrop 1P ; 5 _iota 10 _i *i { l0@ 10 * $.s . cr } 'M 5 _iota >t0> | { _i t0 l0@ _at! } 'M | working toward simpifying "each" maps and adding accessable index | 2046 | | ======================== | Sun.Jul,20170730 | ======================== | text> VMlf 10 _take >t0> ' rho 'm t0 flip ' rho 'm | ======================== | Mon.Jul,20170731 | ======================== | | Wanting to discard portions of names in my mailing lists commented out with s" | " | fixed long standing bomb in ' toksplt on strings not containing the token | Simply needed to change ' cut which discloses singletons to ' cut\ | which doesn't . | cr ." toksplt " ( 2p> tokcut i0 R@ rho ) 2p LR@ swap cL >aux+> dup R@ css cut\ aux- | appends R@ rho ['] cut eachleft 2P> ; | simply needed to change ' cut which discloses singletons to ' cut\ which doesn't : VM : toksplt ( str tok -- CV ) | like ' tokcut but deletes the tokens from the cut pieces | cr ." toksplt " ( 2p> tokcut i0 R@ rho ) 2p LR@ swap cL >aux+> dup R@ css cut\ aux- | appends R@ rho oo cr ['] cut eachleft 2P> ; : dlb 1p> dup "bl ['] <>i f? cut 1P> ; | Delete leading blanks | 20170731 : dtb reverse dlb reverse ; | Delete Trailing blanks | ======================== | Wed.Aug,20170802 | ======================== | res> ` exampleScripts Dv! ` exampleScripts -> | ======================== | Tue.Aug,20170822 | ======================== | | Some recent new words \/ | | building up to ' norm , Euclidean length . s" C:/4thCoSy/lib/math/floats" F> | look thru raw vocabulary : _f^2_ fdup f* ; | square a float on fToS : f^2 ['] _f^2_ eachMfr ; | generalize to float lists 10 _iota i>f f^2 | 0.00 1.00 4.00 9.00 16.00 25.00 36.00 49.00 64.00 81.00 : +/^2 f^2 +/ ; | Sum of Squares 10 _iota i>f +/^2 | 285.00 : f^%2 ['] fsqrt eachMfr ; : norm +/^2 f^%2 ; 10 _iota i>f norm 4000. _f 2 _take norm |>| 5656.85 | My original motivation was findin how large a background square I needed | for | http://cosy.com/y17/StatismEclipse20170821.1030.jpg | | ======================== | Wed.Aug,20170823 | ======================== | | implemented ' eachMfir , ' f_32 ' f_ all in /CoSy.f : f_32 f>d drop ; | integer part of float on x86 f stack . note 32 bit limit : f_ ['] f_32 eachMfir ; | integer part ie : floor , on float list . f( 3.14 24.56 )f f_ |>| 3 24 | ======================== | Sat.Aug,20170826 | ======================== | 4000 _iota >t0> 10 _take |>| 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t0 { _i 3000 _iota +i } 'm >t1> rho t1 3 _take { 10 _take } 'm 2. 31. 2_f ^f R0 4000. _f %f 1000 _iota { _i 1000 _iota +i } 'm >t0> rho t1 ' +/ 'm ,/ >t0> rho t0 10 _take 1. fexp fpi fswap f^ _f s" C:/4thCoSy/lib/date/calendar" F> 700 lines | ======================== | Thu.Aug,20170831 | ======================== | | How many kb in all the CoSy Source file ? ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v@ >t0> | CoSy source files s" dir " t0 dsc />\\ cL shell> t0 dsc />\\ s" help dir" shell> s" dir \\4thCoSy\\CoSy " shell> | ======================== | Sun.Sep,20170903 | ======================== | Saving to GitHub | 1315 | -- | not quite ready for prime time : : csv>DT ( str tok -- DTable ) | converts .csv string w lines delimited by | "lf and labels in first line to "Dictionary Table" essentially | equivalent to K's swap VMlf swap ['] VM 'L >aux> 0 _at { dlb dtb } 'm enc aux> 1 _cut flip ,L ; | ======================== | Fri.Sep,20170922 | ======================== | 1225 | Gatwick ( LGW ) -- DEN 2155 | 1538 | sys was crashing on save because of ' "lf>"nl added to res> ? : rest> reswdo @ getval --bc str "lf>"nl ; T0 res> >t0> "nl ss T0 "lf>"nl "lf ss T0 "lf VM ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v! t0 rho | 1658 | : --cabd 2swap rot ; 1 2 3 4 --cabd | 2swap rot --bca s" ./CoSy/AltStackOps.f" >t0> F> res> >T0> "lf>"nl t0 >F 5 _iota 1 _i +i i>f dup >t0> reverse ,L t0 t0 reverse ' ^f execute ' +f across^ : dot --cabd execute swap across^ ; t0 dup reverse ' +f ' ^f dot | 1849 | R ` T0 s@ Dnames s" tst " ` tst Dv! R ` tst s@ m@ R ` tst a@ | deleted '( ax a@ a! )' . remnants of 3 col K dic attribute structure | 1948 | s" test " ` tst swap >< ` tst v@ | R ` tst s@ m! R ` tst s@ m@ DMP s" ./CoSy/CoSy.f" F> | ======================== | Sat.Sep,20170923 | ======================== | | 1456 | | ======================== | Sun.Sep,20170924 | ======================== | : --cabd 2swap rot ; 1 2 3 4 --cabd | 2swap rot --bca s" ./CoSy/AltStackOps.f" >t0> F> res> >T0> "lf>"nl t0 >F 5 _iota 1 _i +i i>f dup >t0> reverse ,L t0 t0 reverse ' ^f execute ' +f across^ : dot --cabd execute swap across^ ; t0 dup reverse ' +f ' ^f dot 5 _iota 1 _i +i i>f >t0> dup reverse ^f +/ 5 _iota 1 _i +i i>f >t0> dup reverse ` +f e 5 _iota 1 _i +i i>f 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 R0 dup reverse ' +f ' ^f dot 65.00 | ======================== | Thu.Sep,20170928 | ======================== | | ======================== | Tue.Oct,20171003 | ======================== | | Deleted from CoSy.f : | | combine a name and a value into a 1 item dictionary | : >d> ( sym val -- dic ) () >aux+> --bca dicapnd aux-ok> ; | use ' >< instead . | ======================== | Thu.Oct,20171005 | ======================== | | ' execute bombs on 0 . ' xeq was aliased to execute in /4thCoSy/CoSy/util.f : xeq R0 rho | ======================== | Fri.Oct,20171006 | ======================== | | ======================== | Mon.Oct,20171009 | ======================== | res> VMlf >T0> T0 VMlf >T0> T0 ' ^eval 'm >T0> T0 ' Type@^ 'm | hmm . See I already have defined a ' dsel . probably better def . | : Dsel ( D v -- D ) { --bab v@ ,L } 'R flip ; | Returns Dic of items v selected from dic D R T0 dsel >t0> dnames t0 R ` ark v! R ` ark v@ ` morse v@ ` ark Dv@ dnames R dnames R T0 1 _cut { vdel R } _./ | to be continued . Needs to be across . no each . Dnames R T0 dsc vdel | ======================== | Tue.Oct,20171010 | ======================== | Dnames >t0> 5 _iota i>f 1 _at\ dsc rho R t0 0 _at v@ t0 1 _at v@ ev _i { } _./ | ======================== | Wed.Oct,20171011 | ======================== | Deleted from CoSy.f : | \/ | appears to be a bad idea | \/ | | ev refs+> value ^R | CoSy Result holder . Makes results evaporate | : >^R ( ob -- ob ) | ^R refs- refs+> to ^R ; | : >^R> dup >^R ; | /\ | appears to be a bad idea | /\ | ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v@ s" /4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.f" F> VMlf >t0> rho t0 s" [IF]" s" [THEN]" ,L ' cconn 'R see | https://twitter.com/CoherentSystems/status/918204081696538624 s" : dsc" ?? added | dup i# 0if ;then | If empty , just return | no prototypes | ======================== | Thu.Oct,20171012 | ======================== | | by its nature | 0 _iota >_ | throws a " can't index empty " in ' ix | | Added diagnostice and ToS DMP on catch which was leaving arg on stack . | Still needs watching & fixing | /4thCoSy/CoSy/Tui.f | | : f6 { getcurln eval } catch ?dup if ['] caught type>res $.s cr DMP ;then | depth 0 =if nil then | { >R0> ['] lst type>res } catch ?dup if ['] caught type>res ;then | llUpdate $.sUpdate ; ` tstScript -> | ^eval | ======================== | Fri.Oct,20171013 | ======================== | res> s" /4thCoSy/CoSy/ParameterPushing.f" >F 4 _iota ' + _/ _i DMP 1 _i s" /4thCoSy/CoSy/Tui.f" F> | "nl ss res> "nl ss resvar | ======================== | Sun.Oct,20171015 | ======================== | Added to ./CoSy/Furniture.f : : Pi fpi _f ; : rad fpi 180. f% _f ; | self explanitory . Note ' pi is used in shell script Updated list of source files to be in loading order and root directory invariant | s" C:/CoSyBob/CoSy/CoSy.csy" restorefile ` sys v@ ` CoSySource v@ | R0 ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v! |[ 20171022.1424 ; had an insight on (nonce) error . wish I made a note ] | ======================== | Sun.Oct,20171022 | ======================== | | 1431 | Give away , spread , the roots ; charge for the leafs | 1505 | work on ' lst (nonce) error : | : lst ... | dup @ _n =if drop indent ." _n " ;then | | drop indent ." ( " ." nonce " ." )" cr ; | drop z" back to ' _/ ' _/_ _i ` tstScript -> | dup ^eval | realized I needed naked ' 1P> | but Float still sui generis 2 _iota ' + _/_ _i | works Dnames >t0> R ` sys v@ ` CoSySource v@ R `( sys CoSySource )` { o v@ o } _/_ cr : _/_ ( RA fn -- r ) | result returning "/" , "across" on naked fns | If empty or singlton , simply returns arg . over i# 2 aux 1p> 0 i@ R@ 1 i@ aux@ execute $.s cr R@ i# 2 ?do R@ i i@ aux@ $.s execute $.s cr loop auxdrop $.s cr 1P_> ; : _/ ( LA fn -- r ) | result returning "/" , "across" on naked fns | If empty or singlton , simply returns arg . over i# 2 aux refs+> >aux> 0 _at\ aux@ 1 _at\ auxx@ execute aux@ i# 2 ?do aux@ i _at\ auxx@ execute loop aux> refs- auxdrop ; | Thinking about angle to Hyderabad : absf ['] fabs eachMfr ; | added to ...f fns in ` CoSy.f | ======================== | Tue.Oct,20171024 | ======================== | | ' dup doesn't work in computations w refd lists . | Need to ' rep to get 2 0 counted copies . : rep_ dup vsize ( a s ) dup allocate >r> swap ( a r s ) move r@ refs0 r> ; | rep on simples . 1 _i dup rep_ +i |>| 2 -183. _f absf dup rep_ 360. _f swap -f 183. 1. 2. {{ fover fover f< if fswap then }} _f : fmin fover fover f< if fswap then ; : fmax fover fover f> if fswap then ; : minf ['] fmin eachDfr ; : maxf ['] fmax eachDfr ; f( 1. 2. 3 )f f( 3 2 1 )f minf words~ ~floats | ======================== | Fri.Oct,20171027 | ======================== | | 1318 | ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v@ >t0> rho t0 t0 { F> rho } 'm ,L flip R0 ,/ +/ | ======================== | Mon.Oct,20171030 | ======================== | s" asm{ " ?? | ======================== | Tue.Oct,20171031 | ======================== | | 1203 | erased all downloads from NextBook . Cleaned all traces of CoSy to get ' asm{ error if I can | 1229 | Damn . CoSy RAN ! C:\Users\Bob\Downloads\CoSy-4thCoSy\CoSy-4thCoSy Ran also on s" //Cosy1511/d/CoSy-4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.csy" restorefile >t0> rho t0 ` text v@ | ======================== | Thu.Nov,20171102 | ======================== | s" ./CoSy/CoSy.f" F> VMlf >T0> rho T0 { s" |" ss } 'm >t1> T0 t1 t1 ' rho 'm ,/ & at " |" _i >a> at T0 lst | ======================== | Fri.Nov,20171103 | ======================== | macro : char parsews drop c@ ?literal ; forth | returns integer value of following character . eg | char A _i |>| 65 | when compiling , appends char as literal . | word same as GForth std | added to ./CoSy/util.f char A _i : tst char A ; tst | |>| . char 1 _i | ======================== | Sun.Nov,20171105 | ======================== | -183. _f absf dup rep_ 360. _f swap -f ' xx _i o Top irritation changes drastically when other heads involved . | ======================== | Mon.Nov,20171106 | ======================== | f( 39.038681 -105.079070 )f f( 17.3850 78.4867 )f -f ` USA.CO.WP ` India.Hyderabad cL R0 f( 39.038681 -105.079070 )f f( 17.3850 78.4867 )f ,L ,L >t0> t0 >T0> t0 1 _at +/ | ======================== | Tue.Nov,20171107 | ======================== | ' rep _i : rep_ dup vsize ( a s ) dup allocate >r> swap ( a r s ) move r@ refs0 r> ; : rep dup Type@ if rep_ ;then duplst ; 2 _i dup rep +i ` tst s" str" >< >t0> rho t0 ` tst v@ ` tst s" str" >< dup rep ,L dup rep ,L ' rep : dot *f +/ ; f( -1 0 1 )f f( -1 0 1 )f dot : norm dot rep_ | ======================== | Wed.Nov,20171108 | ======================== | Realizing ' rep and therefore ' storelst must not ref- ergo free argument . ` tst s" str" >< >t0> DMP t0 storelst t0 | ======================== | Thu.Nov,20171109 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sun.Nov,20171112 | ======================== | | Converting ' daysdif used to compute days of my life to take CoSy dates : date_ ( yyyymmdd -- d m y ) >r> vbody @ dtupk r> ref0del ; : daysdif^ >r date_ r> date_ daysdif _i ; 19441108 20171108 2_i daysdif^ |>| 26663 | Added to ./CoSy/Furniture.f | ======================== | Mon.Nov,20171113 | ======================== | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.forth/DM3EUGb_b4Y (uncompress '((4 A) B (2 C) (2 A) D (4 E))) i( 4 1 2 2 1 4 )i & |>| 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 s" ABCADE" R0 at |>| AAAABCCAADEEEE https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.forth/oOZzjvcYASc s" 0x1 0x2 00:11:22:33:AE:5E * ethx" >t0> t0 "bl VM dae 3 _at s" :" VM | ======================== | Tue.Nov,20171114 | ======================== | | One of those words motivated by " greatest irritation " | append catinate ( ' cL ) object to list word in Dictionary . 20171114.16 : v_cL ( D w o -- ) >r vx_ dup @ r> cL swap rplc ; : Dv_cL _d --cab v_cL ; A couple of examples : I'm currently keeping my general ledger as a simple list , ` LedgerList , of enclosed transactions in the form , `( TS From To Amnt Comment )` eg : 20171114.1630 _f ` PSBT ` PayPal 42.94 _f s" balance due " 4 times cL I would then execute ` LedgerList Dv@ >t0> R0 enc cL ` LedgerList Dv! kept in a bunch of accounting related lines in ` state to append the transaction . Now that's simplifed to ` LedgerList R0 enc Dv_cL A simple email list can be kept as a text string and appended to with a line like : someDic ` ML "lf s" Georgie Jessel " v_cl | ======================== | Wed.Nov,20171115 | ======================== | Perhaps the shortest path to emerge from WinTel is straight to the web . Am looking for HTML or MarkDown interface . Implemented Bash under Win 10 . looked at https://sourceforge.net/projects/colono/ Need to master ./lib/net/sockets | | ======================== | Thu.Nov,20171116 | ======================== | : one23 123 ; | Reading http://www.forth.org/POL.pdf wondered how much code | literals take in Reva s" see one23 " forth> | Just the move , inline . $7B _i |>| 123 | -- | In discussions on | http://cosy.com/#PlanetaryPhysics | started implementing basics . W stat names too . : dot *f +/ ; f( -1 0 1 )f f( 1 2 3 )f dot |>| 2.00 : norm^2 dup rep dot ; | f( -1 0 1 )f norm^2 |>| 2.00 | : sqrtf ['] fsqrt eachMfr ; | added to float fns @ ./CoSy/CoSy.f : norm norm^2 sqrtf ; | ======================== | Fri.Nov,20171117 | ======================== | f( -1 0 1 )f dup rep cor ' norm^2 on2 *f : cor 2p> dot LR@ ['] norm^2 on2 *f %f ; -1 2 ' 1+ on2 f( -1 0 1 )f norm |>| 1.41 ' _mod _i s" ./CoSy/math.f" F> res> >t0> s" ./CoSy/math.f" >F t0 s" ./CoSy/math.f" F> ^eval ' norm _i | ======================== | Sat.Nov,20171118 | ======================== | snow | 0648 | em> .. | 0749 | | 1033 | Forth Day . started 0930 | | archived schedule | http://cosy.com/y17/SV-FIG_ForthDay1118.html Brad : WebGL 20. 2. 2_f ^f | favg | ======================== | Sun.Nov,20171119 | ======================== | | read Ken Thompson Turing lecture . http://delivery.acm.org/10.1145/1290000/1283940/a1983-thompson.pdf?ip= | 1339 | really need to grok sockets . s" C:/4thCoSy/lib/net/sockets" F> But more fundamentally need to enhance sting and sort vocabulary . s" ./CoSy/math.f" F> res> >t0> s" ./CoSy/math.f" >F t0 | want to flesh out a few more fns from K.CoSy .math.a / Arthur Whitney's lib : f^2 fdup f* ; | not defined in lib/math/floats . much more efficient than { rep *f } : ^2f ['] f^2 eachMfr ; | added to CoSy floating fns in ./CoSy/CoSy.f | Uploaded Arthur Whitney's K math functions | http://cosy.com/K/Math_AW.txt | ======================== | Mon.Nov,20171120 | ======================== | ` Fact Dv@ ` Fact v@ >t0> res> >T0> T0 ` Fact Dv@ ` Fact v! t0 VMlf s" : G " con | Added Gravitational constant to Facts . : G 6.674e-11 _f ; | m^3 * kg^-1 * s^ -2 | 1 in Planck length mass time : Gforce ( r m0 m1 ) *f G *f swap f^2 %f ; | \/ | important fn | \/ | added to ./CoSy/CoSy.f : .. dup rep ; | \/ | added to ./CoSy/math.f | \/ | | Note use of ' on2 which applies fns in way APLs including K can't . : var 1p> ^2f favg R@ favg ^2f -f 1P> ; : dev var sqrtf ; 20 _iota i>f dev : cov 2p> *f favg LR@ ['] favg on2 *f -f 2P> ; : cor 2p> cov LR@ ['] dev on2 *f %f 2P> ; 20 _iota i>f .. reverse cor 10 _i fmtnF | need to deal w rounding . | ########################### | | 1341 | Decided to publish files as they currently stand to be able to mention math stuff . Still plan much more cleaned up version -- soon . | ======================== | Tue.Nov,20171121 | ======================== | | 1104 | Tweeted updates | 1228 | s" (header) " ?? help (header) | ======================== | Fri.Nov,20171124 | ======================== | | did some consolidating of mathy fns from ./CoSy/Furniture.f in ./CoSy/math.f | Seem to have duplicate setions of ` text . still easiest to compare in Jedit . text> VMlf rho | s" ./CoSy/text.txt" >F | re : | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.forth/2EHMK4JmO1g 10 _iota i( 5 2 )i take >t0> | flip | ======================== | Sat.Nov,20171125 | ======================== | see pi | Some variable ' pi exists the origin of which I strangely can't find . overwriting in math.f w : pi fpi _f ; | ======================== | Sun.Nov,20171126 | ======================== | GHW Bush now 93 y 163 d . Oldest ever prez . When I was young HH was the old guy 18740810 19641020 2_i daysdif^ |>| 32943 | Herbert Hoover life span . 32943. 365.25 2_f %f |>| 90.19 : fracf ['] ffrac eachMfr ; | not defined . added to /cosy.f R0 fracf 365.25 _f *f |>| 70.49 18740101 ymd>fixed 18740810 ymd>fixed - . | 1345 | | ======================== | Thu.Nov,20171130 | ======================== | | in response to thread on SV-FIG ml , implementing ' factors from K.CoSy | factors />/ { t @ & 0 = x !/: t : 1 + ! _ _sqrt x } | See | Re: [svfig] Highly divisible numbers | http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/y17/Re%20%20%5bsvfig%5d%20Highly%20divisible%20numbers.html s" ./CoSy/math.f" F> >t0> ^eval res> s" ./CoSy/math.f" >F 60 _i factors |>| 1 2 3 4 5 6 64 _i factors |>| 1 2 4 8 65 _i factors |>| 1 5 60. _f f( 1 2 3 4 5 6 )f %f f>i |>| 60 30 20 15 12 10 60 _i >t0> factors >t1> t1 t0 t1 ' i>f on2 %f f>i ,L : factors .. i>f sqrtf f>i iota i1 +i .. --bac _modi 0=i & at ; 60 _iota i1 +i >t0> t0 { _i factors } 'm Posted to SV-FIG | 1737 | | ======================== | Sat.Dec,20171202 | ======================== | s" c:/CoSybob/CoSy/CoSy.csy" F> restorelist >t0> ` T0 v@ t0 Dnames s" : & " ?? | ======================== | Sun.Dec,20171203 | ======================== | ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v@ >t0> t0 ' F> 'm >t1> ' rho 'm ,/ t1 { "lf VM rho } 'm ,/ R0 +/ ` rho 'm ,/ t0 | ======================== | Fri.Dec,20171208 | ======================== | | 1232 | ( ) | 1615 | s" C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y17/HBasis.csdt" F> >t0> rho | In ./CoSy/SaveRestore.f , changing name ' storelst^ to ' lst>str | likewise ' restorelist to ' str>lst [ moved \/ Sat ] s" C:/4thCoSy/lib/net/sockets" F> | ^eval res> s" C:/4thCoSy/lib/net/sockets" >F needs net/sockets REVAUSERLIB words~ ~util .~ .contexts libdir os _i | ======================== | Sat.Dec,20171209 | ======================== | | really need somebody who understands it to make an example of how to | load and use the ./lib/net/sockets vocabulary . Set up 2 local CoSy's | talking to each other . | Need to settle on some socket <-> browser "live" editiable TUIGUI . | rather than tracking down if all the Bombs in the old IUP interface are | CoSy's or its . It's needed anyway . | \/ | .CSV < > CoSy Dictionary Table \/ | s" C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y17/HBasis.csdt" F> >t0> rho t0 str>lst >t1> dnames t1 ' rho 'm t1 1 _at ' rho 'm ,/ |>| 14 14 14 14 14 14 t1 1 _at { ['] rho 'm ,/ } 'm t1 1 _at { -1 _cut } 'm { ['] rho 'm ,/ } 'm ' rho 'm ,/ |>| 13 13 13 13 13 13 t1 1 _at { -1 _cut } 'm enc t1 1 _at! t1 1 _at rho t1 s" Date" v@ t1 0 _at ' rho 'm t1 0 _at 0 _at t1 dnames -1 _at | bunch of blanks R0 >T0> t1 T0 v@ t1 1 _at ' rho 'm | t1 1 _at { -1 _cut } 'm t1 1 _at! | Updated and fixed freeing \/ | in CoSy.f : sym>str> ( sym -- str ) .. dup sym>str swap ref0del ; : str>sym> ( str -- sym ) .. dup str>sym swap ref0del ; AF1 s" SYMBOL" str>sym> lst AF0 | chked created & freed t1 dnames ' str>sym> 'm enc t1 0 _at! t1 ` SYMBOL v@ T0 lst>str s" C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y17/HBasis.csdt" >F s" C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y17/HBasis.csdt" F> str>lst >t0> t0 ` Date v@ T0 dnames 5 _at DMP | somehow the bit count in one symbol in this DT got off by a byte ?! T0 1 _at ' Type@^ | ======================== | Sun.Dec,20171210 | ======================== | | 1156 | | 1448 | t1 >T0> T0 dnames sym>str>' "bl MV |>| SYMBOL DESCRIPTION TYPE QTY Basis Date T0 dnames >t0> ` Basis ?sym t0 4 _at ` Basis strmatch t0 5 _at >t1> t1 DMP cr ` Date DMP 028DFFC8 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 28 00 00 00 00 00 ..........(..... 028DFFD8 44 61 74 65 0D 00 00 00 49 23 70 72 E9 98 0C 08 Date....I#pr.... 028FCFB0 01 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 00 .......... ..... 028FCFC0 44 61 74 65 00 00 00 00 4D 23 71 77 E9 98 0E 00 Date....M#qw.... t0 3 _at DMP s" Basis" >t1> bits@ | ' sym>str not fixing bit count . : sym>str ( sym -- ) TypeC over Type! dup sym# over cell+ ! byte swap bits! ; t0 { bits@ 8 / _i } 'm t0 sym>str>' { bits@ _i } 'm t0 t0 5 _at DMP | $20 swap bits! T0 dnames 5 _at DMP T0 s" C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y17/HBasis.csdt" >F s" C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y17/HBasis.csdt" F> T0 1 _at { ['] Type@^ 'm } 'm | I'm real happy that this sort of each each works . I don't think recursive { { } } does . | Can never remember which . need to make CoSy table | \/ | s" Types " ?? | a[ Types Type0 , TypeC , TypeI , TypeFl , TypeS , TypeV , TypeA , TypeFv , ]a s" Type0 , TypeC , TypeI , TypeFl , TypeS , TypeV , TypeA , TypeFv" s" , " toksplt R0 >T0> T0 T0 { ^eval _i } 'm >t0> ,L >t0> t0 ` sys Dv@ ` Types v! ` sys Dv@ ` Types v@ >t0> ` TypeFl v@ | really neat that /\ is that simple . Strings work as well as symbols -- which I'm coming to see as a superfluous type t0 t0 dnames { v@ fmtI$ } 'R ,/ t0 dnames R0 ,L flip | ======================== | Mon.Dec,20171211 | ======================== | s" C:/CoSyBob/acnts/y17/HBasis.csdt" F> str>lst >T0> dnames T0 dnames sym>str>' s" \t " MV >t0> T0 0 _at sym>str>' enc T0 1 _at flip cL R0 "ht ' MV 'L "lf MV >t0> rho t0 s" /CoSy/tst.csv" >F s" /CoSy/tst.csv" F> -2 _cut >T0> rho T0 -2 _take c>i T0 -2 _cut "nl VM "ht ' VM 'L >t0> | need to know if "lf or "lf "cr line delimiter t0 0 _at t0 1 _cut flip ,L >t1> | ======================== | Tue.Dec,20171212 | ======================== | | T0 -1 _cut "ht VM "lf ' VM 'L >t0> | delimiters not commutable . "nl "ht ,L : csv>lst ( csv d0,d1 -- lst ) 2p> dsc VM R@ 1 _at ['] VM 'L 2P> ; T0 "nl "ht ,L csv>lst lst>DT : lst>DT 1p> dsc R@ 1 _cut flip ,L 1P> ; : csv>DT csv>lst lst>DT ; T0 "nl "ht ,L csv>DT >T1> rho | 1435 | T1 rho T1 1 _at rho T1 1 _at flip : DT>lst 1p> dsc enc R@ 1 _at flip cL 1P> ; T1 DT>lst >t0> : lst>csv 2p> dsc ['] MV 'L R@ 1 _at MV 2P> ; t0 "nl "ht ,L reverse lst>csv : tst 2p> ,L L@ R@ ,L ,L 2p> ; s" asf" s" qwer" i( 1 2 3 )i ,L tst t0 { "ht MV } 'm | "lf MV >t1> -2 _take c>i R0 >t1> { -1 _at } 'm R0 >t1> t1 ,/ c>i "cr c>i s" C:/CoSy/BobA/acnts/CHK_259bk.CSV" F> >T0> -2 _take c>i lst>csv T0 -2 _take c>i : DT>csv 2p> --aba dnames sym>str>' swap MV 2P> ; ( DT str -- csvStr ) | turns DictionaryTable into .csv format string w str as the delimiter and "lf as the line separator : csv>DT ( str tok -- DTable ) | converts .csv string w lines delimited by | "lf and labels in first line to "Dictionary Table" essentially | equivalent to K's | 20171213.1629 |( Added notes : the equivalent old K.CoSy | see http://cosy.com/K/CoSy/K_CoSy.htm csv2DT : { ltab2dic @ + csvcutD[ x ]' y } \ splits y on char x \ ltab2dic : { tab2dic[ ` $ in[ ; ALPHabet , DIGITS ]' *:' x ; 1 _' x ] } \ convert labeled table to dictionary \ csvcutD : { ( nq 1 _ )' ( & uq[ d ] & d = x ) _ d : x , y } \ split values y separated by character x \ dic2csv : { tab2csv[ x ] dic2ltab y } \ convert columns of y to csv format using delimiter x dic2ltab : { { ( ! x ) ,' x[] } x } \ Converts dictionary to Table Labeled with each var name prepended to its value tab2csv : { MV[ x ]' ( $ + y ) } \ convert columns of y to csv format using delimiter x You can see they are comparable in size and even similar in structure . Admitedly , csvcutD in particular does more and needs some words yet to be translated )| | ======================== | Wed.Dec,20171213 | ======================== | | 1319 | ( Consider that CoSy is linearizing and saving ' R every timestamp and | line you execute ) | saving to GitHub | 1500 | | ======================== | Sat.Dec,20171216 | ======================== | | 1500 | I've evolved to keeping a ledger of my transactions , particularly by noting upcoming payments due as , eg : ` BHEnergy 104.32 _f cL in my calendar on the day due , then when the day comes and I pay it fleshing it out to , eg : 20171216.1526 _f ` PSBank ` BHEnergy 104.32 _f s" gas " 4 times cL where ' times is a Reva word . The items are ` TimeStamp ` From ` To ` amount ` note 4 times cL Down in ` state , I keep a number of accounting related lines including first ` LedgerList R0 enc Dv_cL | append item from day ` LedgerList Dv@ >T0> reverse | check posted But sometimes I don't have a note , so here I'm cleaning up , ie : adding an empty string to any items which don't have notes so I can convert it to a .csv for output and reconciliation with my legacy K.CoSy accounts . Reading the list from my personal CoSy . s" C:/CoSyBob/CoSy/CoSy.csy" F> str>lst ` LedgerList v@ >T0> rho |>| 74 Which ones just have 4 items T0 ' rho 'm ,/ |>| 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 ... R0 4 _i =i & >T1> |>| 0 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 19 ... So those are the items we want to modify . T0 t0 { ix _i } 'R >t1> | addresses of selected items | ======================== | Sun.Dec,20171217 | ======================== | | continuing : T0 T1 { ix _i } 'R >t1> | addresses of selected items t1 dsc >_ dup @ zic cL swap rplc | Worked ! | pulling it together : : @x! ( lst idx f -- lst ) | applies ' f to indexed items in ' lst . >aux >t1> T0 T1 at : tst zic cL o ; T0 T1 0 _at at tst T0 T1 at ' tst 'm >t0> : @x! >aux { ix dup @ o aux@ execute o swap rplc o cr zic } 'm auxdrop ; T0 T1 { zic cL o } @x! see i# | ======================== | Mon.Dec,20171218 | ======================== | s" : rotate" ?? | ' rotate failing on floats f( 0 1 2 3 4 )f 2 _rotate i( 0 1 2 3 4 )i >t0> 2 _rotate | Was failing because ' if@ and ' if! work from float stack w nothing on stack . | fixed by copying logic of ' reverse . | 1856 | | ======================== | Tue.Dec,20171219 | ======================== | : @x! >aux o { ix dup @ o aux@ execute o swap rplc $.s cr ev } 'R auxdrop ; : t0 zic cL ; : tst { ix dup @ o t0 execute o swap rplc $.s cr ev } 'R ; | !!! problem because " each " fns use ' aux stack !!! | | updating " each " fns w stack frame versions : 'd >r 2p r> LR@ longer_ ev swap 0 ?do L@ i _at R@ i _at l0@ execute cL loop 2P> ; AF1 5 _iota s" as" { cL enc } 'd lst AF0 | works & clean first time T0 T1 { zic cL } @x! ` tstScript Dv@ s" /CoSy/temp.txt" >F s" /CoSy/temp.txt" shell^ ` tstScript -> ` tstScript Dv@ ^eval : tst >r 2p r> l0@ 2P> ; s" zero " s" 1 " s" r " tst T0 T1 { i@ } 'R : tst 0do i _i loop ; 0 tst | ======================== | Thu.Dec,20171221 | ======================== | see 'R : tst0 nip _i ; s" ' tst0 $. " forth> | $634B54 T0 T1 { _at s" " cL } 'R | ======================== | Sun.Dec,20171224 | ======================== | | ' 'R seems working . removing traces & replacing in CoSy.f | : 'R : eachright ( LA RA fn -- R ) | iterates over raw items of RA . result of fn must be a CoSy object >r 2p r> $.s cr | fntype TypeFl =if z" nonce " throw ;then | Floats are sui generis R@ i# l0@ $.s cr fntype VecInit dup i# 0 $.s cr ?do L@ R@ i i@ l0@ $.s cr execute refs+> l1@ i i! loop l1@ $.s cr o 2P> ; T0 T1 { ix dup @ s" " cL swap rplc ev } 'R T0 T1 at T0 rep >t0> T1 at : @x! >aux { ix dup @ aux@ execute swap rplc ev } 'R refs- auxdrop ; t0 T1 { s" " cL } @x! t0 ' rho 'm ,/ | ! Working ! Simpler tha APL or K ! | 2030 | t0 >T0> s" T0 lst " forth> rho "lf "ht ,L lst>csv | ======================== | Mon.Dec,20171225 | ======================== | | need to "hack" general format fn by "capturing" output of ' lst which | foolishly directly outputs rather than formatting then outputing . : FMT >aux s" aux@ lst " forth> auxdrop ; | tested w AF1 AF0 for cleanup . T0 dsc { FMT -1 _cut } 'm >t0> | each item ends w "lf . | 1203 | (nonce) et al bombings s" C:/reva201101/lib/ui/gui" F> >t0> rho s" C:/4thCoSy/lib/ui/gui" F> >t1> rho t0 t1 ,L ' rho 'm t0 t1 ' VMlf on2 t0 t1 ,L ' rho 'm see sp 1 2 3 . . . | 1406 | | ======================== | Fri.Dec,20171229 | ======================== | sp . | 4356208 sp _i t0 help catch | ======================== | Sat.Dec,20171230 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sun.Dec,20171231 | ======================== |