| ###################################################################### | | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | revaver type |>| 7.0.10 | ###################################################################### | | \/ \/ \/ \/ | help sources | \/ \/ \/ \/ | F1 : Key Help | Tapping the F1 key lists all key shortcuts . | ====================================================================== | | \/ \/ \/ | 4th.Cosy ( F6 ) | \/ \/ \/ | s" CShelp " CShelp | Get all occurances of phrase in source files | listed in |` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v@ | split on empty lines R dnames | names in Root ( ` R ) dictionary . Rnames | Same as /\ | ` IntroHelp Dv@ s" C:/4thCoSy/IntroHelp.txt" slurp^ | |\/| For a description of CoSy objects |\/| s" valloc" CShelp | /\ /\ /\ | 4th.Cosy ( F6 ) | /\ /\ /\ | | ====================================================================== | | \/ \/ \/ | Reva Forth output directly so use s(hift)F6 ) | \/ \/ \/ | help see see esi@ | Standard Forth word words @ | Standard Forth word res> Help | show help on each word in a string . Reva help often lists | related words at the end of a definition . I often edit down the res | contents down to these lists and then sF6 this line to display them all . | /\ /\ /\ | Reva Forth ( sF6 ) | /\ /\ /\ | | ====================================================================== | | \/ \/ \/ | WEB ( cF9 ) | cF9 on URL below to open in ` BROWSER | \/ | | ` BROWSER Dv@ http://cosy.com/CoSy/4th.CoSy.html http://cosy.com/CoSy/4thCoSy/Help.html http://dev.ronware.org/p/reva/ http://www.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/iup/ | /\ /\ /\ | WEB ( cF9 ) | /\ /\ /\ | | ======================================================================= | | Types | Everything is a list s" asdf \\qwert" | Strings ( bytes ) \ is " escape " so must be doubled i( 0 1 2 3 )i | integers also | 123 _i | 123 456 2_i | f( 2.28 2 2.e5 )f | Floats also | 3.14 ' _f | 3.14 2. 2_f `( asdf sym )` | symbols , strings with rho 1 =i . See also ` s" asdf " i( 0 1 2 )i ,L | general lists . this creates a list of 2 items -1 _i i( 0 1 2 )i cL | same a ' ,L but catinates if same type | /\ /\ /\ /\ | help sources | /\ /\ /\ /\ | | ======================================================================= | | ======================================================================= | | \/ | convenient lists . Execute w sF6 to display and set ` resvar to name - | ` ToDo -> | sF6 ` ref -> | sF6 ` Addrs -> | sF6 | /\ | convenient lists | /\ | sF6 to display and set ` resvar holds name | | ctrl-s in res to save to ` resvar | ` ref Dv@ vm s" visa" con | return lines in ` ref containing s" visa" | F6 | ======================================================================= | 0 | ###################################################################### | | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | Tek Log | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | ` TekLogArk -> | sF6 | 2012 - 2014 | First log notes text> " REVAUSERLIB" getenv str s" y2015.txt" cL Foverwrite s" C:/reva/CoSy/y2015.txt" slurp^ >t0> t0 daylncut s" appell" con | ###################################################################### | | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | Tek Log | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | ======================== | Fri.Jan,20150102 | ======================== | AF1 ` Tau Dv@ 1.e10 _f *f 2 _i fmtF$ AF0 >t0> help math/floats AF1 ` Tau Dv@ 1.e10 _f *f AF0 >t0> 5 sigdig ! AF1 t0 fmtF AF0 >t1> t1 t0 10 _at* s" " tokcut >t1> t1 s" " enc t0 10 _at* i( 0 )i cut s"" 5 _cut 2470056 DMP 2495896 DMP t1 AF1 i( 1 2 3 )i enc dup ,L lst AF0 t0 10. _f t0 { $.s cr s" " toksplt enc } eachM> help >float t0 0 i@ | ======================== | Sun.Jan,20150104 | ======================== | | 37.2 fint f. explored a bunch about missing exponential format Added ctrl-s and F1 to res window keys . AF1 R " help" (sym) v@ van rtype AF0 | ok | ======================== | Mon.Jan,20150105 | ======================== | .needs res> nlfy >t0> t0 -1 _i cut* >t0> | ======================== | Tue.Jan,20150106 | ======================== | s" 1 _i 2 _i -i " ^eval | was | : ^eval ( str -- ? ) dup van eval ref0del ; 1 _i 2 _i s" -i " ^eval 1 _i 2 _i s" -i " ^eval 2. _f ` Tau Dv@ 5 _take { *f +/ } execute 2. _f ` Tau Dv@ 5 _take s" *f +/ " ^eval | ======================== | Fri.Jan,20150109 | ======================== | file fn work : ` dosslash^ | ======================== | Sat.Jan,20150110 | ======================== | computations for comment at | http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/01/09/two-new-papers-suggest-solar-activity-is-a-climate-pacemaker/#comment-1833223 2 sigdig ! | sF6 f( 2 4 9 14 20 25 28 27 23 17 11 6 -5 -4 0 6 12 17 20 19 14 8 3 -2 )f >t0 t0 2 _partition >t1> t1 ' rho eachM> t1 0 _at* t1 1 _at* -f |>| 7.00 8.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 9.00 9.00 8.00 8.00 R0 +/ R0 rho i>f %f |>| 8.16 R0 288. _f %f |>| 0.028 f( 3 6 8 12 17 23 26 14 21 16 8 4 -16 -14 -10 -6 -2 2 5 4 0 -6 -11 -16 )f >t0> rho t0 2 _partition >t1> t1 0 _at* t1 1 _at* -f |>| 19.00 20.00 18.00 18.00 19.00 21.00 21.00 10.00 21.00 22.00 19.00 20.00 R0 +/ R0 rho i>f %f |>| 19.00 R0 288. _f %f |>| 0.066 | ======================== | Sun.Jan,20150111 | ======================== | | R >t0> rho | \/ | CONVERTING TO ` META 2 COL STRUCTURE | \/ R `( ToDo res )` dsel >t1> | ` dsel assumes 2 col dics w meta in obs R ` ToDo a@ t1 ` ToDo s@ m! R ` res a@ t1 ` res s@ m! | " CoSy/SaveRestoreNew.f" (needs) fails for some reason " C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/SaveRestoreNew.f" (include) ioerr @ _i | ToDo | AF1 t1 { s@ m@ } eachm AF0 | res> Caught: can't index empty | not refed right t1 dup dsyms $.s |>| (2) 3316F8 3ABA98 t1 dup dsyms $.s { dup s@ m@ } eachm | bombs t1 dsyms { } eachm | bombs t1 t1 dsyms 1 _at* s@ m@ | ======================== | Mon.Jan,20150112 | ======================== | | -- | Storing a verb in the Root | s" 1.8 _f *f 32. _f +f " R ` c2f v! 40. _f R ` c2f v@ ^eval f( 20 30 40 )f R ` c2f v@ ^eval | -- | ev { } execute ev { } eachM> | the empty fn is the identity fn dnames { } cr $.s eachm | ======================== | Tue.Jan,20150113 | ======================== | | going to implement actual execution fns on quotations , literally strings | | for comment @ | http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/01/09/two-new-papers-suggest-solar-activity-is-a-climate-pacemaker/#comment-1834679 | from | http://climatewiki.org/wiki/Category:Essential_Physics#Stefan-Boltzmann_law : | f( 324.3 329.04 333.84 338.68 343.58 348.53 353.54 358.6 363.71 )f >t0> rho f( 4.74 4.79 4.85 4.9 4.95 5.01 5.06 )f >t0> rho t0 i( 2 3 4 5 6 )i at* +/ |>| 24.76999 | pretty close . 5.670373e-8 _f R ` Fact v@ ` sb v! : 1%f ['] 1/f eachMfr ; | fixed 1/f in math\floats . needed fswap R ` Fact v@ ` sb v@ s" 4. _f ^f R ` Fact v@ ` sb v@ *f " R ` | ======================== | Wed.Jan,20150114 | ======================== | R ` Fact v@ ` sb v@ s" 4. _f ^f R ` Fact v@ ` sb v@ *f " () ` T>Psb v! _d dsyms t0 ' rho eachM> ,/ | >| 1 32 t0 t0 ,L flip >t1> | t0 t0 cL flip | bombs . It shouldn't t1 s" dsyms " CShelp 5. _f .5 _f ^f 1. _f -f 2. _f %f 1%f >t0> >t1> t0 t1 ` gs dicapnd t0 R ` Fact v@ ` gs v! R ` Fact v@ dsyms | ======================== | Fri.Jan,20150116 | ======================== | R ` Fact v@ ' rho eachM> ,/ | >| 9 8 R ` Fact v@ dsyms s" CoSy/CoSy.f" ^slurp^ emptyLn toksplt >T0> rho t1 ' rho eachM> ,/ ' max acrossI T0 s" conn" ' ss eachM> | ======================== | Sat.Jan,20150117 | ======================== | help (create) res> Help ` TekLogArk -> | : ssr 2p L@ R@ 0 i@ toksplt R@ 1 i@ ['] cL eachleft 2P ; R ` Fact v@ dsyms res> >T0> T0 "lf "bl ,L 0 i@ toksplt >T1> T1 "bl cL T1 "bl ' cL eachleft ,/ : tst 2p L@ R@ 0 i@ toksplt R@ ' cL eachleft 2P ; R@ 1 i@ cL 2P ; T1 "lf "bl ,L T0 "lf "bl ,L ssr | ======================== | Sun.Jan,20150118 | ======================== | R0 >t0> rho | |>| 1 : tst 2p L@ R@ 0 i@ $.s o toksplt 2P ; T0 "lf "bl ,L 0 i@ $.s o toksplt T0 "lf "bl ,L ssr : ssr 2p L@ R@ 0 i@ toksplt R@ 1 i@ ['] cL eachleft ,/ R@ 1 i@ rho -1*i cut* 2P ; | 1418 | ` ssr crude but working " C:/4thCoSy/lib/alg/hsort" (include) ioerr @ _i | could modify ` hsort to apply sort to both values ` TekLogArk Dv@ vm s" flip " con s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.csy" restorefile >t1> rho s" C:/reva/CoSy/CoSy.csy" restorefile >t1> rho t1 ` Fact v@ dsyms t1 ` Fact v@ ' rho eachM> ,/ | >| 9 8 t1 ` Fact v@ R ` Fact v! R ` Fact v@ >t0> 0 _at* -1 _i cut* >t1> t1 0 _i t0 at! t0 0 _at* " C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/metaTst2.csy" foc _i >T0> t0 " C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/metaTst.csy" Foverwrite s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/metaTst.csy" ^slurp^ >T0> rho T0 restorelistM >t0> rho t1 storelstM --aab str swap free >t0> rho | : str< ( c-addr n -- str ) | store a string and free | --aab str swap free ; storelstM >t0> rho t1 ` res s@ m@ t1 ` ToDo s@ m@ ` DISPLAY v@ T0 ` ToDo s@ m@ DMP R `( ToDo res )` dsel >t1> | ` dsel assumes 2 col dics w meta in obs R ` ToDo a@ t1 ` ToDo s@ m! R ` res a@ t1 ` res s@ m! t1 dsyms { t1 swap s@ m@ } eachM> t1 dsyms { t1 swap s@ m@ } eachm 10 _iota t0 `( ToDo res )` dsel >t1> | ` dsel assumes 2 col dics w meta in obs t1 >T0> t0 ` ToDo a@ t1 ` ToDo s@ m! t1 ` ToDo s@ m@ t0 ` res a@ t1 ` res s@ m! t1 ` res s@ m@ >T1> t1 0 _at* T1 0 i | ======================== | Mon.Jan,20150119 | ======================== | | Depricating " syms " in favor of " names " . renamed ` dnames ; ` Rnames | : Rnames R : dnames ( dic -- names ) 0 _at* ; | \/ | Trimming an error off the end of a R ` Fact v@ dnames R ` Fact v@ >t0> 0 _at* -1 _i cut* >t1> t1 enc t0 0 _i at! >T0> | Note : changed R ` Fact itself . R ` Fact v@ ` C>K v@ | -- Cleaned up DOS and I/O section below -- | | replaced \/ . haven't reread it , but trimming as you go likely faster . | : toksplt ( str tok -- CV ) | like ' tokcut but deletes the tokens from the cut pieces | over i# 0if 2ref0del ev enc ;then | refs+> --bba ,s refs+> dup >r> --abca ss _ r> refs- | str tok intm res | over i# _i ['] _ eachleft ['] dsc eachM> swap refs- ; | with | \/ | : toksplt ( str tok -- CV ) | like ' tokcut but deletes the tokens from the cut pieces 2p> tokcut R@ rho ['] cut eachleft 2P ; text> "lf toksplt >t0> rho | ======================== | Tue.Jan,20150120 | ======================== | text> VMlf >t0> t0 s" ss " con text> daylncut >t1> s" ss " con ` TekLogArk Dv@ daylncut >t1> s" ss " con s" : --aab " CShelp s" --aab" s" CoSy/AltStackOps.f" (CShelp) rho s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ emptyLn toksplt >t0> rho t0 ' rho eachM> >t1> t1 ' maxi across t0 s" ss " ' ss eachleft >t1> rho t1 ' rho eachM> R0 ' maxi across | ======================== | Wed.Jan,20150121 | ======================== | s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ emptyLn toksplt >t0> rho t0 s" takeb" { cr over lst cr ss } eachleft >t1> rho t1 ' rho eachM> ,/ 0 _i <>i & >T1> t1 T1 at t0 T1 at* >T0> rho T0 s" ss " ss t0 ' rho eachM> s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ emptyLn toksplt >t0> >aux> 1 _take aux> 1 _i cut* ,L s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ emptyLn toksplt refs+ >aux> 1 _i take 1 _i cut* ,L | ======================== | Fri.Jan,20150123 | ======================== | Saved a value above in R0 which caused CoSy to bomb when restarted on first execution of even blank line Loaded good .csy and read in and restored bad .csy . resaved with empty ` R0 and ` res . problem fixed . | ======================== | Sat.Jan,20150124 | ======================== | s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ emptyLn toksplt >t0> rho t0 s" takeb " { cr over lst cr ss } eachleft >t1> rho t1 ' rho eachM> ,/ 0 _i <>i & >T1> t0 126 _i at* t0 : toksplt 2p> tokcut dup+ 1 cut* R@ rho ['] cut* eachleft 2P ; s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ emptyLn toksplt >t0> rho t0 : tst i( 0 1 )i _ ; | 2328 | encountered yesterday's RO restart prblm . Solved by executing w sf6 | to empty res window and test can execute a blank in Forth ev >R0 | empty R0 | shows need to factor start .csy file out of code . | added " COSYSTARTFILE=\4thCoSy\CoSy\CoSy.csy " to CoSy.bat and replaced | " REVAUSERLIB" getenv str s" CoSy.csy" cL restorefile ' R rplc | with | " COSYSTARTFILE" getenv str restorefile ' R rplc | ======================== | Sun.Jan,20150125 | ======================== | see toksplt help literal : tst [ i( 1 2 3 )i ] literal ; tst |>| 1 2 3 | ======================== | Mon.Jan,20150126 | ======================== | : tst s" asdf " ; tst |>| s" asdf " s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ >t0> rho : tst 2p> tokcut [ i( 0 1 )i ] literal cut 2P ; t0 emptyLn tst >t0> rho t0 0 i@ | ======================== | Tue.Jan,20150127 | ======================== | s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ >t0> rho : tst 2p> tokcut [ i( 0 1 )i ] literal cut 2P ; t0 emptyLn tst >t0> rho t0 1 _at* rho help argv help argc help hello | got diverted into cmd ln parameters . see 'examples/makeexe.f | ======================== | Wed.Jan,20150128 | ======================== | help }} 0 {{ if " no " else " yes " then }} 1 argv str | added optional .csy file commnand line parameter to startup . | was too complex : tst 2p> tokcut [ i( 0 1 )i ] literal cut 2P ; | 2p> tokcut [ i( 0 1 )i ] literal cut >aux> 1 _at* R@ rho ['] cut eachleft cL 2P ; s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ >t0> rho | t0 emptyLn swap cL +aux> dup emptyLn ss _ aux- emptyLn rho ' cut* eachleft AF1 s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ emptyLn toksplt rho AF0 | AF> +-splt ' rho eachM> ,/ | >| 1157 1156 | 5 _iota i( 3 5 )i ' +i eachleft | bombs . shouldn't . s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ emptyLn toksplt >t0> rho t0 s" ss " ' ss eachleft >t1> rho t1 ' rho eachM> ,/ 0 _i <>i & t1 swap at t0 s" ss" { cr over lst cr ss } eachleft >t1> rho t1 t1 { rho i0 <>i } eachM> ,/ & >T0> at t1 T0 at T0 t1 T0 at ,L flip T0 t0 T0 at ,L flip t0 0 _at* | ======================== | Thu.Jan,20150129 | ======================== | s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ emptyLn toksplt >t0> rho t0 s" ss" { ss } eachleft >t1> rho t1 ' rho eachM> ,/ 0 _i <>i & >T0> t1 swap at >T1> T0 T1 ,L flip | 242 244 t0 242 _at* | "across" defs t0 s" ss" { i _i lst cr over lst cr ss } eachleft >t1> rho | bombed on segment \/ t0 s" : _take " { ss } eachleft >t1> rho | : -0+i ['] sn eachMir ; | sign | always remember to close defs w ; or prefixes following def . | -5 _i 5 _i thru -0+i : 2_i ( i i -- iv iv ) _i swap _i swap ; -5 5 2_i thru -0+i t1 ' rho eachM> ,/ -0+i & >T0> t0 T0 at* >T1> rho T1 t0 s" ss" { ssN } eachleft >t1> rho T1 s" ss" ssN enc | may be ` Vresize problem . replacing w ` take . | ======================== | Fri.Jan,20150130 | ======================== | f( 0.7 0.93 )f .25 _f ^f | Some albedo to temperature calculations R0 278.7 _f *f 278.7 _f R0 -f : 2_f _f _f swap ; | 2. 3. 2_f -f | >| -1.00000 5 _iota 0 _take >t0> t0 rho D> t0 s" ss" { ssN } eachleft >t1> rho help if res> >T0> Help T1 s" ss" ss _iota 0 _take R0 >t0> rho | ======================== | Sun.Feb,20150201 | ======================== | ` ToDo -> | been clobered by F1 edit ! s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSybad.csy" restorefile >t0> rho t0 ` ToDo v@ R0 R ` ToDo v! | Solved issue of why (include)ed files have non-empty stack while loading | _slurp leaves file name a n on stack . stack reset on exit anyway . | ======================== | Mon.Feb,20150202 | ======================== | AF1 0 _i 500 _take rho AF0 | ======================== | Tue.Feb,20150203 | ======================== | s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ >t0> rho emptyLn t0 cL >t1> emptyLn ss t1 R0 _ R0 >t0> rho t0 emptyLn rho ' cut* eachleft .89 .3 2_f *f emptyLn toksplt >t1> rho t0 s" ss" { ss } eachleft >t1> rho help r-stack-ops xwords res> >T0> rho T0 emptyLn toksplt >t0> rho T0 VMlf help r@ res> >T0> Help ~debug res> Help help strings help r@ ~debug.xt>near type type s" ~CoSy ~ui ~iup ~CSauxstack ~date ~AltStackOps ~ ~floats ~doubles ~sys ~strings ~io ~util ~os ~reva ~" R0 >T1> T1 nlfy help pop~ help .contexts help .~ help words see (words) | ======================== | Fri.Feb,20150206 | ======================== | ` BC_REtax14 1000. _f ,L enc ` Teller_REtax 2000.64 _f ,L enc cL R0 ` Boulder_REtax 3000.28 _f ,L enc cL R0 flip >T0> rho T0 ` BC_REtax14 v@ | ======================== | Sat.Feb,20150207 | ======================== | | ======================== | Tue.Feb,20150210 | ======================== | | ` asdf ` qwer cL | bombs `( asdf qwer )` 0 _at* ` asdf rho ` asdf ` qwer symdot Rnames ` Types Dv@ 0 _at* ` asdf ` qwer ,L `( asdf qwer )` ` asdf ` qwer ,L cL {{ s" asdf " }} | ======================== | Wed.Feb,20150211 | ======================== | macro : sym2 parsews (sym) compiling? if refs+> literal, then ; forth help | ======================== | Thu.Feb,20150212 | ======================== | s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/IntroHelp.txt" ' shell onvan | ======================== | Fri.Feb,20150213 | ======================== | s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ >T0> rho t0 emptyLn toksplt >t1> rho | Caught: nonce : empty , needs prototype emptyLn T0 cL >T1> rho T1 dup emptyLn ssN _ >T0> rho T0 emptyLn rho ' cut* eachleft T0 T0 ' rho eachM> ,/ >t0> t0 T0 ,L flip t0 2 _i | ======================== | Mon.Feb,20150216 | ======================== | | Model T RPM chart | http://www.funprojects.com/pdf/More%20on%20Spark%20Timing.pdf http://www.mtfca.com/discus/messages/29/50508.jpg res> >T0> rho T0 R ` ModelT.engineSpecs v! ` ModelT.engineSpecs Dv@ R0 vm >t0> t0 ' nlfy eachM> >T1> ' rho eachM> : ^>float { >>float if _f ;then z" not number " throw } onvan ; s" 500" ^>float T1 0 _at* 0 _at* ^>float T1 0 _at* { ^>float } eachm enc T1 { ^>float eachm enc } eachm T1 0 _at* ' rho eachm enc T1 {{ p[ {{ rho }} ]p }} | : tst { { rho } eachm enc } eachm ; | cannot nest { } | ======================== | Tue.Feb,20150217 | ======================== | help ;then : tst inline{ e9 } ; see tst see vector! see vector see ahead R0 >t0> ' rho eachm help 0;drop here _i 6511475 T1 0 _at* { ^>float } eachm enc here _i T1 refs@ _i | *** check reference count for an object . *** T1 { { ^>float } eachM> } eachM> | need recursive ` quotations . | \/ | Table of all K.CoSy definitions | \/ | cF9 will open http://cosy.com/K/CoSy/K_CoSy.htm | /\ | Table of all K.CoSy definitions | /\ | | Gets back to ` toksplt and ` ss s" CoSy/CoSy.f" slurp^ >T0> rho T0 T0 emptyLn toksplt >t1> rho | Caught: nonce : empty , needs prototype 5 _iota 3 _i cut : fnnm r@ ~debug.xt>near ; : tst 1 _i curfn 2 _i +i ; tst see curfn (aux) dup @ - cell / _i aux# _i { >>float _f } onvan f( 3.14 asdf 2.8 )f t0 van >>float _f help 1- see ^>float 5 3 _2takecalc _i | ======================== | Thu.Feb,20150219 | ======================== | | ? How to nucleate a community ? | | CockPit Construction Set | 0 -1 _2takecalc _i | Refined ` _take handling of empties , and error handling s" " 2 _take | 0if ref0del fnnm " : nonce : empty , needs prototype " strcat zt throw ;then s" asdf " { s" asdf " cL } eachm | acomplishes a lot that eachleft does T0 emptyLn toksplt >t0> t0 s" ss " { ssN } eachleft >t1> rho | bombs on s" : _take " section t0 ilst t0 265 _at* >T1> T1 s" ss " ssN T1 rho |>| 560 s" ss " rho 560. 4. 2_f %f |>| 140.00000 T0 emptyLn toksplt >t0> T1 van " ss " search | ======================== | Fri.Feb,20150220 | ======================== | see search cr see searchN T0 emptyLn toksplt >t0> t0 i( 264 265 266 )i at s" ss " >t1> | van type t0 265 _at* R0 van t1 van search t0 265 _at* -65 _take : search prior search 00; over 0 t1> rho | s" : ss " CShelp see prior search R0 van t1 van search | ======================== | Sat.Feb,20150221 | ======================== | ` sys refs+> R ` _ATR sx_ ! | change name of ` _ATR sub dictionary to ` sys R ` sys v@ ` CoSySource v@ s" : CShelp " CShelp s" ss " CShelp s" ss " s" CoSy/CoSy.f" (CShelp) >t0> | Seemed to have fixed ` ss by Kludge fix of ` search . Wrote http://cosy.com/CoSy/4th.CoSy/Help.html | /\ | start in | ` BROWSER Dv@ | using cF9 | ======================== | Tue.Feb,20150224 | ======================== | res> >t0> t0 R ` ModelT.engineSpecsHeadings v! R ` ModelT.engineSpecsHeadings v@ s" : 1p " CShelp | ======================== | Wed.Feb,20150225 | ======================== | R 2 _take >t0> rho t0 storelst^ >t1> rho t1 restorelist >t0> rho s" rplc " CShelp t0 ' R rplc | then saved as 2 cols , dropped K attributes col R rho |>| 2 Rnames ` c2f >t0> Dv@ | look at object named ` File R t0 dds | delete it | 2332 | In copy downloaded from upload . | ======================== | Thu.Feb,20150226 | ======================== | | 2000 | trial Hangout w Dennis Ruffer | cell phone broke in half | ======================== | Fri.Feb,20150227 | ======================== | Rnames ` sys Dv@ ` DISPLAY v@ ` dlgAtr v@ ` SIZE v@ : v!> ( val dic sym -- dic ) over >r v! r> ; () >t0> s" 320x400" t0 ` SIZE dicapnd t0 ` sys Dv@ ` DISPLAY v@ ` dlgAtr v@ >t0> t0 s" 320x170" t0 ` text.size v! ` sys Dv@ ` DISPLAY v@ ` dlgAtr v@ () ' rho eachm ` SIZE name?_ _i s" name?_ " CShelp s" strym?_ " CShelp see dicapnd | ======================== | Sat.Feb,20150228 | ======================== | | 1124 | s" //ACER-PC/reva/CoSy/Tui.f" slurp^ | editbox[ " 330x80" size expand " Result " tip | " LUCIDA CONSOLE::16" attr: FONT | editbox[ " 330x170" size expand " Working Text" tip | " LUCIDA CONSOLE::16" attr: FONT | 1221 | Sam Falvo : want something I can understand all the way up from transistor to operating system code . 4th.CoSy's aim is to take it from there to the the level of finite mathematical notation . dot : +/ * s" | \\/ " 71 _i take | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | | 1420 | | 1425 | http://www.cosy.com/CoSy/ Reva x86 Forth | IUP interface s" : m! " CShelp lkjdfhlasdkf R dnames R rho R { rho } eachm R 2 _i at* rho rho R ` text v@ R ` ModelT.engineSpecs v@ | ======================== | Sun.Mar,20150301 | ======================== | text> vm >t0> rho t0 s" revaver type |>| 7.0.10 " con | ======================== | Mon.Mar,20150302 | ======================== | s" : ref" CShelp s" : p2" CShelp | ======================== | Sat.Mar,20150314 | ======================== | : rotate >_ _rotate ; ` sys Dv@ ` CoSySource v@ s" src/reva.f" slurp^ | thought of adding reva.f to search list but too few blank lines to be useful R 1 _at* >t0 | ======================== | Thu.Apr,20150409 | ======================== | ` TekLogArk Dv@ daylncut >t0> s" CoSySource " con see tos help stack-ops see c2f s" c2f " CShelp 1050. _f f2c | ======================== | Fri.Apr,20150417 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sat.Apr,20150418 | ======================== | Rnames s" exp" CShelp help ~floats res> Help | ======================== | Mon.Apr,20150420 | ======================== | | was error in 1/f . | : 1/f inline{ d9 e8 de f9 } ;inline | fld1 fdivrp : 1/f inline{ d9 e8 de f1 } ;inline | fld1 fdivrp 1. fexp 1/f _f f1 _f 0.1 1/f _f | ======================== | Wed.Apr,20150429 | ======================== | 5 p2 . see p2 : tst asm{ bsr eax, eax } ; help eval res> >t0> t0 van eval 23 tst . t0 van type | ======================== | Fri.May,20150501 | ======================== | mainly working on Reva201101 | need to sync dirs . s" in " CShelp words~ ~os res> Help s" dir " shell> vm 5 _i cut* -3 _i cut* >t0> | need to finish ' match t0 t0 match | |>| 1 t0 s" off " match |>| 0 t0 t0 1 _i cut* match s" asdf" s" asdf" match |>| 1 5 _iota i>f 5 _iota i>f match |>| 1 5 _iota i>f >t0> 2. _f *f 2. _f %f t0 match |>| 1 | 2142 | simples all working | | ======================== | Sat.May,20150502 | ======================== | s" dir " shell> vm 5 _i cut* -3 _i cut* >t0> reverse reverse >t1> t0 t1 ' i# on2> . . t0 t1 { 0 i@ } on2> match _i R0 >_ t0 t1 match | mixed raw & CoSy bools . | ======================== | Sun.May,20150503 | ======================== | s" dir " shell> vm 5 _i cut* -3 _i cut* >t0> reverse reverse >t1> t0 s" off " match_ _i | alias: |>| | | ======================== | Mon.May,20150504 | ======================== | s" dir " shell> vm 5 _i cut* -3 _i cut* >t0> reverse reverse >t1> t0 t1 match t0 t1 { 0 i@ } on2 ,L ' rho eachM> t0 t1 ,L flip | problem with ctrl-s | : saveLastsave ymdhms R s" lastSave" v! AF1 s" dir " shell> vm 5 _i cut* -3 _i cut* >t0> reverse reverse >t1 AF0 AF1 t0 t1 match AF0 | look ok | ======================== | Fri.May,20150515 | ======================== | Rnames ` ToDo Dv@ s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/ToDo.txt" Fwrite s" Fwrite " CShelp C:\Program Files (x86)\Bluetooth Command Line Tools\bin>btinfo Local bluetooth radio not found. | ======================== | Sat.May,20150516 | ======================== | 24 _iota i( 2 3 4 )i take 10 _iota 10 _partition >t0> t0 10 _iota ' 0=i aaplym AF0 5 not _i help ;then : --ca --cab drop ; 1 2 3 --cab see tst see aaplym see --ca see drop s" dsc " CShelp see --abaa s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/AltStackOps.f" slurp^ vm >t0> s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/AltStackOps4.f" slurp^ vm >t1> t0 t1 ,L ' rho eachM> s" : in" CShelp | ======================== | Sun.May,20150517 | ======================== | AF1 10 _iota ' 0=i aaplym >t0 AF0 10 _iota 10 _partition >t0> AF1 t0 ' 0=i aaplym >t1 AF0 R0 >T0 AF1 ev >T0 AF0 24 _iota i( 2 3 4 )i take >t0> t0 ' 0=i aaplym >t1> | appears to be working ! s" longer " CShelp | ======================== | Thu.May,20150521 | ======================== | s" _rand" CShelp help/ rand res> Help rand _i s" -O" 2 80 _rand at | generate string of rands for WUWT comment . | ======================== | Sat.May,20150523 | ======================== | ` ASCIIbrowser Dv@ vm >T0> T0 T0 65 1 2_i 26 _i apv at i( 65 97 )i 26 _iota swap ' +i eachrightI ,/ >t0> T0 t0 at { -1 _take } eachM> ,/ R0 ` ALPHabet Dv! ` ALPHabet Dv@ dsc ` ALPHabet Dv! ` ALPHabet Dv@ 2 _partition flip ' ,/ eachM> ,/ s" asdf" 4 _iota 1 i@i@ 24 _iota i( 2 3 4 )i take >t0> t0 { 100 _i +i } aaplym ' +i >aux 10 _iota { 100 _i +i } execute { i1 aux@ } _i >t0> help disassemble | ======================== | Sun.May,20150524 | ======================== | help contexts | see | http://dev.ronware.org/p/reva/wiki?name=Contexts words~ ~debug ~debug res> Help exit~ ' +i >aux { i1 aux@ } 16 ~debug.dasm 10 _iota { 100 _i +i } execute 10 _iota { 100 _i +i } aaplym alias: xeq execute see @execute see xeq 10 _iota { 100 _i aux@ xeq } execute 24 _iota i( 2 3 4 )i take >t0> t0 { i1 ['] +i xeq } aaplym | ======================== | Mon.May,20150525 | ======================== | see aaplym 10 _iota { 100 _i +i } execute AF1 10 _iota { 100 _i +i } aaplym AF0 AF1 10 _iota enc { 100 _i +i } aaplym AF0 i1 -1 x! | ======================== | Tue.May,20150526 | ======================== | | are xi x@ x! properly recursive ? |\/| Essential parameters at the top of \4thCoSy\src\revacore.asm ; must be a power of 2 (between 8k and 2mb appear reasonable) DICTSIZE equ 2000 * 1K CODESIZE equ 2000 * 1K STACKSIZE equ 2 * 1K TIBSIZE equ 1K HEADERSIZE = (save_header_end - save_header) XT_FIELD equ 4 NAME_FIELD equ 8 CLASS_FIELD equ -4 REVA equ 'Reva' |/\| Essential parameters at the top of \4thCoSy\src\revacore.asm | ======================== | Wed.May,20150527 | ======================== | | decided p and x stack fns don't help recursive needs . | needs stack of stack pointers . see http://www.forth.com/archive/jfar/vol3/no1/article3.pdf : esi dup asm{ mov eax, esi } ; see esi esi $. |>| $427870 1 1 1 1 esi $. |>| $427860 $427860 _i $427870 - _i s0 $. |>| $427874 0 1 2 3 SF1 SFptr @ $. | $42785C | $427864 0 SF@ $. SFptr @ @ $. SF0 see SF0 see 3drop see 4drop (6) 0 1 2 3 427874 427878 | ======================== | Thu.May,20150528 | ======================== | 0 1 2 3 SF1 10 20 30 SF1 SFptr @ $. s0 $. 0 SF@ $. SF1 SF0 | | 0109 | SFptr @ dup @ | ======================== | Fri.May,20150529 | ======================== | | Still need to get balance right . s0 $. s0 @ $. |>| $427874 $0 | Bad idea : | Makes use of fact that | s0 @ 0 = | .. SFptr @ @ 0; ... SFptr @ $.> @ $. esi s0 = . SFptr @ . | ======================== | Sat.May,20150530 | ======================== | | cleanest to | s0 s0 ! | SFptr @ $. s0 $. s0 @ $. 0 SF@ $. SF1 SF0 0 1 2 3 SF1 10 20 30 SF1 s" 0; 0drop; 0;drop" Help SFptr @ $. see SF0 see 0drop; see 0; see 0;drop SFptr @ 2cell- @ $. 0 SF@ $. --bba esi@ cell+ s0 <> $. | ======================== | Tue.Jun,20150602 | ======================== | | ======================== | Wed.Jun,20150603 | ======================== | | real problem in ' esi! | http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/cs216/guides/x86.html | ======================== | Thu.Jun,20150604 | ======================== | SFptr @ $. 0 SFx dup $. @ $. esi@ dup $. @ $. | >| $427870 $42786C $42786C $427870 $0 0 1 2 3 SF1 SFptr @ $. 0 SFx dup $. @ $. esi@ dup $. @ $. | >| $427860 $42785C $427870 $42785C $427870 10 20 30 SF1 SFptr @ $. 0 SF@ $. esi@ dup $. @ $. | >| $427850 $427860 $42784C $427860 SF0 0 SF@ $. esi@ dup $. @ $. 0 SF@ dup $. @ $. esi@ dup $. @ $. : tst (s0) ; : tst inline{ 89 F0 8D 76 FC } 2cell- ; see tst 0 1 2 3 tst see reset see drop see 2drop see esi! see esi@ see + see @ | ======================== | Fri.Jun,20150605 | ======================== | 0 1 2 3 SF1 SFptr @ $. esi@ $. see esi! 0 SF@ $. : tst asm{ mov esi, eax } asm{ mov eax, [esi-4] } ; see tst | inline{ 89 c6 8B 46 FC } : tst inline{ 89 c6 8B 46 FC } ; 10 20 30 SF1 tst SFptr @ $. reset s0 SFptr ! 1 2 3 cell+ -1 SF@ @ $. @ @ $. see drop see 2drop see 4drop see reset see 2/ : tst asm{ sar eax, 2 } ; -8 tst . s0 $. SFptr @ $. $0061BE8C @ addr s0 SFptr @ $. cr SFptr @ 8 cells - 64 dump | ======================== | Sat.Jun,20150620 | ======================== | : cells/ asm{ sar eax, 2 } ; | in util.f . Should be in reva.f : SFn 0 SFx dup @ swap - cells/ 2 - ; : SF_ ( res -- res ) >r SF- r> ; | redefine `( 1p 2p 1P 2P )` in terms of stack . | ======================== | Sun.Jun,20150621 | ======================== | | { { 5 _i } execute } execute | Confirmed once again it bombs | | SF fns not yet right ! | ======================== | Mon.Jun,20150622 | ======================== | | ======================== | Tue.Jun,20150623 | ======================== | | ======================== | Wed.Jun,20150624 | ======================== | | ======================== | Thu.Jun,20150625 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sat.Jun,20150627 | ======================== | : esi@ asm{ lea esi, [esi-04] } asm{ mov eax, esi } ; : esi! cell+ asm{ mov esi, eax } ; esi@ _i fmtI$ esi@ esi! | effectively ' nop | esi@ cell+ s0 2_i =i |>| 1 | SFptr @ dup @ s0 | 2_i cL fmtI$ |>| 1 SFptr @ @ $. 1 2 3 SF+ SFptr @ $. 0 SF@ $. $427860 $427874 $427854 $427860 $427844 $427854 4 5 SF+ 0 SF@ $. L@ $. R@ $. s0 @ $. SFptr @ dup $. @ dup $. @ $. 6 7 SF+ 9 0 SFptr @ @ dup SFptr ! esi! SF- | --- | 1027 | works . so stupid took so long for something so simple | --- | see ~util.save : tst 1p R@ rho 1P> ; see tst see 1p s" asdf" tst : tst 2p> $.s +i $.s cr 2P> ; see 2p> 1 2 SF+ RA 2@ | ======================== | Mon.Jun,20150629 | ======================== | : tst 2p> $.s +i $.s cr 2P> ; 2 1 2_i | \/ | Realized that StackFame fns are not compatable with dirty stack . | 2102 | ===================================== | need fns which only drop known number of params . | Optimized ndrop from loop . moved ' esi@ ' esi! to /util.f 1 2 3 4 SF+ 1 SF-n : tst 2p> $.s +i $.s cr 2P> ; 2 1 2_i 2p> refs@ LR@ 2p : SF-n | ( ... n -- drop n ) restores previous stack pointer but just drops n >r SFptr @ @ SFptr ! r> ndrop ; 10 20 2_i thru | ======================== | Tue.Jun,20150630 | ======================== | 2p 2P text> "lf ss >t0> rho | ======================== | Fri.Jul,20150703 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sat.Jul,20150704 | ======================== | text> "lf tokcut | ======================== | Wed.Jul,20150708 | ======================== | : nop ; see nop | ======================== | Thu.Jul,20150709 | ======================== | | ======================== | Fri.Jul,20150710 | ======================== | text> 600 _take >T0> "lf toksplt | ======================== | Sat.Jul,20150711 | ======================== | : ndrop 1+ cells esi@ + esi! ; : ndrop esi@ swap 1+ cells + esi! ; see prior ndrop 3 4 1 ndrop T0 "lf ss | bombs 20 30 2_i thru | bombs : tst 1p 1P ; 1 _i tst | ======================== | Sun.Jul,20150712 | ======================== | 1 _i SF+ R@ R@ refs+ R@ refs@ . R@ refs- 1 2 3 4 SF+ s0 . SFptr @ dup . @ . 0 SF-n see negate : tst 1p 1P ; AF1 1 _i tst AF0 AF> +/ |>| 0 | ======================== | Mon.Jul,20150713 | ======================== | | ======================== | Tue.Jul,20150714 | ======================== | : >=0 ( n -- 0 1 ) -1 | 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 : tst 1p 1P ; 1 _i tst T0 "lf ss T0 "lf tokcut 10 _iota -5 _i +i +-splt T0 "lf swap cL >t0> t0 "lf ss text> "lf toksplt text> vm rho | ======================== | Fri.Jul,20150717 | ======================== | | ======================== | Mon.Jul,20150720 | ======================== | text> vm >t0> rho t0 s" con " con | con needs dup drop kludge | T0 vm s" con " ncon | ======================== | Tue.Jul,20150721 | ======================== | | ======================== | Wed.Jul,20150722 | ======================== | | ======================== | Thu.Jul,20150723 | ======================== | AF1 text> vm rho AF0 : con 2p L@ dup R@ dup drop conn at 2P> ; text> vm s" con " con : nlfy "bl dup drop toksplt ; text> nlfy rho R ` sys v@ ` CoSySource v@ s" lower" s" CoSy/CoSy.f" (CShelp) "bl .s dup drop .s drop slurp^ emptyLn toksplt swap con R0 swap con >T0> : tst slurp^ emptyLn toksplt swap con ; s" lower" s" CoSy/CoSy.f" tst dup i# if { "nl swap cL } eachm then ; | ======================== | Sun.Aug,20150809 | ======================== | | ======================== | Tue.Aug,20150811 | ======================== | text> >t0> rho t0 "bl toksplt rho : nlfy "bl dup drop toksplt ; t0 nlfy rho | ======================== | Wed.Aug,20150812 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sun.Aug,20150823 | ======================== | 1 2 3 4 SF+ 2 SF-n reset s0 dup $. @ $. |>| $427874 $427874 | $427874 $42DDE4 esi@ $. |>| $427870 SFptr @ dup $. @ $. 0 SF@ $. L@ $. R@ $. text> >t0> rho t0 "bl toksplt >t1> rho t1 $. : tst0 r@ DMP ; : tst tst0 ; : tst ; see tst " tst" find-dict --- s" find (xfind) [ ['] ] back compile create does> find-dict findprev func: func:>xt header last lastxt vfunc: words xfind" >T0> rho T0 o cr D> cr "bl toksplt T0 nlfy : nlfy o cr D> cr "bl toksplt ; words~ ~debug : nlfy o "bl toksplt ; T0 nlfy | ======================== | Mon.Aug,20150824 | ======================== | | ======================== | Tue.Aug,20150825 | ======================== | T0 "bl toksplt : tst D> cr "bl toksplt ; T0 tst : nlfy "bl toksplt ; { "bl toksplt } value q0 t0 DMP -- : tst 1p $.s cr R@ o 1P> ; : tst here 128 - 256 dump ; : tst1 tst ; see tst ' tst 16 - DMP here 128 - 256 dump ` tst 128 - 256 dump see ~debug..xt | ======================== | Sat.Aug,20150829 | ======================== | help stack-size .contexts last @ 1024 - 2048 dump | --- s" CShelp " CShelp ." | --- | " cr T0 "bl toksplt $.s T0 nlfy $.s here 2048 - ` cold 2048 dump | ======================== | Sun.Aug,20150830 | ======================== | | The example to dump the tictionary at | http://dev.ronware.org/p/reva/wiki?name=Intermediate+Tutorial | |(| ( in Windows:) ' cold here over - dump ) |)| ' cold here swap - _i |>| 2321493 | is obviously is not the size of the dictionary . ` dump of course bombs . | ======================== | Mon.Aug,20150831 | ======================== | ` ToDo Dv@ >t0> rho t0 "bl toksplt >t0> t0 nlfy >t1> rho t1 >T0> rho 10 _take >T0> T0 rho T0 s" T" ." con " cconb T0 s" T" ." con " con T0 30 _at s" *" ." con " conb | bombs ! T0 30 _at* lower s" *" lower see lower s" T" s" *" cconb | ======================== | Tue.Sep,20150901 | ======================== | | \/ redefomed : extended to whole )| 256 _iota |( from C:\4thCoSy\src\reva.f bounds $20 26 bounds 2_i cL reverse : lc ( c -- c' ) dup 65 90 between if $20 or then ; | I can't find any Reva help on the use of ` ' attached to a character 'A emit | sF6 | ======================== | Thu.Sep,20150903 | ======================== | | \/ copied from C:\4thCoSy\lib\string\misc unchanged . : strlwr ( a n -- a n ) 2dup bounds do i c@ lc i : lower ( str -- str ) | convert string to lower case dup vdup dup van strlwr 2drop swap ref0del ; | ======================== | Fri.Sep,20150904 | ======================== | T0 30 _at* lower T0 s" *" ." con " conb +/ s" vdup" CShelp | 1622 | ! ` SF fns Seem to be working . | 1752 | well , NOT | 2110 | maybe . T0 40 _take s" *" ." con " conb | Seems solid | text> daylncut s" aaply" con | get back to the main goal , left off in May ! | ======================== | Sat.Sep,20150905 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sun.Sep,20150906 | ======================== | T0 s" |" ." con " conb | bombs T0 1 _at* >t0> text> "lf ss s" a" s" a" ss aux# _i " aa" " a" search help /string s" |" >t0> t0 van -1 /string t0 i# $. 1 /string i( 1 0 )i i( 50 )i take 50 _i iota +i s" | " van search see 1+ 10 _iota 10 _partition >t0> AF1 t0 ' 0=i aaplym >t1 AF0 T0 40 _take s" T" ." con " conb | ======================== | Wed.Sep,20150909 | ======================== | | got in some sort of state which was failing to save ` text and ` res | and tended to bomb on save . Needed to restore from CoSy.bk . Making restore.bat copy CoSy.bk CoSy.tmp del CoSy.csy ren CoSy.tmp cosy.csy | ======================== | Thu.Sep,20150917 | ======================== | Rnames | ======================== | Fri.Sep,20150918 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sat.Sep,20150919 | ======================== | | ======================== | Mon.Sep,20150921 | ======================== | | ======================== | Tue.Sep,20150922 | ======================== | | ======================== | Wed.Sep,20150923 | ======================== | | dup of an empty stack is 0 | s0 cell- esi! | does nothing | esi@ @ 0 = | 1 2 3 1 2 SF+ SFptr @ $.s cr esi@ 64 dump s0 @ dup $. @ $. (8) 14 1 2 427874 1 2 3 427860 00427850 60 78 42 00 03 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 `xB............. 00427860 74 78 42 00 02 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 txB............. 00427870 00 00 00 00 74 78 42 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....txB......... 00427880 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................ $427874 $427874 reset SFptr @ dup @ SFptr ! | s1 min cell+ esi! 2 ndrop 1 ndrop 2 SF-n 0 SF-n 1 SF@ $. | 1458 | I think I've got it . I really think I've got it ! | 1517 | NOPE ! | 1610 | ! maybe , except for empty stack text> "lf s" | ======================== | " cL ss | ======================== | Thu.Sep,20150924 | ======================== | : SF-n | ( ... n -- drop n ) restores previous stack pointer but just drops n >r SFptr @ dup @ SFptr ! esi! r> 1+ ndrop ; | see [variable] decrements stack | fixed in lib/Debugger . | 1724 | Once again I think I've got it : SF-n >r SFptr @ dup @ SFptr ! cell+ esi! r> ndrop ; : tst SF+ $.s 2 SF-n ; 1 2 tst | works | 1739 | /\ not now | ======================== | Sat.Sep,20150926 | ======================== | 1 2 3 1 2 SF+ 0 >aux SFptr @ dup @ SFptr ! cell+ esi! aux> ndrop 1 2 SF+ 0 SF-n see >r see r> 2 SF-n | 1440 | F`n " bug " w |( >r r> )| Replacing w aux stk rather than figuring out | renaming ` SF-n to ` SF- because items to drop is generically necessary . : SF- | ( ... n -- drop n ) restores previous stack pointer but just drops n >aux SFptr @ dup @ SFptr ! cell+ esi! aux> ndrop ; | ======================== | Sun.Sep,20150927 | ======================== | | redefined especially ` aux-ok to fix erasure of 0 REFed results in | parameter pop s" P>" verbs : >aux+ dup+ >aux ; : aux-ok> aux> dup refs-ok ; : aux- aux> refs- ; | ======================== | Mon.Sep,20150928 | ======================== | | seems to have solved clear problem , but weird issue w simply nested fns remains text> "lf tokcut rho | |>| 1432 | works : tst "lf tokcut ; text> tst rho | works not : tst "lf dup drop tokcut ; text> tst rho | works : tst dup drop "lf tokcut ; text> tst rho | works not | 1511 | Going to post bug to https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/comp.lang.forth see dup see drop : tst 1p> "lf dup drop tokcut 1P> ; text> tst | works "lf s" | ======================== | " cL refs+> value daylnTok daylnTok refs@ _i "lf refs@ _i 1 2 3 1 2 SF+ 2 SF- : tst SF+ 2 $.s SF- ; 1 2 tst | works : tst 1p> o 1P> ; 5 _i >t0> tst text> "lf toksplt text> daylncut text> vm see SF- see cell+ | ======================== | Tue.Sep,20150929 | ======================== | s" dir C:/4thCoSy/bin/" dosslash^ shell> | ======================== | Wed.Sep,20150930 | ======================== | | 1126 | | 1421 | i( 0 -1 )i 10 _i iota +i 0 0 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 : tst SF+ 2 SF- ; 1 2 tst | works : tstt tst ; 1 2 3 tstt | works see dup see drop : dupdrop dup drop ; : tst "lf dupdrop tokcut ; text> tst rho | works | 2032 | got | https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.lang.forth/QE0JuSC8yMI | s" How can " dup drop " be anything other than a nop " out | | ======================== | Thu.Oct,20151001 | ======================== | : vm "lf dup drop tokcut ; AF1 text> vm rho AF0 | ok s" take" CShelp : daylncut ( str -- listOFstrings ) daylnTok dup drop tokcut ; text> daylncut rho | ======================== | Fri.Oct,20151002 | ======================== | : ts ; : tst s" help" dup drop tokcut ; text> tst >t0> rho | works not : tst tokcut ; text> "lf tst rho | works R ` sys v@ ` CoSySource v@ : daylncut ( str -- listOFstrings ) daylnTok tokcut ; daylnTok s" | ======================== | " text> daylncut rho |>| 150 : tst "lf tokcut ; text> tst rho | works text> 1300 _take >t0> t0 "lf tokcut | ======================== | Sat.Oct,20151003 | ======================== | : tst 1p R@ 5 _i *i 1P> ; 5 _i tst | works : tst 1p> 5 _i *i 1P> ; 5 _i tst | works : tst 2p> *i 2P> ; 5 5 2_i tst | works : tst 2p> *i 2P> ; 5 5 2_i tst | works : tst 1p> rho 1P> ; text> tst | works text> "lf rho swap rho swap cL | works : tst 2p> rho swap rho swap cL 2P> ; text> "lf tst | bombs : tst 2p L@ rho R@ rho cL 2P> ; text> "lf tst | works : tst 2p LR@ rho swap rho swap cL 2P> ; text> "lf tst | : tst "lf tokcut ; text> tst rho | works not : tst "lf dup drop tokcut ; text> tst rho | works not : tst "lf ss ; text> tst | works not text> "lf ss | ======================== | Thu.Oct,20151008 | ======================== | | Finessing SF problem w " dup drop " added to p fns . | ======================== | Sat.Oct,20151010 | ======================== | ' con still not working | ======================== | Sun.Oct,20151011 | ======================== | text> daylncut rho text> daylnTok ss : tokcut 2p LR@ ss o i0 swap ,I L@ swap cut 2P> ; text> daylnTok tokcut : tst 2p LR@ ss 2P> ; text> daylnTok tst | work not : tst dup drop 2p LR@ ss 2P> ; text> daylnTok tst | work not : tst 2p LR@ dup drop ss 2P> ; text> daylnTok tst | work : tst 2p L@ R@ ss 2P> ; text> daylnTok tst | work not : tst 2p L@ dup drop R@ ss 2P> ; text> daylnTok tst | work ~ : dd dup drop ; : ts ; : tst 2p L@ R@ dd ss 2P> ; text> daylnTok tst | work : tst 2p L@ R@ o 2p LR@ o drop 2P> 2P> ; text> daylnTok tst >t0> rho | work text> 500 _take >T0> : tst 2p LR@ 2p LR@ $.s cr ,L 2P> 2P> ; T0 "lf tst >t0 | work ~ (8) 17B8A8 178AB8 427870 17B8A8 427868 427864 17B8A8 427868 : tst 2p LR@ $.s 2p LR@ $.s cr ,L 2P> 2P> ; T0 "lf tst >t0 | work (5) 17B8A8 178AB8 427870 17B8A8 178AB8 (8) 17B8A8 178AB8 427870 17B8A8 178AB8 427864 17B8A8 178AB8 : tst 2p LR@ 2p LR@ $.s cr ,L 2P> 2P> ; T0 daylnTok tst >t0> rho | work ~ (8) 17B8A8 173040 427870 17B8A8 427868 427864 17B8A8 427868 : tst 2p> 2p> $.s cr ,L 2P> 2P> ; T0 daylnTok tst >t0> rho | work (8) 17B8A8 173040 427870 17B8A8 173040 427864 17B8A8 173040 : stst SF+ LR@ ; 1 2 stst $.s | sF6 | works (5) 1 2 427870 1 2 reset : stst SF+ LR@ SF+ ; 1 2 stst $.s (6) 1 2 427870 1 427868 427864 : stst SF+ LR@ dup SF+ ; 1 2 stst $.s (7) 1 2 427870 1 2 4 427864 : stst SF+ R@ SF+ ; 1 stst $.s (4) 1 427870 42786C 427868 : stst SF+ 0 SF+ ; 1 stst $.s (4) 1 427870 4 427868 : stst SF+ SF+ ; 1 stst $.s (3) 1 427868 427868 reset 1 SF+ 0 SF+ $.s (4) 1 427870 0 427868 reset : stst SF+ 0 SF+ ; 1 stst $.s (4) 1 427870 4 427868 reset 1 SF+ 0 0 SF+ $.s (5) 1 427870 0 0 427868 reset : stst SF+ 0 0 SF+ ; 1 stst $.s (5) 1 427870 0 43208C 427868 see stst : stst SF+ 0 SF+ ; 1 stst $.s see stst see SF+ see esi@ see cell- see xchg reset : tst $.s cr ,L 2P> ; T0 daylnTok tst >t0> rho | work -- : tst 2p LR@ 2p LR@ $.s cr ,L 2P> 2P> ; T0 daylnTok tst >t0> rho | work : tst 2p> 2p> $.s cr ,L 2P> 2P> ; T0 daylnTok tst >t0> rho | work : tst 2p> 2p> $.s cr ,L 2P> 2P> ; T0 daylnTok tst >t0> rho | work : tst 2p> 2p> $.s cr ,L 2P> 2P> ; T0 daylnTok tst >t0> rho | work -- https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.lang.forth/QE0JuSC8yMI/2q1bQeWoCwAJ https://groups.google.com/d/msg/comp.lang.forth/QE0JuSC8yMI/3-ip872pCwAJ | 0125 | | ======================== | Mon.Oct,20151012 | ======================== | based on insight from Anton Ertl added mov [esi],eax : : esi@ inline{ 8D 76 FC 89 06 89 F0 } ; | lea esi,[esi-04] mov [esi],eax mov eax, esi | esi contains the current stack ptr , | , ie , the address of the item which was ToS when it was called . reset 1 SF+ 0 0 SF+ $.s reset : stst SF+ 0 0 SF+ ; 1 stst $.s | Both work . Everything works including ` CShelp | | ======================== | Tue.Oct,20151013 | ======================== | | Work on removing empty results from ' CShelp | : CShelp 1p R ` sys v@ ` CoSySource v@ dup+ l0! R@ ' (CShelp) eachright dup+ ' rho eachM> ,/ >0i & | ======================== | Wed.Oct,20151014 | ======================== | | ======================== | Thu.Oct,20151015 | ======================== | | fixed bug in Dv! for new objects . traced to ' sym?_ T1 ` script0 Dv! | redefined ` at to be what ` at* was : disclose singletons . | R ` testickle (wheresym) R 1 _at swap _at | actually worked off the cuff R ` testackle (wheresym) |>| $7FFFFFFF Rnames R ` testackle vdel R ` testickle vdel s" hi " R ` testackle v! s" ho " R ` testickle v! | ======================== | Fri.Oct,20151016 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sat.Oct,20151017 | ======================== | ` script0 -> R ` script0 v@ >t0> t0 s" : tst 1p> i1 +i 1P> ; " >T1> van eval s" dsc " CShelp >T0> T0 ' rho 'm ,/ i1 >i & T0 swap at _i >i : CShelpTst CShelp >aux+> dup ['] rho 'm ,/ i1 >i & at aux- ; | ======================== | Mon.Oct,20151019 | ======================== | res> >t0> t0 >T0> T0 vm >T0 ` morse Dv@ >t0> t0 ' c>i 'm >t1> t1 { 9 _i ['] =i f?^ } 'm >t1> t0 t1 ' take each t0 t1 { i1 +i } 'm { cut dsc } each ' ,L each R0 flip ` morse Dv! ` morse Dv@ 0 _at >t0> t0 t0 s" ASDF" 4 _partition ' f?^ eachright i( 1 2 3 4 )i 4 _partition ' enc 'm t0 ,/ s" ASDF" ' ss eachright s" A" ' enc 'm ' _ each t0 0 _at "ht =i t0 0 _at "ht =i { "ht f?^ } 'm t0 { 2 _take } 'm Rnames ` ASCIIbrowser Dv@ 2.25 _f f( 2. 4. )f ^f s" dsc " CShelpTst see esi@ T1 ` script0 Dv! s" dsc " T0 { >r> (CShelp) r> swap ,L } eachright >aux+> aux@ dup flip 1 _at* ' rho eachM> ,/ >0i & at : tst 2p> ' (CShelp) eachright >aux+> ' rho eachM> ,/ >0i & R@ aux@ ' cL eachM> ` ToDo -> : tst >aux+ lst aux- ; 1 _i tst see dup+ | ======================== | Fri.Oct,20151030 | ======================== | jedit | cF9 runs but bombs on failure to return . | ======================== | Sun.Nov,20151101 | ======================== | see aaplym s" aaplym" CShelp >t0> |>| ( nonce ) | that's wrong . | also bombed on ctrlS because t0 nonsense . AF1 s" aux- " CShelpFul lst AF0 | AF> +-splt ' rho 'm |>| 6002 6002 s" aaplym" CShelpFul >aux+> aux@ dup ' rho 'm ,/ i1 >i & at dup refs@ aux- | 1859 | seem to have found a profound error in ref counting revealed in ' at . AF1 s" aaplym" CShelpFul dup+ dup ' rho 'm ,/ i1 >i & at refs+> swap refs-ok> AF0 AF> +-splt ' rho 'm AF1 s" aaplym" CShelp lst AF0 Rnames `( Pi Tau SVfigDemo20131116 TekLogArk )` ' Dv@ 'm | corrupt . somehow emptied s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy - Copy.csy" `( Pi Tau SVfigDemo20131116 TekLogArk )` { t0 swap v@ } 'm R0 >t1> t1 3 _at t1 t0 ` TekLogArk v@ ` TekLogArk Dv! t0 ` SVfigDemo20131116 v@ s" restore" CShelp s" C:/reva/CoSy/CoSy.csy" restorefile >t0> dnames t0 ` Tau v@ ` Tau Dv! | ======================== | Wed.Nov,20151104 | ======================== | `( Pi Tau SVfigDemo20131116 TekLogArk )` ' Dv@ 'm ` sys Dv@ ` DISPLAY v@ ` res s" 330x160" ,L ` text s" 330x420" ,L ,L flip R0 ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v! { " sys" (sym) Dv@ " Tui" (sym) v@ " res" (sym) v@ } execute ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` text v@ s" 330x420" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` text v! ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ | 1227 | window size specs for Tui now saved in R . | ---- failed to save in personal ` R ----- s" C:/reva/CoSy/CoSy.csy" restorefile >t0> dnames ` sys Dv@ t0 ` sys v! t0 s" C:/reva/CoSy/CoSy.csy" savelist | /\ | transfer new ` sys | /\ | ========== | s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::10" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` font v! s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::12" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` font v! | ======================== | Sun.Nov,20151108 | ======================== | Got NextBook 10.1 | Saving new .zip | on NextBook | 1515 | ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ flip | 2022 | ` res s" 330x80" ,L ` text s" 330x320" ,L ,L R0 ` font s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::12" ,L enc cL flip R0 >t0> t0 ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v! | ======================== | Tue.Nov,20151110 | ======================== | ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ s" 330x280" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` text v! s" 330x70" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` res v! s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::12" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` font v! ` sys Dv@ ` DISPLAY vdel s" : vdel " CShelp s" 330x140" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` text v! s" 330x70" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` res v! s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::18" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` font v! bye | ======================== | Thu.Nov,20151112 | ======================== | s" 300x60" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` res v! s" 300x140" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` text v! s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::20" ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ ` font v! | ======================== | Sat.Nov,20151121 | ======================== | s" CoSy NEEDS MORE HEADS" >t0> t0 i( 7 23 )i take >t0> t0 dup ' reverse 'm ' cL each R0 dup reverse cL ( s" CoSy NEEDS MORE HEADS SDAEH EROM SDEEN ySoC " s" CoSy NEEDS MORE HEADS CC SDAEH EROM SDEEN ySoC" s" oSy NEEDS MORE HEADS CooC SDAEH EROM SDEEN ySo" s" Sy NEEDS MORE HEADS CoSSoC SDAEH EROM SDEEN yS" s" y NEEDS MORE HEADS CoSyySoC SDAEH EROM SDEEN y" s" NEEDS MORE HEADS CoSy ySoC SDAEH EROM SDEEN " s" NEEDS MORE HEADS CoSy NN ySoC SDAEH EROM SDEEN" s" NEEDS MORE HEADS CoSy NN ySoC SDAEH EROM SDEEN" s" NEEDS MORE HEADS CoSy ySoC SDAEH EROM SDEEN " s" y NEEDS MORE HEADS CoSyySoC SDAEH EROM SDEEN y" s" Sy NEEDS MORE HEADS CoSSoC SDAEH EROM SDEEN yS" s" oSy NEEDS MORE HEADS CooC SDAEH EROM SDEEN ySo" s" CoSy NEEDS MORE HEADS CC SDAEH EROM SDEEN ySoC" s" CoSy NEEDS MORE HEADS SDAEH EROM SDEEN ySoC " ) | ======================== | Sun.Nov,20151122 | ======================== | | 1036 | revert to more normal , not display , font , ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ >t0> s" 330x80" t0 ` res v! s" 330x270" t0 ` text v! s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::12" t0 ` font v! | ======================== | Sun.Nov,20151122 | ======================== | | 1903 | Ordered beer Pier23 w StacySmith 20151122.190625, Calamari/Fries, | ======================== | Wed.Nov,20151125 | ======================== | | 1243 | | ======================== | Wed.Dec,20151202 | ======================== | R0 >T0> T0 s" ( " toksplt >t0> t0 rho t0 s" ) " ' toksplt eachleft T0 s" ( " s" ) " ,L ' ss eachright | ======================== | Sun.Dec,20151213 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sun.Dec,20151227 | ======================== | Rnames ` state Dv@ text> ` state v! s" CD " shell> s" ctrlS" CShelp | ======================== | Wed.Dec,20151230 | ======================== | T0 s" ( " s" ) " ,L ' ss eachright 10 _iota { 100 _i +i } execute AF1 10 _iota { 100 _i +i } aaplym AF0 AF1 10 ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ flip ` res s" 330x80" ,L ` text s" 330x270" ,L ,L ` font s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::12" ,L enc cL | ======================== | Thu.Dec,20151231 | ======================== | | archived P and x stack vocab . rewrote w SF fns . 20 _iota enc { 100 _i +i } aaplym | 1720 | seem to have gotten it righr 1st time AF1 20 _iota 2 _partition { 100 _i +i } aaplym AF0 20 _iota 2 _partition >t0> t0 ' +/ 'm t0 enc { 100 _i +i } aaplym t0 0 _at enc t0 0 _at! t0 | ======================== | Fri.Jan,20160101 | ======================== | 20 _iota 2 _partition >t0> t0 0 _at enc enc t0 0 _at! t0 t0 { 100 _i +i } aaplym i( 1 0 )i >t1> t0 { t1 +i } applym t0 0 _at t1 +i | t0 0 _at >t0> | bombs on freeing of whole t0 | there is a significant issue w need to ref+ result of ` at . need to make new obj res t0 3 _at >t0> 10 _iota >t0> i( 1 0 )i >t1> ' +i aaply AF1 t0 t1 ' *i aaply AF0 10 _iota i( 1 0 )i swap ' +i aaply 10 _iota enc >t0 i( 1 0 )i >t1 20 _iota 2 _partition >t0 i( 1 0 )i >t1 t0 t1 ' +i aaply | 0008 | ! works ! 20 _iota 2 _partition >t0 i( 1 0 )i enc >t1 t0 t1 ' +i aaply i( 1 0 2 0 )i i( 2 2 )i take >t1> t0 t1 ' +i aaply | 0101 | | ======================== | Sat.Jan,20160102 | ======================== | ` morse Dv@ >t0> s" cellVecInit " CShelp s" v?refs+ " CShelp s" save" CShelp | #################### | | #################### | | #################### | _iota enc { 100 _i +i } aaplym AF0 | | 20151029 ymd>fixed 20 + fixed>ymd _i |>| 20151118 | needs to be aaply : days+ 2p L@ 0 i@ day>fixed L@ + fixed>ymd _i swap refs0del ; | ----- |\/| Useful phrases |\/| ----- | reset Rnames | names of items in "R"oot dictionary ` ASCIIbrowser Dv@ file-dlg >t0> | get file name | \/ | sF6 | \/ | cause direct 4th output | \/ | words 0 help here help : see : res> Help | /\ | sF6 | /\ | cause direct 4th output | /\ | s" shell>" CShelp | \/ | SETTING DISPLAY SIZE | \/ | ` sys Dv@ ` Tui v@ >t0> s" 350x160" t0 ` res v! | 330x80 s" 350x420" t0 ` text v! | 330x270 s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::10" t0 ` font v! | LUCIDA CONSOLE::12 | ` res s" 330x80" ,L ` text s" 330x270" ,L ,L ` font s" LUCIDA CONSOLE::12" ,L enc cL flip text> VMlf >t0> text> daylncut >t0> t0 s" aaply" con s" dir examples " shell> ` ToDo -> | sF6 | ###################################################################### | | ###################################################################### | | ###################################################################### | | \/ \/ \/ | for checking Allocate - Free matching | \/ \/ \/ | AF1 4.6 _f .5 _f *f dup *f AF0 >t0> AF1 s" CShelp " CShelp AF0 t0 AF> +-splt ' rho 'm AF> fmtI AF> +/ AF> rho AF> i0 >i R0 ' rho eachM> R0 ' -i across t1 | /\ /\ /\ | for checking Allocate - Free matching | /\ /\ /\ | | ###################################################################### | s" ~\\/" 70 _take s" ~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~\/~" |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| DOS & NETWORK COMMUNICATION & SYNCHRONIZATION | |\/| |\/| file-dlg >t0> | browse for a file name . s" dir /? " shell> | help for windows dir cmd . s" dir C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/" dosslash^ shell> | using dosslash^ to use forward slashes s" dir CoSy " shell> | dir defaults to dir Reva started in . s" type CoSy\\ReadMe.txt" shell> | return contents of text file s" CoSy\\ReadMe.txt" ' shell onvan | execute file with its associated app . | note use of non-resulting ' shell . ` shell> bombs CoSy when task done . | copying to another machine on network s" dir \\\\CoSy2013\\reva\\CoSy\\ " shell> | useful to check connection . s" copy c:\\reva\\cosy\\CoSy.csy \\\\ACER-PC\\reva\\CoSy\\ " shell> s" dir CoSy\\*.f /b /s " shell> >t0> | get full source file names , t0 "nl toksplt -1 _i cut* >t0> | split on nl . drop empty last row | Alternatively w short names but selecting from all files s" dir CoSy\\ /b " shell> VMnl -1 _i cut* >t0> | get naked dir and return | as list of strings . Note cannot use ` dosslash^ to avoid doubling of backslash t0 s" .f" con >t0> | select *.f CoSy source files t0 s" .f~" ncon >t0> | I keep a few links to CoSy lists I sometimes want to retrieve something from | like the environment on my netbook . For instance to copy my ` ToDo list | to when I'm going shopping , or returning . I'll execute one of the strings | below to set R0 , then restore that file | \/ | RESTORING AN ITEM FROM A *.csy FILE | \/ | s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.csy" s" C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/CoSy.bk" s" C:/reva/CoSy/CoSy.csy" file-dlg | browse for file name R0 restorefile >t0> ' rho 'm | check shapes for integrity . t0 dnames t0 ` help >t1> v@ R0 R t1 v! | replace local of object copy with one from file read . | /\ | RESTORING AN ITEM FROM A *.csy FILE | /\ | s" |/\\| " i( 2 80 )i take |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| |/\| | ###################################################################### | | ###################################################################### | |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| Example Daily Log |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| |\/| | ###################################################################### | | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | 2014 | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | ======================== | Sat.Aug,20140809 | ======================== | ~ 11 | WP Blues | | 1238 | | ======================== | Sun.Aug,20140810 | ======================== | | ======================== | Mon.Aug,20140811 | ======================== | | ======================== | Tue.Aug,20140812 | ======================== | get Introduction to Heat Transfer (Hardcover) by David P. Dewitt, Frank P. Incropera | ======================== | Wed.Aug,20140813 | ======================== | | ======================== | Thu.Aug,20140814 | ======================== | | ======================== | Fri.Aug,20140815 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sat.Aug,20140816 | ======================== | 10 | Littleton Western Day | ======================== | Sun.Aug,20140817 | ======================== | | ======================== | Mon.Aug,20140818 | ======================== | | ======================== | Tue.Aug,20140826 | ======================== | http://www.powweb.com renewal 1615 | Bastiat ; CMR | ======================== | Wed.Aug,20140827 | ======================== | ( AmazonChase ; 13.84 ) | ======================== | Thu.Aug,20140828 | ======================== | | ======================== | Fri.Aug,20140829 | ======================== | | ======================== | Sat.Aug,20140830 | ======================== | ... | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | 2015 | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | ======================== | Wed.Sep,20150916 | ======================== | ~ MinnowBrook | ======================== | Sat.Nov,20151121 | ======================== | Stanford | 1147 |* FORTH DAY HONORED TO BE HANGOUTing WITH THE FATHER OF THE LANGUAGE OF TODAY CHUCK MOORE ( JUST WORKING TO BRING THE soul OF KEN IVERSON TO THE PARTY ) | ------------------------ | TAKING SIMPLICITY to the EXTREME -- GOALS SUCCINCT ENOUGH TO TWEET GREAT THOUGHTS | ----------------------------------- | ARTIFICIALLY AID *MY* INTELLIGENCE FIT IN A SMALL HEAD WITH A LEAKY MEMORY Working at my Peter Principle Limit Maximize Rate of making mistakes -> NoteComputing interpretive environment EVERYTHING JUST TEXT TRANSPARENT STRUCTURE ENTER : just newLine | F6 : DO DOWN TO THE CHIP GIVE PEOPLE CONTROL OVER THEIR OWN MACHINES -- USES Captain Picard's LOG LOT's of ABILITIES w/in A SENTENCE OR 2 NOTATION for COMBINATORIC APPLICATION of FUNCTIONS to DATA Vocablary evolved from APL , Particularly Arthur Whitney's K THE MOST ABSOLUTELY SOLID ACTION : ctrlS : SAVE YOUR WORK , ie : SAVE the ` R TREE $$$ Time stamped records for Billing & Court $$$ IoT Instrumentation requiring complex algorithms 3D printing , visualization | APL mkt : COMPLEX FINANCE -- GUTS CORE CHALLENGE Transform fixed address space to dynamic nested objects -> Reference Counting EVERYTHING IS A LIST ITEMS MAY BE LISTS http://cosy.com/CoSy/4th.CoSy.html#CoSyHeader A DICTIONARY IS A LIST OF 2 LISTS | ( Names ; Values ) The "Root" dictionary is named ` R VOCABULARY on LISTS R rho | APL word "count" # of items in list | raw : i# R ' rho 'm | count each ( monadic ) -- | 3 genaric functions | ( ix i@ i! ; vx v@ V! ; Dvx Dv@ Dv! ; at at! ) VOCABULARIES : AltStackOps | Stack Diagram names for common stack permutations s" jedit C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/AltStackOps.f " shell> Reference Counting | s" : ref" CShelp Stack Frames | s" : SF" CShelp s" jEdit C:/4thCoSy/CoSy/CSauxstack.f" shell> STUBS : s" jedit CoSy/RecurInterp.f " shell> | lot done on input parsing s" jedit CoSy/Job.f" shell> | Functionalized IUP windows . | Important use of ` meta -- ToDo ` ToDo -> s" C:/CoSyNew/y15/ToDo_HIMYM_7-8crop.jpg " ' shell onvan | BEST OVERVIEW OF MAINSTREAM APL | | Morten Kromberg, CTO, Dyalog Ltd. | Talks at Google https://youtu.be/PlM9BXfu7UY A Great deal can be fleshed out quickly by individuals who can't go to sleep until they understand something . *| 1159 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ | s" =" 80 _take | ====================================================================== | | ###################################################################### | 1 2 2015 30 DAYLNS | sf6 | insert res in text using F5 | ======================== | Wed.May,20160525 | ======================== | CoSy.com Domain renew | ======================== | Wed.Apr,20180411 | ======================== | MinnowBrook | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | help ' res> Help s" case" CShelp | ------------------------ | ` ToDo -> ` ref -> ` Addrs -> | ------------------------ | resvar R ` ref v@ vm s" visa" con | ###################################################################### | | /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ | | ###################################################################### | | ###################################################################### |