||| Proto 4th(Reva)CoSy ( 2006 10 2 18 30 27 ) 4th.CoSy is an evolute of Charles Moore's FORTH and Ken Iverson's APL . Proximally , it is being developed by Bob Armstrong , www.CoSy.com , on Ron Aaron's Reva , www.ronware.org/reva , FORTH with components from a number of the very talented members of the Reva forum . In particular , the IUP GUI interface was created Danny Reinholt Currently 4th.CoSy is interpreted directly by the FORTH interpreter so is intrinsically FORTH syntax . BEWARE : 4th.CoSy is very much in an "R&D" form and on the "bleeding edge" of software creation . There is still lots to flesh out so proceed only if interested in following or contributing to that creative process . SEE http://www.cosy.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?id=3 for further instructions .