| Links particularly on the languages moshed into CoSy | http://cosy.com/y16/CS%28OS%292_1107.html http://cosy.com/y16/CS%28OS%292_1107.html#Scr4 | APL . Object Header | | --- https://services.github.com/on-demand/downloads/github-git-cheat-sheet.pdf https://help.github.com/articles/github-glossary/ | APL | APL Idiom Library . Many useful algorithms Any problem translating them to CoSy means some vocabulary needs to be fixed or enhanced . http://aplwiki.com/FinnAplIdiomLibrary | Notation as a Tool of Thought ; | Ken Iverson's 1979 ACM Turing Award Lecture . http://www.jdl.ac.cn/turing/pdf/p444-iverson.pdf APL 1991 Conference.mpg ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZOZYYPmUnM At Stanford . I was there and know\/knew almost all those guys but I don't remember the panel . What I really remember is Stanley Jordan , https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=stanley+jordan , who learned APL at Princton , asking us for APL expressions which would map into MIDI values which he would then try to strum -- then checked against the expression executed on a MIDI connected computer . http://www.slideshare.net/BryanWilson4/apl-a-programming-language Great demos by John Scholes , for years chief architect of Dyalog APL : Conway's Game Of Life in APL ; https://youtu.be/a9xAKttWgP4 A Sudoku Solver in APL ; https://youtu.be/DmT80OseAGs Morten Kromberg, CTO, Dyalog Ltd. Talks at Google | https://youtu.be/PlM9BXfu7UY Bob A | abt learning APL in NU Psych Dept grad school in 1970s | https://disqus.com/home/discussion/thedailycaller/suit_asian_professor_forced_to_teach_math_because_asian_the_daily_caller/#comment-3080323092 | K | Arthur Whitney's K ; http://kx.com/ | the foundation of K.CoSy and "template" for much of the essential structure of 4th.CoSy . Essentially the total vocabulary of K.CoSy : http://cosy.com/K/CoSy/K_CoSy.htm | Forth | For the nonce , just a link to the Silicon Valley Forth Interest Group which has been so kind to host several demos of the progress of 4th.CoSy ; http://www.meetup.com/SV-FIG/ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ChuckMoore.jpg “I like the observation that Forth is an amplifier: a good programmer can write a great program; a bad programmer a terrible one. I feel no need to cater to bad programmers.” Charles H. Moore Source/Notes: Quoted in Naomi Hamilton, The A-Z of Programming Languages: Forth, Computerworld (2008-06-27) Read more at http://izquotes.com/quote/254129 Charles Moore , 1974 , FORTH : A New Way to Program a Mini-Computer http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1974A%26AS...15..497M 1970 | http://www.forth.org/POL.pdf Ron Aaron's Reva Forth site . Documentation of the Forth CoSy is built in . http://dev.ronware.org/p/reva/ | Contexts which are not well documented by Ron's ' help http://dev.ronware.org/p/reva/wiki?name=Contexts |\/| sources of K & Kona algorithms |\/| https://github.com/kevinlawler/kona/wiki/Idioms#combinatorics http://nsl.com/k/perm.k http://kxcommunity.com/?_ga=1.80878295.1317536316.1442414254 Ron Aaron's site for his evolute of Reva Forth : http://8th-dev.com/ http://www.pcorner.com/list/FORTH Archive of Forth implementations Some Thoughts on Forth , Samuel A. Falvo II http://sam-falvo.github.io/2016/12/18/thoughts-on-forth http://hackaday.com/2017/01/27/forth-the-hackers-language/comment-page-2/#comment-3445692 https://concatenative.org/ | Functional Language | Conference at CMU went to w Jens Fiederer ; Proceedings of the 1984 ACM Symposium on LISP and functional programming Slava Pestov : Factor: an extensible interactive language . GoogleTechTalk https://youtu.be/f_0QlhYlS8g | See also http://cosy.com/CoSy/CoSy/ReCoSy20101200.html | More General | Linked by Samuel Falvo II [svfig] [NSF] Interesting historical review of computing; recommended reading. http://davidad.github.io/blog/2014/03/12/the-operating-system-is-out-of-date/ Peter Norvig's "Python for Lisp Programmers" http://norvig.com/python-lisp.html | My friend Steve Apter's "No Stinking Loops | http://www.nsl.com/ 20170102.1624 | Given that I learned APL in the first place , AI algorithms like this which are making news : Google’s Multilingual Neural Machine Translation System: Enabling Zero-Shot Translation https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.04558v1.pdf are a motivation for my constructing CoSy . There is a whole series of great lectures by great mathematician & Turing winner Richard Hamming , creator of error correcting codes on : https://www.youtube.com/user/securitylectures These are the sorts of resources which make traditional education too inefficient for talented motivated students today . Hamming, "Error-Correcting Codes" (April 21, 1995) https://youtu.be/BZh07Ew32UA?t=37m55s " I'll be outrageous again . Pythagoras was the first great physicist . He found we live in L2 . That the sum of the squares of the sides give you the square of the diagonal of a rectangle . Hamming in some vague sense is Pythagoras Jr. He says Yes Pythagoras is right about the physical world . NO about the mental world . The difference between 2 strings of bits is the sum of the differences . It is NOT the sum of the squares . " | \/ | Mathematics & Physics | \/ | I'm reading Huseyin Yilmaz , 1965 , https://www.amazon.com/Introduction-relativity-principles-Blaisdell-sciences/dp/B0006BM13M/ For better understanding of co- vs contr- variant mappings , I found this . v.g. : http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath398/kmath398.htm