Unfortunately unedited .
/ ==================== / wed.oct.20011024 / ==================== /
18-1930/ Federalist Society @ NYC Cornell Club , 6 E 44 :
The Microsoft antitrust case .
Increasing Anti-trust atacks by Governments
around the World , at least before 0911 , when restrictions of
movement in the name of security ( Herding ) , and Government
BailOuts ( Forced charity ) eclipsed such parochial concerns ,
has been becoming one of the great threats to free trade and our
well being . The clearest example of this has been the the EU's
" Commissioner of Competition "
Mario Monti's killing the merger
of GE and Honeywell
Robert A. Levy, Senior Fellow , Constitutional Studies at Cato
/ not there / Wall Street Journal's John Fund
Kenneth W. Starr
Kevin Arquit, former dir Bureau of Competition @ FTC ,
RSVP : Dean Reuter , Federalist Society , WDC . 202-822-8138.
/1804/ was postponed : glorious panal :
Bob Levy : CVA investment teks , then Law , Cato
Kevin Arquit, Cornell , former dir Bureau of Competition @ FTC , NBA
Nicholas Economindes : Stanford : published on MS case
Lars Liebeler : CompTIA amicus brief .
Kennith Starr : ex solicitor general :
Panel somewhat weighted ( toward anti- anti-trust ) .
Tomorrow coming out party for XP .
Bob Levy : Cato . CVA investment teks , then Law :
Why should never have been filed :
transformed private property to government redistribution .
No one other than owner has rights to dispose of creations .
2 ) anti trust fluid and murky .
3 ) anti trust based on static mkt . Mkt move faster than anti trust .
ast Word perfect ,
4 ) market defined as desktop Intel single user . left out Apple ,
Linux . .15 sold naked w/o any OS .
5 ) antitrust lawyers don't know busn . say govt planners know best .
Real issue : who gets to decide .
6 ) wielded by wrench seeking competition .
Get government we ask for .
7 ) Government created barriers to entry : True barriers only
possible by gov : tarrifs , quotas .
8 ) Inevitably used by unscrupulous polititian for own purposes
Nixon to Colson / David Burn `96 : Abuse of Power
Adam Smith : heads of businesses get to make the decisions .
Kevin Arquit, Cornell , former dir Bureau of Competition @ FTC :
Agrees Sherman act open to abuse . Now is economic analysis
for consumer welfare . Worked at FTC under Reagan :
monopolization with exclusionary behavior . Hi tek same special
interest argument as any other industry - steel , agriculture .
MS case - appeal court ruled 7 - 0 :
1 ) is monopolist . of course .
2 ) Doug Ginsberg : 12 instances : cannot change Icons on top
screen . MS had copyright argument .
Explorer not allowed to be deleted from scring
3 ) comingled code - some don't want .
4 ) consciously deceived developers .
MS XP more of same mingling .
Rebuttal already :
Nicholas Economindes : Stanford : published on MS case .
only one who not involved in case .
Have consumers been hurt ? before IE explore paying $45 for
netscape ? now nothing . MS product equal to NS .
Future consumers harmed ? then wait till then .
MS was . given price for hardware , MS should be charging $1800 .
were charging $60 . So market must be far more competitive than
appears . Hook & squeeze - at .9 of mkt , why have they not
started squeezing . Pirating ? other products - Office $500 .
Reason : actual and potential competition .
2 ) Standard in network industries for behavior : Notions of
hving 1000s of firms - in networks will always be very large
market share s. Apple .05 mkt share : Bee < .01 - even cheaper
Remedies : good that not broken up . Regulate as essential
utility like fone . Impose restrictions on contracts MS can
write . option 2 : explicit price list w quantity discounts .
3 ) disclosure of internals . NS does not have same access to
APIs .
Very far from what was imposed by court .
Lars Liebeler : CompTIA amicus brief . Since June 28 :
Case not abt MS's monopoly . vast array of benefits .
Found liable for illegially preserving monopoly . Jackson
failed to find causal connection - didn't even look at .
Simply enjoin MS's unlawful behavior . If no causal conduct
Page 61 , Starr w bring up 99 , 100 , 105 :
What is right by consumers ? give up intellectual property
to competitors ? NS had .8 of market . Quality of both
products went way up & cost down . AOL responded by improving
and coming down in price . AOL still the market leader .
Standard oil kerosend .3 % gal , 1870 , by e 0 century ,
.06 % gallon . Nothing MS does excluded anyone .
Flawed proposition that consumers are lazy & stupid .
email Gov stay of mkt :
/1855/ Kennith Starr : cockles - process : Frankfurter history
of freedom is history of process . Bush admin for freedom .
Charles James knows how to dismiss a case : merits assesment
not seen as policy but legal issue .
2 days of arguments . enbank opinion : Page 11 of Slip opinion
Brandis : data data data . record in the case :
Page 14 : anti-competitive conduct : superior product , business
accumen . restrictions in contracts limiting what OEM could offer
end users . HP , Gateway /1902/
BobLevy : Opening screen . OEMs can remove almost all , can install
- like presetting - try bringing own deserts . Imagine if govt
dictated opening screen . NY Post bundles business section .
Starr - had brightest Judges - they not legislators . NS failed
to refute Jackson's facts . case patently absurd .
KA : more like bundling set top box in TV . No inovation near
MS space . Java , Hardware prices going down , OS up .
LL : vertually everything reversed . Jackson speculated
KS : Bob suggests anti-trust notion bad . Generally policing tool .
Libertarian view pure but hard to believe . Odd thing Jackson did
- did not have remedial phase - be painstaking looking at unintended
consequences . Make sure do it right .
NE : Prices - simple arguments did not occur in months of trial .
Important to be rational business man .
1917/ Qs : for Lebeler 12 bad activities . - derth of evidence of
availabliity of NS .
Pfizer & MS together ?
Can site any anti-trust case in last century which helped consumers
? KA : ADM Lycene - infant formula . KS : catagory `80 highway
construction bid rigging . ATT feels produced
LL : price fixing - on occassions govt lurches randomly : IBM
Chris Garvey : MS breach of warrenty & merchantablilty .
- Mkt reasonablly interchangable alternative - Apple ? KA - crap .
KS : even if apple included - still minor . set w/o considering rivals
prices . LL : not required to look at other's prices .
NE ; applications count -
BL : Apple has 12000 apps running on its systems . Scott McNeally :
Windows is dead - 2002 w b less than .5 MS . MS not growth mkt anymore
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