The letter below summarizes the point I reached in my efforts
                     from about `65 to `80 to understand
                       the foundation of consciousness  

  \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

                                Bob Armstrong{p PRNTfn  PRNTfn' BMPRNTh12 '}
Coherent Systems, Inc                                             288 Vine Ave
42 Peck Slip                                           Highland Park, IL 60035
New York, NY 10038.1725
212.285.1864 CmpSrv:70421,2425                              Fax by Arrangement
{ PRNTfn  P }

 Patrick Young , Editor
 Science News                 | LIB   |>| C:COSY
 1719 N St , NW               | JOB   |>| ScienceNews:ConsciousnessLtr92ë10ë31
 Washington DC 20036          | DDT   |>| SAT.OCT,1992ë10ë31,0:56

 Dear Edtior ,

 As a new subscriber , I`m encouraged to see Bruce Bower`s review ( SN:
 92ë10ë10&17 ) of recent work on comprehending consciousness since I spent
 the `70s in grad school pursuing that problem . I think the scientific
 understanding of this 'relation which relates itself to its own self' as
 Kierkegaard put it , will continue to be a central challenge even when we
 are constructing 'Lt. Commander Data's and knowing on theoretical grounds
 that they are conscious .

 Let me present a few conclusions from my own trek :
  Consciousness clearly must arise from the spatiotemporal structure of
  brains` information flows. The mathematics required for its understanding
  starts with multidimensional geometry . Christopher Zeeman in the early
  `60s pointed out that the state of the approximately 10E14 neurons in the
  brain can be described as a point in a 10E14 dimensional cube and the path
  of consciousness determined by the path of that point down gradients of
  attraction . A second thread needed in the knot is the mathematics of
  associative memory which was already becoming rather well understood when I
  was in school . Dennis Gabor , the father of holography himself , wrote a
  couple of the most sucinct and insightful articles about it .

 So , with the mathematics of memory in hand , and with the conceptual tools
 to deal with the entire patterns of activity of the brain at once , can we
 form a first hypothesis about the foundation of consciousness ?
 I concluded it may arise from a folding in time of the brain`s patterns of
 activity back upon themselves creating a singularity in time and space - an
 interval of mutual awareness .
 The Hippocampus appears to have the appropriate structure for spreading its
 information flows out in time , and to be clinically related to the
 phenomenon of consciousness . //

 Yours Truly ,                                       |SUN.NOV,1992ë11ë1,22:38
 Bob Armstrong
\PatrickYoung,Editor;202-785-2255 ;Science News /1719 N St , NW /Washington
 DC 20036
while the contingencies of existance        |SAT.OCT,1992ë10ë31,4:25
Sending Mon 11ë2
  ==========================ø TUE.DEC,1992ë12ë22 ø==========================
|12:49| sending Cancel w N: I see no reason to pay for people`s writings
 who don`t appreciate mine | dreg : I judge magazienes largly by their ltrs
 Col . |12:58|