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Note , I`m not a great typist , so consider this a minimally edited paraphrase .
============================: THU.NOV,981119 :============================|10:11| Time allotment | +/ 5 5 120 30 30 , ( M x 5 ) , 30 |>| dems rep | 140 + 135 |>| 275 | r % 60 |>| 4.58 | theoretically . Time is fair for today . WlmDelahunt(rD-MA) wants unlimited time . Dem delay side of game . HenryHyde(rR-IL) Today`s hearing abt hearing Starr . | More Dem delay : B.Frank now wants a vote . | Nadler | Lee This delay like Country ' not wanting to hear ' . Well you`ve got to . | Party line vote .|10:32| HH : What is the significance of a Lie ? Answering for our Generation .|10:37| JohnConyers(rD-MA) Starr taudry , selacious F*** Y** ! It`s The President who has forever sullied the thoughts and images of every visitor from around the world who views the Oval Office when touring our White House . Since when did defending Tobbaco industry ( and thereby users ) become a crime . |10:48| HH : intro . Starr already convicted 15 . Administering Oath : Truth - whole Truth & Nothing But the Truth .Starr : BC made false statements under oath in Jones v Clinton . Liberman Kerry Moynahan : not a private matter . Contravened Pattern to thwart justice in Jones proceeding . Used Cabinet as unwitting surogates . After telling American people that he would cooperate fully , rejected 6 invitations to testify . Inconsistant w actions of Carter & Reagan in similar circumstances . Deceived US Americans in Jan 17 . Repeatedly used the machinery of government & his high office . Referal does not pass judgement on affair itself . Is a plantiff in a sexual harrasment suit entitled to honest testimony ? Supreme 9-0 : Like every other citizen Ms Jones has a right to an orderly disposition of her claims . Evidence of both parties behavior can be relivant . Supreme Ct has emphatically rejected that there is ever an excuse for lying . Judge SusanWeberWright : never had sex harrasment suit that was not embarrasing . Why involved : Pres in sex harrassment case . Rules of evidence allow investigation of sexual history . What if similar collusion & Lying was done in Senate confirmation hearing ? On all 6 occasions the President chose deception . 971205 Lewinsky name on Jones witness list . 971217,2:00 Prez c> Lewinsky that she on witness list . Agreed on cover stories . did not explicitly ask Lewinsky to lie . did not need to . Transformed into unlawful effort to thwart judicial process . 1st direct effort to thwart mandate of Supreme Ct . Deposition ? : State names of employees with whom had sex since election ? Prez : none . LIE Curry c> Lew to store box of gifts under bed . Implys Prez requested . Curry says Lew c> . Pres claims unconcerned abt gifts . If true , why lie abt everything . Other actions to keep ML ' on team ' - Job related efforts . Jordan - kept Prez up to date on status of ML affidavit . Encouraged friend to continue getting ML job after knew she had just signed a false affadavit . Tried to placate ML . Starr : ' One of her Friends ' Why not saying Tripp ? Prez let attny Bennett give false statements to Judge . Listing Litany of Prez Lies . Pres Repeatedly referred questioners to Curry . Had Curry come in on Sunday for coaching false statements . Indicated agreement even tho knew untrue . Prez > Morris ? what about Legal thing ? M : take poll . Publicly promised to cooperate . Producer Harry Tomlinson reccomended emphatic denial . Use of governmental resources to obstruct Grand Jury proceedings . Assertions of privilege head long against Supreme court decisions v Nixon . Make new privilage out of whole cloth . Supreme Ct : privilege would create gross misuse public moneys . Both Carter & Reagan waved all claims of privilege at outset . In Africa , claimed didn`t know what Lawyers doing abt Exec priv , but WH lawyer Ruff says did . Privilege requested in personal matter . misuse of privileges ' War ' against Prosecutor Office . Jan 8 , attny in office heard Tripp had info she wanted to provide . Have received numerous tips - handled Tripp`s same . Found credible . Went to Justice Dept . laid out even ? of legality of tape . FBI tape . Like WebsterHubbel job pattern . After 7 months , faced ? of what to do w evidence . Reporting provision . Clear that Obstrucution of Justice MAY constitue grounds for impeachment . 1790 1st congress passed law making purjury crime . Purjury equivalent to bribery . History & practice confirm purjury 'High' . Criminal Sanctions not same . Consitution provides separate forums . Other Matters : pattern did not occur in vacuum . |12:7| SheilaJacksonLee(rD-TX) point of order : are remarks germaine . Clinton`s 5th Ammendment rights | HH : overruled |12:8| Took over Robert Fisk investigation . Brief over view : Stats : conviction of 14 including Hubbel . McDougals . & decisions not to indict : SusanThomas . Faced extro 17 cases been decided - prevailed in ALL . DC circuit won , lost 1 6-3 Travelgate in Supreme Again , unlike Carter & Reagan - We go to court ~ talk show circuit . Are officers of court & w rare exception , have won . MadisonGuaritee - fraudulanty run . Hillary did legal work for NYTimes article raised ?s in `92 . Investigation started 9311 . Cost Taxpayers 65M$ . C.Waters : Disaster - cooked books . Clintons McDougal`s partners in WhiteWater . Were Madison Funds diverted to help Whitewater . Were Clintons involved . DavidHale said received funds - SusanMcDougal Make believe co : Master Marketing 50k$ to whitewater . Clearly appeared to be criminal activities . Garnered # of guilty pleas in 1st yr . Plan to deceive Bank Examiners *** Arkansas jury convicted sitting Governor . Clinton gave sworn testimony that knew nothing about loan . Truth or falsity went to core of case . All defendants found guilty of multiple counts . Jim McDougal testified Hale accurate . GovClinton lied . Clinton had received loan . ' at variance w truth ' |12:22| SJL : not germaine . | HH : reading : ' fully & completely ' this is perfectly germaine | Rep Bryant : wants vote , SJL withdraws |12:25| Starr : drafted report in `97 but ? of sufficient degree of certainty . `98 finally got evidence from Gov Tucker : March & Apr , little knowledge of loan . Exonerated Prez abt whether Prez had meeting . SusanMcDougal costly contempt of court . No sitting Prez has ever sided w convicted fellon against courts . Refused to rule out pardon . 'undercut legal process ' Rose Law firm . Castle Grande structured to avoid state & fed laws . BillingRecords could not be found . Hubbel & Foster in charge . Rose Firm could not find record . Found ' under unusual circumstances ' ( in private WhiteHouse ) More now found in attic of Foster Jr . Some still not found . Hubbel Grandfather involved in Castle Grandee . Hubbel received $550K from people contacted by WhiteHouse . Riady $100K . VernonJordan : McAndrews&Forbes , parent of Revlon : consulting contracts . Little or no apparent work . essentially a gift . Under criminal investigation . ' I won`t raise those allegation , it might open it up for Hillary ' . Traveloffice : `93 firings of 6 . Prez not involved in . Was on hold wi litigation . W b action soon . ? Hillary ? No evidence anyone higher than Livingstone ordered files from FBI . Our office personnell : skilled prosecutors from around country - seasoned Fed & State corruption prosecutors . Assistance from Academia . FBI supplied supurb assistance under Judge Free . Deliberative process . laborious . Over history - | not their place to reinvent wheel of judicial process . Thorough in VinceFoster investigation : definitive conclusion : ( suicide ) ' The facts , the story are critical . ' Details relevent as in murder . Did not know what house would do w material . Firmly reject notion that office tried to inflame public . We did not enjoy - causes us dismay - who need it . Curran appointed by GriffenBell to investigate Carter got cooperation . 30 yrs , not 30 days from now wants to be able to say did right thing . Worked for Dyer & Burger , counsel to AttnyGeneral . Admiration for career justice dept lawyers . DC circuit Judge . Solicitor General - argue 25 cases before SupremeCt . FlagBurning . Run office ' faithful to law ' . Reviewed Packwood diaries . Patently obvious not a man of Polls . Unyielding defender of court system ' equal justice under law ' . AK Juror said after convictions of Tucker et al - overwhelmed by evidence .|13:2| til 1:45 ||13:9| caller : ' sanctimonious rehash ' Perhaps we need more sanctimony . Dem c< : totally ilogical CA woman .|13:39| SHL : Worry`s about fair treatment of individuals facing court . Please consider then what it means if Perjury is accepted as OK for some by all of you making our laws . This IS as big a deal as Watergate . |14:2| AbbeLowell Dem Counsel :Determining the honor of counterparties is a core life survival skill .
Starr : Views of some of the most experienced prosecutors in country . AL : meeting w DepAtnyGen EricHolder . did not reveal previous contacts w Jones people . KS : had inchoate ( just begun , pending ) evidence of criminality . AL : Law firm , RichardPorter , considered represent Jones . KS : contacted by BobFisk to write amicus brief on constitutional immunity . GilDavis , NPR debates on constitutional issue only . 6 conversations : I don`t # . Never rose to anything beyond . Independent Women`s Forum : Doe Prez enjoy Immunity ? all public domain discussions . Nothing to do w Identity of Pres , just whether everyone under law . Private Affadavit released Chic Trib . AL : did nothing to stop Tripp having meetings w Jones team . KS : didn`t know . We almost immediately started working at cross purposes w Jones interests . Newsweek reporter on story mentioned Tripp had been Traveloffice wittness - said being asked to purjure . Tripp stopped communicating w newsweek leak . we had no interest in doing anything other than job . Went to Judge Wright to stop Tripp working w Jones . Waited for Mother to arrive . When Mother arrived expressed appreciation we being accused of conditions which would overbear the will . RitzCarlton pleasant , called her Atny on another matter . She was in midst of crime of ( trying to get Tripp join her purjury ) , had consensual recording w FBI . Evidence was that Mother may have been involved . Ginsberg implyed being held incommunicato . Not . Alegations utter unmeritorious . Mother willing to finace operation for Tripp to leave juristiction . All has been litigated & resolved in their favor . Did not encourage her to reach out to lawyer who had assisted her in preperation of purjurous affidavit . AL : Constitution requires . KS : Wrong on facts . Had no criminal lawyer . Already upheld by court . She did in fact call her civil lawyer Carter & contacted Legal Aid . AL : JudgeWeberWright : Lewinsky not relevant KS : not fair characterization of WW`s ruling . AL : ML tacked on stmnt : no one asked her to lie . KS : Also note stated that in referral . But totality shows coverup . AL : referral w attitude . w proper juristiction - undermine credibilty KS : you have gone into characterizations rather than facts which are your task to judge . She did not even make statement to officers that first day .|15:12| Sensenbrenner : AL completely avoided discussing charges at all . Is there any diff wi law dealing w Sex. KS : Purjury is extremely serious business . Why go thru oath . Does not matter if harrasment , bankruptcy , or criminal . Purjury would always have been considered impeachable . JS : everybody lies about sex . Every Harassment & domestic cases abt sex . KS : Yes purjury just as important in such cases . : Sought order to Judge Wright for stay of discovery by Jones . No effect on materiality . Measured at time of statement , not after .|15:19| JohnConyers : repond to written ?s . KS : sure . | Chr : limit Week . JC : just seeking full record . 5 min rule unworkable . JS : 5 min rule worked for decades . HH back - have Qs returned when we hear from Prez . |15:26| Finally asking ? . Numerous clients aligned against Prez in Law firm will give list : Brown&Williamson GM , BellAtlantic etd | KS : yes . JC : Leaks : StevenBrill : KS : we have responded in detail w article KS : not want to make rules for Congress . will discuss 6e if want. . Travel & File gate not in original ref . JC : SusanMcDougal . Bush pardoned 6 Iran Contra . KS : Our view was prez did not help us get to bottom of crime .|15:32| HH : both side get 5 min . been liberal . Want Hassocks not chairs . BillMcCullum(rR-FL) : Never represented any Jones people . KS : no . BMC : laid out compelling litany . Bribery statute : couldn`t job offer be construed as bribery ? KS : Fair issue but have not been weighed . not prepared to opine . BMC : Elements of purjury present . KS : Materiality totally bogus issue . BarneyFrank : JudgeJohnson defined 24 instances of 6e violations . Did any one give out info on list . KS : did put out press release . BF : You sealed . KS : Sealed by Chief Judge . Join to have Judge Johnson to open . w consider . BF : when determined Livingston ( months ago ) & Travel office ( continuing ) Why withheld File exhonoration . KS : tried to be responsive - process question . side stuf not relevant to 595c duty .|15:46| GeorgeKekas(rR-PA) exhonerated in VinceFoster case months ago . GK : JC gave great list of clients . Misuse of executive privilege . Mind settled a little . Deep emotional response to purjury . KS : Issues w respect to false statements very serious . Defends Executive privilage & therefore misuse for personal purposes .|15:52| BREAK Rep counsel Schipper not questioning .|16:9| We are going to finish this evening . may send out for pizza .|16:11| CharlesSchumer(rD-NY) after 5 years , new docs . w have new Kathleen Willy matter . Too many intent on winning war . Losing hearts & minds Purjury , obstruction , abuse of power , ! Skum ! 3 short Qs : Aug20 : Lewinsky set piece : no one asked me Job search started 18 mo ago . weighty KS : Q1 : we did supply the information - the evidence you are using . Did not find consistent Great increase in Jordon`s actions to get job right after 971205 . Timing of Curry being called - we understand that he wanted her not to tell the truth . CS : not suborning .|~16:20| HowardCoble(rR-NC) Been subject to Dem Gunslingers . Most trashing . KS : Incorrect Curry was a potential wittness . Fed law is clear : is about integrety of judicial process . Powers & influence of president to delay .|16:25| HowardBerman(rD-CA) KS has answered all but 1 point on 595c . skip .|16:26| LamarSmith(rR-TX) Pres claimed privilage to keep others from testifying on criminal matter which is intended to assure national security . while saying taking too long . KS : NancyHearnrich - not policy fn , just doorkeeper . While saying not him self pushing privilage . LS : Colonel Jowarsky : Right & Power : not ignore the law`s command . Passage matching Clinton`s actions but w Congress impeachable .|16:33| RickBoucher(rD-VA) Constitutional foundation : 1) Prez vulnerable after leaves office ? KS : Y 2) Statute of limitation 5y not expired in 2001 ? KS : Y 3) Rule of law would be served ? KS : strengh in no problem w opining in any way . before w ever seek indictment we assess facts , is it more likely than not that jury would convict .|16:39| EltonGallegly(rR(CA) Numerous wittnesses contradicted Pres . Credable KS : ML does not want to hurt Prez but had DB EG : Contradicting idea pres hide evidence . KS : Events would be remembered 1 month later - Rockettes blanket .|16:44| JerroldNadler(rD-NY) Skum for this district Carter was criminal counsel too . violated law by contact ML directly . 2) Unethical to prevent from calling Carter - to prevent or ammending affidavit - KS : Dissagree strongly . It has been litigated : we did not violate law . Judge | 11 hrs later | you stated a number of things and they are virutually all incorrect . DoJ Policy : consulted w DoJ prior to - not our job to reinvent process wheel . Choice : involved in fellanieys - placed call to carter that evening - MrCarter was unwitting wittness , but did not know at that time . No deprevation of right to counsel .|16:53| CharlesCanady(rR-FL) : If you don`t have an argument attack other side . Seeing desparate attempt to get away from facts . Attack is not right - not consistant w rule of law . Meritless , but don`t go to reliablity of evidence in any case . Where is the concern for due process in whole course of conduct - stunnning lack of respect for due process . Need to stay on track . Observation .|16:58| BobbyScott(rD-VA) Prosecutor : not evidence , we worried abt prosecutorial misconduct . Fairness See CoSy notes on district hall meeting he had some time ago : was great speach by grandmother he should listen to . Rule of law constrains us from impeachment . Seems to have problem of several dem blacks , can`t understand that he is the final determiner of what is impeachable . He has 1 of | 19 + 17 |>| 36 | is it ? votes which will be the operational definition for our generation . |17:7| HH :|17:9| BobInglis(rR-SC) : Why would anyone take you job ? Thanks for eloquent statement of rule of law . Notion Purjury is not Impeachable . We know who Prez is , Q is who are We . Were those material facts providing all elements of purjury in GrandJury testamony KS : think reasonable person may reasonably could come to that determination BI : Purjury impeachable ? KS : Yes . historically , common law . common Sense . Any judge would say : not in my court . that is way judges look at world . JN : - in possesion of committee under seal -|17:17| MelWatt(D-NC) Enjoyed Starr speech . Biography : Point Galagi raised : Would crediblity of ML & BCurry , etc be rel ? KS : Y MW : Revlon employee : ML had lunch w Hillary Clinton who offered help finding appartment in NewYork . 2nd Occasion : KathrenProfit : ML exagajurated her relationship w someone . Why didn`t we get this info ? KS : I believe you do have the info . ML made it clear she knew how to lie MW : Now impeaching own witness . How picking & choosing ? KS : 1 word : coroberation - Accuracy of her memory . BobGoodlatte(rR-VA) Not focusing on offenses MW was ( got clobbered ) JudgeClaybourn claimed prosecutor burgled his home , AlGore said irrelevent . Claybourn impeach for signing a false tax return ( purjury ) . KS : effort to get job at UN early on ( from Richardson ) Wanted private sector . Significant uptick in activity after 1205 . Went to Perelman chm of Revlon A Corp clearly run by equally questionable morals . When got job , VJ c> BC ' mission accomplished ' . ZoeLofgren(rD-CA) Ask how these facts , if true , could harm country . Irrationality . Blah Blah Yadda Yadda . Untruth . Scalia Morison v Olson ? Was on talk show ' Good Morning America ' . When first hear of existance of any tape recording . Nov 97 ? KS : will search recollection . Willing to answer under penalty of purjury ? will have to look it up . # of Qs|17:42| SteveBuyer(rR-IN) some of us have been prosecutors under fire but neve anything close to what going on here . Indiana takes pride in our heritage . Court open to powerless , need & poor . Had most powerful man on earth in civil rights case . Boggle mind . Does this not deny the powerless a fair trial - Deception in case where could lose money from own pocket . KS : Purjury of same dimension as bribary . Object of process that truth will come out .|17:48| SheilaJacksonLee(rD-TX) Not here to undermine you : Important anouncement Prez cleared on some . Historical background . Everyone has 5th ammendment right . KS : Y Shocked that not included in ... . Mem of VA Bar ? KS : Y . VA code of ethics : how can move from prosecutor to wittness to judge . KS : Believe have complied & w EdBryant(rR-TN) : Broder on 400 Historians : look rediculous . Chilling DickMorris : choice : Poll to determine whether would tell truth . People willing to accept adultery but not purjury . Prez : Then we will have to win . Exec Privilage for Public , but then claim private . KS : agree odd to contend personal , then claim privilge for fact wittnesses|18:0||18:14| HH : Mem Qs , din , Kendell .|18:15| MaxineWaters(rD-CA) Ask Zoe`s release office from journalists confidentiality . KS : litigation going on under seal at this time . MW : One of harshest cridicts tobbaco cos why Prez fighting . KS : Apeal on class action `95 `96 - , one `94 apeals - constitutional & civil proceedure . got ethics advice to places . MW : Took Oath - did not disclose info to AtnyGen . used ' ~ recall ' Yadda did not brief for Ind Women Forum . Respectfully disagree w characterization . | KS : was public domain . should have thought . MW : abuse of power : MsSteele : bank records , adoption of child . KS : We have asked thru FBI | MW : feels abused . KS : understand . 16 yr old boy : AK phase of investigation - agent did go to school . No if happened , should not have gone to school . 120 people in LittleRock SteveChabot(rR-OH) Everybody elses fault . Put Police on trial . How defend self . KS : is challenge . my philosophy : follow rules - sought ethics advice . But difficult being LoneRanger . But try to be prepared for what would be asked in situation like this . SC : BC : More rather than Less , Sooner Rather than Later KS : Uncooperative . but ok in lots of document production . Have prevailed in 17 of 17 appeals to court MartyMeehan(rD-MA) Everything under him - not crossexamined . Brown&Williamson had stake in failure of Clinton . Donated 1.7K$ to Firm`s PAC which donated to 4 Repub Prez . Sam Dash questions KS : crediblity should be assessed by evidence . Elaboratly documented product of professional . Sam was honest in saying should not be practicing privately at all . 17 of 18 IC have continued private . BobBarr(rR-GA) getting more absurd - ML entrapped BC No such thing as being trapped into purjury | KS : Right . Let`s assume horror of horror , you use tobbaco prods . KS : JudgeStory(?) facts , facts , facts , give me facts . BB : FBI File case : MacMcClarty | KS : was pretty thoro . BB : heard lot . ( Handout out on bribery ) WebHubbel , ML Job getting . KS : have no studied if could it fall under Bribery .|18:44| WilliamDelahunt(rD-MA) Career Prosecutors need cross examination . KS : Absolutely . WD : Nixon pass on Tax lie . Brill ltr : false that ever asked ML to wire self . KS : We explained at Ritz Carlton at high level of generality , not in a person specific way as cooperating witness .|18:51| BillJenkins(rR-TN) On grand jury testimony : bald stmnt : Prez lied . KS : reasonable juror could conclude after examining evidence . RobertWexler(rD-FL) Jury rendered verdict Nov 3 loud and clear - Witch hunt . Hypocrasy . Skum Didn`t bribe any one . committee concern for rule of law , but not LindaTripp . Finally 4 Qs . Jan 16 threat w 27 yrs if not comply . 4) JulieHyatSteele ? KS : Would want written questions , would be happy to follow up . 3 Qs on Jan 16 - conducted ourselves professional 4th , if there are issues w respect to specific witness . AsaHutchenson(rR-AK) hasn`t above been adjuticated ? KS : partially . AH : Indict while in office ? KS : would need to study . AH : Pattern of conduct , w WebHubbel & Riady & JohnHuang . Huang relevent ? KS : need more sober explication . AH : Urge get over ASAP .|19:10| SteveRothman(rD-NJ) Rule of Law . In NYT CharlesBackaly : we did not judge . Did not show ambiguity of evidence . ML pat statement . Was secret service that exerted privalege . Have no personal evidence . Schmuk . Live in world of Law . KS : Report elaborately corroborated . Most facts not in dispute . All the info abt why wasn`t this there , all come from this referral . EdPease(rR-IN) Mr Bennett said Prez embraced SecretSvc assertion . KS : not crafted to simply protect president . prevented us getting timely evidence . EP : Factual basis for assertion of Prez lie to GrandJury . KS : See opening stmnt . Pres is contradicted by undisputed evidence . EP : Credibility of ML . Why beleive some . KS : Overwhelming Corroboration . [ detail ] FL Sugar grower , movement logs TomBarrett(rD-WI) ambivalence abt your office & LindaTripp KS : secrecy agreement w ML , & no secrecy provision in Tripp agreement . This was a different type of immunity . TB : LT wired sent to meet ML at RitzC . TB : LT acted as agent for KS during day & consulted w Jones people @ night KS : Premises I respectfully but firmly disagree . Supreme Ct agreed 9-0 . had been on news programs . ChrisCannon(rR-UT) Prodefamation league - whiffed . pit bulls of administration . Debate changed from you to Prez hacks . ' Bogus ' KS : can`t remember where used that strong term . Materiality is jury issue CC : Ruff stmt invocation of exec priv . Was Prez lying on Africa trip . KS : both can`t be true . KS : lavish unfounded use of invocation and withdrawal of Exec Privilege JamesRogen(rR-CA) Initial interview w ML . Dems concern real . KS : not one piece of evidence in referral affected by RitzCarlton - she did not cooperate on that day . JR : What are ML`s legal liablity KS : Purjury alone up to 5 years . fines , loss of voting in CA . JR : Real threat to her from . ' I don`t recall ' KS : can be purjury . Look at circumstances . Common human experience . HowardPerman(rD-CA) 23 mems sign off on referral ? KS : no KS : did not ask Grand Jury for conclusion . Are ours . LindseyGraham(rR-SC) Watergate or PaytonPlace ( Melrose Pl ) . Web Hubbel gets 500k$ - last time I check when going to jail marketablity goes down . K.Willy . 5th . People coming up w files . As much as I KS : It`s the 7 months , stupid . LG : Every purjury has - we may never get Public Outrage . Lied after being begged lied again . MaryBono(rR-CA) Has been exteremly enlighting day . Nice to see human . Lawyers attacking other lawyers for what Lawyers do . Nov 3 did not change truth . Are fair competent guy JanetReno picked . Bone to pick . KS : hold no animosity . Rather be at Pepperdine . Thought could pass the mantle on - the tradition of the Justice department . Men & Women on detail from DoJ calumnued . Thought offices would be be able to carry on . Importuned by Own staff . Let us down . Sr Prosecutor in LR AK office : you are making a profound mistake , you cannot leave . My duty is to do my duty . To JanetReno :As collegues , what do we do ?|19:54| %2 hr Din c< woman : Gingrich lied & just slapped on wrist . You know what Gingrich was guilty of taking a tax deduction for expenses of teaching an American History class which he considered non-partisan . c< s from several people either not listening or not hearing . |20:33| DavidKendall Clinton Personal Attorney 45M$ 28 attorneys 78 FBI . Nothing in overkill of investigation warrents impeachment . Press Release : abt ~ talked to ML yet . Need eye to eye . KS : has not met ML or Mother MarciaLewis . , BettyCurry , VernonJordan . Was not present at any Grand Jury proceeding other than Clinton`s . One relys on professionalism of FBI coleagues etc . Decision of Referral is product of professional prosecutor from DoJ from around country . DK : exonerated Prez on Travel office . KS : found not link to HIM . more pending . DK : concluded before Nov 1 . KS : no decisions had been made . Predictive judgement that those 2 matters will impinge on this proceeding . DK : Steele adoption . KS : Interviewers have a professional descretion . There is a large amount of false info being bantied about . Will find out if relevant . Some of her claims utterly without factual foundation . If problem with treatment of witness , that`s what court is about . DK : Bakaly On 10 show & NightLine tonight KS : ArchabaldCox : Public Information Function . Must counter false info . DK : Secrecy requirement KS : Yes absolute . DK : you wrote : it is a firing offense . anyone fired . KS : No , because I don`t think any of our people have leaked . DK : PressRelease : extraordinary num of litigation . KS : Yes & we prevailed in court of appeals unanamously agreed overturning a process you had urged . Further litigation ongoing . I am confident we have abided by our obligations . Agree w ChiefJudgeJohnson . Fairness requires all it takes is letter from DK : . Rostenkoswky , Mayor Berry . 24 submissions of prima facia evidence of leak . All 24 - Is litigation under seal . puts directly . KS : Accusation totally unwarrented . DK : Jan 21 Press Release : can`t comment on issues . KS : was overbroad . KS : Duty of Proscutor to battle misinformation & that is policy of DoJ . felt duty bound to combat Ritz Carlton spins . HH : time up would you like some time to get into facts . DK : another 30 . speaking on background . conversations w SamDash . KS : look @ info we had in our office vs what you had - the dress , the DNA never entered public domain when you did not know . DK : Why speak off record . KS : DoJ - eg story about FBI improperly . Issues of Press Policy : Just not right to be crossexamined about sealed litigation . Kendall starting to evoke laughter . KS : Unfair : EG DNA NOT leaked . Kendall interviews witnesses - Joint defendant arangement real problem . DK : ' your agent held ' Jan 16 . KS : that is unfair to investigators . DK : asked to wear wire . KS : Not True . Has been litigated . KS : Ginsberg was wrong and it is a calumny to repeat it now . & He was fast and loose with his fact . If going to use Time Articles we are not dealing at as lofty a level as I expected tonight . DK : reviewed RitzCarlton w Emik(? those present ) . @ 11:37 pm Miss Lewinsky ' what if partially cooperate ' not tape . AtnyGnl 'asked you' KS : we confired w her . VJ link . collaborated w her in determining jurisiction . DK : when did 1st learn of any tape from any young woman ? KS : been asked 1st heard of ML , Jan 98 . Don`t know what mystery you may be talking abt . Jan 8 , c< LindaTripp Jan12 . DK : Richard Porter role . KS : Don`t know what his role may have been . DK : Kept Law practice . Conflict of Interest w private practice . LucianGoldberg , agent : why ML nervous . called friend . DK : checked connections of all members of Law Firm ? KS : No . But have partner dedicated to these issues . DK : WashPost article abt probing Pres personal life . KS : Whether story reflects facts is another matter . We did question our investigators in LittleRock . DK : GAO .5M$ private investigators . KS : hired retired FBI .|21:39| MW : when can resolve conflicting evidence . HH : send him a letter , sure he will clarify . MW : Starr may have Purjured . HH : Pursue later . DavidSchippers Rep Counsel : Hair trigger leak investigation . KS : yes DS : did DK send 27 letters . KS : burden on defense lawyer light . TimRussert made something sound like came from prosecutor . corrected : was from congress . DS : DK asserted massive leaks . KS : w/i my understanding of 6e , NO . DS : Relied on integrety of agents . KS : Yes . DS : Notice of 2 inches on table this morning . Multitab book after dinner. KS : Did not see til after dinner . DS : did not hear 1 Q abt facts of case . 4 boxes day before yesterday . in response to Mr Conyers . KS : has had flury of requests . KS : now 10 months DS : Have received any exculpitory evidence from Prez . KS : None . We are ready to receive . We asked DK Please send any exculpatory evidence . He replied nothing to exculpate . DS : DK 63 tabs : Not 1 word of evidence . other 2 incher equally devoid You under AttnyGen . KS : not day to day . Yes , can be removed for cause . She has never had suggestion that any reason to remove . Anything not known before extentension was known short DS : Looks to me like ML treated very nice . Log of every minute . DS : Carter assigned by VJ . Y . 3 day frenzy to find ML . KS : I think there was concern . KS : She was not questioned at all on 16 . Was over it by Aug 6 w GrandJury DS : No one asked me to lie & I was never offered job . But also ' no one told me to tell truth ' . KS : Y DS : give affidavit agreed to w BC , ML had to lie . KS : Y DS : Favors to Prez for GrandJury : had lawyers , read statement . KS : After 6 requests , supoened . Withdrew supoena as requested by Kendle DS : No cross examinations in GrandJurys . KS : Right . DS : sole power to try in Senate . KS : Constitution puts trial in senate . House can do what sees fit . DS : Any one laff at Grand Jury . KS : Yes . I understand some Grand Jurors laughed . DS : Prez given time . KS : We stayed w/i Kendall`s 4 hr limit DS : Prez told Mr Bloomenthal ML made advances on him & had threatend him . KS : Yes DS : Isn`t it more the Prez who betrayed ML . KS : No my place to characterize . DS : KS : This is inimical to Judicial . DS : When Web Hubbel got evlon : VernonJordan : Mission accomplished . Curry stuff under bed : Mission accomplished . ML cooroberated . DS KS : some of Billing records found in VinceFoster Attic . KS : When VJ c> RonPerelman , got job . Mission Accomplished . DS : 6 honorary degrees . Solicitor General , Unblemished . For last year you have been slimed . Pillaried and excoriated . KS : I & my colleagues : JohnMarshell Award Winners - career Public Corruption investigators could not fathom some of the things we have been accused of . Song : Take this job & --- . We have co-labored - proud of - We are Big big boys & I mean that in a gender neutral way . DS : 40yr attny . KS : 25 DS : Proud to be in room w you . Standing ovation from Majority in room .|22:25| SJL : expect no referrals on Filegate , Travelgate . US vs Birdman . KS : FBI & Travel Office . HH : Thank you for wonderful day . Continued applause . HH : issue supoenas for BobBennett , DanialGecker ( Willy`s Lawyer ) , NathanLandau . Dems grandstanding about supoenas . Yadda Yadda
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