Modified | DDT |>| TUE.OCT,971014,10:18-4 | CoSy/Home ; CoSy/Current ; \/ \/ Bottom \/ \/ © Coherent Systems Inc .


970916,18|  NYC.ACM  : HTML,4.0 , the Future .  LarryAronson  . Teachers Ins / 750 3rd Av (

 46 << 47 St ) | ?s : what common extensions NOT 4.0 .

  ============================: TUE.SEP,970916 :============================

JimTaylor : intro |18:45| LarryAronson : HTML:4.0 is Next Gen . publishd 1st

 book on Web Publishing , now in 3rd Ed ( w co-author - did most of wrk )

 WebScaping teaches thru . 6th session this fal $4.95 % mo to

 enroll | HTML is so simple - just Markup | frm SGML frm late `60s | just

 describe structure . Cross platform - simplest tek . just ascii . emacs ,

 notepad ... | can look @ page source . angle brakets  <  >  .

 now HTML mode in many word processors . Diferent set of logical rules - not

 fixed medium . PC screen soft . even Bralle readers . users w their own

 processors . Corps are saying 'NO more PowerPoint ' radiation fonts .

 ~ $15k to join Dr DaveRaggett lead arch W3C HTML .

 replaces 3.2 draft .

`89 HTML 0 | Foundation : CERN TimBerners-Lee Lynx , WWW browsers . 20 author

 papers ; low tek - ascii . Grabed frm STML w hypertext . invented URL &

 invented HTTP protocol .  4th great idea : Make public domain .

`93 : 1.0 NCSA MarcAndresan Telenet : Links : Browser . Invented inline image

 tag . Mosaic NYT seminal article .

`94 HTML 2.0 : Netscape & JimClark

`95 HTML 3 : Math symbols | but MS discovered Web . MS Rock & NS hardPlace .

`97 3.2 : retreat  + animated gifs . Push ( why I don`t know ) .

`98 4.0 : Document Object module - dynamic HTML - ( w/i MS : RoW = ' noise ' )


  general tag w multile levels of fall back . Frame improvements .

  UNICODE - international 65k character set .

 Forms : Input elements :  < IMG ררר  >   ;  < BUTTON TYPE="submit" >

  ( ON events ) ACTIVEX is core COM frm OLE to compete w JAVA . w VB script .

 Script elements

Status line : SELF.status

 NS understands JavaScript JavaScript 1.1 |

 TCL ( tickle ) HTML4 doesn`t specify scripting languages ( VB script awful

 to work in - started out w line #s )

No limit to HTTP request block .

 New attributes : "DISABLED" "onFocus" , "onBlur" ( mouse events ) .

  < /BUTTON >  ( NONE of this YET SEEN ! )

  < FIELDSET  >  for grouping controls .

  < LABLE >  &  < LEDGEND >  for audio ( ~graf ) user agents .

TABLE Enhancements

  < THEAD >   < TFOOT >    < TBODY >  (  < COLGROUP >

  logical column grps )

 Attributes : # of COLS . FRAME : void | above | below | hsides | vsides |

 RULES = none | groupw | rows | cols | all

? : rollout ? next Aug ?

 Don`t install MS IE4.0 unless on spare machine . ( to be released E.o Sep )

 MS IE integrated into Win 95 desktop . Will replace important DLLs .

 3rd Party Uninstal Programs interesting notion .


 FRAMESET , BODY & NOFRAMES can all be in same Doc .

  ( MS done better job of doing Java . NS renders HTML better . MS clone &

   conquer NS 2.0 | Browsers are buggy - development cycles reduced to Mos.

   Java 3x mem req of Browsers . )

 Floading Frame :  < iframe height=200 WIDTH=300 SCR="subdoc.html"  >

  content  < /IFRAME >

 WEBTV installed base : 100k , 'web for your parents ' . all it doesnt do is

 frames .

   | 520 pixels for printing on 8.5 x 11 w margins |

Generalized Objects :

  < OBJECT HEIGHT= WIDTH=  DECLARE - resv space  / CLASSID applet /

  CODEBASE / DATA url / TYPE mime / CODETYPE mime / STANDBY ררר  >

 ררר  < /OBJECT >   Objects can be nested to provide cascade of



 | Active ads - applets  on page |

Additional named Entities :

 USC ISO10646 equivalent Unicode2.0 .   16k symbols . ligatures .

  DDT table mentions APL | conversational Chinese only needs ~ 3-500 chars .

Greater Accessibility

 Rendering in Braille or speach .

   < LINK REL="stylesheet" HREF'"ררר" TYPE="text/css MEDIA="speech"  >

  Cascading stylesheets *.css : FONT tags war

 H1 [ color : red ; fontfamily : arial , sansserif  ; fontweight ; fst letr ]

  can do lot more than w FONTtag .  can be linked to document or site .

  Cascading because can have overriding style container , then

  MS IE 3.0 was 1st to support stylesheets . NS 4.0 little buggie .

  Hates FONT tags .

Internationalization :

 < P LANG= "he" DIR= "rtl"  < !-- right t left -- >  STYLE=

  "font-family: Hebrew"  >

 choice : word spacing

        < FONT SIZE="1000%"  >

 Don`t use BLOCKQUOTE .

   < TARGET TOP  PARENT .    _BLANK ( new window )   -

  ULR |

 DeskTop publishrs like getting guy who just built nice house build you a

  boat . w get Brick boat .

                       < !-- comment your code -- >

|After| No way to insert  printing page break  in HTML . would b nice .


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