++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.APR,010401 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14-16| AnthonyDominguez @ 91 Broadway , HAVERSTRAW NY . Palasades Exit 13 .
18-20| 529 W 20 Cristinerose
============================: MON.APR,010402 :============================
-4| Internet/E-Business Expo Javits
============================: TUE.APR,010403 :============================
|14:26| Ch74 NYC Cncl Cmtte on EP : GE : no stat increase in
deaths in PCB workers in upState NY at high levels .
EPA plans to make a total risky mess dredging the upper Hudson .
Nuts ! Dangerous Nuts !
16| Downtown BID annual meeting . 60 Pine St .
|16:13| 7th Annual : different venue : Downtown Asociation . 1859 . open on
weekends for public events | Thanx to CarlWeissbrod & staff , & Dirs :
| Quorum confirmed . Ray O`Keefe , nominations .
.25 of Class 1 property owner directors are also residents .
170 prop owners , 925 comercial tenents , 130 res ten .
| Environment award : Morgan/Chase for : 1 Chase Mnthn Plza & restoration of
Dubuffet sculpture .
| Carl W : Awards to City gov workers . | Arnett : Engineer .
Co-located BID officers & NY Police . Sargent : Peddlers Q of L violations
Sanatation : Downtown cleanest nbd in city .
| COO : internal awards & even Bonuses :
.017 class A vacancy rate . NASDAQ moving to 1 Liberty St frm WDC .
> 25,000 res pop .
Challenges : balance commercial w residential : noise ,
Resdents being displaced by ? NYSE?
Retail : Amish Mkt - subsidized . led to Jubilee .
Will be challenging B & C softening rapidly . Still demand
for class A space . looking for extension L Mnhtn class C & D space .
Losing some to Mid Town . lack of Rail transport biggest problem .
FTA 5.8M$ study - would be very expensive & difficult .
Support 2nd av subway . decades in future . Lite rail ? . more ferries .
rationalized parking .
Safest & Clean . crime every other day . 400k workers on weekdays .
Clean , grafite free . Castle Clinton concerts : Emy Lou Harris coming .
Weekend added to Weekday walking tours . Stone St restoration - was a mess
Downtown signage - David Rockefeller clock .
HighSchool internships . 800 Tek companies . Tek busn Survey .
163 Storefronts in upgrading projects - elimination of gates . Nassau ,
Johns , Stone , Hannover all improved .
Budget : 4th yr no increase in assesment . More emphasis on info research .
178K$ teaching reserve . Pataki facilitated .
|17:5| 4 `80s Jitney replacement . reached annual ridership : 450k .
w NY waterways - 7 days a week . had not focused on benefit to downtown res
& busn .
Got go ahead Grant for Zero emission Electric Bus Service :
routes disucussion w community boards . NY Power Authority .
W b 1st place in NYS w E , South Beach Miami , chattanoga
Battery Park city invaluable help .
Project Mgr Frank : only 2 mfgrs - almost handmade , MTA doing maintanence
Frank : route system . 10/7 run 6 of 8 vehicles . 50 mile daily limit .
10-15 minute headway . Established Bus Stops . w contact bus operator .
Want drivers like tour guides . Battery graraging .
22 ft long , 22 seat airconditioned , accessable to all .
Norfolk VA - use diesel to run AC . 3.3 mile routes . Looks like it
would come right by peck Slip |17:19| aud : not by Water st . M15 up Water
. Cold weather - Logan Airport uses . AC is biggest problem .,\
Want 10hrs w AC - not quite there yet . Negotiations w mfgr by eo summer .
[ After meeting Tek guy told me regular city busses do > 200
miles % day . These Busses can only be justified as very expensive R&D . ]
|17:23| General Qs : Chase is committed to maintaining Chase Plaza .
Proposal to study openspace . 40 listed here . Light up Liberty Pk ?
problem dealing w cable running under st .
| CW : Res housing slightly under mkt ates - basically 1 mnthn mkt - nbds
not much different from each other . May be slightly more space in
conversion of old spaces.
Commercial not yet seen downturn . If softens , may be more conversions .
Fin mkt needs large col free floor space . Most distinguished older space .
Move of JPMorgan/Chase : due to need "campus" would have take 5 yrs
to put together 3M sq ft needed . 270 277 uptown available .
major entities needing 2M sq ft retail , tek .
100M sq ft downtown .5 class A . 60 Wall not on mkt yet .
Lots of strong , long term leases . |17:45|
============================: WED.APR,010404 :============================
|10:20| Ch74 : Mayor TownHallMeeting 0327 : Grandmother tale of
State taking her 5 young grandchildren away because she and her husband only
had only 2 bedrooms .
============================: THU.APR,010405 :============================
18-21| 594 Bwy #305 . Atelier Art
19| Libertarian Junto . Liederkranz Club , 6 E 87 . Tim Slagle, libertarian
humorist . Funny Guy .
"I never thought I'd hear anybody at a Washington club
making jokes about medical marijuana, social
Darwinism, hate speech and how to use Halloween candy
to teach your kids about taxes.,,, I hope to have the
chance to catch your act again" David Boaz Executive
VP of the Cato Institute.
============================: FRI.APR,010406 :============================
20| CSPAN : Tom Paine
============================: SAT.APR,010407 :============================
18-20| 529 W 20 4-E . Steve Gang Gal .
============================: TUE.APR,010410 :============================
18-20:30| 405 W 50 . Loren Ellis Gal . ArnoldWechsler , MaraHerskowitz
============================: WED.APR,010411 :============================
19| Manhattan Libertarians . Carnegie Hall , 154 W 57 , Fl 9 :
Guest Speaker: Bob Schulz, president of the We the People Foundation and
the All-County Taxpayers Association
Elections: We will officially nominate our candidates for Manhattan
Borough President and City Council at our April 11th meeting .
============================: THU.APR,010412 :============================
18-20| 537 Bwy @ Spring Fl 2 . Emily Harvey Gal . Exist .
============================: FRI.APR,010413 :============================
GOOD FRIDAY ! CSPAN : 010321 Drug Hearings :
7.45 1.45 x increase in Arrests for Ecstasy .
mainly FL & NY . Definite bad effects on users . chalange to
work into sentancing sceme . enhances senses . overheating death
Emer `97 626 `99 1135 . Kills seratonin nerve cells . unable to train
animals to self administer . Is used by young people - cartoon logos .
increased willingness to communicate . avg age of trafficers 27 .
almost all Crim history catagory 1 : no previous record . unlike crack : .37
in cat 1 | Importers 50-100 k pills . Emergency ammendment : 200 gram 5y
800 pills , 8000 , 2000 10yr . now 114k pills requred for 10 yr .
300 pills 16 mo .
1.31 increase in sentences overall .
Unique properties made difficult to decide penalties .
MFG : vast majority Netherlands & other Europe . good controls on
precursors & even pill making machines - but hard to control precursors .
MDMA . Climate of acceptance in Netherlands the problem .
JeffSessions( Sen- AL ) : .37 of prosceutions in Alabama .
only 178 Fed prosceutions last yr . Host of drugs worse .
Joe Biden : take out the Promotors of Raves for unrelated reasons : tear the
buildings down . ICE ? Introduced at Large settings . Increase local
penalties for increase "assitance" . Zone - Promotors who rent a warehouse ,
turn off the water and sell it for $5 % bottle .
JuiceBar 2 am licenses . Teens sucking pacifiers ? .
Not related to this , I consider Joseph Biden one of the most
dishonest hypocrits in government . Buldoze down their business like
crack houses . Seize their properties .
Chuch Winsood US Customs Acting Cmmish : Many places just unsafe .
JimMcCponough Fl DEA : Dangerous because of the wide spread acceptance .
siezed 1.6M pills . Ravers Not violent . but a lot have guns .
174 deaths related , one way or other , w NDMA . `97 - `99 tot
Losing citizens @ 10 a month . new versions keep coming in .
PMA - adulterated deaths : 106-108 body temp .
BillJacobs : distribution & use patterns becoming similar to Marihuana .
2x since `95 . Military positive drug tests : 10x over last couple of yrs .
Steven Rust , DE police officer : SpringWater is now Drug pariphinalia .
You can learn and get every thing you need to make the stuff over the
internet . Colors identify sellers and buyers and specialists @ Raves
like on exchange floors .
JimMcD : Problem that parents more concerned that they know where their
children are .
Biden is Frightnn .
============================: WED.APR,010418 :============================
18-20| Atelier 594 Bwy #305 . Virginia Ryan . artist as atopian .
============================: THU.APR,010419 :============================
18-20| 3 E 27 . modcult @ Gershwin Hotel : Daze .
18-20:30| 405 W 50 . Loren Ellis Gal . ArnoldWechsler , MaraHerskowitz
18:30| Heather MacDonald , Manhattan Inst : Burden of Bad Ideas . Gramercy
Park Republican Club . 115 E 22 . $5 .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.APR,010422 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
14| HatchBillops : Bill Miles , Filmmaker . 491 Bwy Fl 7 ( @ Broome )
============================: TUE.APR,010424 :============================
Rossow on Self-Control :
A person who is afflicted with a temper, but controls it on all but rare_and
righteous_occasions, is better fitted for leadership than the person who, due
to colorlessness of personality or a vapid disposition, is incapable of
losing his temper. A controlled temper makes for power; an uncontrolled
temper dissipates power.
============================: SAT.APR,010428 :============================
| NY Libertarian 2001 Convention 440 W 57 , Holiday Inn Midtown .
|8:23| ->
15-18| 59 Franklin St #B2 . Amos Eno .
18-20| 529 W 20 . Kim Foster
============================: MON.APR,010430 :============================
-0503| AIIIM 2001 Javits .
============================: TUE.MAY,010501 :============================
-3| AIIM Content Mngt . Javits .
expo2001.ch World wide Exposition .
( ch : Confederation ( Helvetica = Mother earth ) )
============================: WED.MAY,010502 :============================
In 1945, the instructions for the 1040 income tax
form were a mere four pages. In 1955, that had
quadrupled to 16 pages. By 1985, it had grown
to 52 pages. This year, the 1040 is the size of
a small book: a whopping 117 pages long.
============================: WED.MAY,010509 :============================
18:30-20:30| EstateTax ResponsibleWealth/NY_01 : Panel : Preserving the
Estate Tax :
William H. Gates, Sr., Executive Director, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Rick Cohen, President, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Ellen Taylor, Policy Analyst, OMB [Ofc. of Mgmt. & Budget] Watch
All Souls Unitarian Church, 1157 Lexington, Ave. (80/81st St.) RSVP
19| Manhattan Libertarian Party 154 W 57 , 9th fl, @ 7th , Carnegie Hall
Guest Speaker: Gray Greenberg
Mr. Greenberg is a Senior Trial Attorney for the Criminal Defense
Division of the Legal Aid Society in New York City and also serves as
president of the Biblical Archaeology Society of New York. He is a member
of The Society of Biblical Literature, The Egypt Exploration Society, The
American Research Center in Egypt, and The Archaeological Institute of
============================: FRI.MAY,010511 :============================
Cell Phone Safety :
Incidentally, scientists are in virtually unanimous agreement that the
radiation from a cell phone cannot ionize chemicals and therefore
cannot cause genetic damage or cell mutations that could lead to cancer.
This is an important point .
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++: SUN.MAY,010513 :++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
|0926| TV evangalist putting Christian 6" Cross and Bible in earth Orbit .
Has recieved hate e-mail from people mad the cross will be circling over
their heads .
|1147| CSPAN : Francis Fukuyama : Megalothemian : drive to be considered
============================: MON.MAY,010514 :============================
/(/ -- / `mon 20010514 1133 / ----- /)/
These are the first CoSy.notes I am making since I created a function to
execute expressions written in Arthur Whitney`s language K
embedded in text files like this HTML . I am now editing this in CuteHTML_LE
which now comes with CuteFTP which I have used for
uploading since I got on the web in `95 .
NY1 ; Adrienne & Michael Smalls Bronx : woman making business of
supplying non alcoholic toiletries , etc . to mothers , etc , catching busses
to vist their relatives and friends up in prison .
This coincides with the Supreme Court unanomously
no medically accepted uses
18-20| BITS BITS, BYTES & BAR Chevy's Fresh Mex . 102 N. End St , NYMEX
Bldg . Sponsored by NY Metro VC/High Tech Practice PricewaterhouseCoopers
Murray Alter, Bob Fish, Tom Hyland, Mordy Soloff
22:30| Cutting Room , 19 W 24 ( Bwy < < 6 ) : Kevin Harris , Drew, Cornelius,
Keith Larry, Mark and Kevin Hupp. Plus on the 14th Stanley Jordan will be
sitting in .
/(/ -- / `tue 20010515 1337 / ----- /)/
/(/ -- / `wed 20010516 1426 / ----- /)/
============================: THU.MAY,010517 :============================
-20| Art_Frenzy LIC
============================: FRI.MAY,010518 :============================
11-12| LINUX , IBM tele-seminar : Irving Wladawsky-Berger, VP Tech & Strategy
; Steve Solazzo, VP Linux Mktng RSVP , passcode 499845 .
/(/ -- / `fri 20010518 1325 / ----- /)/
CSPAN2 : Fred Smith , Competitive Enterprise Institue : California Energy
Stupidity : Wasteful use of energy has now been criminalized in CA.USA
chattering classes bigger than [ just ] the Green classes .
/ ==========================/ sat Jun 20010519 /=========================== /
/ ==========================/ sun Jun 20010520 /=========================== /
Noon to Dusk : Rainbow Picnic . Central Park @ 103 . (off Central Park West)
Bring Food & Juice to share ; Peace & Love ; Drum Circle
============================: TUE.MAY,010522 :============================
/13:19/ Uploading first notes preprocessed by KoSy
being written in K , my infant resubstaniation
of of the CoSy written in 0th generation APL . |
| 18| Federalist Soc : "Regulation (and Deregulation) by Litigation:
Good or Bad?" . Panel: Walter Olson, Samueal Issacharoff, and
Dana Berliner. Moderator: Thomas Griesa . Cornell Club, 6 E. 44th St. Info
/ ========================== / fri Jun 20010525 / ==========================
19-23 / 325 W 23 ( 7 < < 8th ) / Chelsea Gal . | Big group show . bunch of
friends , some great . Invite by Jamie Hill
==========================/ mon.May.20010528 / ==========================
/2342/ I have spent the last couple of weeks totally
immersed in creating a vocabulary in my KoSy environment to allow me to ,
in particular , to extract the "recent" contents of CoSy/Current and embed
it in CoSy/Home . You can see
my experiments with time stamps for instance . These are my first notes
using my new facilities . Below is an example of K with the sort of
additional notation I have implemented . It is obvious that the US is
simply paying typical world prices for its petroleum . :
Gas Taxes & Price around the world May 2001 : /)/
Price : ( ( `UK ; 3.12 ; 4.26 )
( `France ; 2.53 ; 3.80 )
( `Germany ; 2.47 ; 3.62 )
( `Italy ; 2.35 ; 3.72 )
( `Spain ; 1.64 ; 2.90 )
( `US ; 0.46 ; 1.69 ) )
-/' Price[ ; 2 1 ] />/ 1.14 1.27 1.15 1.37 1.26 1.23 /(/
============================: WED.MAY,010530 :============================
CBS Senior New Anchor Dan Rather on Fox`s O`Reilly Factor 010515 :
I think you can be an honest person and lie about any number of things.
( from self-gov.org
17/ Pier 17 , 1st Fl , SouthSt Seaport . Art a La Carte . Charles Wehringer
/ ======================== / thu.May.20010531 / ========================
From Western Mercury : Recently a legislator in Norway recommended
Fidel Castro for the Nobel Peace Prize. It praises the macho-man at a
time when the raging debate in Scandinavia is that men should be forced
to eschew urinals and employ sit-down toilets like women, lest the very
thought of men uncritically employing the Vespasian as nature decreed
offend sensitive feminists-- and lead to "male triumphalism" among the
new generation.
Quite a contrast from my experience in Antwerp at APL94 :
Antwerp is a < < ancient > > party port. Arriving Saturday afternoon,
I consumed much of my 6 hours' jet lead sampling my capacity of the
reported 330 brews, each in its proprietary goblet, with some of the
locals at the Cafe Breughel near the hotel. ...
I also learned of the local spirit, "Genever," and that women have to
walk past the men's urinal trough to reach their < < private > > potty.
19-23/ Webbitown 100 . Fun Club , 130 Madison St ( ~ Ave . under the
Manhattan Bridge ) I need to construct my Stock certificate
( #46 ) asap . I am honored to be among the 100 creating the minor
parts of this echo of the SoHo scene of a decade ago .
19-21/ El Taller Gal 2710 Bwy @ 104 , Fl 3
/ ======================== / mon.Jun.20010604 / ======================== /
CNBC comment : Sen Mitch McConnel : In the Senate , everyone`s a King .
Saturday , I got to the closest thing to a Rave I`ve ever been to .
At the Webbitown event wednesday Judith Levitt invited me to the
event at the "Downtown Bar" on the quaint stretch of Pearl St near
Maiden Lane . I had happened to stop in , just to check it out , the
evening before when it was totally drab and dead . Saturday it was a
costume fund raiser for a local auxillary of the http://www.burningman.com/
crowd -- mainly a bunch of white freaks into fluorescence and body paint
and video graphics . The walls were draped in mainly metalic fabrics and
Judith`s art decorated the ground floor party space .
I followed a crowd of near a 100 over to the east river for a
display of fire eating and spinning . The most impressive spinners were a
petite female in a bikini and alien bugeyed head spinning the flames on
chains even between her legs , and a guy , fully dressed , who after a
number of attempts and adjustments where he ended up sitting on it ,
managed to bounce high enough to swing the chain entirely under his body
while lying down , face up . The bulk of the crowd began heading back to
the bar after a NYPD car started hanging around . They didn't interfere
tho , at least as long as I stayed .
It turns out that Judy and a bunch of the other people involved in the
party had first met at my CoSy MidWinter Party with Bernd Naber .
/ ============================: TUE.JUN,010605 :============================
-7| Design & Manufacturing Javits
/1452/ Steve Buyer ( Rr-IN ) naming IN postoffice for ex congressman
Bud Hillis , Culver Military Academy grad .
/ ======================== / thu.Jun.20010607 / ========================
19/ Niederhoffer Junto . Jeremy Hildreth , Skandia Capital :
Cuba: A Libertarian Perspective . Liederkranz Club, 6 E 87 .
/ ========================/ fri.Jun.20010608 / ========================
14-16/ New York Academy of Sciences ; 2 East 63rd Street
Environmentalism in the K-12 Science Classroom: Advocacy or Science?
RSVP : Catherine Chase at 212-838-6727 ext. 633 or education@nyas.org)
Dr. Paul R. Gross ,
Professor Emeritus of Biology, University of Virginia
Dr. William F. Schuster ,
Executive Director, Black Rock Forest Consortium
Mr. Don S. Cook
Director, Tiorati Workshop for Environmental Learning, Bank Street College
/18-20/ NY NY Images Grp Show 1 Centre St , Fl 19 .
/ ======================== / sat.Jun.20010609 / ======================== /
/15-18/ 168 Mercer ; NEW CENTURY GAL : ABSTRACTION 2001 Group , including
Nicholas Bergery
============================: MON.JUN,010611 :============================
-14| UML World Crowne Plaza , X Sq
19-22 / Aristedes Duval Party @ Kenny`s Castiways
Bleeker & Thomson .
/ ========================== / wed.Jun.20010613 / ==========================
Manhattan Libertarians . 154 W 57 @ 7th , Fl 9
/ ========================= / tue.Jun.20010619 / ========================= /
1730-2130/ James Hansen NYAS hosting Assoc Energy Engineers Annual Awards
2 E 63 . $55 Reservations : Asit Patel
. Dr. Hansen is best known for testimony on climate change
to congress in the 1980s that raised the global warming issue.
/010829/ I really wanted to ask him what I was failing to
understand about the 0th Law of Thermodynamics which says that things come to
the temperature of their surroundings , ie , the Earth's mean temperature is
the same as the moon's , or the space station , no matter what we do to its
reflectivity .
Ironically , right before the Horrendous Disk Crash
I received an email saying unfortunately there was no more space at the dinner .
When I recovered my piled up email in July , there was an email telling me a
space had appeared .
============================: MON.JUN,010625 :============================
-28| apl2001 . Yale , New Haven CT
I will be informally presenting my recent work .
-28| techxny Javits . Source cd : DMPB .
/ ========================= / sat.Jun.20010630 / ========================= /
/ ======================== / tue jul 20010710 / ======================== /
/1159/ George.Bush 0 going by on FDR . didn`t catch sight of him /
My APL bud , big Bob Hoekstra , in from England , crashed in the
42 Peck Slip office saturday night before the 2001 APL conference at Yale
the week before last .
Eventually , we headed up to Sun Lok Kee on Mott , my favorite 0400
Sezhuan place . Ordering 2 TsingTao , I tried to ask the waiter how
to say "two" in Chinese . Totally failed to communicate .
At the end of the meal , on the back of my fortune cookie fortune was
Speak Chinese : two "er" =
I mention this only as an example of how commonly improbables happen .
Thursday afternoon , June 14 , I was on top of the world .
I had gotten the processing of my CoSy web pages in Arthur Whitney`s K
streamlined to the point I was restructuring CoSy/Home and the whole
CoSy website so that I could present my work triumphantly at APL2001
the following week . I had the taxes and accounts I am responsible for
all organized in K and ready to be brought totally up to date after the
conference . You can see the level I was approaching from my comments
TUE.MAY,010522 and mon.May.20010528 above .
I was looking forward to editing and uploading material piled up over
months dealing with other responsibilities and grokking K deeply
enough to abandon old CoSy`s last use : preprocessing my web pages .
I had just changed the center banner at the top of CoSy/Home
from the "CoSy/NoteComputing" referencing the old CoSy tech path to
"CoSy/Current" referencing these events and commentary , as you can
see I have done once again .
/20010716.0825 continuing / Under CoSy/Views I was replacing
the Travelgate example of the worst of Statist Force & Fraud , with the
an uplifting image by my friend and partner Raj , of Free Market
money building 300K$ 2 family homes in East New York .
I had put off tackling the editing of the images of Bernd Naber before and
during our Mid Winter Party , and setting up a proper gallery in
CoSy/Art for him - until I had the total control
over my web interface that embedding K in my HTML now again provides .
I will remember in particular , images of Bernd at the audio controls in
the entrance to his cubby hole , and laying back in his aerie cantilevered
on 2 angle brackets out in audio space . /
I had notes on a number of meetings and comentary covering things from the
impossibility of Global Warming to meeting Bill Gates Sr. at a panel of
self labeled " Responsible Wealth " arguing for the continuation of the
Estate tax . It`s not uncorrelated that big Bill Sr. is a lawyer like so
many of those of us righteous enough to have gotten there . Tax lawyers
stand to lose perhaps more dollars than the government itself .
When I explained to big Bill that I was a "bleeding heart" Libertarian
and asked why he felt that others were so much less charitable than he
himself and the Political Class that they must take , by threat of force ,
half of a family's assets when the parents pass away , for the State's
charities , no matter how destructive liquidation of those assets may be .
Big Bill , in a practiced lawyerly EoC said that if I were Libertarian ,
we had nothing to discuss . He would not even try to morally defend
his position .
I felt so secure in my rapidly increasing productivity , my finally
approaching having some product to offer the thousands of eyballs which
touch some part of CoSy each week , that I decided to head to Chinatown
to lay in some supplies .
When I got back , I went straight to the kitchen to steam some dumplings
on greens . With spasm of clumsiness I dropped a Corning Corelle plate
on the tile floor . If Corelle breaks , it explodes . So I spent a quarter
hour cleaning up the glass slivers . Finally tonged myself a bowl of
now well steamed dumplings and returning to my
computer heard it making strange sounds like the disk arm was bashing
against its stops . It was down hill from there .
#This Week
I always imagined disks failing when either their spindle motor ( or
bearing ) fails or its actuator arm sticks or fails . A mode where both
motors stay alive , but the arm just starts sweeping back and forth
scratching the disk , I never contemplated . Here is the report .
Dispite it all , Subscriptions to the evolving K.CoSy open programming
environment will be available by the end of the month . BobA /1454/
/ ======================== / wed jul 20010711 / ======================== /
19| Manhattan Libertarians ; NY Sportsmans Club, 24 Murray St (by City Hall)
Agenda: Petition Kick-Off Party
/ ======================== / thu jul 20010712 / ======================== /
19-20:30/ The Street Painters , including Myron Heise ; Art Students League
215 W 57 , fl 2 .
/ ======================== / tue jul 20010717 / ======================== /
16-19/ IBM internet dialog event W NY , 541 Lex
/ ======================= / thu.jul.20010719 / ======================= /
On track to having K.CoSy available by subscription by EoM .
The current Institutional Investor has an article about the government
created energy chaos in California . The Statist babies are having a
reality tantrum facing the " I don`t care " of the global energy market .
CA's wholesale cost went from 32.20 $ % MegaWattHour in `99 to 224 in `01 .
By contrast , my retail costs in NYC , including .04 sales tax ,
calculated from two comparable sized bills for 9909 and this month ,
gives :
1000 * 56.79 72.10 % 328 359 />/ 173.14 200.84 / % MgWH , NYC retail
This month's bill says the current "market supply price" for the energy
104 % MgWH , having hit 116 last month . The NYC banker , Joseph Fichera ,
the article centers on estimates all bailout bonds together will add
10$ to an expected 90 $%MgWH ongoing wholesale cost .
Bottom line , the rate payers in CA will be paying back their
( arrears plus interest ) on top of their forward going market costs .
CA's credit rating has been deservedly been dropped to A+-- , penultimate
to Louisiana .
The II article has devistating quotes . David Nolan and fellow Libertarians
out there patiently explaining reality to their Left Coast neighbors
should be able to open some minds to :
what a patent truth in advertising violation it is to label retail price
control : deregulation ;
what an obvious absurdity it is that a free market could possibly lead to
anything other than very localized failures rather than a state wide
catastrophy .
I think the one great win for the free market will be that anybody planning
or running office parks and larger is now highly motivated to get off the
state controled grid .
This is a decade of reality facing for the "State" cultists .
Also : Intresting : Research Information XML . cf : `MDDL `XBRL `IRML .
/ ==================== / tue.jul.20010731 / ==================== /
! K.CoSy ! now available by subscription !
See K.CoSy for details .