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  ============================: TUE.NOV,991109 :============================
18-20| 2 W 64 | From Invitation :  Economic Boom .. for Whom .  :
   RESPONSIBLE WEALTH is a network of business people, investors and
   wealthy individuals in the top 5% of income and assets in the U.S. 

AaronEdison : Intro
|18:33| Richard Perl : Allocating scarce resources :
 Most uncomfortable Q : how much is enough . We in top .01 of all those who
 have assets on the planet . It`s not fair  .
 RP owns Co : "Social Venture Research" . The poor are getting poorer & more
 numerous .  More numerous , yes all classes are ; we just
 passed 6B World Wide . Poorer , not true  .
 ' Wholly out of sync with survival . '  By Definition not true .
  Facts , Figures from Robert Frank , Cornell Econ Chr .
 " Why money fails to Satisfy " . Ex Peace Corp , Nepal .
 Happiness depends on consumption . |  110000 200000 ,
  before mid 70s , income across board up .03 % yr .
   Since , all growth in top of scale .
 CEOs  419 x worker now , 70s was 42 |
 Book w Phil Cook : " Winner Take All Markets " .
  eg : were Ks of Accountants , now tax software programs . TurboTax .
 Not Greed , but CEO poised on a mouse click to make best decision .
 Top very competative .  Another factor : Mergers - WW scale ,
 Changes in spending habits . Gas Grills over $3000 fastest growing mkt seg .
  People below top spend more too . Houses getting bigger . carrying bigger
   mortgage . But may not have as good school district .
  Cars bigger . Ford Excursion almost wide load .
  women men 240 100 more hrs % yr .
 " Free marketeers " would say how do you know better .
 Why think problem -  House - under pressure to build bigger than want .
  would be healthier  less stressed  ,
 Reward on Rank - mate " in polygynous cultures "
 45 min stressful automobile comute vs 15min Rapid transit .
Solution : Problem people have incentive to spend too much .
Income - savings = consumption | tax progressively .
 - savign - std detuct .
 More & more on conspicuous consumption articles v what would be best .
 Divert where it would go - to good . |19:3|
RP : allowing us to keep . Is so much |  Poor Roads .
 Working more & more hrs , taking home less & less :
|19:7| Jen Kern : Acorn : afordable housing , living wage laws in acorn
  cities .
 Economic foundation of Acorn : cartoons : Living wage on life support .
  Won Boston , Chic , LA  & bunch more
  as hi as 10 - 11 $ % hr .  Business Efficiency gains .
 Opponents : conservatives .
   Privatizing municipal jobs .  Anti union in general .
 Ordinaces containing more than just wage - health , vacation .
 against Nikitown , TJ Maxx , etc .  elected Chicago councelperson .
|19:18| RP : BerthaLewis : Acorn Bkln  : Scarecrows of world unite .
 Was english & theater major . Working Families Party best thing down pike .
 Extremes more than have ever been . Haves & have nots .
 Large retail outlets . Big banners about how positive . Not breaking chain
 of poverty . focusing on living wages . Don`t get me started on Welfare
 Reform . non union low wage jobs . Acorn came out of LittleRock AK wellfare
 mothers . bottom level Home health attendant , being foster parents
 Can move elected officials .  VOTE  . Lift all boats w minimum wage .
 Need Organizations . Need Business people to say this is right .
 Find people to write Living Wage can work .
|19:32| RP : we here stand out because we care , but when it`s just us ...
 Now Shareholder resolutions
 Scott Klinger : Responsible Wealth . Affluent - Business Leaders &
 Investment Living Wage covenent .
 MA now has highest min wage . Repub Gov signed .  Not the first to try to
 orgaize the wealthy . Filene formed one of first credit unions .
 Working to close Economic divide .  8$%hr national poverty level
   8 x 2000 |>| 16000 |
 Shareholder resolutions - just need to hold > $2000 stock .
  last yr filed 9 . went w proxeys to millions .Reported 100s places .
 Peters Co - Directors gave selves excess money .
 BristolMyersSquibb : poor perforing . 94 Charlie Hybolt - ESOP .
  200 share stock options . Productivity & revs up .
  about same # of shares as to top 5 execs .
 CocaCola poor record of stock ownership in RoW .
 Plans to broaden ownership . Disney went to SEC to disqualify resolution .
|19:47| RP :
Qs : Income gap Discussed in 2k elections ?  JK : Bill for Fed Living Wage .
 BL : have ballot line , Hillary wants . Gore wants . 400 to Albany .
 RF : in campaign already , Bradley - health insurance . Company v Gov just
  1 check book or another .
 Earned income tax credit .  Congressional Progressive Caucus .
 Chanley : Binary growth , ownership of wealty . Spread shares w cause growth
  Full employment act of `46 needs to be revisited .
 RF : Estate tax . can see why family farmer  - could have exemptions
 Aud : need Wealth tax . Globalization ? BL : Fin Modernization just passed .
  Banks all global . w pick up their laptops & leave . Already not in
  Bushwick & East NY . Abandoning nbds w/o penalties .
  RF : can`t stop globalization . makes us wealtier .
  SK : Living wage movement global .
  Poly :

Distributive ownership : HillaryBelloc 1912 .