Subject: [The Secular Outpost] New comment on Are Climate-Change Deniers as bad as Creationists?....
From: Bob Armstrong
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 08:56:01 -0700 (PDT)

Bob Armstrong has left a new comment on the post "Are Climate-Change Deniers as bad as Creationists?...":

@ Pulse

You are close to what I'm saying . But it's that the classical physics predicts the temperature of radiantly heated objects and all the inner rocky planets other than Venus match their computed temperature . Which comes first , the observation or the theory is impossible to say . Certainly the theory has survived much longer than any of us

It's not that I ignore albedo ; it's that it's easier to use absorptivity which is 1 - albedo because Kirchhoff's insight is that absorptivity equals emissivity .

It's not exactly true that I deny the effect of the atmospheric gasses spectra . There is an effect of the difference in correlation between the spectra of the sun and the planet and dark of space which I need to add to the equation . However , it will be much smaller than this common error of leaving the emissivity coefficient out of the planet's radiance . ( Sorry to express that so tekally . )

It's very important to note that there can be no such thing as a runaway effect because there is no energy left over to drive it . All the energy from the sun is accounted for by the SB/K relationship .

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Posted by Bob Armstrong to The Secular Outpost at 8:56 AM