Subject: You've got a response
From: Current
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 06:43:15 +0000 (UTC)
To: BobArmstrong

Yo, BobArmstrong!

keviar has replied to your comment on

keviar said:

Take some chemistry too; to say that we are made up of CO2 and O2 and a by-product of combustion is simply the grossest over simplification of the construct of our body and our natural cycle of life. Amines which are NITROGEN compounds connect to a carbon backbone of which we give the common name of Methane,Butane, Propane, Octane etc. (where each word corresponds differently to the ammount of carbon atoms in the back bone.) These organic compounds such as carboxylic groups, amides, benzenes and cycloalkanes combine to produce amino acids, which in turn combine in long chains to produce proteins, hormones. Sure we are made of CO2, O2. What the hell is your point? The atoms are rearranged differently thus changing the chemical properties of the compound. My point is that we are made of carbon, sure. However Carbon dioxide is the exhalation of all animalia. NOT the fundamental building block. THUS this CO2 gets reabsorbed by plants by photosynthesis. As we continue to chop up trees which sequester the carbon we make it a double whammy by burning hydrocarbon fuel. The balance of nature is fragile in its 4 billion year old history. If we want to continue to have a SUSTAINABLE economy, we will have to make sure the carbon cycle is balanced. Life and all abiotic factors are a system, a cycle. not a fucking lego set.

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